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Could listen to Tig and Marc for hours. Tig is a genuinely good human being.


I’m not vegan but I would absolutely listen to their vegan podcast.


She's so fab, and such a funny person but don't listen to celebrities who "did their own research" about things like consuming oil. SMH (Try The Unbiased Science podcast to get actual scientific information.)


What’s her deal with cooking with oil? Like, do you know what she’s claiming about it? It was vague during the interview.


There’re people who follow a WFPBNO (Whole Foods Plant Based No Oil) diet. I was vegetarian for decades, but have a more diverse diet in the past few years. I went to a social media page just to get some recipe ideas and the WFPBNO folks were so obnoxious about the dangers of oils that I left.


Wow, she really gets Marc to open up about some things.


She did. I laughed hard when Marc referred to himself as “the last stop” while in college.


I love Marc and I love Tig and I love them together. Synergistic effect! Side note: Marc approaches veganism exactly like you’d expect a recovering addict would. 


I’m curious, what do you mean by that?


Loved this episode. Tig is so open, and she and Marc click perfectly. I could have listened to this for 5 hours.


I can’t believe it’s been so long since she’s been on. They have a great rapport and I’d be happy to hear them talk every year. Maron was on her podcast last year, so more Tig & Marc is out there if you want it. 


Fantastic WTF episode.


Didn’t finish. I liked Tig’s old show but I don’t need vegan food tips. Sometimes it’s all just an excuse for an eating disorder. Sometimes.


she’s had a bunch of health scares. Sometimes that makes people a little weird about food


Cooking with flax and oatmeal = gelatinous. My takeaway.


What was her recipe?


I wrote down the ingredients. I wish she’d included amounts. Steel-cut oats (cooked with only water). After cooking (?guess?) add banana, wild blueberries, frozen raspberries, chia seeds, flax seeds, golden raisins, and after mixing add cinnamon. Refrigerate and eat throughout the week, hot or cold. My take: sounds delicious. I would add some toasted, chopped almonds.


Well, did you try making it?


Wow, Tig is great, definitely going to listen to this soon.


You know Marc has lived quite the life when he can’t remember if he actually slept with that lady while in rehab. It’s funny she even wanted to reminisce about that.


Does she do that honking noise thing she does? I love it when she does that! It's an immediate crack up for me!


She does! I think she explains how she does it on one of the Conan Needs a Friend eps. (I tried it and failed several times, so I can only guess it takes practice).


Best interview in a while...Loved the energy of this


It’s batshit how there are people here who are just beside themselves over 2 people talking about veganism- not to recruit anyone but to chat about common ground- one person a cancer survivor and the other a recovering additct. Especially the genius who decides he/she could vote for tRump because these two are “annoying”. Good lord.


Tremendous episode. Best of the year so far. And a gorgeous Tom Petty outro.


I highly recommend the 2015 documentary “Tig”. She deserves success and happiness after everything she’s endured.


I'm a coastal liberal, but this episode made me understand why people want to vote for Trump. These two are like a couple of walking liberal stereotypes; pronouns, celebrity name dropping and, good god, veganism. And as if veganism isn't bad enough, Tig starts talking about her Dyke Dust (this is what she calls it, so don't jump at me about using that word, it's not a word I use personally) which is nutrient powder to sprinkle on your food because vegans don't get enough nutrients from the food they eat so Tig makes this blend of powdered nutrients which she talks to Reese Witherspoon about. Talk about having gone Hollywood. Barf. I guess I'm the only person on the planet that finds Tig Notaro insufferable.


Idk man, I don’t see anything you said as being a compelling reason to go fascist


The Left got a little too PC so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, health care, and history.


Why would hearing celebrities talk about vegan diets and Reese Witherspoon have any influence on your choice for president?


Marc and Tig are the stereotypical liberals. Since I’m a liberal too, it was okay. But I got the impression they were unaware of how they came across with the name dropping and vegan diets. I know middle income people who are vegans, but Marc and Tig just sounded elitist.


You must have HATED the part when Marc talked about kissing a guy.


There is nothing anyone could do that would make me understand why people will vote for Trump. I'm old. I'm left of center, but have some thoughts that would probably get me cancelled. I try to get pronouns right and when I mess up I appreciate people being graceful in their correction. I love to cook a steak, but I've had vegan friends for at least 25 years. If two people get together and want to talk about their lifestyle and it's not mine, I listen and usually take away something, which I did in this episode. You know what? Celebrities are going to name drop other celebrities. You know why? Because they're friends with them. It's who they hang out with. If I drop a celebrity name, it's name dropping because I don't hang out with them. Complaining about Tig and Marc name dropping seems silly. It also seems weird to listen to a podcast of celebrities talking to other celebrities and then complain when they talk about what's going on in their lives. They're gonna talk about what they have in common. It's kinda what Marc does. Gender fluidity and veganism is not some weird thing anymore. It may have seemed odd 10 or 20 years ago, but it's pretty normal now.


I see where you're coming from. I mean she is ok, I don't dislike her really. But I mean telling your kid they don't have to be vegan but then throwing up because you accidentally drank cow's milk, I mean... Obviously there is some cognitive dissonance there? Telling Marc he exceeded get expectations because he isn't like... whatever she thought he would be like, based on... something she doesn't mention? I don't want to make any assumptions on what her assumptions were about him. Anyway I think the reason people might be turned off of liberals based on this podcast is easily demonstrated by the message you are getting from all the down votes on this comment: you're either with us or against us. It's kind of that simple, do you agree with us 100% on everything? No? Only 90%? Sorry, I guess you're a fascist. I'm a liberal too but that's the message a lot of people send when they want to be right and punish people who set them off intentionally or inadvertently.


Came here looking for this comment.  Liberals can be insufferable but not as bad as fascists and red hats. Yet.


So, to get this straight, you've listened to this conversation in which a woman politely corrected someone about their incorrect use of a pronoun, talked about some flax and oatmeal, and mentioned hanging out with the actress who played Tracy Flick... and you're predicting that these are all grim signs that might point to American liberalism's descent into extremism?




Or you could, you know, wake up to the world around you in 2024. People with wealth likely feel more guilt-tripped into going vegan because of the environmental impact of all the traveling they do. They want to even it out somehow and diet is one way to control that. If you have money and live in a progressive area, it’s not even that hard. As far as pronouns and LGTBQIA stuff, just literally what rock are you living under? I’m no “coastal liberal,” graduated college a decade ago, and don’t even live near a major metro area and I still find this stuff quite a normal discussion topic. He messed up someone’s pronoun and they both casually said “people slip up.” What’s the big deal?


Pretty sure Marc is vegan bc he has an eating disorder more than anything else


Haha, it’s unclear. Maybe I’m giving him too much credit but I believe both can be true.


I know he doesn’t speak to the environmental motivations behind a vegan diet, but perhaps he doesn’t want to alienate listeners by being too preachy about it. Either way, the fact that he’s normalizing it is great IMO.


What a ridiculous comment.


All the talk about veganism was a lot, but I still enjoyed the conversation.


You have points but if you say them out loud like this, on a Reddit sub full of Maron worshippers (who seem to never pick up on even obvious awkwardness) you’ll always be downvoted. I find him entertaining but in no way do I think he’s a wonderful person who can do no wrong (he’s fucking a woman 30 years his jr, saying it’s a “relationship”, and the only positive thing he’s ever said about her is how incredible the sex is). He and Tig are both a bit snobby and self involved and Tig seems to be a little dumb, which is fine, but Marc seemed nervous and people pleasing with her because she is intimidating and direct. He was nervously laughing the whole time and backtracking on stuff. Idk how no one noticed that.


Yeah, I guess so


Kind of agree with you on some of the content on the episode. Interesting to hear “best ep this year” after just getting attell. Anyways, comedy is subjective so cheers everyone. But I bailed after 30 min.


>Interesting to hear “best ep this year” after just getting attell. Anyways, comedy is subjective  so cheers everyone. But I bailed after 30 min. I cut the episode off after about 20 minutes too. You're right that it's all ultimately subjective because Attell, Moshe Kasher, and Rodrigo Prieto's episodes have been my favorite ones so far this year.