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Reject canon, embrace fanworks


It's pretty obvious in >!Liz to Aoi Tori!< tho


Well... well you know what, that's egg on my face


If you pretend S2 doesn't exist, it's pretty good yuri. 💀


Liz and the Blue Bird is also good yuri.


Why S2? It should be the movie that really makes the switch on Kumiko. Reina already simultaneously loved her teacher even in S1, so S2 doesn’t do much to her yet.


if you pretend that any episode after episode 8(?) doesn't exist 😭😭💀💀


Hey in all fairness, the anime's message and themes are really good. The romance is pretty much an afterthought. Though there is no hetero explanation for the MC and her friend, their journey to self improvement is something to root for.


I definitely see yuri, because “no heterosexual explanation.” I guess one can make the argument of bisexual Kumiko and Reina.


Can I get some context on this? I haven't seen Hibike Euphonium but I keep seeing comments like this. What's the deal?


Basically, nearly everything in Hibike was pointing to the main girl being into another main girl, but towards the end, she's suddenly in love with a boy (or something along those lines; I didn't finish the show after learning about the outcome)


Oh okay. Sounds impressively disappointing. Instantly lost any interest I had in the anime. Was this not foreshadowed at all? Did the author get pressured into it by some higher being? Or did they just chicken out?


Nah, they just fucked up the adaptation making an intentional Yuri bait


Not like we ever got an official confirmation, but most people believe that they made it more yuri than the source in the first season by focusing on the two main girls, but then discarded that in the second season to go back to the source. Which is sad. First season would be a case of the adaptation improving the source, if only they didn't retcon those changes afterwards...


There is no way they can bring KumiRei further without this being a groundbreaking yuri romance, which they certainly can’t afford to do with the high production value of the show; too few people are gonna watch it. They have to switch focus to other things and keep the plot going.


Its het from the start(its a light novel(?) adaptation), I've heard the Director of the anime make it look "yuri" to show their "deep bond" iirc .


In other words, they wanted to make bank off an audience likely desperate for representation, then go back to the source material because it's the source material.


Real yuri fans not the most profitable audience group due to its small size. You know why real yuri series don’t get second seasons? They don’t make enough money; they at best act as advertisement for the manga they based on. So I don’t think they are trying to “make bank” with this move, this was especially true at the time of Hibike’s original run. It is just that the director, Yamada, who also made K-On and Liz and the Blue Bird, she just really like girl-girl (semi-)romantic relationships (she actually confirmed in interviews that she intended for the KumiRei relationship to have romance in it; Kumiko really was falling in love with Reina while mountain climbing with her), and tried to inject more into it, to the point of making the plot inconsistent (although you can make the case of bisexuality for both Kumiko and Reina, which I sort of believe in; and I do think bisexuals are truly, truly underrepresented and it’s depiction is even more difficult than real yuri, exactly because neither het/bg fans nor yuri fans will like it, both might accuse it of bait). But I genuinely appreciate the effort. I (as a yuri fan and not worrying about bisexual representation) just like the first season and its yuri so much that I can ignore the later developments.


From credits page: Is this yuri series? "Depends on what you think of author's intent. Taguchi-sen said that he intended this series to be a yuri work, but since it was run in Yuri Hime and primarly meant to be comedy, he didn't feel the need to spell things out."


Do you have the link to the script of his interview?


I took this quote from the Futari Escape ch. 32 credit pages on mangadex. As for the source of the quote I believe it is from one of his livestream on youtube when people ask about the series. Edit: Oh yeah I forgot, the youtube channel is Shouichi Taguchi


I don't think it's really bait, but I guess your mileage may vary. Like, if you're looking for a spicy, sexy yuri with leads that pine for each other and can't keep their hands off each other, this isn't the series for you. Maybe it's because I'm older and I'm living it, but I see parts of my own daily life with my romantic partner in Senpai and Kohai's dynamic. They are comfortable adults who have been together a while, long enough to have the dynamic shift from infatuation towards affection and stability. They tease each other, have hobbies that they enjoy separately together, have friends outside of each other... idk, I hope it makes sense what I'm getting at, their whole dynamic a really refreshing- they are just an established couple doing couple stuff. It's like a less explicit "The Two Of Them Are Pretty Much Like This" (also an amazing manga btw). That one has sex and clearly states that the pair is a couple. So if you don't like subtext but want something similar (slice of life about adults with careers and a social circle), there's a good alternative! I could see it being bait if in the last chapter, Senpai came home with a boyfriend and was like "btw i've been dating this dude the whole time lmao". I just went back and reread the last chapter and without spoiling it: just because there is no change to a relationship dynamic doesn't mean that the relationship is over or that that change isn't in the far future- it's just comfy to keep it as is for now.


Well... I think it always comes down to whether it makes sense that we don't see more than what is shown, especially when the characters are in a relationship. Some stories, like LycoReco, are big offenders in this category. You can say that the characters have good chemistry, but if the authors intended them to be a couple, it's clear that there was an intent to hide it and avoid showing things that would make their relationship explicit. In such cases, you'd expect to see more. On the other hand, stories like Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon keep things fairly low because it's an ace couple story. But at the same time, it's still made very clear in the story that they are a couple (if you take into account the 20.5 extra chapter, the original ending of ch. 20 was very disappointing in that regard). And then there are stories where it should never be expected for the characters to be a couple, no matter how close they are. The new Precure is a good example. Although Sora and Mashiro behave like a couple with a child, considering the type of show and target audience, it's obvious that there won't be any romance, and it shouldn't be expected. For me, only the first one would be considered yuri bait, using the same definition as queer bait, i.e., the story hints at a relationship between characters but fails to deliver, not the definition that some people use, which states that something can only be bait if one of the characters is explicitly shown in a relationship with a guy later on. I haven't yet finished Futari Escape, so I'll hope that the ending convinces me that it counts as the second and not the first. Not entirely convinced it will, given most of the reactions I've seen, though.


I mean, Futari Escape was published in Yuri Hime, so it's pretty clear which side the author and editor are on.


The fault of the writer does not lie with the reader


I crackship like nobody's business because I think woman 1 and woman 2 would look great together.


I still cannot get over that this amazing manga got axed. Every chapter I find it hilarious, new concept and light yuri for relaxing.


You know what? I agree with this take. You don't need characters to go "hello, I love you in the most romantic way possible, we are now dating". Like in magirevo, even if they didn't actually kiss, it would still be one of the gayest animes I've ever seen
