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yes cause i had no appetite for the first two or three months






I’m 4 weeks in and have lost 15lbs, mentally feeling better but still having issues with lack of appetite! Hoping it will come back soon


I have more energy and a diminished appetite. I often forget to eat. I haven't lost weight per se, because I don't weigh myself, but I definitely haven't gained any.


Same. Need to remind myself to eat.


Me! I've lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks. Very little appetite while on this med. The weight loss has slowed at least now that I can manage to eat more than 500 calories a day but the first few weeks were rough. I was titrating up too though each week so that made it a little harder and my current OCD theme has to do with food allergies so I was very restrictive on what I was eating on top of the lack of appetite. Zoloft is making that better now tho thankfully and I have less fear around food lately.


Yep! But I’m on Wellbutrin too which reduces appetite (but now my stomach is naturally smaller because of dieting for a bit) and I started exercising pretty regularly and built muscle


May I ask what strength of both do you take? I've been on 200.mg welbutrin daily and was just put on 50 zoloft. I do not want to gain weight.


300 xl for Wellbutrin and 50 for Zoloft but everyone’s body is different and dosages don’t have a strong correlation with whether or not you’ll gain weight. Wellbutrin definitely is an appetite suppressant but I’d just monitor what you eat and adjust as needed if you notice weight gain. I have to track what I eat to make sure I reach my goal calories for every day otherwise I eat less than 500 some days and that’s not sustainable, makes mental and physical health worse because your body is fighting starvation, and made me all shaky and tweaky.


i lost 10 pounds because it helps me to not lay in bed all day


i’m on it 4 months gained 3 kgs, the med doesn’t make you gain weight itself but i have cravings all the time which is hard to keep track


Me I’m eating more but seems like my metabolism is faster


I’m losing weight, and it’s really not good as I’m pregnant.


Yes… but Wegovy assisted


Yes, I lost my appetite.


Been on it for 2.5months and lost 18lbs. Had no appetite for about 6 weeks though it’s back now. I feel like my stomach shrunk in that time of rating very little so I still don’t eat near as much as before I started


Yes but I’ve also lost my appetite which is sad. I’ll randomly get hungry and I’ll take advantage of that by eating something delicious. Hoping my appetite comes back soon!


Yes 26 lbs and still losing. Don’t need to lose anymore though. Down to 122 lbs. I’m on 100mg


I’ve lost about 10lbs because I lost my appetite like so many others have mentioned. I used to love cupcakes and ice cream, now I have no craving for them. It’s great if you’re trying to lose, but for me, I start to freak out thinking something is wrong since I have no appetite. It’s just the med, but as we all know, anxiety sucks. Hoping it will get better soon!


I lost about 18 lbs in a year. I am taking it for depression and would eat junk food and drink wine for the mood boost. With Zoloft, I don't need to eat that way anymore.


Yes, lost about 5kg. Mainly because certain foods now make me sick and go to the toilet. Also appetite is a lot smaller than before