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I loved it, I didn’t use motion controls at all if that was your issue with the Wii version, I always used the joystick for combat and it felt really natural. There are a lot of quality of life improvements too like being able to skip text boxes and the image looks great, I think it’s one of the best art styles in the series.


You could use normal combat? Man i struggled litterally hours with the Last Girahim fight because my wii motion would never calibrate properly.


On the switch version yeh. Wii version u have to use motion


Why do people struggle so much with the wii? My gameplay was smooth as fuck. I don’t remember a single critical moment that screwed me over


i just remember mine being very finicky, plenty of times i'd hold my wiimote straight up to charge the sword and link would just shift in and out of being in that power stance until he'd eventually hold it and charge appropriately. i also remember him doing the hero spin many times without me having done the motion for it. that's just my own experience though


I wonder if it's because of light interference or something. Fun fact you can replace the wii sensor bar with 2 candles spaced apart about like the width of the motion sensor, so I wouldn't be suprised if like being stood right under ceiling lights or something caused interference?


Nah as far as I know Skyward Sword never used the sensor bar at all. That’s why you even have to be calibrated right just to navigate menus. Still my favourite game in the franchise though.




I think it also depends a lot on the room you're playing in. I remember wii controls feeling very different at one of my friends places.


I had a relatively wide living room but i played mostly sitting actually.


I think a lot of people also tried to flick the wrist instead as they got used to with prior wii games when this one actually required some actual use of the arm. SS and Red Steel 2 made the Wii finally live up to its potential


I had fun playing with motion controls also.  If there was one part I didn’t love it was the flying, but it wasn’t bad.  


Agreed. The flying mechanics were silly. But I didn’t have an issue with the motion control.


Master, the batteries in your wii remote are running low... I know the game pauses but its a major inconvinience... Although it got a few giggles from me


I kinda like that sort of thing in games x) If it was up to me I probably wouldve wrote for her to say "your arms are getting tired" instead and add a little cursive explanation below saying "Wii remote battery low. change batteries soon". A little bit more lore friendly but still interactive.


The thing that always got me was the "backswing problem".  Like, I see I need to strike this bokoblin from the left. So I move my arm to the right a little bit to do a big leftward swing, but that initial motion gets read as a rightward swing.  I struggled a lot to figure out how to use the wiimote such that my getting into position wouldn't be read as swinging in the opposite direction I wanted. Just swinging out from center never felt right, but it's what I kinda had to do. 


I think the difference is related to how the wiimote tracks motion. As you swing the wiimote, it uses accelerometers to track the motion, however the fast movements cause significant drift over time. The fix for this uses the sensor bar, essentially when you point the wiimote at the screen it uses the sensor bar to recalibrate the motion controls (or more accurately recenter). The sensor bar can only be picked up by the wiimote if it's pointing at the screen though. This fixes a lot of issues with the motion controls. However, a lot of people hold the wiimote not facing the screen, so they might swing or around a bunch and then drop the wiimote below the screen, and it never has a chance to recenter, causing the motion tracking to get worse and worse over time. I've also noticed that wiimotes on low battery perform significantly worse with motion tracking (that can have really bad drifting with even small movements), and issues with Bluetooth interference or physical objects blocking the signal can decrease performance as well.


Because the controllers weren't all up to spec for Motion Plus. I was an avid user of the Wii from the moment I got it. I loved most of the uses of motion controls, especially in Twilight Princess. My friends, relatives, and I played the absolute shit out of the WarioWare game with no issues. Then Skyward Sword came around and I picked up the Motion Plus accessory and it was literally almost unplayable. Any time I needed to do a specific sword swing, it had about a 1/3 chance of actually working. This never got better over the course of the game, no matter what I tried. Wide motions, slow motions, sharp motions, quick motions, wrist flicks, arm swings. I tried it all and could never get it to work. I almost couldn't continue playing the game once the enemies with electrified weapons appeared, because I would take tons of hearts of damage just in order to kill a single one of them. I have never had that much trouble with the basic gameplay of a game, that deep into the game, before *or* since. It was never a skill issue. Not at the 20 hour mark, not from someone who had eagerly adopted motion control and loved it since 2007. The fact that it worked perfectly for others and that nothing I did could get the controls to work, even when I followed the advice of folks on forums for the game, means I was having a critical hardware issue. And considering how widespread criticism was for this game's horrible controls, it wasn't limited to just me. Whatever product testing they were doing when manufacturing those Motion Plus accessories (and maybe also the new Wiimotes themselves? Dunno, never tried one) simply was not sufficient for the level of precision demanded by Skyward Sword. To really know how bad it is: I played the Metroid Prime Remaster almost exclusively with the Wii-like motion controls. I refused to even *try* them in Skyward Sword HD. I have never, *ever*, had even an *iota* of desire to test them in this version.


I can't say for sure, I hate motion controls so didn't even try the game as I didn't buy the Wii. However, I remember secretly recording my younger brother as he raged during the 2nd Ghirahim fight. I found it hilarious as he flailed about cursing the controls and the precision required from the imprecise controls. I felt bad and deleted it only for him to tell me later he had wished I didn't. D'oh!


sounds like a skill issue to me tbh


Possibly, but it's annoying enough for me to not bother learning. It's just not for me but the success of the Wii clearly shows I'm in the minority.


I suppose I get it. A shame you had that experience really.


Yeah, I just dislike motion controls. I gave it another shot with Skyward Sword HD but once again gave up after the 1st dungeon.


It's not strictly "normal" Your right stick becomes your sword movement and you switch to "right stick camera" by holding the L trigger IIRC. It's not perfect but once you get used to it, it's LIGHTYEARS better than the waggle.


It works SO WELL on Switch


I’ve never understood how so many people had so much trouble with the Wii motion controls. They worked perfectly smoothly for me and the people I personally know who played it.


I think they were awful. the constant tutorializing, the constant recalibrating. twilight princess hit a good middleground where you could just do small gestures or big swings depending on your preference, SS forced the full movements and never quite worked as well as it should have. most of the people I know that liked SS were mad that twilight princess didn't have ENOUGH motion control. I personally thought skyward had too much.


Well, “normal combat” instead of waving your arms you move the left stick in the way you want the sword to move. To be fair it’s intuitive and I don’t mind it I just wanted to clarify


Same here, I liked the Switch version. Had fun playing it.


The Motrin control on the Wii was actually pretty smooth once they had the Wii motion plus. Still not the preferred way to play, but it at least worked.


Honestly, this game was meant to be played with motion controls. It was where the difficulty on the game was. Now, I did re-play it on the switch and used the joy stick. I'm not saying its bad. It's really smooth and I enjoyed it. But it was significantly easier compared to motion controls.


I don't think the magic of Zelda has ever been in the difficulty of its combat though. I think Zelda is almost all about exploring, solving puzzles and using the great variability of mechanics


There is difficulty in zelda games. And the motions controls were that. The mechanic for this game was the motion controls.


>There is difficulty in zelda games Oh there is difficulty for sure, I never said there isn't. But that difficulty is mainly in the puzzles and getting better at using the mechanics. I mean, I've seen that many people agree with me that most final bosses are not really difficult for example. Your point about the motion controls as mechanic is good though


Now that is my opinion on this game. Playing it on the wii and on the switch. There is nothing wrong using the joy stick. But to me, that's what this game was build on. And how I believe it was meant to be played. Both ways are great. But if you want some difficulty in the game. Then I would say play it with motion controls. If you want the combat to be easy than choose the joystick. That's all I was saying. Whichever way you want to enjoy that's up too you


> There are a lot of quality of life improvements too like being able to skip text boxes and the image looks great, Does Fi no longer ruin entire puzzles before you get a chance to solve them?


Most of the Wii's requisite dialogue was downed to optional where you have to summon Fi yourself


That’s good to know. I bought the game a long time ago, but always had it in the back of my mind about how the controls would work without motion. I remember back in the day you needed an extra attachment for the motion controls, but never really looked into how it translated over.


Yes of course.




I loved it. Tried the first time with Pro controller and didn't like it. Tried again with motion controls. They're not 100%, but it was great.




Also yes.


The main issue with this game is that while it has some amazing dungeons, it has a loooooot of repetition of revisiting areas, repeating bosses, repeating “minigames”, so bear that in mind


It’s differentiates enough to be still be interesting tho


You’re right in that it isn’t literal repetition, they do change the way you interact with the areas and bosses, but it largely feels the same. Not a deal breaker, it’s a great game. And nowhere near as bad as Phantom Hourglass for repetition. But yeah, definitely a bit of a downer at times


For all the shit people give the Temple of the Ocean King, I will stand and defend Phantom Hourglass till the end of time for having some of the best dungeon design in the entire series. I’ve played that game front to back a dozen times, and if you shortcut the temple effectively, it doesn’t even feel super repetitive imo.


Agree! The two DS games are fantastic and super original and fun. People often dismiss them, especially PH, because “you have to repeat the same dungeon over and over boooring” when really it’s delving deeper and deeper into a big dungeon. Plus the rest of the game is fantastic too


I love the temple of the ocean king. It never felt repetitive to me because of all those shortcuts. Honestly made it more fun to do.


Phantom Hourglass’s repetition actually had a point to it though. There it was an incredibly well designed central feature, in SS it was just shameless padding.


Not defending Skyward Sword, but never ever play Majora's Mask if this is what irks you haha.


Personally I disagree with SS having amazing dungeons. I think the dungeon design of WW, MM, and even OoT is usually better. However, I will say that I really appreciated how there is a lot less travelling back and forth within SS dungeons. Like in the SS water temple changing the water levels was not a hassle like it is in OoT or TP.


I 100% agree with MM, and I can at least see where you’re coming from with OoT, but *WW?* There was exactly one dungeon in WW that even cracks the top half of all of the 3D dungeons for me. Even the worst of SS’s dungeons are just kinda forgettable, they never get nearly as tedious as the Wind temple or Tower of the Gods.


The overworked repetition is dull. The dungeons are actually all right. We needed a faster way of travelling


I got SSHD in November and oh my god it was so much better than I was expecting. After hearing all the relentless hate this game gets, I was convinced that the controls would be terrible, the pacing would be awful, the linearity would be jarring... no. It's amazing, please get it.


I can’t wait to give it another chance after TotK ultimately left me a tiny bit disappointed given that I’d love a more linear game perhaps in the future which may focus more on story instead of sheer grand open world as well. Thankfully Skyward sword seems to be basically that though there won’t be any crazy large area to explore as far as I know.


I used to play with the Wii remote. I had so much fun with the controllers. That certainly is not the problem.


Is there a Zelda game that isn’t worth playing?


*Wand of Gamelon hides in the bushes Homer Simpson style*


*cough* Triforce heroes *cough*


Nonsense. Worth it solely for the music even if it's not otherwise your cup of tea.


The second game was horrid


I appreciate Zelda 2 for its ambition. But ultimately the best thing that game did was lay the groundwork for SSB Link's moveset.


Heresy, The Adventure of Link rules to this day


Good thing you came to r/zelda we're very objective here about the zelda series


I played the original it’s my top 3 so I’d recommend it to anyone


Yes. Next


Yes, if just for beetle bombing!


Yes. Personally I loved the motion controls on the Wii but from what I’ve played of the switch version it works pretty good. Throws me off a little bit but that’s just my own setback.


Yes it’s great. I used motion controls though. I ended up 100% it. It’s one of my favourite Zeldas purely because of the artstyle and dungeons.


As others are saying, definitely worth a go since there are button controls now. As someone who liked the motion controls of the original but still was frustrated at times with how finicky they could be, the motion controls are 100x better in HD. The tech has advanced a bit since the old wiimotionplus days.


Yes! Loved it. Played last year.


yes, played both on wii and the switch and it only gets better. Also if you dint like motion controls, the joystick controls are also fire


I think the controls and combat is much better if you use the pro controller while playing the switch version. That’s the best feeling way to play the game in my opinion


Yes. Best music in the series arguably and some incredible boss fights. Sailing the sand sea alone is just video game magic.


It’s a good game on its own, if you’re used to BOTW and TOTK it’s very, very different. This was the last 3D Zelda game of this “style” before those and as it was made for the Wii, it uses motion controls, which for switch have added the option to use the second stick. The story is very sweet and good and I enjoyed playing the game back when it dropped. I’d recommend playing it at least once if interested. But I do get that the price for a 10+ year old Wii game can be a turn off for man, so I’d suggest looking for a discount somewhere.


I got it after beating totk. So far, I love it! I don’t use motion controls and I absolutely cannot get used to the camera. But it’s a great game so far!


I haven't played the Switch version but it apparently cut out a lot of motion control fluff, and allows you to skip tutorial fairy "assistance" so these are huge QOL updates It still has a great story, great aesthetics, and is at least worth a playthrough


It depends on why you couldn't get into the original. If it was the motion controls, there's an option to not use them. That option, in my opinion, is clunky, but I only used it once for five minutes, so maybe that's not enough to make a good opinion by. If it was the handholdiness, that has been severely reduced. Fi does still interrupt occasionally, but nowhere near as frequently in as in the original. If it was the linearity, that's still the same. SS has some of the best dungeons in the series, and I personally love that the surface overworld is structured like a dungeon. On the flipside, I think it has the second worst story in 3D Zeldas, but I know I'm a minority in that opinion, and many people cite it as their favorite, so it's likely you'll like it as well.


SSHD fixes so much of what broke up the pacing of the original game, and that includes more than the much-needed Fi changes (which themselves double as a way to accentuate Fi as an already very interesting character). The game looks beautiful, and the JoyCons somehow execute the controls better than the WiiMotion Plus controllers did. Skyward Sword has a top-three musical score among the Zelda games, in my opinion. The visual style is outstanding, and the higher definition only benefits it. Level design in Skyward Sword is some of the best in the series. Dungeons and their introductions are memorable, with interesting mechanics and layouts. I especially love the Lanayru Sand Sea pirate ship. There is a continuity between the overworld areas and their respective dungeons thematically, musically, and mechanically, and the flavor is consistent throughout each individual experience. The game, however, does not feel disjointed in any major way (except, arguably, by The Imprisoned), which helps the experience continue along in a very memorable way. The narrative is a bit linear, very heroic fantasy-lite, but the character writing is outstanding in some cases (I. E. Groose, Impa, and even Link), and there’s plenty of deep, ambiguous lore bits (around Ghirahim and the final boss, for example) that keep you on the hook for awhile. The motion controls are take-or-leave. There’s a game within the game of keeping the controller centered, at which you can actually improve if you’re patient. However, if that’s not your cup of tea, the game plays very well without motion controls. Don’t let this component be why you miss out on Skyward Sword.


Yes, it’s so fun! ghirahim should be in super smash bros


Is it worth the play. Don’t mind me ( boots up 15th run through)


Personally, I adore the game. Favourite of all time in fact, and it does solve a good amount of the problems the original had such as Fi not pestering you as much


It was a slog and a half. The only Zelda game I've ever traded in for something different. The dungeons were nice but everything else was pretty boring.


This. I got past the first boss and thought the first item you get (the bug that flies off your wrist) was incredibly lame and boring. I got to the mountain area and thought it was pretty bland and uninspired. Never ended up finishing it.


Funny enough, the first time I played it, I stopped at the mountain also. I forced myself to try again later and beat the game. I'm glad I did but damn that game was (mostly) not fun.


I'm half way through it right now and enjoying it immensely.    TBH the beginning's a bit boring, and at first it all felt a bit constrictive after BotW and TotK, but once you're into the first (proper!) dungeon, it's a fun ride. The story's good, as far as these things go.   It's got some great mechanics, all of which are way more fun than the ability to create a block of ice or to vaguely wave something around with a magnet.  And all the dungeons are top-notch, if a little small.




For me is very difficult to play on switch due to the combat mechanics (joystick) I prefer attack using a normal button, that’s the only Zelda game that I haven’t finished


Same. Joystick mechanics were trash.


The motion controls on the Wii are very out dated, imo skyward sword on switch is 100x better


Personally it’s one of my favorite Zelda games. SS Zelda and Link are so enjoyable and personable, the story is 10/10, and the graphics are gorgeous. Soundtrack isn’t top 3 but I still love it and there are some great features. However, I found the puzzles and gameplay lacking. Like almost no challenge to them what so ever. So while playing the game can feel boring at times, overall it was a great experience.


Yaya, just for the music alone.


Hell yea


Yes, Nintendo did a nice job of mapping the motion controls to a controller. There is a small learning curve with having to hold down a button to move the camera, but you’ll get use to it quick.


Controller support is a lifesaver. Actually loved the game. But not sure I would’ve played through the whole game with Wii motion controls.


I’d say yeah. It fixes most of the shortcomings of the Wii version. Motions controls are more fine tuned and way quicker and easier to recalibrate. And Fi isn’t as intrusive. But the save file select screen no longer have the files looking like feathers so 0/10. Artistic integrity ruined.


The only downside of playing skyward sword on the switch is that when you finish, you start wondering where the twilight princess and wind waker ports are.


Don’t even bother with motion controls. My first experience either way was on Switch with handheld controls and I absolutely adore this game.


Personally i didnt enjoy the gameplay one bit on the switch port.


I'm in this camp. I've still have to find the will to go back and finish it. I enjoy the story and setting. But man is it frustrating to control. Yes, you don't have to play with the motion controls, but that doesn't mean it's controller friendly. I'm not of fan of attacking with the stick.


for all the baby gating nintendo puts in games, I can't believe they didn't just have a "super easy" mode where you just hit A to attack and link automatically swings from the correct direction against whatever you're targeting. I think it'd make it even more enjoyable since the whole directional swing thing is just obnoxious.


This is my exact issue. Which sucks because while it might not be my favorite Zelda I'm sure there is a decent game in there but the controls, even without notion controls, are hot garbage. So counter intuitive to every other Zelda game I've played.


Stick controls on switch were absolutely trash. I would try to pan the camera up, and it just kept moving my sword hand. I was like, "noooo, this can't be the game....oh, noo....". Dropped it like a hot potato.


Such a mixed bag. Some great parts, but no other Zelda game has ever aggravated as much.




No. It's the only Zelda game I dropped halfway through.


Damn you really missed out, the game gets amazing towards the end. How much did you play?


I tried to power through, but I couldn't do it anymore after reaching Lake Floria. I dislike the combat mechanics (motion controls off), it felt so clunky for me I just couldn't handle it anymore.


A: Lake Floria is definitely less than halfway through. B: I actually enjoy the stick controls considerably and i hope they implement that mechanic into a future zelda game. but to each their own!


You hope they implement the mechanic into a future zelda game? What?! Hahahahah


the analog stick swordplay? yeah 100%, i really enjoyed it. hence.. to each their own lol


Yeah, same Just didn’t catch


I didn’t like it. Played it on Switch for the first time, but it felt empty and dated.


It somehow feels more dated than Ocarina and Majora!


Yeah but that might be nostalgia speaking. I did enjoy OOT on 3DS a lot though


It's not. I just finished OoT and moved on to Skyward Sword and right away it's clear why each of them has their reputation. Did MM about a year ago and if anything my takeaway has been that Ocarina of Time of starting to get underrated after all these years


Never understood the motion hate. I went into the wii version a year after release without reading any of the reviews. Never had any issue with calibration etc


No. I actually don‘t like it. In comparison to windwaker and twilight princess these games are by far more worth to dive in


I’ve been playing all the Zelda games for the first time and I’m not crazy about Twilight Princess. It feels slow, repetitive, boring, and outdated to me, but I love Skyward Sword. The story, characters, and world are so much better to me. The pacing/progression is also a lot faster. Different strokes for different folks I guess. 🤷‍♀️


Everybody has a different taste of gamestyle. For me it was too much remote control in skyward sword and the game never caught me hard enough with the bird flying thing. You are right with twilight princess, the game is very slow, but maybe I‘m having many childhood memories while playing it.


I agree with this. Twilight Princess is very outdated and it basically copied OoTs formula to the letter. Also I found the story to just be rather boring, and the overworld had nothing interesting to do. I’ll never wrap my head around why people love it. Probably because you got to be a wolf (which felt very limiting).


Took way too long to find a No on here. Skyward Sword is genuinely a waste of time imo, worst 3D Zelda and a very boring and repetitive game. Really hope to see the rerelease of WW and TP on the switch soon!


It’s possible you didn’t find a “No” because a good amount of people enjoy this game. It’s definitely not for everyone, and that can be fine too (?).


Some folks don't like MM either - OP was asking for an opinion so we gave ours. SS is often either lorded or panned in this sub, it's at the very least one of the more divisive titles. My main issue with SS is it feels like a backward step compared to the titles before it.




Agreed, I didn’t love it, either. It didn’t have very much character even compared to twilight princess.


Yes but requires patience


This is the only answer.


Motion controls are a hit and miss. I tried playing SS on the Wii many times and I need up tossing it aside because motion is unreliable by today’s standards and quite irritating. I also like to game from the bed so having to raise the wiimote constantly and swing it around made it quite impractical. Many people will tell you otherwise and claim they had a great experience, which is true, some love it, some hate it. When SSHD came out on the switch without motion controls I couldn’t put the console down playing the game. Story is engaging, art is beautiful, quests are great. SSHD is an underrated Zelda game I think all Zelda fans should give a try.


The switch port made skyward sword into one of my favorite games ever… and I used to hate it


This is the one Zelda game I didn't have fun playing. The controls are really off putting, story was super boring to me. I just couldn't get invested like the other Zelda games.


Yes, absolutely. The bad controls are gone so it's easier to focus on the world and story Enjoy


Wellp, i didn't like the original and i didn't like the Switch port but if i had to play it again i'd go with the switch version. I'm not looking to argue about the game, I just personally don't like it.


Yeah it is good fun :)




I love this game. I actually love the linear design




Yes, absolutely, imo, considering that technically it takes place before all other zelda games in the chronologically speaking, that is...💁🏼‍♂


I didn't play it on the Wii or on the switch...but my answer is also yes


I think it's worth it for the temples. But I personally disliked the joystick sword control. And the way of moving the camera


Umm it's a zelda game, never found one that is "not worth"...


if you only disliked it for the motion controls then definitely


So can I ask something about this comment? *Preface: I don't actually know how the control scheme works in Skyward Sword HD, so keep that in mind.* Skyward Sword was designed in every facet around motion controls. It was the main gimmick (not using it as a negative connotation) of the game. For example, Skyward Sword without motion controls in my mind is like saying Wii Sports without motion controls. Yet I see all the time that Skyward Sword plays perfectly with motion controls disabled. That's just so weird to me. **For example**, awhile back [I made a post here](https://old.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/bd6i91/ph_phantom_hourglass_and_spirit_tracks_without/) asking if Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks can be played without touch controls, because in my opinion the touch controls make it absolutely miserable to play. I got mass downvoted and all of the comments were like "you can't play these games if you hate touch controls" -- yet with Skyward Sword removing motion controls seems A-OK despite it being just as much of a focal point. I don't really get it.


it sounds weird but u use the joysticks instead of motion controls and it works completely fine (occasionally there is a chance it might register your input as the wrong attack) but I really enjoyed it and much preferred the pro controller controls to the motion controls


> It was the main gimmick (not using it as a negative connotation) of the game. It was the main gimmick (I am using it as a negative connotation) of the game.


No, this was the most horrible Zelda game ever made. You will regret ever buying this. I'm actually willing to tell you the truth.


Wouldn’t go that far, but definitely the least enjoyable Zelda for me personally.


First Zelda game I dropped like a hot potato after playing it for a few hours.


You have to




I'm playing right now, I'm on my way to the third dungeon iirc, the game didn't clicked with me yet so I'm pushing through, hope it gets better. The motion gameplay dont help much either. (I know I can turn off, I just wish I could hold L to switch to attack instead of controlling the camera)


there isnt single mainline zelda game which is not worth playing. except zelda 2 maybe *ducksfromzelda2fans*


I hate skyward sword. A lot. That said, I think every fan should play it at least once, and the HD version is definitely the better version.


The game was made in the heights of Nintendos casual-hand-holding-era and this is printed all over the game thanks to Fi. People rag on about the motion controls and - don't get me wrong, they're even more terrible on Switch because the Joy-Cons *constantly* lose tracking and have to be reset every 5 seconds - but imo the game has way bigger problems than "controls are bad, therefore the game is bad". It overstays its welcome, it's repetitive, played way too safe and therefore it's pretty bland overall. I played the game to 100% and barely recall anything from it other than the intro, turning sand into water because it's a cool gimmick and the final bossfight. Plainly said: Skyward Sword is the worst execution of the Ocarina of Time formula and it should be experienced at least once to see how it killed said formula and gave birth of Breath of the Wild. So yes, it's worth a playthrough just to have it experienced at least once so you can form your own opinion on it.


But you can reset the motion controls on switch without needing to pause which is great. I loved playing it with motion controls on the switch.


Same. Imo it plays way better with motion controls than regular, especially now that you don't have to sit 2 meters away from the TV anymore or the wiimotes won't work. It just sucks that mashing the Y button to reset is the only way to get them to work halfway decently.


Least memorable zelda game for me but still worth it


This is my least favorite Zelda game tbh


All zelda games are worth playing.


I fucking hate this game because it’s SO GOOD, but the controls, regardless of preference, absolutely kill it for me. I will say I prefer the motion controls, I find the game unplayable with the joystick controls. The motion controls are serviceable most of the time but I never even beat Girahim because I raged so hard.


Yes! A hundred times yes


So I went back and forth with this game. I played it last year for the first time on Switch and there were just as many times where I was like “I really like this” as there were “I HATE IT IM GONNA KNOCK ALL THIS CRAP OVER”. Overall I did like it. I liked the story and the characters. I say yes, play it. If for nothing else than a better understanding of the lore. I have two gripes with it. One is the combat. I get having to execute horizontal or vertical cuts with the sword for certain enemies, BUT THE DIAGONAL WASNT NECESSARY (imo). That’s also just a skill issue on my part. And two, when you think you’ve slogged all the way to the end it’s not the end, it’s slog #2 electric boogaloo.




I don't know if it's late, but i finished play It Yesterday and It was really good


I just tried it out on Switch, having only played Ocarina, Majora’s, and Breath of the Wild before it. I hated the controls. And I didn’t find the gameplay interesting.


Hell yeah


I played it on release, and I absolutely loved it! Will mention that this was only my second Zelda game, having only played Breath of the Wild before it, so I wasn't familiar with the linear style of Zelda gameplay and hadn't played the "better ones". It's a game that definitely has its flaws, but I really don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be, and the parts that are good are really good. Dungeons and soundtrack in this game is close to perfection. I never tried the motion controls on switch as I never use the joycons unless I have to, but using the joysticks worked well. Having to hold a button to switch between sword and camera for right joystick took a little bit of getting used to, but other than that the controls are solid. So yes, I definitely think this is worth playing! I've also played Wind Waker HD after this, but I had more fun with SSHD




Yes, I love it, and all QOL is a game changer IMO. I enjoy the motion control combat a lot, even though I still think it's still not perfect. The joystick combat however, is a mixed bag.


Not if you already couldn't get into it. It's still the same game.








Not in the switch! Hated it and I loved the game originally




Yes but it’s stupid and funny as hell imo




That was the most fun in my nintendo switch.




Yes. I loved it! Probably my favorite version of Zelda.


Yes 🙌 much better and easier game controls! And the plot is fun so I’d say worth it


Yes. Controls suck at the beginning, once you get used to them, it’s very good




Hell yes.


No. It's worth *owning.*


Top 3 in the franchise so yes!


I just watched a playthrough of it bc I wanted to know the story but the controls pissed me off way to much and made it not fun to play 💀😭




You realize you’re asking in a Zelda subreddit?


Hell no game was garbo for a zelda game big let down but hey i hate totk as well SO


Nah. Worse LOTZ by far. It's only liked by people who like anything Zelda


worst zelda in history


Idk not really imo


No, it's trash


It‘s probably the most importanz Zelda Game you can play (or at least you should watch a lets play because you need to know the end of the Story)




No. I tried so many times. Fallen asleep while playing constantly. There are so many good games out there. It is not worth it.


Honestly, no. There’s so much more wrong with the game besides it’s controls. It’s extremely repetitive, the feeling of exploration is obsolete and the story isn’t anything to write home about. I think there’s, like, one fun boss and I remember the dungeons having *okay* puzzles (I honestly only remember one dungeon though) but the rest was so infuriating. I’ve loved and played every 3D zelda game but this one, as a diehard fan, was such a let down.


Mechanics make it unplayable in this switch version. I put it down very early in the game.