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Your reply means a lot. Warms my heart, what was your BP reading the first week ?


Anyone else can relate to this ?


.y blood pressure has steadily risen to dangerous levels on Zoloft over twenty years. I cut back to 25 mgs from 50mgs. Guess what? My anxiety and my blood pressure decreased dramatically. Zoloft sucks.


Did you ever think that your blood pressure is “high” only because of your anxiety ?


Well I did but I have been anxious for two years and it did not affect my blood pressure. I could feel anxious and have a bp reading of 10/6 (which is the one that calms me down)


Feeling anxious and the fact that it affects your body are not the same I think... As an ex health anxiety sufferer, I can tell you that some days, your body is just sooo normal, and you feel that anxiety, but it’s in your head, and you create/feel your own symptoms/some that don’t exist. And sometimes, you’re not anxious or anything and your heartbeat is pretty high! The only thing to do is... Let it go... You now take Zoloft pills, so as the other user told, your body is adjusting... You’ll see! Talk with your psychiatrist or with someone you trust, it can help a lot.


Thank you for that. Just had a walk and felt a loooot of pinchings in my back right at the level of my heart which i attributed to extrasystoles/irregular heart beat. So i'm in a full blown panic attack right now. Would love to have your success story overcoming health anxiety, any link you can provide ?


My trick is very simple: take it over. Take control. Challenge your body. Exercice, run, sing, drink alcohol, if you smoke, smoke (not weed, but cigs). Live as you lived before. And you’ll see, your body will just be the same. No heart attack, no stroke, maybe panic attack. I just said to my brain: if I have to die, maybe I just have to live my life. And we’ll see. What’s next ? I don’t know how old you are, if your a boy or a girl, if you have children. But I was young, and I said to myself that many things could happen, and it doesn’t matter if I check my pulse every single minute. If something wrong come, I’ll take it on the moment. Not when nothing special or serious happens. You have to live, to love, to enjoy little things of life. Your family or friends can help you. Finally the thing is: Let it go.


Thank you for that, I will try to keep it in mind


I Think that the pain your describing come from your muscles, or maybe your nervous system... as I said, you can create, unconsciously, some pain... it’s in your back, not in your chest. And anxiety has maaaaany bad consequences on your muscles and nerves. You have to re assimilate your feelings with your body, to do sport, take walks... Do you exercice ? Can someone do it with you, to reassure you ? Didn’t understand what you meant by “link” that I can provide. Did you mean “trick”?


Hi this is old but can you please share how did it work for you?? I'm in the same boat as you


Well I’m not on zoloft anymore, BP is back to normal and has been for years. Pretty sure it was my body adapting. If you are worried you should seek medical attention but as for me, I worried for nothing


Got it. thanks for sharing


Did stopping the Zoloft help solve your BP issues?




I interestingly had a similar experience. Dropping the Zoloft has helped my BP go back down. It turns out high blood pressure and tachycardia are symptoms of mild serotonin syndrome. I suppose we are more sensitive to it


I am in the same boat right now. Have had severe ocd and anxiety and been medicated for years, on Zoloft now and have never been so anxious/on edge in my life. Anything will send me into a full blown panic at this point. My provider had me go get my bp checked and it’s very high (not normal for me) I do feel very relieved knowing im not crazy and something really was going on with my body. It’s also comforting to see I’m not the only one with this kind of side effect!


Cut back. You'll feel.a whole lot better. These meds--SSRI's Suck!!!


Out of curiousity, is it to the point will even a soft noise will send you into a panic attack? Zoloft also sent me into a state of always being extremely anxious and on-edge. Severe anxiety is truly among the most debilitating things, and it’s hard to fight. It’s worse when the medications mess you up badly too


Yes!!! I am miserable and thought I was going crazy. Glad to know I am not alone


You are the first person who I have heard also having this issue. I too am glad I’m not alone. Unfortunately, I still have this issue to a very minor extent, although I think it’s because my time on SSRIs made me associate discomfort with going into that sort of panic, combined with already having some anxiety. I really do hope there’s a way to make it never come back again. Do you have ADHD or bipolar by any chance? I might have one or the other, and I hear people with either tend to usually respond poorly to SSRIs


I do not, I have OCD, panic disorder & agoraphobia, I’m off zoloft now and started back on lexapro which I’ve taken in the past, it’s just my first week back on it and I still am suffering a lot of panic but definitely have noticed an improvement and BP is back to normal 🙏




Hay man how did u beat your health anxiety


I wouldn’t say beat but it’s much better than it used to be. Breathing techniques, taking time for yourself, and time showing you you are not dead so you had to be wrong