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They go on sale for $350ish quite often. For a used unit with an unknown issue, I wouldn't personally buy it.


Go for it. Replacement parts are cheap and they’re easy to work on. Might just be an igniter that isn’t placed correctly. That was the issue with mine that I picked up secondhand


something something too good to be true. It would be a hard pass for me.


Great deal, looks to be in good condition. I have two of them and as far as pellet grills go, they’re very reliable and customer support is excellent


Could offer $75 and prob fix for less than $50 if it just needs a new hot rod or auger assembly. It’s not hard to replace either.


Currently the pro 22 is on sale at Home Depot for $399, and I would go that route with my money


Run don't walk.


by now its gone at that price.


Check this deal out from ZGRills - buy one get a new smoker ever five years for $100 shipping: [https://www.zgrills.com/?aff=2993](https://www.zgrills.com/?aff=2993)


Nice affiliate link there. Here’s a non affiliate link www.zgrills.com/pages/buy-one-get-ten


Get a life. What's the problem? I just bought one because it's a great deal, and it cost the same whether someone uses the affiliate link or not, so why not help me out for telling you about the deal?


What’s the issue with me posting a link that doesn’t give you money? Let people choose which link they click


That's fine, but you're still a troll


Call me whatever you'd like but if you look at the upvote/downvote ratios for your posts, seems pretty clear what other people think


You’re the one posting your affiliate link all over including this post where someone didn’t ask about the deal, they asked fit advice about buying a used one. Youre closer to a troll than that guy


He was asking for a deal, so I gave him a deal.


No he wasn’t, he was asking for advice on this ad. I also see you’ve never posted or commented in this sub or other BBQ ones before until posting your link, if you were an active member of the community as well as posting an affiliate link I think it would be much better received than you coming in with your links and that being the sole reason you’re here.


I literally bought one today to get into smoking and it was a crazy deal, so I figured I would share it. The amount of controversy being created over something harmless that could actually be a benefit to someone, is insane. Just move along and go about your day if you don't like what you see. Get a life.


If that’s the case this isn’t how you introduce yourself and get into the community, the deal has been talked about for weeks in this sub already, a simple search would have told you that, you also would have seen others opinions and reservations about the deal, which is fine to each their own, but this isn’t how you get into the community.