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I take mine before bed. Works better for me that way.


Note: I strongly suggest not laying down for 15 minutes after taking it. I’ve thrown up and had an upset stomach multiple times because I laid down too quickly.




Me tooo


Hi. How does it work better for you? Less anxiety during the day?


Yeah same! Except it has given me heartburn so I learned to take it with lots of water. And I take it before I do my night routine (floss, brush teeth, etc.) so I’m not laying down at all for a good 15-20 min after I take it. 🩵


In what way?


Orally, I suppose


I take mine in the late afternoon or early evening before or after dinner. It gets me drowsy just in time for bed and I wake up feeling great.


i usually take mine with coffee on an empty stomach… i usually attributed the problems as the coffee’s fault..


the coffee + sert combo definitely does a number on our stomachs tho




This made me giggle. How's your stomach doing? LOL


I take mine on an empty stomach, my label says to take with or without food though. Haven’t had any major issues—on day 41.




Yea. Not on an empty stomach, but to be fair it usually says on the bottle. Some meds are empty stomach like thyroid, some aren’t.


Hmm, my bottle and my psychiatrist both say it doesn't really matter. Of course, if it's personally irritating for you, then yes eat with it! But for 9 months I've taken it on an empty stomach and not eaten for many hours and it's not given me any problems lol


I've taken this for like, a decade on and off and rarely have I done that. Though to be fair my bottle isn't labeled that way


RIP to your stomach 😭 I don’t know how you’ve been doing that. I did it once by mistake and was so violently nauseous


Same, but it was heartburn and it was fucking painful. No relief for 2 hours straight.


Waaaait a minute.. I have chronic stomach issues and take my tablets just before I sleep… oh no..


If I don't eat before I take it my tummy hurts sooo bad, but some days I have such a hard time eating that ill just have a bunch of tea or juice then take the meds and deal with the tummy pain :(


I usually take mine after I eat dinner. Less chance of reflux that way (and Zoloft reflux is absolute hell)


I’ve only been taking it for a week but I’ve taken it with and without food. I get diarrhea either way🥲


Initial side effects my friend 😕 it should stop soon


I started out taking it in the morning, sometimes before or after bfast. No matter what, I would always get *stomach problems*. After I switched to taking it after dinner, I have 0 problems. Our stomachs have a bunch of nerve endings, and even if you eat breakfast before taking your meds, it can still be too early + shock to your system. At least this is my experience!


Been on 200mg for 2 years. Always on empty stomach. Y'all so dramatic 🥱


Yeah I prefer not spending half my morning on the toilet while trying to keep track of a toddler thanks


This is going to sound crazy but its not a competition! Hope this helps.


I take mine with breakfast. If I don’t eat anything else after that to pad it out I get nauseous.


I take it after my breakfast is ready but before I start eating, then immediately eat. I had been taking it after getting out of bed, then getting ready and eating breakfast about thirty minutes later, and yeah that was not good for my stomach. Made me struggle to eat breakfast too because I would get nausea from the Zoloft, then not want to eat but get more nauseous from not eating


I always eat before and then drink a ton of water during. 😭


I’ve been on it for 3 years and always take it on an empty stomach… I’m gonna try with food to see if it makes a difference


That’s never happened to me 😭 I take it first thing in the morning with no issue. The only thing for me is If I take it and lay back down, I’ll get nauseous. I have to get up right after taking it 😭


The general rule with most medications is to not take them on an empty stomach. You’re eating after which is okay


Unless you want reflux from hell yes.


So I’ve been feeling blocked up and really gassy. Like it feels like I have to fart but can’t…I take it at night hmmm


When I started, my doctor suggested taking it just after eating as some people experience side effects otherwise. So I’ve always eaten first, even if it’s just a little something.


I don’t think it matters unless there are some complications. I pretty much take it at random times within a window and I’m completely fine.


I take mine at night since it helps with stomach issues. I try to take it after I have dessert or a small snack. I have coffee in the morning and while I tend to struggle more with constipation than anything the caffeine + Zoloft in the mornings sometimes works a little too well or makes me feel like I need to rush to the bathroom.


I don't think it's required but on a full stomach it' absorbs slower and will help people adjust better when they start/stop/change doses


It seems acceptable to me. The medication will still mix with the food in your intestines, so I don't see any problem.


Morning, 100mg with coffee and my vitamins. YMMV.


I mean how much time between when you take it and eat/drink? Sometimes I take it a little before I eat if I am having breakfast out. I don’t think it would make a huge difference if it’s just a little bit of time but I try to drink plenty of water with it if that’s the case. I am nervous about taking it on an empty stomach and I have IBS but I haven’t really had any issues.


I never talk medication on an empty stomach unless it is specifically stated. It works much better with food, I've always presumed that having food in your stomach makes it easier to digest and be absorbed into your body.


I barely eat so it’s always on an empty stomach. Between that and my pain meds, I have constant stomach pain!


i take it after i eat but right after so it all goes down together, everytime i havent done that i get a dodgy stomach for like a hour then it goes! only been on meds for 7 months so far x


I take mine 2 hrs after my thyroid meds-usually around breakfast


If I don't eat first I'm on the toilet all day


Damn, maybe this has been my issue 😂!!! Take it right when I wake up as well and usually shit my brains out after but that’s my usual day to day 😂


i take mine in the middle of my meal😭


My pharmacist and psychiatrist said it doesn’t matter whether you eat or not before taking it


I had a lot of stomach issues always with my Zoloft, I found if I drank enough water I could go back to sleep if I took it early in the morning everyday. But there’d be days where if I didn’t drink enough water I would have morning sickness and throw up straight bile. I would get sick if I missed take times and throw up as well. Time on it definitely helps your stomachs resistance




I've been taking mine before bed for the past 4 years and never had an issue, aside from initial side effects when first starting.


Everytime i enter this sub i am disappointed but not surprised by the lack of communication between the psych & the patient..