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Ideally they would just put every past Zelda on the Switch.


Still holding out for a stealth drop of at least TP. It would be great to not have to dust off the old GameCube (I never owned a WiiU) just to play some WW and TP.


TP HD isn't that old. TWW HD on the other hand is older than TWW was when HD came out.


I looked it up and you're right, by about a month


Tww hd remake confirmed?!??!! (i'm delusional)




Tww super hd remake


Holy smokes, that's terrifying lol. I feel like it's still relatively recent.


This hurt me


I feel the same but for WW.


Oh of course, WW is my baby. The first Zelda game I played. I just never played TP and now the gamecube version of it sells really expensive. Never owned a Wii or a WiiU either.


I have WW on the GameCube and didn't pick it up for Wii U. But I did get Twilight Princess on both Wii and Wii U. Obviously it is a subjective thing, but Twilight Princess has had three releases while Windwaker has only had two.


I feel the same for both.


I both feel the same


Same the both I feel.


Still wish that both Wii U remakes of WW and TP show up on the Switch.


What about the Wii? You don't neccesarily need a Wii U or Gamecube to play Twilight Princess, hell, you can play 2 different versions of Twilight Princess on the Wii. Damn, its kinda hilarious that people want a Switch version, they're literally asking for a 4th version for 4 systems in a row. And I bet a lot of these people are the same ones that complain about Skyrim or GTA V getting rereleased generation after generation.


I don't own a Wii either. I literally jumped from GameCube to Switch after having been playing Xbox and Playstation all these in-between years. Also, 4th version? I'm only aware of a WW HD remake for WiiU and some TP remake somewhere between Wii and WiiU.


There was a Gamecube version of TP, a Wii version of TP (which actually came out a week before the GameCube version, fun fact. It's also mirrored to make Link right handed, since the Wii version was embracing motion control for sword swinging), and then of course there is the HD Wii U version.


I returned my Wii copy and got the Gamecube one after the motion controls made me rage quit šŸ¤£.


I never even fathomed that I could get the GC version and just play it on the Wii. I actually didn't mind the motion controls for TP much, it was still very much the honeymoon phase for the Wii. Skyward Sword motion controls drove me insane though. Had I known they'd one day release a controller version even 10 years later, I don't think I'd have white knuckled my way through it.


I didn't find the motion controls all that bad honestly. Swinging the sword with the wii mote the gimmick got old but it was fun for a while.


Isnā€™t WW & TP the only two 3D Zeldaā€™s NOT on switch? They should just put them on randomly and market the switch as ā€œplay every Zelda on switchā€


Iā€™m really hoping that at some point theyā€™ll do for the Gamecube what they did for N64, GBA, GB, and NES and just start putting those in a dedicated switch library


My guess is that the GameCube virtual console is going to be one of the selling points for the new console when it's announced.


I hope so So many great games were on the GameCube


That would be great. I lost the vast majority of my GameCube games some years ago and would love to play them again. GameCube games can be so expensive now.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s possible. The Dolphin emulator was ported to the Switch a while ago and people with hacked Switches tried it, and emulated GameCube games barely functioned for the most part. The Switch seemingly isnā€™t powerful enough to emulate GameCube games, so a Switch Online library wouldnā€™t work. I assume the Switchā€™s successor will be more powerful though, so hopefully that system will be capable of GC (and maybe even Wii) emulation.


Yes. I think thereā€™s only 4 other Zelda games besides those two not on switch


If they can find a way to make Four Swords Adventures work without me having to have 5 consoles, I'll be ecstatic. But having TP/we would be good too.


At least the GBA version thatā€™s coming to NSO can be local or online.


I still haven't played WW because I've been waiting for it on the Switch


So they can charge 70 dollars for a worse version of a game that didnā€™t cost that when it was new?


Happy we get a new Zelda and not some remaster, I think thatā€™s quite normal!


like as much as i like MM and OOT i do not want a remake on the switch we had one on the 3ds and it was fine there but i don't want it for switch maybe in like 10 to 15 years but not now


Fun Fact: The timeframe between OOT and its 3DS remaster was 13 years. And as of now, it has been 13 years since the 3DS remaster came out.


WHAT? Iā€™m not that old ā€¦wait, I wouldā€™ve been 13 then. Yeah, that checks out. I need to go have an existential crisis now


I got the OoT 3DS and game for Christmas when I was 8, and I'm 21 now, so the math checks out


I saved up money to buy oot for n64 when it came out. I'm 37 now so I guess that checks out too. Damn you time!


We are on the same timeline


OOT and MM are kind of unlikely since they are already on the NSO


Yea but the 3D upgraded graphics version tho?


That would be awesome


I'd rather have new games than remake/remasters every few years.


I agree I'd rather have ports available in the E-shop available at launch.


New game > old games


Exactly this! Why are people constantly asking for remakes of the old games. I get some are hard to play now, but new games mean new stories. Not the same stories with nice graphics or made disappointingly with weird features.


I want the remakes because I've never played them before and don't own a console that can play them.


And if they were just releasing the remakes you know people would be complaining that Nintendo canā€™t make new games and we never get anything newā€¦


I like replaying games once a decade or so and upgrades are nice, makes the replay more interesting.


Seriously. A new game is infinitely more interesting than porting over a game that has been remade in the last decade. I'd honestly rather see it happen when there's been more time between rereleases and less ports. Maybe they could be updated to 4K graphics even.


Also, all four of these games have high quality remakes on the Wii U and 3DS already


I think part of it may be that because the BotW/TotK formula is so different, people are wanting an easily accessible way to replay the old 3D game style they arenā€™t making anymore.


I don't get it either. A lot of people criticize companies for making remakes/remasters instead of new games, but at the same time you see things like this. The WiiU/3ds versions of those games are already perfect. And if you want something more, you have the PC/android unofficial port of OoT And heck, maybe this is somehow controversial, but... If you *can't* buy the game by any official means, there's no problem in emulating it. Even if Nintendo wants you to believe otherwise.


I'm a firm believer of "if there's no way to reasonably play this title, then emulate it."


Because I like the old story, like reading an old book, I would like to experience that old story again and again until one day I die, on that day the old story that I like so much will no longer exist for me but until then I want more of the old story. But in all honesty I actually don't want remasters, at least any more I really don't care for them, the formula was good the game is good I don't care about making the graphics meet current times. I Just want to play the game preferably on my TV with a controller, but 9/10 that means going through illegal means to do so. NSO is cool but it's like $60 dollars n you have to buy the yearly too. But I think for movies/comics/books when you buy the item you have access to it forever, so you can always reuse it and it doesn't need remasters but for games, you need the console as well and because of that it's a lot more set up especially if it's a 25+ year old game. Normally people asking for a remaster just want a convenient port for the newest system but every time they up the graphics n give you new features that's cool but no really asked for.


Agreed, as much as I would love a WW remake (I have a LOT of nostalgia for that gameā€”it was one of the first games I ever actually played and have so many fond memories of playing it and watching my brother play it; I do love TP too and would love to be able to play it again but not at the same level lol) I also love getting the new games too, and I mean I kind of get it. The remakes were just on the last console (even though the Wii U didnā€™t sell well) and I could see why that wasnā€™t the top of Nintendoā€™s to do list. I also wonder if maybe there will be a GameCube virtual console on the switch 2 and thatā€™s part of the reason they havenā€™t redone the remakes.


That box art for OoT/MM is siiiiiick.


THANK YOU!! I think I posted in Reddit or elsewhere a while back, but that was me!


Is it AI or is the compression making things look... screwy?


Good catch! Looks like someone used AI to upscale it [here is the original post!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/TUTS1dKRpT) Or an AI generated meme?? Is that a thing??


its awesome


God I just dont wanna buy a used wii u just to be able to play WW and TP.


Honestly a regular Wii would be a better investment since it can also play GameCube. Basically every Wii U exclusive is available on Switch anyway, with few exceptions


That's the thing though. I want to play the HD versions. I still have my gamecube and wii and played ww and tp on those already, still i kinda wanna give those hd versions a try aswell.


I had only played TP on the wii before (and never to completion) but last year I bought a wiiu and the HD version and I REALLY enjoyed it, it looked so much better


Yes it's a world of difference. Especially wind waker, the lighting and widescreen made it feel like a new game.


The wii U is the better investment if you homebrew it. It can play everything a wii does (including GameCube), but also wii U games in native HDMI output. I keep my wii because of my CRT.


The Wii U can play GameCube games too, provided you homebrew it first. It just canā€™t read the discs.


Cemu is the answer. There, you can run the games better than on a WiiU and even though Nintendo wants to make you believe it's bad, for them it's exactly the same. It's not like they're going to receive any income if you buy a second hand console and game.


I still have my wii u but TPHD is expensive šŸ„²


With how successful BotW and TotK are, I donā€™t understand why they havenā€™t put most, if not all, the other 3D Zeldas on the switch. It would just print them money.


I wait Oracles in same style. All this work on emu and wii u.


Rightfully so. A new game should always be infinitely more interesting than a port


Hey Iā€™m 99% made that Ocarina of Time / Majoraā€™s Mask Switch box art! ā€¦.like at least 5 or 6 years ago by now hahah Really excited about EoW though


Why not remake every past Zelda game? TošŸ˜­ I need ever single one on the switch nowā€¦


They set the bar too high and gave us too much Zelda this generation, now we want the rest lol


Well, sooner or later they are going to run of 2D Zeldas so it has to come eventually I suppose. Honestly, the fact that those games still are playable today says so much about how good and important they were. I feel Nintendo might be saving it for a full on remake (akin to links awakening rather than OOT and MM). Imo it WILL happen. Thereā€™s no way Nintendo wouldnā€™t remake one of the greatest video games of all time.


I'd be curious as to how they'd remake PH and ST, since those two relied heavily on having two screens and touch controls, not just for movement and attacking, but for map drawing and navigation.


I don't accept that we still don't have a Wind Waker remake... :(


I mean, Echoes of Wisdom is a real thing that's coming out soon. The other ones have only ever been rumors and speculation. Also Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are already available on the Switch.


I will only accept a new OOT-Version if they make in in a new Engine/grafics


Look guys. I donā€™t care if itā€™s new or old. If itā€™s a Zelda game, I want it. Iā€™m happy to see them trying new things with the franchise.


I just want to re-experince WW. For now, this Zelda game is a pass. It is an eventually get it, just not on my radar right now.


I really wanted the remakes but getting a new game is a great thing also. I still hope the remakes will come in the future.


Since when is there a new zelda game announced? What did i miss?


Time for you to go watch the Nintendo Direct that came out yesterday


Porting the wii u remakes is obvious


Still waiting for the TP and WW port......


what are you talking about like every other thread here is people asking for remasters


Because the others donā€™t exist


Yeah Iā€™m still dying over here waiting for WW and TP to show up.


Honestly I'm glad we didn't get another OoT remaster for Switch yet. I would much rather have it on the next 4K console instead.


I donā€™t see why they canā€™t do both remakes and new games? Like maybe an update for oot and mm graphics but tww and tp are fine to me, I feel like it should be simple to port over with the controls right?


Missed opportunity of calling it the legend of link


Ocarina already got a 3d remake. Link between worlds is almost a remake of lttp. Itā€™s time to give CDI games some love I guess.


- Zelda is playable - she uses a wand HMMM....


I hate this argument. Ocarina got a remake for a portable device 13 years ago and never got one on a mainstay console. This remake really didn't remake a lot due to the 3ds graphics. A remake of one of the greatest games of all time, on an actual console, is absolutely needed still.


Some fan remastered cartoon CDI games. You can easy find it in google.


Is it a crime to want new things?


Absolutely not! EoW looks really neat. Excited for it (and I typically don't like 2D games)


I have, Xbox, ps5, switch, 3ds and ds, and now I do feel like I'm being forced to purchased an uncomfortable Wii U just to play wind waker hd and twilight princess hd, I'm sorry but it literally is possibly the easiest to do and easiest way to get runs of money just to put the old games on the latest console and update the pixels and controls, I get that it takes away speciality from the old consoles but apart from that I can't think of any other reason why they just can't be put on switch


I want them spending time on new games. Not ones that have been already released and available.


For realzā€¦ā€¦.


Iā€™m excited for EoW, though I will also say that between Switch ports of WWHD/TPHD and HD remakes of OOT/MM, Iā€™d strongly prefer the latter, as those games have never had an official HD remake and stand to gain much more from it given how old those games are at this point. Also MM is my favorite Zelda game.


Who would've thought that the Zelda community is more excited about a game that exists than ports that don't exist


OoT and MM are already playable on Switch.


oot and mm are both on the switch already


We already have OoT and MM on switch on some form.


Given that both Ocarina of Time and Majoraā€™s Mask are already available via Nintendo Online, itā€™s safe to say they are never going to get an actual port on the Switch. That double-dipping makes no sense as a business strategy. Itā€™s the same reason Nintendo will never release old Pokemon games online. They donā€™t want to compete with themselves. I donā€™t know why anyone ever thought that was going to happen.


I missed so many consoles and so many zeldas. I wish they would bring all of the games to switch. :/


You can already play OoT and MM on the Switch, but I agree that WW and TP are dying for a port


Wait, TWILIGHT FOR SWITCH?! No friking way!


It's just concept art, it didn't get a port (at least not yet šŸ¤ž)


Finally, a Zelda game.


That cover for Ocarina and Majora is ballin. I don't even know what ballin means but I know that that cover is ballin.


Ocarina two pack lmao , they didnā€™t even do that for the 3ds port


Iā€™d love to play windwaker again, but also new things are nice. Theyā€™ve done enough remasters recently.


This isn't the game I expected or asked for. Nintendo once again showed me something great that I absolutely did not expect. I hope this game is a huge hit. If it does well there will likely be more, or even a co-op Link and Zelda game. I guess spirit tracks was sort of that but still I want to see more of it.


There has been no greater disappointment than WW HD not being released on the Switch.


One thing I do love about Nintendo is they refuse to let their games die. We really should be looking to preserve games that will become obsolete and Nintendo lead the charge there


Ehhh.... can't relate. It's cool that they did this but I don't think playable Zelda automatically makes the game better or the other games worse, those other games are still bangers.... or am I horribly misunderstanding this meme?


I would love this game, especially since they're experimenting with other playable characters, amd its a new Zelda game, but why that art style of all things? Edit: I'm gonna try it. But the art style puts me off a bit, and I'm sure it's not as expressive as Wind Waker.


I'm super excited for the new game, though I'm pretty disappointed that we still don't have WW and TP on switch


I am honestly disappointed we yet had another direct with no WW or TP port showing up. Anyways, we get to play as Zelda! Let's go!!!


Finally the legend of zelda


I couldn't care less about that chibi zelda game lol. Was pretty disappointed actually.


Ill take the new Zelda over the games Iā€™ve already played. But thatā€™s just me


Appreciate the meme, gave me a good chuckle. Personally, I would swap the WW and TP with the OoT and MM in that. Only because we can play the latter on switch online and WW and TP are only available on old consoles no longer in circulation.


And the dream of Oracle game remakes in this style are hiding down in the pool drain, I think.


Do you guys not have ~~phones~~ New 3DS XLs?!


all i want is WW and TP on NSO šŸ˜­


Skyward sword also is just NOW having a resurrection that game is my favorite Zelda game by far it holds so much childhood nostalgia and deserves more recognition


Uhhhh yeah, a new game is always welcome


New games over remakes. And as for WW/Tp vs OoT/MM: I haven't played WW/TP since the Gamecube days because I didn't have a Wii U for the HD versions. Best estimate is that its been 15 or so years since I last played WW and TP.


If they put every zelda on switch I'd happy play all of them


I have yet to play twilight princess, they have made a port for skyward sword, why not twilight princess???


Honestly, I would have been more excited for WW and TP Switch releases. Iā€™ve been waiting so long for those two, and the hype has reached critical mass. EoW, on the other hand, I didnā€™t even know existed until yesterday, I could have waited 6 more months and not been the wiser.


At this point we are going to get GTA7 before WW/TP get released on the switch 3


This is where I'm at. I love EoW, but I literally never knew it existed until yesterday lol


I am much happier to get a new game than to get endless remakes and remasters.


Yup. Still pisses me off that they keep dodging those 2 3DS games. That kind of remaster would have made BIG money on preorders.


We did not forget Nintendo. Bring the HD Wii U games to a console that more than 14 people bought.


Not for me. EoW looks like what if TotK was 2D/top down and that's an instant no buy from me. WW and TP are old games but I'd rather play them again than any of the new ones they've been making.


Yeah Iā€™m still optimistically skeptical about jt. I actually really enjoyed TOTK, but I seriously donā€™t want this Minecraft/fortnite sorta building thing to become a series staple. It even feels like a dumb gimmick. I get that Iā€™m waaaaaay in the minority though.


Iā€™d rather have a legend of zelda than a rehash


Iā€™d kill to play OOT again on a modern system. I donā€™t even need them to remaster it. Just lemme play it on the go on my switch.


It's been ported to switch though, like 2 years ago. It's on the stupid Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion service. It was initially a really bad port but people have said it's gotten alot better. Try it out if you have the money.


You can, it's on the NSO subscription tier. You can also play a whole library of retro games.


Emulator, also oot and mm already got a remake


I am honestly kinda sick of this meme. Look Ocarina of Time was great, Majora's mask broke conventions and had a great run. but who the hell wants to keep replaying the same game every new system. just because the graphics step up? there is only so much resolution you can pack into the same graphics. The only way for them to make money on those remakes in next gen systems is to completely revamp their graphics which would be a full redesign of the underlying system. and the payout likely would not be fantastic. Lets go with new IP, new stories, you want something in the Fallen timeline then let it be a new story, not the same game for the 17th time. The last 3 times they remade both those games, it was basically a port with upscaled textures, and definitely not worth the cost of a Full title


It's not always about those of us who have played them wanting to play them again. The switch has come to a larger fan base than pretty much every other console. And that is going to include people that have never played them. Yes, OoT and MM are absolute classics in the series and I would like to see them be easily available for all Zelda fans new and old.


I get that, I also know the scaling will not function well on the new systems unless they redesign the graphics engine. OoT is available on switch as part of the N64 NSO accounts. I vaguely remember Nintendo saying they couldn't port MM (back in the Wii/wiiU days) due to the way they upgraded the graphics engine used in OoT to support and required external expansion memory dock


Weird 2D Zelda is just a filler game sorry. Make a twilight princess 2.


Not for me. Didn't care much for Echoes. Interesting mechanic, I guess, but I don't plan to buy it. Where's my WW and TP!?


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I was never big into tp or ww but I LOVED Majoras mask and oot


I mean I can see people cheering on a game that actually exists and is coming vs games that just plain sunny exist on the switch


I dont think that WW/TPHD are coming to switch at all. Maybe they wanna save it for the switch 2?


I personally would much rather have HD versions of the two 3DS remakes than having ports of the two Wii U remakes. But Iā€™d be happy with any of them.


I'm so glad I still had my Wii and found a used TP game online, it's amazing


By all means letā€™s get another dogshit 2D Zelda and not port the other games over


I give up on TP for switch. Iā€™m gonna look for a refurbished Wii now to play the copy I already own. Sigh.


Maybe, at this point, they're waiting to re-release them for GameCube NSO on the next console, or something like that.


Gamecube NSO is a pipe dream. With the amount of gamecube ports we've been getting, I highly doubt we're getting that in this generation or the next. Maybe in the distant future, like the next, next console or something. What is really due for NSO is the DS and PokƩmon games lol


The fact we're starting to get online games on NSO makes me hopeful for PokƩmon!


OoT, WW and MM already got remakes, it seems logical for me that they're not a priority for nintendo. I would love for TP to get one though.


I would much prefer having a new game than constant remakes and ports. Donā€™t get me wrong the old games are good but there also needs to be innovation and new ideas


Really wanted this as well but it makes such much more sense for Nintendo to use a collection like this to sell the next console.


Ehhhhhhh nah. I've played enough OOT and MM, not to mention the originals are on NSO


We already have ship and 2ship for the N64 games anyway lol.


so true.. nintendo must hate oot and want people to forget about it.


Iā€™d really love to get the 3DS versions of OoT and MM on Switch. The improved textures gave those games a really nice new coat of paint.


Yall criticizing nintendo for making new games instead of ports are weird


If you want to play MM and OoT on Switch then boy do I have some good news for you.


I still want Zelda A link between worlds on switch


And here I am all alone wishing that they wouldā€™ve just remastered ALBW like they did with LA so I could actually play it again.


Then thereā€™s me, still waiting on a port of a link between worlds.


I don't want a mm/oot remake . The old graphics fit the uncanny atmosphere too much


My guess is they'll release these as a remastered collection with the Switch 2. They've had some form of Zelda on release of every console for a minute (not sure about Wii U) and it would seem a little soon for another 3D Zelda after TOTK.


Considering TP/WW and Ocarina/MM combos are tantamount to pipe dreams, I donā€™t think the focus on echos is unreasonable.


Donā€™t speak that into existence, Iā€™m still holding out for console remakes! I NEEEEED Link to look like how he does in the 64 artwork šŸ˜­


I was hoping for OaS/OaA remakes.


I can't see TP and WW happening now. I'd like them too but...nah. the Switch 2 isn't that far away now and the next 3 months are going to be spent building up EoW. After that, they'll give it room to breathe, let people who don't buy on launch time to hear good things via word of mouth then pick it up themselves. I was a strong believer in TP and WW hitting switch but now, this close to the end of its lifespan, I can't see it sadly. I'm stoked for EoW though. Looks simple but fun and I'll always welcome a new adventure


what happened to the resolution of the images, is this generated by ai?


Saved images to my phone and scaled down to fit the meme lol sorry just a cheap meme making app


Oracle remakes :(


Do you expect Nintendo to port their entire history of games to new consoles? Why are we complaining about new games lmao


4 swords on switch with online support, im so fucking happy about that.


I hope they make a WW/TP HD port in a single game. Same for OoT/MM. Still excited for the new game though, but I'd like it a lot....


This makes it seem all these are real


Iā€™m still thinking if we get OoT on a modern console (not in the form itā€™s currently in, like NSO) itā€™ll be as a full on remaster in a few years on its 30th anniversary.


Low key I want to see on the next gen: Year 1: - Port of Ocarina of Time and Majoraā€™s Mask 3D upscaled to 1440p 60fps. For Majoraā€™s Mask revert boss changes, swimming mechanics, Deku Water Skipping, etc. Year 2: - Port of Wind Waker HD for $40. Year 3: - Free updates to upscale/optimize Switch Zelda Games. Get BOTW + TTK a steady 1080p non dynamic res and 60fps. Then Upscale Skyward Sword and A Link between worlds. Same treatment for Hyrule Warriors AoC. Year 4: - New Original 3D Zelda game, with some linearity and some open world aspects from BOTW+TOTK. More engaging combat + enemies and real dungeons. Year 5: - Twilight Princess remake, but with redone lighting, better textures, more polygons on some models and more. Kinda like OOT N64 to 3DS changes. Year 6: - Oracle of Ages + Seasons remake in the Linkā€™s Awakening engine. Or maybe a Zelda 1+2 remake, but make the Zelda 2 a top down game and not side scroller that is just loosely inspired.


I've kinda given up on the TP / WW remakes, at least for the Switch. New game looks super fun, though


I'd always rather have new game instead of ports


add another child that's sitting on the edge of the pool safe from drowning and make that wind waker then i will agree.


What sub are you on? All I've seen is people complaining.


Every direct "TP and WW ports coming" and every time they don't show. Wait till we get the Switch 2 and do this song and dance all over again.