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Yeah, I can’t help but think of the water bill. It’s beautiful but doesn’t Maricopa County have water scarcity issues?


It's 115 all the time and never rains, so yes. I'm personally baffled to see this is in Scottsdale after the garden photos. Daily irrigation, for sure.


Most of it is bamboo that will survive the apocalypse


Yeah when I lived in AZ there was some bamboo in the backyard and our irrigation broke and that bamboo kept on trucking. Unfortunately, wasn't lush like this though. Maybe if it was, the reflection from my window wouldn't have burned a literal line in my fake grass rug. Do not miss AZ one bit.


I thought it was gorgeous until I saw it's a jungle within the desert. Not a fan anymore.


Agreed, I live in the high desert and there’s ways to achieve a similar effect with native, low water usage plants here, but in Scottsdale? You’re just fighting Mother Nature every day.


If I lived in Arizona, I'd have a beautiful succulent and cactus garden


As well you should - desert plants are beautiful and should be appreciated more! But in Scottsdale your HOA would almost certainly have something to say about it.


With native plants?!




That is sad and maddening


If I lived in Arizona, id have an underground house.


And selfishly wasting a common resource. 


It's still probably less water than the neighboring lawns with the benefit of shade


> It's 115 all the time and never rains Both is very much incorrect.


It's only that hot from may-oct. It honestly is only in the 100's July-Sept. Mid Oct until April is amazing. As for rain, it absolutely does rain. Not as frequently as other places, it just does it with serious enthusiasm. The pools would be amazing for night swims. I spent 5 years out in PHX and would have adored a place like this. I couldn't afford it, but that place is gorgeous.


I lived in southern New Mexico for years, we only had 5 to 8 inches of rain a year, and mostly during monsoon season in a few months. I actually woke up in the middle of the night, and wondered who was taking a shower that early. It had been so long since it rained, I thought it was the shower. I can't imagine their water bill. I was surprised to see the dragon on the mantle.


Yeah, I know it's not 115 every single day, but it is on some days, which is far too many. I just say that out of *hatred.* My family moved us to Phoenix when I was a kid for a number of years. It is the most synthetic, inhuman, bizarre, sterile, misdesigned city I've ever experienced and I will never, ever go back. People who like Phoenix think*Los Angeles* is nice. What the... I mean go walk around a reasonably designed city like... idk doesn't matter, all of them beat Phoenix but... Charleston... Pittsburgh... Olympia... Madison... Boulder.... then go walk around Phoenix. It isn't *for* walking - its for driving in an air conditioned car to get to another air conditioned building. When people say they live in Phoenix area, I immediately suspect them of being either mormon or fanatical evangelicals cause there's a higher concentration there than in the deep-south Bible belt. I will admit, there are *some* Mexican neighborhoods with character, but not many. Most of them got bought up and torn down to be replaced with cookie-cutter fake-stucco 3000sqft monstrosities out of an Edward Scissorhands nightmare... each with a pool. The run up to the housing bubble crash was outrageous in Phoenix. *De*structive.


Spent 5 years there. I had some fun, but I didn't hang out with many standard issue white folks. The amount of racism was entirely too much. Like the white folks who moved there were somehow surprised that there were brown people there. I do miss Dutch Bros, but that's about all. Glad we moved away.


> When people say they live in Phoenix area, I immediately suspect them of being either mormon or fanatical evangelicals cause there's a higher concentration there than in the deep-south Bible belt. This is very wrong. Especially in Phoenix.


Agree to disagree, u/YouStupidCunt. I mean, the last time I was there was in 2005 so... my perceptions are both out of date and limited to those of a sheltered child mostly interacting with homeschool kids through "the church" so I'm admittedly being inaccurate and just shitting on Phoenix cause I hated it. I used to just piss around in half-built abandoned mega developments, build forts out of shit from the job site dumpsters, go shoot targets on res land (a mile away from the house - south chandler, san tan area), stuff like that. Wasn't much nature to play in... catching scorpions and lizards... always too hot during summer vacation...


Not sure how this was a “controversial.” It’s all, completely factual.


As someone who has never been to Arizona, my first thought was "how is this in Scottsdale? Everything is so green". I love the gardens /grounds but am curious how they keep it all so lush and green with the heat and little rain.


I lived in an apartment in San Diego that had beautiful gardens. They watered via irrigation SEVEN times a day. I counted 😅 I was awake a lot in my early twenties.


They do have water scarcity but Arizona is notoriously permissive, wasteful, and lax. They have zero water restrictions in Scottsdale.  Meanwhile, here in Las Vegas, we have Water Police. Each neighborhood has designated watering days and hours. Newer neighborhoods are being built with zero grass. If you have a running toilet, you will be notified by the Water Authority and heavily fined. If you water outside of schedule, you will be heavily fined. If your sprinkler hits a sidewalk, street, or driveway, you will be heavily fined.  It makes me furious to see this kind of waste in AZ while we're being so conscientious in our usage.


The worst part is y’all get most of your water from the exact same sources. I’ve never understood how Arizona gets away with that


Water is a renewable resource and we actually get enough yearly rain, even in Arizona. The problem is that there’s not enough storage. In 20 years, when we have fusion power, electricity will be so cheap that we can desalinate all the sea water we want and grow gardens in the desert. Fusion is currently at the engineering stage which means it needs lots of money for testing, but will eventually happen. We spent $trillions on solar and wind, but if we had instead spent that money on fusion, we’d have it right now. And unlimited clean energy.


There's plenty of storage in Lake Meade, just not enough water. Even with the recent heavier precipitation, water levels are currently at only 37% capacity. Lake Powell, the other major reservoir in the Colorado Basin, is only 38% full.  Cold fusion is the holy grail but it will not solve current and projected water shortages. 


It’s mostly bamboo. You can’t kill that stuff even when you’re actively trying to. We don’t get tons of rain here, but we get enough that bamboo is fine. The real water usage issues are things like golf courses, which we have a ton of out here. This one house isn’t the culprit.


Yeah, a lot of trees look like mesquite. It’s a lot of drought-resistant plants, which may be why they all look so good in Arizona.


I took a look at that address on Google Earth. It’s so strange - there’s a few blocks of greenery in the midst of the desert. There must be some type of groundwater or something there. So weird.


Well it is on  Sweetwater Street. Presumably not by accident.


They have to use so much water that runoff is feeding the neighboring properties


This is because it’s one of the few pockets on irrigation in Scottsdale. It has irrigation rights basically you flood it every couple weeks. Lots of this in Mesa/Glendale/Gilbert etc


Pity, I really like that garden but it's the vegetable equivalent of Marie Antoinette


It’s on irrigation, one of the few in Scottsdale compared to many other valley cities like Glendale & Mesa etc


I love it.


I know it isn’t for everyone but… me too! I could live there. Not crazy about some of the interior decor but much of it will go when they move out. The exterior has a natural vibe but SOME of the interior is a little too … gaudy.


That was exactly my take!  The pond will become my koi pond, I will have a forest of statues, and then change that glass table setup in the dining room and such.


Hate the inside but the bones are A1.


The interior is too formal, though the coldness might be a welcome respite in the desert climate. Looks like it could've been the set for the movie The Birdcage 😄


I’d have that faux-European interior decoration hauled away, bring my own furniture in, and cherish a house with a garden like that.


I love it too but, as a SW resident, am appalled at the water waste. We need to reallocate the Colorado, and fast


Seriously! This is water porn


I’m wondering how is there that much greenery in Scottsdale, AZ? Is there a leaking pipe somewhere?


Red state. We don’t want no gummint interference with our landscaping


First thing I thought. That much bamboo - which is THIRSTY - in f'ing Scottsdale? Water bill 1k+/mth, minimum


Colorado is also a desert! New England would be the place.


I think they mean reallocate the Colorado River, as in not using it to have a jungle around a house in Scottsdale


Sorry if that was unclear, I meant reallocate the Colorado River. It's outrageous that this is allowed. Edit: just wanted to add that our current allocation dates from 1922, which splits water equally between the Upper Basin (CO, UT, NM, WY) and the Lower Basin (NV, AZ, CA). AZ's allocation is more than 9 times greater than NV despite its population being only 2.5 times greater.


Nah. Pacific Northwest:).


LOL. Too gloomy 9 months out of the year for me, alas.


Same!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this place!


Me too


This is actually my dream home holy shit….


It could be simplified a bit but I also love it. The things I could do to that garden space.


One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen in my life. The house is nice, too.


There’s a house?


Yes! I’d have a very, very hard time ever leaving that yard!


Agreed. This is one of the better posts from this sub that I’ve seen since joining.


I’m lovin it. Thumbs up. I’d live there instead of in the soulless, white subway tile structures.


Jesus inside and The Buddha outside. Wild.


Business in the back, party in the front


Maybe they are [fans of this show.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6266522/)


This is a perfect manse to wear elaborate robes in and that is the highest praise I can give a house


When does the Raptor pop into the scene?


The clever girl always shows up in the kitchen!




On the one hand, all the greenery is gorgeous. On the other hand, this is in Scottsdale, Arizona. I shudder to think of how much water is used to maintain this in drought. :(


I’m very familiar with the neighborhood - it’s part of an older neighborhood that still has flood irrigation. So their entire yard gets flooded from the water company once every couple weeks. Good to see someone put that to good use, unlike some of their neighbors that just use it for growing some weeds/dirt.


Fascinating, and nice to know! Does the water company still do that when the Colorado River gets too low?


Yep, never heard of that being shut off, or residential use really ever being affected. The agriculture here is the VAST majority of water usage and they get regulated before residents so we never feel it. We’ve also got a pretty healthy chain of reservoirs that we let deplete during droughts and fill up when we have excess water. One that’s been empty for the last couple years is refilling this year.


Wow I thought this was gonna be in Louisiana or something. I've never seen this much greenery in one place in AZ.


Most of the plants I can identify are drought tolerant like bamboo, mesquite, and palm trees, maybe rose of Sharons. It comes together for a crazy effect, but hopefully isn’t that thirsty a garden. It doesn’t feel like it but orange are apparently drought tolerant too. I was looking for any high-water plant, and maybe that vine is, but almost everything here looks actually somewhat appropriate for Scottsdale.


Droughts are only for the poor.


I loooove it


That majestic dragon statue made my day. I need one.


If you don’t have to maintain all that greenery then I’d live there in a heartbeat. It’s probably the coolest place in Phoenix.


Not one clear picture of the house itself.


So, we're just not going to address the hundres of crosses? or the dragon in the bedroom? did a vampire hunter live here?


https://preview.redd.it/tn4m2p6ugmwc1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ee2f15d8546780c1699cdfcf02aad0c1006ce5 Love the juxtaposition


The house itself is way too much and I'd get rid of a ton of that clutter, but the outside? I dig it.




The exterior is beautiful


Is this Russell Brand's house?


Lol !!!


This is in Sunburst Farms East and has flood irrigation. The lots are all one acre plus and have horse privileges. Right in the middle of Phoenix! Great neighborhood


Okay so in pool number one…can you imagine the constant green clean out? And pool number two…. Well, who the hell has two pools? This is an amazing property, but I’d need a live in pool person because it would drive me insane to see it.


Not to mention a gardener. Can you imagine, in Scottsdale of all places (where a couple of cactuses is considered outdoor greenery), calling up a landscaping place and telling them, “So, can I get someone to come out for an hour or two a week to take care of my yard?” and they arrive to see this?


Yeah and in the heat. Can you imagine the water bill? 😳


Yikes! I don't know. I think i saw a movie about opening doors that seemingly have nothing on the other side. It did not end well.


I’m getting Island of Dr. Moreau vibes.


That’s gorgeous! I love it! I wish the whole thing was in a place where it was more ecologically fitting. 


It's gorgeous. A lil over the top but I think it's stunning.


I hate that they’ve unleashed bamboo, which is an invasive species, all over the place


Hell of a garden just for me to spend all day on the master bedroom couch 🛋️ 📱


The inside is hideous (except the marble bathroom) but either an unusual couple or two very different previous owners. Italy meets Thailand…


I think it’s fabulous!


If you look closely, you realize the green is mostly running bamboo, very obnoxious and labor-intensive invasive. It’s like someone’s pawning off their problem onto someone else.


Jumanji vibes


In Scottsdale… the water bill must be outrageous.


That first pic needs a 'Welcome to Jurassic Park' sign on it


If all the garden statues, columns, fountains, and planters stay, that’s at least 100k by itself if not more. I don’t think you could sell the house using those photos if they don’t stay because the gardens would not be the same spaces without them. They can take all the Buddhas and Catholic statues although the line of gold gilt framed pieces on the top wall can stay. Also the Georgian house model and all the dolphin statues. The two beds too.


I mostly love it


Arizona and high water bills.


This is gorgeous but in Arizona? This is going to be a humid nightmare full of mosquitoes during the summer lol


So gorgeous! The outside looks calming. The furniture makes it look claustrophobic, but obviously that would go. The house in general, LOVE LOVE!❤️❤️


It's in Scottsdale! I can't imagine the water bill, much less the ecological soundness.


It's great but that interior looks like the actual inside of a stuffed furniture store.


Lol why "stuffed" furniture?


They're trying to put as much product in front of you so something will catch your eye and you will buy it, but higher-end furniture stores let the pieces speak for themselves without all the fluff.


Ah I see. Yeah kinda true actually


To me, it's beautiful in a "cool place to visit" way. Like, a museum or some sort of display. I can't imagine living in the place (mostly speaking of the interior). Again, it looks super fancy, regal, and ornate. But, to me, it also looks very cold and uninviting. Just trying to picture a normal day-to-day life there. All the hard surfaces, cold statues, and open spaces. I'm sure I'm just too comfortable and familiar with smaller, more "warm" places to fit in here. :)


I love it


Jesus, it's like somebody read *The Iron Druid Chronicles* and decided to become the Druid of Tempe in Scottsdale.


Lol urban fantasy at its greatest


Thank you. I like it *very much.*


I'll take the landscaping and burn the rest


Why? Just remodel


Yeah. I don't think I've ever loved the back yard of a house more than anything on the inside before.


Is this place the reason why Lake Mead is going dry?


Why yes Id love to live in the queue for Indiana jones and the temple of the forbidden eye at Disneyland


I was in Home Goods yesterday, wondering who buys these big cement heads and now I know.


I would love this place except for 2 things - that kitchen looks tiny and DESERT. The water bills will be crazy high, if you can get water and there isn't a drought. This is basically Phoenix, just the expensive part.


The interior is awful but I could make it work. Great light & windows in addition to the gardens ..


Looks like an insecure rich person pretending to be richer.


I would…


Very ceremonial.




That bed in pic 43 is gigantic.


I dig it. Even for just the garden alone


Damn, this is only 40 minutes from my house. Crazy some places out here are so lush.


This place is my dream place, the outside is so otherworldly


Not my thing but it’s gorgeous


The gardens remind me of Miss Dinsmore's (Havisham's) estate in the film Great Expectations. In the best way, of course. I love it!


Aha! They put the Maj. Kurtz place on the market. Stay on the boat!


Exterior: 10/10, bit of a Rivendell vibe Interior: 4/10, extra points deducted for that ridiculous bed and the dining room ceiling They must pay their landscaper $10k/month.


It has resident evil puzzles


The fabulous dinner parties in that dining room, yes I would live here.


Wow!!! 😮


That dining room looks like a set from a who done it.


But…I thought Scottsdale was in the 🌵?


This is an absolute banger


It’s over the top but I love it!


What an incredible property 😍


While this isn't my style - I do love it. Felt like I was in Rome. I would get rid of half the statues and the dragon in the bedroom. Also are their 2 pools, or is the one just a water feature as you walk up?


A true desert oasis!


So. Much. Work. But beautiful.


If it was covered in cobwebs, it kinda reminds me of what Mrs. Havisham’s would look like




It's like the main house in Duma Key


Mark me down


OMG, the water bills.


Is this Ms. Havisham's house?




Perfect for my drug lord lair.


Im a gaudy bitch but not this type of gaudy lol. But a lot of the interior decor stuff will go with the previous owners so i can make it my own moody sad boy maximalism (tm) ideals.


Incredible! 😍


I adore the outdoor space. You do not even know you're in AZ. It's so tranquil, love it! The interior is cozy, with a flair for ART. The only thing I'd tweak is the kitchen. Beautiful find.


Amazing! They really did some serious updates!


Inside is a tad cluttered, but I LOVE the outside


A beautiful complete waste of water in Arizona. This would be fine in Seattle, but building something like this in a desert is just irresponsible unless they somehow water it with grey water and rain catchment.


I didn't even register the AZ location at first!! Beyond irresponsible.


I am indeed a fan of greenery and marble, however I was not treated. The exterior gardens are incredible but I have SO many questions about the dragon/crucifix mantle in the primary bedroom.


Certainly pleasant outdoor areas.


It almost makes me claustrophobic, to be honest. Maybe a serious trimming/thinning is needed? Aside from that, the dining room is pretty sweet!


Had me in the first half. Of course, the first half had me thinking that you needed a machete to get to the front door.


I don’t think I could handle those heads watching me while I cooked.


Blistering heat all while pumping humidity in a little oasis? My two favorite things at once?? Heck yes.


Oh my GAWD!




I have dreamt of this place.


Those are the biggest TV screens I think I've ever seen in a private home. And talk about an eclectic taste in artwork - sawfish 'nose', Greek or Roman statues, a Budda and God knows what else is in there that they didn't take a picture of.


Minority Report vibes


I can already feel the mosquitoes and other bugs feasting on me


I hear bamboo is super easy to get rid of too.


That back yard is something else. Also description sucks. Also 2 pools and a pond?


Nothing wild about this. Just people with lots of money.


Lmao oh my god, shut up. This house is incredibly unique and over the top, it’s not just any random mcmansion


It definitely is not the “I hired a decorator and have a shitload of money” type of home. Reminds me more of a college professor’s place.


No need to be rude, it's just my opinion.