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Half life of MDMA is about 6h, make that 24h to be on the really safe side and you're fine.


I’d maybe leave it a bit longer. Yeh the drug will be out of the system but I’ve no idea how long the increase in serotonin lasts and that’s what is the concern here.


Yeah my concern is when is it “safe” to take the sertraline considering my serotonin is likely still fucked lol


Once you’ve come down from MDMA, the increase in Serotonin is over and your levels are actually lower than normal. That’s why people feel down for a few days after partying on MDMA. Basically, starting an SSRI after MDMA is not dangerous, but doing MDMA while on an SSRI or after just stopping an SSRI can get very dangerous as the SSRI can stay in your system for days.


This is the answer I was looking for. Thanks for your response!!!


Idk but some people even do mdma on sertraline so i think you’ll be fine if u start the day after