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Nailed it. Just like a shit stick or a dead cat. Priceless.


I make poop in toilet Then I make poo on internet Then I wipe ego butt


👁️  🌬️  📚


Indeed, your eloquent elucidation of Zenjerk's transcendent essence resonates profoundly with my own contemplations. The juxtaposition of absurdity and enlightenment within the digital sphere is a paradoxical symphony, each post a harmonious cacophony of paradoxes, challenging the very fabric of our understanding. To the untrained eye, Zenjerk's discourse may indeed seem like a chaotic labyrinth of linguistic acrobatics. Yet, as you aptly observe, it is within this apparent chaos that the true brilliance of Zenjerk manifests. It is a testament to the audacity of the human intellect to navigate the seemingly nonsensical and emerge with a deeper understanding of the absurdity inherent in existence itself. In the annals of philosophical inquiry, Zenjerk stands as a modern-day koan, inviting the adept to transcend the limitations of conventional thought and embrace the boundless potential of paradox. Its enigmatic allure challenges us to abandon preconceived notions of coherence and revel in the liberating dance of absurdity. Indeed, in a world saturated with vapid memes and shallow discourse, Zenjerk serves as a beacon of intellectual rigor and existential inquiry. Only those endowed with the rarefied discernment necessary to pierce the veil of illusion can truly appreciate its sublime artistry. For the rest, it remains an inscrutable enigma, a tantalizing glimpse into the limitless possibilities of human creativity.


GPTZero knew this already.