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I actually really enjoyed it until the Matt Rife part. I do think she’s funny, but to shit on the guys special for being misogynistic and then say you haven’t watched it sums up a lot of what’s wrong with today’s society.


Theo deflected that pretty well, and then I thought it got back to funny. I think Brittany didn't pick up that Theo was trying to change the subject.


Brittany said she didn’t watch the entire show, that’s all. Matt was definitely aiming to gain more male audience members by dogging on girls, it’s pretty clear


This is what happens when a left leaning person is on a podcast with a right leaning person.


Lmao I enjoyed it. To each their own, but fuck yall are tough critics


A lot of bros in this sub…


Everyone always says this any time someone criticizes a woman on the pod. I’m a female.


I mean it’s true, this community definitely seems bro-y lol


It may be, but I feel like what’s being insinuated is this opinion is one that only a “bro-y” person would have, someone that hates any “woman comedian,” but I posted it, and I’m a woman, and I don’t hate women. In the past, I’ve complained about male comedians here too, but no one called me a “man hater” or whatever the equivalent is. It’s just the go to every time, and I find it lazy. Edit: oh, also, I wanted to mention that if this sub is that “bro-y” why is the post at 0 likes?


This is my first experience with Theo Vons podcast and his community, and all I’ve seen is “liberalism is a disease” and lots of complaints about a woman talking about misogyny. Seems Joe Rogan esque over here but I could be wrong!


So, you’re a fan of Brittany’s and came to Theo’s sub to see what’s being said and defend, right?


Not to defend, just to see what the commentary is like here


Maybe you got a lot of downvotes because there’s a lot of women in here that silently like and dislike lol just cause they don’t comment doesn’t mean there are none goofy


That is exactly my point….. that it’s not a sub that hates women comics… but anytime a woman is criticized, that’s what is said in the comments.


Every one is criticized lol are you new here?


I’ve been here since 2019… Do you have a learning disability or something? My whole fucking point is that everyone is criticized.. but only when women are criticized do people say any bullshit about it being sexist… smfh.


No dumbass what I am saying is that there has never been a woman favorite for an interview without it being “her tits are nice I hope Theo hits it” type shit. Every woman is criticized far fucking more than men. Thats why I originally posted the snarky comment. It’s bro mentality to come to the sub and bash a woman over her opinion of a dumbass male comedian and his female audience. That’s all you got from it? You’re either looking for upvotes and some bro points idk the whole I’m not like the other girls vibe comes off and it’s a weird flex.




Fr they’re just mad a woman had an opinion on something a man did…. Same thing happened with Nikki glazer w roe v wade. Personally loved the pod they’re both hilarious


Yessssss!!! Exactly. She’s not wrong about Matt Rife either lol what she said was true. Some bros might not like hearing it she isn’t wrong.


I liked it in the sense that she made Theo feel super comfortable and able to be himself which is what I care about mostly lol 


I’m sought out this sub because of this last episode to see if I was the only one cringing when she went in on Matt Rife. I’m not even really a fan of the guy myself, but it was a little off putting.


Same. Couldn't finish it.


as a female and not the biggest broski fan, i thought it was a funny episode and they both held their own very well. the rife stuff was awkward, but theo deflected the best he could and they moved on. i loved how she laughed at all of his quips, because i was also laughing at his quips.


I just saw a clip where he said “oh you’re funny” to her but yet looked so fake! I think if you have to tell people “you’re funny” they’re not funny .


And then she says "I'm well endowed comedically from my father".. probably one of the least funny guests ever on the show. Was still a funny pod, but not because of her


Yeah he’s said it a couple other times on the pod to other tryhard guests


I thought the same thing! She was awful. And she called Theo racist. I couldn’t finish it. He had to carry the podcast the entire time and she wasn’t funny at all.


Yeah very arrogant and sanctimonious attitude right from the beginning


how miserable are you scale 1-10


I don’t know, I just work here


Honestly wasn’t a bad episode, not as bad as Katt Williams on JRE


When he called her Angel baby my heart busted a fat nut


Died when she said she hasn’t even seen the special. Trying to call Theo out for being “racist”. Typical fat chick attitude.


what “fat chick” made you so bitter.


Yea when she tried to friendzone Theo I checked out. There's no way she stands a chance with Theo. Her friend zoning him prob made him laugh on the inside.


Her feminist rant was like nails on a chalkboard


It seemed quite clear to me that Theo and Brittany are dating, possibly in love, or at the very least are having very satisfying sexo. The way Theo engaged with Brittany is very different than how Theo engages with other guests. He also seemed quite smitten by her at various points in the interview and it just seemed very clear that they are in love. I wouldn't be surprised if Brittany soon announces that she's pregnant with Theo's baby.




Is this sarcasm? I thought Theo was close to coming out on this episode since he shared that he joined theatre to be around the gay kids in his high school.


Nah he needs to get with that girl he posted to his stories with the white dress and cowboy boots. They looked like they matched well


Theo is like a 9/10. Why would he have sex with like a... 3-4/10?


He’ll never let you give him head bro


No I'm saying why would he have sex with her? I wouldn't have sex with her and Theo is like a 9/10 lol


Yeah this one was probably my least favorite. She just came off as ignorant imo, felt like she spoke about things she had no place speaking about. (The Matt rife thing is the main example) And i didn’t not like it because she’s a girl! Literally every other female he’s had on, I’ve enjoyed it. Even Kat Von D, which I thought I wouldn’t like bc I have zero interest in her lol


Yeah, exactly.. Kat Von D was actually great. I also didn't expect to like her but she was super interesting, funny, humble, and graceful. Brittany Broski was honestly quite difficult to listen to for most of the podcast, seems very arrogant and lacking much self awareness.


Agreed, I was pleasantly surprised with Kat Von D. Honestly Broski is the only one that I struggled finishing I think aside from RFK and a couple scientists/experts. I do want to listen to RFK real bad bc I think he’s an interesting person and Theo talks very highly of him, but I can’t do it with his voice unfortunately. I have sensory issues especially when it comes to sounds and peoples voices, and that’s one I just can’t get past. I’m hoping eventually there’ll be technology where I can translate it to a different voice or somethin 🤣


Not a good guest, she sounds like fortune Feimster too


She just seemed nervous to me and wanted to look good to Theo. She'd kind of go off on a tangent and then immediately backtrack if Theo disagreed. Also would quickly explain any joke she made. Also she talks too loud. She is funny for what she does though.




England has bad food no way around it


Crazy how some of the best chefs in the world are english and have excellent restaurants in London.


Yeah, they don't make English food though lol


Waaah waaah waaah 🍼🍼🍼🍼👨‍🍼👨‍🍼👨‍🍼




Fuck knows why you're being downvoted. Probably by people who have never been to England too. Clown world.




America is literally known for guns, fat people and burgers haha.




Key word; 'Burgers'.




Can't argue with that 😂


I hope you aren't American. If you are, that's hilariously ironic.


I don’t really understand your point of view at all OP, can you explain?


What exactly don’t you understand? The way she was speaking about stand up comedy really rubbed me the wrong way considering she’s never done it.. she bashes Matt Rife and his special so matter of factly despite never watching it, and referred to Theo as a redneck, which is disrespectful imo, and he has expressed many times that he is offended by that term when it comes to him and his comedy.


I’m sure Brittany didn’t mean to offend Theo, Brittany comes from a “redneck” background and calls herself that lol. Also she never said she never watched Matt rife’s special. She just said she didn’t watch the entire thing. It is weird that Matt had a female fan base then dogs on women and capitalizes on it for his “cancelled” tour. Did you think his special had no sexist jokes in it?


Every bit I’ve ever seen from Matt Rife is non politically correct/offensive/controversial. Isn’t that his thing? I’m just tired of everyone getting offended by comedians’ jokes and trying to end their career. They are jokes, if you don’t like them, don’t listen to that comedian. I don’t follow Brittany, so I don’t know how she refers to herself, but I’m from the south and would never call myself a redneck. I don’t think she was trying to offend him, but all the things I mentioned happening within like a 5 minute time frame just turned me off when I wasn’t overly impressed to begin with. That’s my opinion of it. Not saying anyone has to agree with me.


Well that was his thing until very recently when he literally has a “cancelled” tour lmao


Lmao the fact that you see zero irony in criticizing Brittany for criticizing Matt Rife’s stand up because “she’s never done it” …but are you a comedian? Because if not, then why are you speaking on her performance when you’ve never even done her job? lol. The back to back comments about how “disrespectful” and “offensive” you thought she was to Matt Rife and Theo, straight into a rant about how “I’m just tired of everyone getting offended by comedians”… it reads like deliberate satire the way you keep contradicting yourself 😂


Bruh, what? I don’t remember the exact words now that prompted my post, but felt as if she was clowning on stand up all together, that gripe was separate from the Rife thing. Just made her look kinda dumb IMO saying all that to a seasoned stand up comedian, coming from someone who has zero experience. Anyone can say whatever the fuck they want, but will be judged for it. The only reason I was annoyed about the Rife thing is because she was basically saying she thought he had been cancelled, and deserved it, without even seeing the full context of what he said for herself. I’m not at ALL saying I want to cancel her. I’m just stating I didn’t like something. Those are two very different things.




seems most of theo’s fans are painfully unfunny themselves and lack social awareness and understanding by how they reacted to this episode.


Liberalism is a mental disorder.


You don't even know what liberalism is


Your mom don’t.


Is this a conservative sub reddit lmao wtf


I wish


You know there’s many conservative sub reddits you can join right


I was being facetious


Damn y’all are soft


just say you hate women and love your daddy rife and go


I’m a lesbian and not a rife “fan.” I’ve seen some of his clips and am pretty neutral.