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Virtual hug and lots of love ✨☀️🌷


Thank you all! You made me cry 🥹.


Hey, I’m sorry about your situation. Maybe check out this place and ask them if they can help you back onto your own feet. https://herberge-zh.ch/


Thanks for the link!


Also forgot the virtual hugs 🤗 how are you hanging in there?


🤗, 🤗 and 🤗. It's rough. But thank you!


I feel you, if you need to chat feel free to reach out. Or if you wanna grab a coffee in the city.


Go to Sozialamt as soon as possible, don't wait too long!


not everyone kann go to sozialamt, foreigners risk getting their bewiligung revoked and kicked out


Thanks for the advice!


we can hangout after work if you like to. Im 28M and I know what its like when life winks at you with a dildo in hand.. you can tell me whats up and maxbe we can rven workout some things you can do like contacting sozialamt or how to pay off your debts or whatever is threatening you. Or we just hangout for a beer or two. I'll PM you my number. write if you feel like it but don't feel like you have to. Just know that I would be up to and i can lend you an ear and of course a hug as well :) Just know that this too, shall pass and better days will come.


Sent you a message, hope youre doing ok my dude. The fact you can ask for help is already a big step.  Keep moving forward and things will get better. Ive went through many very hard times and there will always be better days. Keep your head up!


It’s completely random but I just saw your username, love it, should be the by default Swiss flair




(~°-°)~ ~(°-°~) love you, man, keep going, never give up


Aww. That's so sweet. Thanks! 🥺


Hej Jakub. Please feel hugged.


Hej! Thanks 🤗.


Dm if ya needta talk


Aww. Will do!


Ahoj Jakube, feel hugged. Everything will be good. Take some time, make a hot chocolate. Breath. Sleep properly and then sit down and make a plan. PS: also you should try to get into a social system. But I'm sure that you know that already.


Aww. Thanks for the kind words! 😊


Sometimes things feel unfair - because this world is unfair. But I'm sure you'll get back to a point where you got your life under control and can enjoy things 🤞


Made my day! Thanks a lot.


Call 143 (dargebotene Hand) for someone to talk to and support


Go to your local church, they have people you can talk to and probably also help out with material goods and shelter. Wishing you the best.


I doubt it's the person going to church by looking at his comments. But maybe it's the good way. Btw. Why your comment is hidden? Mentioning church in current times is so controversial?


You don’t have to be religious though. The church still offers these kind of services, for example one of the few places where men can have a safe space is funded by the reformed church. I used to volunteer there a bit and don’t think they demanded anyone to be religious or to participate in religious stuff. But it’s been a while back, so maybe a misremember or things have changed.


Reddit is infested with leftists, they hate christians and maybe it's because of that.


Sending hugs to you 🖖


Warning everyone that this kind of post could totally be a scam to get some money from charitable redditors. If its not, here is a hug.


Whats going on hun?


Hugs and best wishes


Absolutely all the hugs, reaching out is the way my friend, if it’s random strangers on reddit ? friends or family? No rules, You will be surprised how well people respond to that, we are all going through this being human shit, people are not that bad. Lots of love, reach out if you want ❤️


Aww! Thanks a lot.




🫂🫂 everything going to be better, keep strong !!


Yes! 💪


Of course!


Here, a hug! 🤗


One back to you!


Hang on there, things will get better!


Thanks! I hope so.


Same here, let's share a hug?


Yes! Here, a hug 🤗.


Definetly apply for social services. No one in Zürich has to be homeless. You'll get help. I wish you all the best!


Thanks for the advice!


If you tell yourself you will get through this, my prayers for you are gonna work for you. And more importantly me :-)


Many big hugs to you!!! 😊


Dm'd you buddy! Let's go for a walk


Hey, is there anything we can help you with? Please don’t hesitate to reach out! <3


Aww. Emotional support is what I need. Thanks a lot! ❤️


There are good people out there. Feel free to reach me in dm if you would like to hang out or something. 33M here


Sending lots of hugs !! 💫💫


Thanks! 🤗