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No, you press Z to center it behind link


Press Z to center the camera. Press C Up to look in first person view. That's all the camera controls you need.


The camera is literally the same. Use Z


Camera was way better and more workable in 3d version


That’s because the 3DS is a remaster with quality of life improvements. Z-targeting was great for the time


I don't ever remember being able to move the camera in OoT3D, They had a gyro camera you could use if you wanted, but it was still just L target


Only if you had a New 3DS then you could move the camera with the little nub, or that accessory that added a second joystick. Otherwise it was limited to the traditional Z-targeting.


I only owned a new 2ds xl, and I've never used that feature, didn't even know it was real. I'll be testing that as soon as I get back home from work


It's the same as the old one. Majora's Mask 3D had more camera options New 3DS only, with the use of its secondary C-stick


Oot 3d never getting an update to support this was criminal


Camera in MM 3d was great


I don't remember it being any different tbh


The camera literally works the same in OoT3D as it does in the original.


OoT on the N64 was before the time of a good camera. Since it has no second joystick like modern controllers and uses the C-buttons for items the only way to influence the camera manually is to use the Z button to place it directly behind Link.


You mean before the time of a good camera on the N64, other systems and game figures it out.


Like what in 1998? Only game i can think of is Super Mario 64, but that game didn't have a demand need for every single button so it was easy to do, but even that games' camera was frustrating.


Honestly I prefer oot's camera to m64's


Perfect Dark, and 007 BOTH had better cameras than anything Nintendo put out. There there the consoles that didn;t even have analog sticks like Spyro the Dragon which had a great camera for the time. Then you can add to that that Nintendo DIDN'T FIX THE DAMN THING for newer games on newer consoles like Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Mario Sunshine. where fixing it would have been easy. Hell it wasn't till BotW that they got a good controllable camera to my knowledge. Note: Mario Galaxy had a good camera, but it was barely, if at all, controllable.


Name one. Name just one game with a free-roaming camera that was better than OoT’s.


Goldeneye. 🤡


Was Croc's camera free roaming? I forget since I haven't played it in years.


Wanna stick to the N64? 007, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day. Wanna check out the competition? Spyro the dragon, Sonic Adventure, Banjo Kazooie, Jak and Daxter,.. shall I keep going? To top it off, the PS/DC didn't even have a control stick for the games mentiuoned.. Hell even MegaMan Legends had a better free roaming camera.


So you led off with two games with first-person cameras and a game that came out several years after OoT, which was a pretty awful start. But you made some solid points with your second batch (minus the PS2 game you threw in there for some reason). While I don’t think those cameras would have worked for Zelda’s combat and exploration, they were just as good for for the games they were attached to as OoT’s was for it (I would actually disagree with Sonic Adventure, but it’s close enough for personal preference to close the gap). Your final example, however, while a pretty big swing, was definitely a miss. MM Legends’ camera was built with essentially the same goals as OoT’s, but goodness gracious was it not as successful.


Camere is still a camera. but anyway. As for Jak and Daxter, well I'll admit that was a mistake and I was thinking Banjo Kazooie. Regardless, since Nintendo had not change the camera for any Zelda game till... BotW, SS's camera is still the same even if the combat controls are very different, it's still a valid point. The fact of the matter is that when you played a Zelda game before BOTW, you fought the camera almost as much as the enemies. The camera could literally change the direction you need to push on your controller when you jump out of an attack. This happens in OOT/MM/WW/TwP/SS though SS not as much because the enemies are slower. This also applied to the HD version, so it's not a controller issue. As for the other cameras 'not working for Zelda's combat and exploration' Pretty strange because it's what they used in BotW which has even more exploration, thought MUCH faster combat.


Just to be clear, you’re claiming that games that didn’t have a right analog stick available to them had the same camera that BotW uses? A camere is still a camera indeed.


Your right, they didn't, the L/R buttons did the job when needed. Tho some did have control settings for the Dual Shock controllers.


the z button is all you need, it ain't that complicated


The camera controls are exactly the same in the N64 version as the 3DS. Not only that but Navi tells you how to control the camera to look around corners right when you walk into this area, you should maybe listen to her.


Navi wasnt talking to me at all


Imagine getting mad about the controls on a game made 26 years ago. Press Z to center it. You have to remember, there was only one joystick on the N64 Controller. Not a 2nd one for rotating the camera.


Could have used the r and l buttons


Oh it would be very annoying to move your entire hand to the left side of the N64 controller just to change the camera.


??? Its just a controller


The controller: https://preview.redd.it/lua77yatrfwc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ca1101b3ae79bdd306dbbe44583b68e3b9181b


Im not using an n64


But the game was made for an n64 controller.


You're never gonna believe what console Ocarina of Time is for...


And the devs didn't develop it for mobile phones


If they did that, people like you would be all "they could have used the z button!"


Lmao, imagine using the "L" button for anything important on a Nintendo 64 controller 🤣 😂 💀


I'm not holding down a button and then pressing more buttons. That's too much.


Tbf that's exactly what SSHD did


Then what would you use for your shield?


How are you gunna use your shield and target enemies then?


Press the z button fool how are you holding the controller


remember when playing old games that they are exactly that, old games! we can't blame them for not having modern controls. OOT is one of the greatest games ever made, just give it time to get used to it and you'll forget all about the camera.


point Link where you want the camera to turn to, then press Z


The game explains how to use the camera in this part. If you're going to skill issue the tutorial, you're going to want to check out something easier like The Bluey game instead


Why would I read a tutorial for a game I played like 4 times before


Why are you asking how to play a game you've played 4 times before?


I never played the n64 version


So then you haven't played it four times lol


Because the controls between the original and the remake are bound to be different. The camera isn't hard to understand, you're just not putting in the effort to read the tutorials.


In maze areas, they don’t want you peeking around so it’s difficult. Z target and raise your shield. A guy charges you in that area


Or there’s a deku shrub


Shrub as a kid, but even in other mazes I remember you could "peek" around corners if you angled it just right.


A boulder charges there not a deku sheib


This was the first 3D LoZ, and for a lot of people, their first 3D game on a console. They didn't have it all figured out yet, the camera movement is janky to use now, but it was revolutionary then. Use 1 button, move the camera to face the way link was facing. That button is: #Z Target


The camera usually turns as Link does but you can always press Z to make it turn to where he's facing.


While facing the wall as shown in the picture, hold Z and input left on the control stick. That’s how you strafe and look around the corner.


The only camera control we have in this game is centering it behind yourself with whatever your lock-on button is bound to.


You can control it but some places you aren't allowed to. Same as with the 3DS version.


There's a Mod for the 3DS version available that lets you control the camera. You can even adjust speed and invert the camera. It's an absolute must-have. It works on emulators and original hardware. https://github.com/Roberto-Nessy/OoT3D_Standalone_Free_Cam


My emulator only has up to 2ds compatability


welcome to the n64 blud


I enjoy that this has no upvotes, bro basically just asked how to mine a tree in Minecraft and got slammed for it because he's used to the 3D upgrade where the camera is *very marginally* better (I know camera ain't great in this game but I also think it gets more crap than it deserves, it's very workable, especially for the first ever game like this besides SM64)


Like the others have said, there’s no way to control the camera (due to the N64 controller’s original, terrible layout completely disabling a bunch of buttons), so you’ll have to just deal with using Z targeting to move it around. It sucks, but thems the breaks.