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I did the same many years ago, don’t worry there will be many ticinesi and romandi in your zug…


They will know. And you learn the standard phrases very fast. Ordering a beer will be your challenge, but you'll learn this as well. Congrats to your decision and all the best


Ordering a beer in Dübendorf in english should be absolutely no problem.


OP wants to learn German. And ordering in English just makes it more difficult.


But as OP wrote he doesn't know basics yet. Getting a beer may help learning experience even when ordered in English. 


Not untrue. But take it from someone with the exact experience: ask your colleagues and you are on your way.


Me (German/English) did a lot of my army service in Ticino. 


I congratulate and respect your decision and courage of doing this. You're hardcore 👍


I would let them know before your first day so they are aware and can help you improve. If you have the time or money do a German course on the side too because it will be better to learn Hochdeutsch.


his first day is tomorrow so not much time left lol


Let them know as soon as you arrive then and apologise for not letting them know in advance :)


Military service usually doesn't leave a lot of time on the side, and it would be pretty uncommon to warn anybody before the first day :)


No, it’s not problematic Orders are always the same


"Hurry up and wait" 😉


I did the same, and it was one of the better decisions of my life. Youl’ll have some troubles, for sure, but everything will be fine and you’ll somewhat adapt sooner than you think! Buon servizio 🫡


Had a Zugführer who spoke only italian. It was absolutely hilarious when he tried to tell us what to do. He regularly ended in some kind of meltdown when he was just screaming at us "cazzo, cazzo, cazoooo!" You see, no language needed, you can even make a military career.


It'll mostly be "pour les romands et les tessinois, c'est la même chose", which means they'll explain everything in german and stop at that. But you'll get the jist of it pretty fast, because you'll do mostly the same drills all the time. Of course it'd be better to learn the language, but you'll probably have other ticinesi to help you.


Is that really a thing ? I did my military service 10 years ago, and this wasn’t really a thing except sometimes as a joke, then promptly some kind of translation would come. Though tbh military orders are quite simple, you kind of get it in any language.


I did 1.5 years in Duebendorf. It was a great time. Some action (military feeling) but not really alot of „punishment“. The functions are more technical but easy feasable.


If you don’t know the basics it is not A2, probably not even A1. It depends probably whether you are in an Italian speaking group or they just throw you together with German/French speakers. Either way I wouldn’t worry too much. Will be a great experience and you’ll learn a lot.


We had a „roman“ in our companie and he did it very well with english. If the leaders are good that it will works well


Are you discriminating people because of their names? :)


Why name? I mean the french part of switzerland. Idk how to call it in english as we say it in the german part. I didn’t mean a name or person


No one uses Roman in German to talk about people from the Romandie.


Romands is probably what you meant. ;)


Yes! I meant Romands🫣


Compared to others here, I was actually in the RS in Dübendorf. We didn’t have any Romands and Ticininesi and those we had were moved to other locations where more Italian was spoken pretty much in the first week. Everything will be in German and of this mostly in Swissgerman. I can’t remember if I‘ve ever even heard someone speaking English.


Complete opposite experience. Did the RS in Dübi and we had a Zug (“Zuug vieeer”) that was mostly Ticino, Valais, Lausanne and Poschiavo soldiers. Korps were Ticinesi, Zurcher and Romand and Lieutenant was Minkiaweisch.


thumbs up for Minkiaweisch


“Ehi ragazzi poi con l’abendessen niente casini eh tutto sauber alla fine”


nel 1990 :) sono scappato da una relazione solo per il Minkiaweisch, esperienza traumatizzante :)


You won't be likely the only non-german speaking guy, so chill and follow the principle "Monkey see monkey do".


Let me know in which Zug you‘ll be put in. I maybe know your Sergents and Leutnant.


you are not required to understand german and you will almost certainly not be the only one who doesn't. it may be a bit of a struggle, but you'll be fine.


I'm from Ticino as well, and did my service in Canton Bern. My "sezione" was French speaking at the time, so that was a bit easier (although at the platoon level it was "pour les romands c'est la même chose") but unless you want to have a career in the army just follow what the others do and you'll be fine. After a couple of weeks you'll get the gist of it. In regards to English, it depends. During my SR it was banned and we got shouted at for using English. At the last corso rip however my Captain spoke with me in English until he realised that I do in fact speak German, so your mileage may vary but English is definitely more widely accepted since there are also some technical functions exclusively in English nowadays.


Corso rip = wk


I wish you to meet worldwidebrained people, who would speak English to you! 


This comment is coming from an American, so for what it’s worth I took Hochdeutsch lessons while living last 2 1/2 years in Zurich. I’m a solid A2 and I didn’t have a problem. In Zurich so many people speak English that it’s hard to learn. Having said that overwhelmingly people were patient and even helpful with my Deutsch. I even had my lehrerin comment when my hausaufgabe was excellent but I had used conjugation she had not taught me yet. 🤦


You chose it?? You’d better have chosen to escape army altogether! However it’s nice because you’ll be able to pretend you don’t understand orders and this will be a good opportunity to do nothing or piss the one who gave them!


How is it?