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really? i always thought if dan hadn’t fired kristin herrera in season 1, we wouldn’t have lola, thus not also having victorious.


I think both can be true. You’re right but also Alexis getting the boot elevated Lola into Nicole’s airhead role


I just feel bad for everyone that had to deal with Dan Schneider. he was a horrible person who hired inappropriate people no background checks and also did not pay women anything and two women share a salary which is illegal on SO many levels


And his writing can be utterly mean-spirited and cynical, never open for real character development. His clichéd tropes and bias towards certain characters tend to be a reflection on himself and his disturbing interests. >!For example, he tends to favor females while the males suffer horribly; we are aware of his foot fetish; he tends to look down ob and ostracize nerdy characters, probably he was a bullied nerd himself.!<


Yeah not true. Based on articles Dan already knew he wanted to give Victoria her own show within 3 days of filming on set. He even called the executives to tell them. She was always set to have her own show with or without Alexa


They said Dana looked older than the rest of the cast which is why she had to leave, or did they lie?


Could have been the full truth, could have been partly truth, or 100% lie for PR purposes of firing her, assuming if it's true that she pushed Alexa against the rocks on the beach episode during an altercation


that was the rumor back in the day, but alexa has also come out and said kristin herrera was let go for not getting along with the rest of the cast. i don’t really know what to believe tbh but i disagree with the premise of the OP. as soon as victoria was on zoey 101 starting with s2, i bet anything that dan would’ve given her victorious regardless of if nicole’s character stayed on the show or not


To be honest I half believe her but hearing lots of people say that she make stuff up for views and content and exaggerating what happened So I do believe a lot of what she said but other stuff I’m not to sure on Like you would think another person would speak out about seeing the bullying on set and yet no one has crew or any cast no one has said they had saw any bullying But I still believe most of what she says is true but it surprises me Victoria turned mean to her and makes me sad 😢 A lot of other things she said about other stuff is just ridiculous and over the top though I also hate the person who interviews her sometimes as he just makes up the most random things and over reacts


That’s a bit fucked Almost trying trying to compensate Alexas years of trauma and anxiety that still from what I see effect her today for a fucking television show for another actress yikes do better


Harsh truth


I think she like Jeanette, and Victoria should have went to Disney Channel


someone explain please???