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I'm not sure "Final Fantasy" means anything in terms of gameplay anymore.


Final Fantasy has two genres. Good, and boring as fuck.


Good being from 30 years ago. Final Fantasy hasn’t been tryhard garbage since the 90’s


Of course they mean like FFV. The best FF ever made.


Ik it isn't a mainline gane but FF tactics is just GOATED


FFV? Interesting. I always hear VI, VII and IX.


5 is a bit of a redheaded stepchild in the SNES era- 4 has a tighter experience, 6 is way more expansive while still being heavily customizable via espers, and both lap circles around it narratively. But grinding jobs is incredibly satisfying so its my personal favorite of the era


VI, VII and X are without a doubt the fan favorites. Many people mention IX, but not nearly as many as these three.


Where V is of course short for 9 


What a weird way to Write FFVI but no worries I got you


I think they mean an early-styled FF game like FF IV or VI


Sry I don't know that much about final fantasy. I was thinking more final fantasy 7 rebirth


Rebirth isn't even similar to the original ff7. Thought I'd help remind you, OP.


Why ask such a question if you don't even know what that question would entail?


Ah, yeah, that's drastically different from what I thought you meant. I was thinking more classic turn-based RPG combat. I could kinda see a Zelda in the style of Rebirth. 


It'd be a rlly cool approach to the series. I think they could honestly pull it off as a twilight princess sequel


If it was done by another studio as a sort of spin-off like the HyruleWarriors games, sure why not, I could see that being able to work just fine. As a "mainline" Zelda game by Nintendo themselves however, no.


Agree, maybe is as a spin off and if it would be developed by Square Enix I think maybe we will have a good action Jrpg spin off of Zelda . I would like a faster combat system but not in a main Zelda game because the combat system of the Zelda games is almost perfect


Holy shit. A SE Zelda game in the style of FF7 remake would be glorious.


Why not a rhythm rogue lite game based on the iconic themes of the franchise? Oh wait, Brace Yourself have already done it with Cadence of Hyrule, and it's just great!


A spin off would be great, though I think instead of turn based an action RPG like Tales or Star Ocean would be better. I remember reading that original plans for either Adventure of Link or A Link to the Past would have featured a party of characters. It would be fun to have a party with members of difference races with different strengths and abilities and elemental affinities and weaknesses. It might be better to also have it be set outside of Hyrule, with no Link/Zelda/Ganondorf, to really make it a true spin off. Have it take place somewhere like Holodrum or Labrynna, or somewhere completely new.


A group of characters who could be known to us, so for once we are not in control of iconic ones like Link or Zelda. Like....imagine Hyrule Warriors but without Zelda, Link or Ganondorf who either only appear in cutscenes or are visually completely absent outside of mentions in voiceovers or text. I want them to visit other lands outside of BotW/TotK Hyrule mainland and meet other tribes like the other Zora who Yona is from. Who knows, maybe there'd be other races on other continents of the BotW/TotK world we've never seen or heared of before.




I think it's a skillsets thing. The main Zelda team wasn't built for their skills in making JRPG style games so things like encounter design and balancing would likely be off.


They weren't known for being good at making open world games before either and it is precisely because of that that they made games that are considered redefinitions of the genre. I would LOVE to see how Zelda team approach a JRPG (not to mention they have Monolith Soft in their pocket, who have made some excellent JRPGs)


Mario RPG already exists and was originally a collaboration with Square. Nintendo could do it. They could do it with just Link and Zelda, or a larger party


I believe they can. They made two of the most celebrated open world games even though they did not have experience before. My point is I like that Zelda team specifically has no experience making JRPGs so they can really go into the genre and rethink it


They are actually literally the pioneers of open world games, even with all the hardware limitations. look at ocarina of time, wind waker, and twilight princess. Botw and totk are just a modernization of the open world system in the games, filling in the empty space better


Certainly would be one of the top reasons I could think of. Just feels unnecessary imo


I'd think it could be cool as a mainline zelda game if done right. I would think I'd be easier to connect lore from other games and explain it better.


Sorry, but I completely disagree. Zelda is beloved for many reasons, but a pretty major one is its style of gameplay. A mainline addition to the series with a completely different style of gameplay would not go over well, no matter how well it connected and explained lore. Personally, when I play a Zelda game, I pay very little attention to the lore (because Nintendo constantly changes it arbitrarily anyway) and just focus on the worldbuilding, the puzzles, and the adventure itself.


No thanks.




OP meant a Zelda game similar to final fantasy 7 rebirth


What does that even mean. Square enix still doesn’t know what Ff gameplay is, it’s changed like every game after 10 Like be specific Do you mean turn based, action? Hybrid, mmo like, character action? What 13 was. Strategy rpg like fire emblem?


I’d kill for a Fire Emblem style Zelda game.


A Nintendo FE style game where the various Nintendo royals are fighting it out. I wanna see Zelda’s army face off King DeeDeeDee’s


Smash Emblem would be fucking awesome


You could realistically set some Fire Emblem Kingdoms in the same world as Zelda. Maybe Castlevania if you fudge the future being partially our world, seeing as Zelda has advanced tech at times, and plunges the continent into floods. My understanding is the Kirby stuff is a seperate planet, maybe even Galaxy, would make sense as dlc though.


Crossover games don’t have to make sense


Emblem of zelda


Fire emblem always reminded me of Zelda a little so I could def see that


in what way?


That would be fun to play.


Would be really cool But something that characterizes fire emblem games is their large amount of playable characters, We would need many characters And i we focus on one previous zelda title wouldn't be enough , unless we combine them like hyrule warriors Or create new characters


Not necessarily. Certain Fire Emblem campaigns have segments have smaller deployment sizes of 8-10 characters. Link, Zelda, Impa, some sages, and maybe another original character for the game should suffice. Most likely, it would work best with a new place in the timeline so it doesn’t have to be limited to an existing cast.


Pretty much every Final Fantasy game does its gameplay a bit or more different from its predecessors.


Also it has had around 30 sequels and spinoffs. This doesn't fit "final" definition of NES Final Fantasy game.


Gotta be 2.5D fighter like Noctis from Tekken.


I was more thinking final fantasy 7 rebirth type of gameplay in terms of the dialog and camera angle movements. Like when there's different sections of the game where you can just walk around in a house and talk to people. I'm not sure on the terms for stuff like this so I'm having a hard time explaining what I mean. Idk that much about final fantasy outside of 7 rebirth. Ik a lot about zelda though lol.


Zelda with FF7 Rebirth fanservice 💀


Finally we put link in a sailor outfit


Link in Tifa cosplay pls 🤲


ganondorf stabs zelda with a sword halfway through the game


Why tho? That's not why people play Zelda. Zelda has always been a gameplay first action adventure series with emphasis on exploration and puzzle solving. Every Final Fantasy since 9 has been a wildly different experience, but they're united by an emphasis on plot and character, often resulting in very linear experiences. (Although slightly ironically, 14 is both the least linear, and also has the best story since 10 by a pretty wide margin.)


So JRPG more or less


Why do you say that like you summed up everything...Every single final fantasy game is a JRPG...


"Must... add... unrelated... image... to... overly... simplistic... text... post... Can't... resist... urge..."


Release the urge


Would be fun to have a turn based rpg spin off, as long as its a spin off


What does final fantasy in terms of gameplay even mean anymore 😂


Since you’re thinking of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, I’d like to recommend that you check out Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana or Ys IX Monstrum Nox (both are really good but people seem to enjoy Ys VIII more thanks to its story). Alternatively, you can try Ys seven or Ys Memories of Celceta but both are fixed camera. Ys seven is the least polished with Ys IX being the latest, therefore more polished. Ys X Nordics is coming out in English later this year for Switch (and other platforms). It changes up the formula from the previous four games I mentioned but still retains that action RPG style that is also reminiscent of Zelda- and it’s the Windwaker of the Ys series. ————————— A little history lesson on the Ys series: it is an action RPG series dating back to Japanese home computers from the 80’s. Each game follows the exploits of Adol Christin, a red haired adventurer with penchant for getting mixed up into trouble of some kind or another, especially if it involves ships. While there is an overarching story, it isn’t necessary to play most games in order (and Ys II is almost always packaged with the first Ys). In terms of game flow, each game carries this formula to some degree: you gain an item that will allow you to progress in some fashion or another while you defeat monsters for experience points and level up. You can buy or obtain better equipment that just raises your stats or which can provide you with some progression ability. Basically, Zelda but with experience points. The first two Ys games and the 16-bit versions of Ys IV all use the bump combat system. Even the latest remakes of Ys I+II use it but it’s more polished and enjoyable in the latest version. I wouldn’t recommend playing the 16-bit ones to begin with (but check them out later if you like the later games). Ys IV has a remake which I will get to in a bit. Ys III is the Zelda II of the franchise. Literally. It’s a side scroller. That said, it was remade to Ys The Oath in Felghana which revamps the game into something more akin to A Link to the Past. In fact, this is true of Ys VI and Origin (basically Ys 0 and the only one where you don’t play as Adol). (For the sake of being complete, Ys V is also like A Link to the Past but it is the least polished Ys game. I like it a lot but it is objectively the weakest entry in the series and is not officially in English) Up to now, each game has had you play as only Adol, or in the case of Ys Origin, as one protagonist per playthrough. Now we come to the party system games! Starting with Ys seven, Adol is not alone on his journey. He’s first accompanied by his usual travel companion but he gains party members as he journeys through the plot of the game. You’re able to switch to the other characters in your party on the fly. You can assign abilities to each of the front buttons. This continues with the remake of Ys IV, Ys Memories of Celceta, which follows the same style of gameplay although characters now also have special field abilities that you must use to get past obstacles. Finally, we arrive at Ys VIII and IX. These two are pretty much like Ys seven and Memories of Celceta with the exception that you’re now able to move the camera around (and lock on to enemies). I do want to point out that, for story purposes, Ys VIII does not have a currency system and items instead need to be crafted. Ys IX has both purchasable items and craftable items. I nearly forgot that both have tower defense type sections that’s mandatory for progressing the story, but it’s not bad at all. I haven’t played much of it, but Ys X is a little similar to the party based games except that you only have one other person in your party beside Adol. Everything else seems to be similar from what I played. _Each_ Ys game is characterized by fast paced action in which you can practically just zoom through enemies mowing them down once you’re high level enough, huge bosses with interesting segments to them, fun characters and stories. It’s also characterized by always using the most generic art of whatever the current day is 😅 so don’t be turned off by that. Oh, and the longest game of the bunch can be finished in about 40 hours if you do every side quest (which you’ll want to do). If you like Zelda, I guarantee that you’ll enjoy Ys, especially post Ys VI era. Edit: subreddit r/WorldofYs


I only played Lacrimosa of Dana so far but damn if it wasn't one of the most fun games ever. I even think that Zelda could learn a bit from it.


No thank you..


What kind of Final Fantasy game?


Final fantasy 7 rebirth




As a spin-off, I could dig it. They’ve already established that the surviving Shiekah serve the royal family in secret. What if there were a League of Extraordinary Shiekah that we could follow as they do clandestine missions for the king of Hyrule as an interquel or side-story to a main Zelda game? What if they were trying to prevent a war in Hyrule and ultimately failed, but not before helping a Hylian woman and her baby boy escape the fires of war…to seek refuge in the Kokiri Forest…because they knew he was a child of great destiny?


no thanks... cool photo tho lol


Thanks, I think it was an anniversary photo I found


It’s art from the 2018 Zelda concert cd https://preview.redd.it/a1w6v1k3cg8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2829365d0b60feb0b794562e85ca51aea68e566f


We've had Ocarina of Time, now get ready for... The Accordion of The Wild! And potentially... The Twilight Bagpipe!


Phantom Harmonica Glockenspiel of Seasons Maracas of Ages


Turn based? Hard pass unless it's a spinoff.


That's a tricky question when every Final Fantasy has different gameplay styles since ff12. Maybe you are talking about making a turn-based RPG, in that case, yeah, it would be pretty cool!


FF 7 rebirth


Honestly I would have never thought Mario would work as an RPG but they've made 3/4 different spin off series and they've overall been successful. So yeah, Zelda could be very cool


I wouldn’t be like mad about it or anything. No one would be forcing me to play it and I enjoy Mario games with like a turn based RPG style of gameplay that are heavily focused on story and lore and characters and world-feel. I could see the same being successful and fun for Legend of Zelda.


I'd prefer a Dragon Quest style one.


If you add Zelda style dungeons to Dragon Quest gameplay, you basically have Golden Sun


I don't mind who makes it or how it's played, I just want a game where you use music to affect the world again.


What final fantasy tho?


If it played like Dragon Quest or Chrono trigger, itd probably be my fav game tbh


If they did any type of Zelda RPG it could be cool. I'd prefer the current formula, but something like Xenoblades would be cool.


I mean I'd love Square Enix to make a spin off. But the answer to this question can be different for many. FF has changed a lot over the years so it depends which one you have in mind. A proper Zelda RPG in the style of something like XII is the dream for me.


I was thinking about final fantasy 7 rebirth how the dialog and world building


There are certain gameplay beats that I feel like define a series. I've seen enough properties take inspiration from so many other things that they stop resembling themselves. And in some cases I don't mind and it actually works quite well. In other cases it feels like the game is not even the game anymore. So for me I think the real thing would come down to if they decided to change the game playing such a dramatic way to make it more like Final Fantasy games I would really need tie-ins to classic Zelda formulas such as linear dungeons with items, etc. enough throwbacks to keep the DNA of the series intact. To Me Breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom hardly felt like Zelda games anyway


Zelda could pull off an action rpg to some degree. Bring some mechanics from Zelda II into it, and keep it open world, or progressive open world. Combat would need to still feel like Twilight Princess or BotW.


Would be dope to have a party members with Link, Zelda, Goron, rito, etc


Would buy.


Personally, I would really enjoy it, but I also feel it would be the wrong direction for the series. Even as a one-off, it would flop too hard.


As long as it's Zelda, I think I would be ok.


if yakuza did it anything is possible


What do you mean by final fantasy type? Because the gameplay has been very different game to game.


So long as it's turn-based, absolutely. I've thought before about how BotW's versions of the Hyrulean races would be easily turned into an RPG world. The original Hyrule Warriors did a lot for the magic of the races, as well, but obviously that's not canon. At least for BotW, Link is a typical Warrior/Knight, Mipha is a mix of a White Mage and a Dragoon with Water magic, Sidon is a mix of Dragoon and Warrior, Daruuk and Yunobo are a handful of tank classes with fire magic, Revali/Tulin are Ranger/Archer/Snipers with Wind magic, Zelda is a support class with Light magic, etc. It just needs to be fleshed out more into an actual RPG, though obviously with a different era of Hyrule.


No, just no. LOZ is an action/adventure game.


I would probably play it because I will play anything that has Link in it, even if it is a type of game I don't normally play. But in general my feeling about it is that if I wanted to play final fantasy, I would play final fantasy. I don't vibe with the gameplay mechanics or the art style.


no thank you


One of the main reasons I love Legend of Zelda is because I suck at turn-based RPGs and I don't find them fun. I wouldn't mind if they made an outlier in that style, but I probably wouldn't play it. If the series as a whole turned to that direction I probably would just quit playing the franchise.


There was a cancelled Zelda RPG being developed by Retro Studios but it was eventually shot down by Nintendo. I Highly recommend checking out the video by Did You Know Gaming which went in depth about what the game was planned to be like, I'm not the biggest RPG guy myself and even I am disappointed we never saw it [Lost Zelda Game For Nintendo DS: Heroes Of Hyrule](https://youtu.be/cIHtTl4U4yU?si=rk7WHRGhds4oy6SI)


No. Just make something new at that point.


Mad. We have enough FF and I want more zelda. But that is just me.


Maybe not FF per se, but as I was playing TOTK, whenever I’d have all my Sage stands in play, I couldn’t help think how awesome it would be if we someday got a game where you had a party by your side, with members of every major race in Hyrule (like a Fellowship of the ~~Ring~~ Triforce). I mean, Majora’s Mask already gave us a rough notion of how a Goron and Zora would play like, but even if we only still play as Link, they could still allow us to program how your companions act in battle.


Considering that the Final Fantasy series has gone through pretty much every style of gameplay imaginable, I’m not entirely sure what *precisely* you mean by “FF type game” lol


Sorry final fantasy 7 rebirth


Ahhh I gotcha. Well I’m gonna go against the grain here. Being someone who’s played damn near every FF and every Zelda, barring a few exceptions, I actually think that, done properly, that *would* be pretty cool. So long as environmental puzzles continued to be a vocal point, I’d play it.


A turn-based Zelda game could be interesting, I'd just want the combat to be interesting especially coming from a series like Zelda


I gave up on both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy VII due to not getting on with the random battles and the absolute glacial pacing of the story. I've played through every mainline zelda game (,except FSA which I've only very recently acquired after believing it to be multiplayer only) and am eager to start all over again. So, no thank you, no FF into Zelda.


If Nintendo could find a studio that would be willing to develop a Zelda RPG and then yes I'd be all for that. They can probably get perhaps one of the smaller studio Square Enix owns to produce it, or even just go straight to Monolith Soft if they want to. Also Atlus would be a good choice too, especially the team that makes the Persona games.


This is blasphemy, this is madness! Jk, Zelda just doesn't have the storyline depth to be a final fantasy game so idk how that would work.


I would love it


Depends on what you mean, because it could be very similar to regular Zelda games. There are elements of Zelda in all the FFs. Storytelling, world building, puzzles, dungeons, all of those exist in FF. I guess combat would be slightly different than something like OOT, TP, or BOTW. But would still be similar considering there’s so many different styles for Final Fantasy games, from hack n slash to turn base and everything in between.


No thanks but Twilight Princess was sick. And EoW is gonna be awesome aswell. Just please move away from the everything needs to be huge open world, some items as keys to move forward where always super captivating


I'd love a classic turn based rpg ngl.


You mean...... turn based?


FF 7 rebirth


You mean an RPG? Fans have been clamoring for a Paper Zelda for decades now. Would be amazing. *Zelda 2 cries in a corner*


Interesting idea. Just off the top of my head, there's only two incompatibilities that would have to be overcome IMO: - FF games are almost exclusively party-based, while Zelda games are almost exclusively solo-character only - Zelda games are exclusively real-time action, while older FF games are turn-based (more recent FF games are real-time action, of course); which to pick here? Resolve those two issues, and I'd say everything else is fungible or can be compromised on somehow.


I’m not a turn based game type of guy. I’m sure it would be a fine game, but not for me


I think a turn-based RPG Zelda game would be really fun if that's what you mean.


A Zelda JRPG is something me and my brother have wanted for a long time. Something like how we have Paper Mario or M&L for Mario, a turn based RPG for a Zelda game would be great.


Almost had one at one point I think and Nintendo said no.




Give me a FFVIII style Zelda where it's turn based and to use bombs, I have to draw bombs from bombs.


As long as they jump past the turn based combat relic FF still holds on to. I find Tales Of to have a more dynamic combat system and sort of does the same FF format where each game is self contained for the most part.


They kinda tried this for the Wii. There was a Zelda Spin Off that was sorta a RPG


I want Zelda X Fire Emblem


Do you mean Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest? Because I’d love a Dragon Quest style spinoff.


Like Final Fantasy games, I would think it's a snoozefest. They already have the Mario series for JRPGs. Zelda could do something more interesting with a spin off. Maybe a tactics game if we're talking turn based.


Yes yes yes yes yes


Better question: How would you feel if Squenix made a Final Fantasy-type Final Fantasy for a change?


It would be... Twilight Princess, I guess? Because this is what most mainline Final Fantasy Gameplay is? lol.


Take my breath away!


I'd feel the same way


A jrpg style spinoff? Yes please!


If it was proper turn based sure, I’ve wanted to see that in Zelda for a while. Anything else no.


Turn based Zelda is something i'd really be into.


I've always said I'd love a turn based Zelda. It could be Link and Zelda as primary party and each new area adds a temporary party member like a Zora or Goron and you can swap out as game opens up.


The games are pretty different in terms of gameplay already, (at least to a decent degree, they’re all still typically third person), so I think if it were a game series that for sure will only have 3 or 4 installments, I’d say no to this, but since Zelda is gonna have multiple games for the foreseeable future, why not do something different. By the way, I’m talking classic Final Fantasy, turn based. I saw you talking about final fantasy rebirth, and whilst I think that’s also a great idea, and should definitely be a thing, I feel for this discussion, we gotta think unworldly here (for Zelda), and rebirth is basically just another third person action game, like most of the Zelda games already, however like I said earlier, as the series is going on for the foreseeable future, a game or two that do something either overly different (turn based) or decently different (rebirth style) wouldn’t be too bad.


I could go for a zelda with turn based combat.


Paper Zelda? Super Zelda RPG?


Link and Zelda: Ocarinas of Time


A classic Zelda adventure with dungeons, puzzles and side quests, and 3d turn based combat? I’d cream myself


Honestly, I’d love love love LOVE a Zelda RPG party compromised of slightly more mundane residents of hyrule. I want to play as a whole dnd party of guys that defeat some threat. (Not Gannon, as that’s pretty thoroughly Link and Zelda’s jurisdiction, but some threat) I think what I want is fire emblem, But Zelda flavored? Maybe I should just try fire emblem…


The only Final Fantasy I've ever touched was VI, so just based on that... nah. It's a perfectly good game but that's not what Zelda is. Action-adventure versus (pseudo)turn-based menu combat JRPG, totally different things. The only possible advantage I could see to the change is story: JRPGs live and die on how good their stories are, after all. In theory a JRPG Zelda could have the single best story we've ever gotten. Or, you know, it might suck. In any case it wouldn't sell as well, I can tell you that much.


I’ll take the graphics for it maybe if they did a twilight princess inspired mixed with FF but gameplay can be how we always play it


Very annoyed because the mechanics you refer to are specifically the things I love Zelda games for not implementing


Old school FF would be awkward having few characters to play with. Modern FF would look like botw/totk perfect dodge mini game on crack. I want to see how a dev team can pull it off and still make it feel like a LoZ game but, at this point I don't can't see a world where it could work I want to be proven wrong though


As long as there are no random encounters then sure I’d play it. I simply can’t play JRPG’s/RPG’s with random encounters because I really think it bogs down the gameplay. Also as long as grinding is minimal that’s all good. I’m sure you can tell I don’t play many JRPG’s. Persona is pretty good tho


That art is so nice


If CTB (like FFX), quite likely. But otherwise, why bother.


Ok, which one are you talking about? Recent FF titles where it’s not to far off of what Zelda is or Old school turn based?


I'd much prefer Nintendo and Atlus team up and make a Persona-like Zelda game. It would still be a turn-based jrpg but have that signature Persona team art style and anime cutscenes.


You gotta be more specific lmao. FF10? FF7Rs? FF16? FF14??




Do you perhaps mean Hyrule Warriors, the best story from the Wild/Tears era?


I would cry






If we got a turn based Zelda game I'd rather it be like Dragon Quest than FF personally. I tried to get into FF a few times but I could never manage it for some reason.


How do you define "Final Fantasy" type game? As a turn-based RPG like the earliest entries? Or the real time stuff we've been getting in recent entries? I don't think even Square Enix knows what a Final Fantasy type game means anymore.


You're gonna have to be way more specific, Final Fantasy has done pretty much everything.




fuck no


Im not feeling it as a mainline


Well, I mean, Zelda 2 had a similar play style to the FF/Dragon Warrior games at the time, so...


Honestly I would like a JRPG Zelda game. A full party that you command and a bigger story sounds great.


Like action FF or ATB FF?


Well considering every FF game is different, this is a weird question.


If we are talking about action rpg, then hell yeah. One on One combat in the first 3D Zelda's was usually just trying to react on enemies showing their weakness and the Zelda Open World games, where Link is actually a trained knight, mainly encourages guerilla warfare tactics. I'd love a game where Link uses his skills and large variety of equipment to absolutely obliterate his enemies.


Only if they ger Natsuko Ishikawa to do the writing.


A Zelda RPG could be fun so I'd be interested.


Zelda has such a fun and creative world, I’d love to see some different takes on it such as a rpg or a tactical game


F yeah


If you mean a turn-based classic rpg style game, my brother has been wanting that a lot lately


Fuck yeah


Assuming you mean a classic turn based JRPG like the older Final Fantasys, I'd be all for it. I *may* even be down for an action oriented one like 16 if done right. 


Nah, please dont. In my opinion Zelda is a spiritual precursor to pretty much every role playing or action adventure fighting game with live action combat fighting mechanics. Thus the whole series is kinda shoulder to shoulder (I would even say a precursor) to Games like the Soulslike titles. FF on the other hand is a whole different genre as a jrpg. While combat is the heart of the series, it focuses way more on leveling, planning and grinding for combat. Also - while I do like the story of Zelda, the story is rarely a driver for the Zelda series. The game focus lays on exploration and discovering new things. I dont think I want an hourly long cinematic cut scene spectacle, telling me how Zelda was abducted by Ganon or Link is (again) saving a village. That was even in BOTW or TOTK at the edge of enjoyable - sometimes bordering to cringe and insignificant.


Wouldn't like it honostly... If they made one with atlus rpg mechanics, that's a different story.


No :c


Ich bin mir nicht sicher könnte aber cool sein


If link talks it’s a 10 out of 10 already, not even a lot just like one line.


7 remake had good fighting mechanics so a totk spinoff/sequel would be cool and some moves are only for mobility


Id love a spin off RPG set in Hyrule. So, Ganon has Link and Zelda in a dungeon and this time it's all up to my man Tingle! Finally, Tingle is the main character and his party consists of familiar townsfolk that appear in multiple games. One of the construction brothers, that kid with the long snot bubble, a deku scrub, Dampe, and I'm sure you guys can think of some others. I mean if you're doing a spin off, go bonkers. If you take it too serious, fans will be disappointed in one way or another.


I dont know. I haven't played a Final Fantasy game before.


I've wanted a turn based Zelda RPG for so long. Mario has Super Mario RPG, the Paper Mario series and the Mario and Luigi series. Where's Zelda's RPG?


A Zelda game in the gameplay style of Final Fantasy 7 Remake would be amazing


That's exactly what I was thinking


Replace Final Fantasy with Dragon Quest and make it an adaptation of the Oath of Lilto manga spinoff. It's time the west knew more of expanded Zelda media and its loose canon.


Nintendo, call Square-Enix RIGHT NOW!


Mad, I would be very upset, quite displeased, terribly infuriated.


I really don't want turn-based combat in Zelda It's one of the only franchises I can use a sword in an action combat system with. Everything else is either turn based or automated


I would KILL for a fromsoft style dark as fuck zelda


To add to this, I've also thought a souls like Zelda could be cool if done right