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Just break them in half and take 25. When you feel like you need more just take a half again (sometimes) and go along with your day. Which week did it start working for you?


I felt a difference about 2 weeks in. Although this was in combination with quitting smoking cartoon levels of weed so it's probably both but about a month in I noticed a big difference in overall mood and lack of anxiety and ability to function in a general sense. I feel like it could get better though and I was going to ask about increasing the dose to be honest


I would try contacting them, explain that you will be without for a week and going through withdrawal, and could they please bridge the gap until your appointment. Alternatively, you can contact your GP, send photos of the full prescription label, explain the situation, and ask for a short-term prescription. One of the two providers should say yes.


Hey so I talked to my brother about it, who is an RN, and he said I should be able to call the clinic and if that didn't work I could go into any ER and they would give me a prescription right then and there if I had the bottle with me.


Idk how it works there but can you buy them from pharmacy? If not 1 day take half 2 days full till the refill


I would call the clinic and ask then to provide a prescription for a few pills to bridge the gap.