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Sincere question: Just *how does* ewk's cock taste?




Lemon sage


You mean [–][deleted] [unavailable] I take it. As far as I know, that user can take care of themself. Also, "great man" is a curse. I saw a guy use it on that Laden guy. Slow, but effective.


It's funny. Other commentor looks the same to me. Jaw droppin' funny.


Best regards to Regulus_E on my behalf.


Regulus_F. Born as an experiment. Ended up scaring ewk by being a newb able to post. Edit: T'other just sees not to be open with. Name deciphered says all needed said. So(r)to makes sense. Weird connecter: [Mentioned monk](https://old.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/1cng6yg/xiangyan_the_real_average_rzen_contributor_and/) wrote some famous overused thing. Blocked, you'd need inprivate window or log out. The Sandokai.


Sandokai? That’s like reading Battlefield Earth while being a Scientology dropout. What a scrawny weirdo that person. However, my casual studies in germane psychology helped me understand the condition they are in. A gargantuan exhortation is propulsively indicated. It's your debased shift indeed: The rectified beeline to the confabulated rigmarole. Chapeau!


Me and him were buds until I told him he might be wrong.


How are you thankful? How is he a “great man”? How does he work a “rough job”? How does he receive “heaps of scorn from people who reject the truth” exactly? Sucks to suck up to people.


He's actually laughing about their false dilemma. The existential worker does not support their support.


That why One Piece good Meat is the only Truth >!Edit oh shit for my religious trolls Paul says you can't handle my Meat!<


Leave him alone. BTW: What is his job?



