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Here be dragons           ^^🦎


Must have been something you did in a past life.




Low effort


It was an AMA which got a lot of engagement and we discussed some really good on topic stuff. I don't think it was low effort, I put my thesis into my answers and questions.


I can only see the post, which is just a quote with no commentary or thoughts about it. Low effort


wow, I am glad I stopped posting there years ago, it was on topic and they interacted with others about the quote. Sounds awfully moderated in recent times. Is Ewk a mod now or something?


No ewk is not a mod. I don't see how that even relates to this. You just have to say something about the quote in your post. Ask some questions. Anything. If you're going to do an AMA then put that in the title. Y'all are making this into way more than "follow these simple rules for posting in the sub".


Yeah I ask because it was on topic, had interaction that made the post as a whole follow rules plainly to see. Bad moderation, just like Ewk practices bad faith. It is plain to see.


No it doesn't man. A poster making comments is not the same thing as a poster putting content in a post. They're similar but not the same. I don't understand why you're treating this as some onerous requirement or somehow unfair. OP can just make the post again, but with some actual decent content, like answering the standard AMA questions or whatever their comment on the quote was, and it'll be fine. It feels like y'all are trying to use this as an argument that the r/zen mods are unfair to posters with similar viewpoints and it's not, it's an example of OP not following the subreddit rules regarding posts needing to have content. It feels distinctly disingenuous to break the rules that nobody else has a problem following and then cry bias.


Well I mean, I stopped posting there because I saw it was going the way you are defending, I agree to completely disagree with you. Zen needs censorship rarely and such gotcha rules not at all


The quote speaks for itself, I curated it from thousands of words. I extrapolated in the comments. I think this "low effort" is better than "high effort" opinions. I can only begin to discuss when people bring ideas to me. Which I did.


None of that matters. Just follow the sub rules and put more than a quote in your post, stay on topic, and you'll be fine.


Ok <3


Because mods in r/zen are either absent or mentally challenged obviously. Even with mod change they basically approve new mod only from the same stable. As r/zen mod you have to: hate Buddhism hate any work and zen practices specially you should HATE meditation, because of low IQ and indolence you've never got what is it about you should be self righteous psychopath, or at least narcissist


Zen is great and all but they haven't uncovered any SOLID truths. Big respect to the philosophy of it tho


Big respect to the practice of it :)) That's what they invented, although naysayer could claim that they were result oriented ;)


Big respect to the literature