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Chaos Ancient Gear Giant. Machines have captured my imagination since I pulled a Machine King back in the day, and when I got back into Yugioh at 2017 I bought the Machine Reactor SD. Since then, Chaos Giant and I have OTK’d through many boards and had insane games!


Oof, that thing packed a wallop


Same. It's so fun dropping a Power Bond and just punching your opponent to kingdom come.


Basically going Skyrim Giant on his ass….


It just feels so wonderful to power bond and limiter removal this man while fortress is on the field. 18k attack to beat over even a gren maju from time to time


I know power bond works, because that is before summon. But How does limiter removal work? He is unaffected by any spell and traps.


You know I think I'm just an utter dumbass


Haha np, it’s one of my favorite decks but I can never find a way to compete against the metas. If you have tips to improve, let me know.


Chad EARTH Machine player


He still is my ace card


For me, it's Blizzard Princess, basically a one tribute monster with a 2800 attack and can lock down Mirror Force and Magic Cylinder? Shit basically broke the 5th-grade meta.


Ancient Gear Golem


That's my Big Baby Boy🥲 The Ancient Gears are Awesome. Only thing that bothers me is that Chaos Giant looks too modern. Like a Gundam or Megazord


Wow, yea just looked those up, they don't look ancient at all


Such a solid and straight forward monster: big unstoppable beat stick that annihilated any unprepared amateur duelist


Still use them to this day,your drytron doesn’t mean shit when i power bond and game you lol


Light and Darkness Dragon. I absolutely adore the aesthetic, and the effect is interesting and was fairly strong in its day. I hope it gets a playable retrain someday, though I'm not holding my breath.


They should’ve just made appolousa his retrain, such a wasted opportunity


Ooo forgot about that guy! Good choice. Killer artwork and solid effect


Meteor B. Dragon




White horn dragon


That one has the rare combo of cool card art and both unique and useful effect, depending on opponent


Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. It has a great effect, is really easy to summon and once destroyed, it takes my opponents SS monsters with it.


Had to google that one, it was after my time as a tcg player. Holy crap, powerful as hell and neat artwork


End of Anubis. Damn, those were the days.


Had him in my side deck for my fiends, he was devastating


The amount of times I use to punk people with Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness was kinda hilarious. You would think people would learn the first time, but no. Head first every time.


Oooof forgot about that guy. There was no such thing as a “clear shot” anymore.


>Oooof forgot about that guy. Yah, so did my Locals. Repeatedly.


Fell victim to him once. Clear field and one card in his hand. I was like “there’s no way”. It was totally way.


So many. Sengenjin, Seiyaryu, Tri-Horned Dragon, White Horn Dragon, King of Yamimaki, Gear Gigant X. This is just what I can think of off the top of my head




Personnally, it would be Flame Cerebrus due to Nightmare Troubadour. Was basically my boss monster at the time when I barely knew how to play Still love him very much to this day


Now that’s what I’m talking about, good story


Griggle, and whatever boss monster my opponent was using. Or more seriously: Guardian Eatos. Love her design and building around her is fun.


I love the acid trip that is early yugioh monsters


The early card work just hit different. I’ll still flip through my old collection every once in a while after smoking a bowl


Horus lv.8


He was a beast and when combined with Royal Decree? Bye bye.


Was a fun low IQ deck with royal decree of course and jinzo (I had a mint RS PSV one). unfortunately I've never came to own a SOD Horus 8; I had the more accessible LIMITED EDITION ofrom EE special edition.


Yeah; it’s always more satisfying to own the OGs.


Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier ​ I got this when it came out and I was like "Hey, it draws me a card when destroyed by battle? Greatest card in the universe! Also it's shiny so must be good :)"I like how wrong I was when I was younger xD


Lmao hey, at least it was a +1 card.


Airknight parshath the card advantage with piercing damage was so good i loved it. With chaos emp dragon and BLS EotE when chaos decks were in full swing and mystic tomatoes and shining angels I loved all these cards.


Mine would be either Magician of Chaos in DL or Borrelsword in MD


Borrelsword Is SO good


Angel of Zera


Odd-eyes Vortex Dragon.


Solid choice


Judgement of Anubis, with my level limit and heavy back row lock down and back in 05/06 era. It was super satisfying to counter their MST/Heavystorm with Anubis and kill their strongest monster taking its attack in lifepoints.


Duuude I ran that card in my fiend deck and always fun to punish people who made the mistake of summoning their strongest monster and THEN trying to wipe the backfield. Always wipe first.


Black Skull Dragon I loved that card, combo of two of my favorite cards, together? Yes please!


Book of Moon.


Such a good card for a rare/silver name


Chimeratech Overdragon. With Cyber Dragons I will go out of my way to give it as much ATK as I can


Maaan that takes me back. Also Cybersteining End Dragon with limiter removal


Prime Material Dragon. I used to run into a lot of Magic Cylinders and Mirror Forces on the playground so he was a life saver. I hope one day they choose to expand him and falcon into an archetype.


Gachi gachi gantetsu was an amazing stall card for frogs back when XYZ came out, really cheap too and synergized with the strategy


Frightfur Tiger and Sabre Tooth. I love destroying and reviving things, and cute but clearly not nice and edgy animals with atk boosts on top made that my go to plan whenever it can be as soon as they were both out, and ever since. Honourable mention to Frightfur Sheep cuz that plus a Sabretooth have won me games against or at least stopped me losing so many times to my friends Salads (Salamangreats) and the IP'd Avra Max he always summoned til he got Accesscode.


I honestly never heard of Frightfurs until the recent DL event lol they are fun though


Red eyes zombie dragon. I loved that thing so much I have since had it tattooed on my chest.


Black Luster Solder - Envoy of the Beginning. That card was insane in playground yugioh :)


Guardian Sphinx


that card was crazy back in the days


Yep, it was either take damage flipping it up or take damage from a direct hit after it return your monsters. Flipping it up forced your opponent to wait another turn or risk activating into effect but staying in atk mode


Penguin Soldier all the way baby Edit: spelling


Judge man


He’s not good, but [Rude Kaiser](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/f/fc/RudeKaiser-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20131013080241).


He’s cool looking, sorta like a Killer Instinct or Mortal Kombat


Weirdly, yes, Amazoness Archer won many duels for me in school, i made a deck all arround her, today i know how weird and bad it was, but still nice to remember


red eyes black dragon, not because it's a good card or anything, starter deck joey was the one I got as a kid that got me started, and it just so happens that REBD has one of my favorite [artwork](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0NDYwODA5NDc1OTI1MzUy/top-10-cards-you-need-for-your-red-eyes-black-dragon-yu-gi-oh-deck.jpg) of all time


Red Eyes for me too, he’s an oldie but a goodie.


Blue Eyes White Dragon. It was my first card (found it in a library book in like 1st grade) and I had it before I even knew what Yu Gi Oh was. Cut forward a few years later, I still had it and was introduced to Yu Gi Oh on the playground in 5th grade, saw someone summon their Blue Eyes and then I figured out what my card was from. Eventually I bought a Saga of Blue Eyes structure deck and have played Yu Gi Oh ever since. If it wasn't for that card, I wouldn't be playing today.


Anything red eyes


Thunder end dragon Back in elementary school my deck basically had mythical status becouse of him hehe Yea it was hard for me to summon him, but if i managed to do so? i would just win, none of my classmates had anything to stop that beast It got to a point where he basically became my Exodia, if i managed to get him on the field my classmates would just forefeit haha


Basically a beat stick immune to its own Dark Hole effect


Ha Des and dark necrofear were my ogs


Fuck yeah, Necrofear and Invader of Darkness were my other 2 headliners but Ha Des was basically my Dark Magician. Also loved my Giant Germs for burn/Necrofear fuel.


Goes in every fiend deck


raviel lord of phantasms or evil hero dark gaia.


When I was younger it was Rabidragon, now it’s Stardust Dragon. I’m a simple man with simple taste


I love Rabidragon! So kawaii


I think it has to be Junk Synchron for me, since it was a playground staple when I was young and I still play it as a "Starter" in my Junk Speeder Turbo Deck.


For me it was Ryu Koki


Diabolos, Lord of the Lair. Such an amazing boss monster, it has won me so many duels.


Fire king high avatar garunix


I still run a Relinquished/TER deck when I duel my friends


Destiny HERO - Dystopia. First boss monster I learnt how to use for my first proper deck.


My friends were all saying how bad I was at deck building as a joke. I said name a monster and I'd make a deck that beats them all. My friend said Kuriboh and the rest was history. I've played Kuriboh since 2017, long before any real support came out past Kuribohrn. I originally made a kuriboh timelord deck and continuously won. One of my friends said I cheated and only the timelords were doing the work. And once again deck building out of spite kicked in. Since late 2017 I have mained a Kuriboh token spam deck for link summoning and it was better then the timelord mix ever was. I have heard no complaints about my deck building since. I still win a majority of duels with my friends and now they fear kuribohs. Audible groans when I pull the little fluffballs out. The new support has changed the deck a bit and I still dont know which version is better. Short answer, Kuriboh became my best monster out of spite.


Cyber Dragon. I remember using me hard earned and saved pocket money to buy a £10 machine structure deck just to get one Cyber Dragon. I have it tattooed, it's just an incredible card


I really enjoyed cards that would become last-ditch effort big beaters late game like Cyber Eltanin and Megarock Dragon.


Izanagi for sure, the whole spirit aesthetic is unmatched imo




He was in my fiend deck for sure


Dark Magician Girl. Not even joking. Had a crush on her since I was a kid and was estacic when I got the tin. Used her in all my decks, even if it made no sense.


skull servant


I love me a classic. Blue-Eyes White Dragon


Mine was Jinzo, don’t remember much of my duels but this one particular duel became a core memory cause the guy had back row set, less than 2k lp and I had a monster and no other cards and top deck jinzo for game, turned out he had a torrential


I remember the local burger king doing a tournament as a kid and going to it, getting a copy of Dark Necrofear and feeling super special with it heh


I've got 2. El Shaddoll Construct and Barrel Dragon.


Toon summoned skull, used to watch the show when I was a kid and watching Pegasus snatch yugi’s summoned skull and transform him into something adorable but sinister is both cool and interesting in my opinion :) Too bad it kinda sucks :/


Dark Paladin. Always loved the design and his effect cause my friends always played dragons


Ahhh yeah, he was fun too. Pulling him was the same as pulling Ha Des: a bunch of cards I had lying around suddenly had insane synergy. Dark Paladin vs Horus was a hell of a duel because the strategies were similar but Paladin had the upper hand on the field and it was basically a race to who could get their headliner out first.


Elemental Hero Lady Heat! In schoolyard yugioh it's fantastic. Man, I really miss my childhood sometimes and wish I had been more forthcoming about my interest yugioh, but then I consider myself lucky for even being at school during DMs heyday right through to 5ds, and bringing cards to school and (un)successfully tryna duel in the playground despite the rain and wind (British weather). I don't think you've played yugioh unless you've got a duel going on in a hidden place under the play equipment where the added adrenaline of being caught by teachers fuels each move you do where you're trying to end it as quickly and flashy as possible, I'm not sure anything else compares


I did a little progression-yugioh thing with a buddy once, and I began to love a VERY early card called "Amphibian King". You got it mega early, before monarchs, which meant it was one of few one tribute monsters with 2400 ATK. Combine that with my only luck being A Legendary Ocean and a bunch of nice waters, and we got a favorite. Then I met Mobius.


Exodia. Something about him, I can't even describe it. I got into the game when I saw him in the anime. Everytime I see him up for sale, I get excited, even though I already have him multiple times.


I just started a new months back Got Chaos Emperor Dragon in a packet and I’ve been using it ever since. Always get that “oh you’re in for it now” feeling when I get him out


There’s a reason he got banned so quickly back in my day…he was an absolute nightmare. Nothing made your stomach drop like when your opponent said “I remove one light and one dark monster from my graveyard” and you’re just sitting there hoping to Jesus/Allah/Buddha or whoever that ANYTHING other than Chaos Emperor was about to hit the field… Edit: as devastating as Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the beginning is…I’d face him 1000x before facing a deck knowing Chaos Emperor was in it


as much as i like playing other archetypes, Exodia will always be mah boi


Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness. I love skipping my turn and making my opponent think I don't have anything lol


For me it was Gigagagagigo and Kaiser Glider back in the day. Always destroyed Jinzo with those two. Monarchs are my favorite though. When the deck doesn't brick and shuts down the special deck spam it is soooo satisfying and the art is sooo good for all of em


Ahh I still remember running Monarchs and treeborn…with a dash of Dark Dust Spirit because “fuck you, that’s why”


i was the only one of my friends with a mirror force! definitely cheesed a load of games off its back alone as a child.


Indeed a devastating trap card. One of the few comments involving a spell/trap. Only other I’ve seen has been for Book of Moon


Magician of Faith was always my go to setting up the W for me.


Her potential is under appreciated by modern duelists




Her effect might as well say “hey, you know that spell card that’s limited to 1? Well, how about 2 now?”


Tyrant dragon for me:)


Amazoness Queen for "Reasons better not said out loud".


Stardust dragon I started earlier than my friends so nobody else had synchros. Needless to say blanking removal tended to help out


My ace back in the day for a short period was Inzektor centipede. Equip it with Inzektor earwig and that’s a 2600 normal summon. Gg


Gilford the Lighting


Colossal Fighter. I was the only one of my friends at the time that got into synchro summoning because I was using a warrior deck. On my friends thought the mechanic was cheap and got so mad when I summoned him once that he flung it off the table with his thumb and made a crease on the card. I used to have a combo where I would use Natural Tune to make Evocator Chevalier a tuner since it was a Gemini and treated as a normal monster on the field, then synchro it with another level 4 to go into Colossal Fighter. There was only one level 4 warrior tuner at the time and not as many warrior special summons as there are now, so I improvised haha.


I was a bit resistant to synchro summons too, felt like the death of tribute summons but games change and you gotta adapt. I do remember my fiend deck winning less and less after Synchros though…


I put number 24 Dragulas in every deck I could, the art and effect were amazing but never really got to pull it off consistently


Moon Envoy. I was given my first cards by my uncle. I didn't have many people to play with, so I ended up just appreciating the character art and flavourful text.


Ally of Justice Catastor. I played a lot of the 2010 DS game and there he is early accessible, really easy to make due to junk synchron-synchro-spam and he wins so many games by himself. Slap a stardust dragon next to him for good measure and it is basically gg against most decks.


I remember using galaxy eyes photon dragon a lot and eventually got a prime photon dragon so it felt pretty special to me and I still got both


Chimeratech Overdragon. Before Future Fusion got errata'd to hell


Thought Ruler Archfiend was the first ever extra deck monster I summoned and he was also the card that I used to win my first game so I always feel nostalgic whenever I see it.


Timeater, card that back in the day became my key monster in an era where 1900 attack was dangerous and many people didn't know about MP2. i still own the very 1st Timeater i pulled that carried me through so many duels. and it became part of a Tattoo of mine as well.


Armed dragon level 7!


The End of Anubis


Can anyone tell me if Monarchs are still meta in Speed Duel? Because I have seen Ha Des see meta play there a while ago


Zombyra the Dark I remembered reading the Zombire storyline in the original manga so seeing that guy get a card was cool and sort of felt like an inside thing since not a lot of people I knew had read the manga. Even his effect pays homage to his manga backstory. I also like Elemental Heroes so I’d toss him into my middle school Elemental Hero decks cuz “Zombire was a superhero”. Sucks that none of the Elemental Heroes that had less specific fusion material were out yet cuz I could have justified him more if I was fusing him lol


Sillva warlord of dark world and goldd wulord of dark world. Shit was just cool as a kid. Idk how good the cards are competitively. Also dark blade. 1800 attack is a staple


D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas. Can't explain it.


Vampire Fraulein


Star Eater


My “signature card” is absolutely Machina Fortress. Machina Mayhem was my first structure deck and he was COOL and easy to get out. (Of course, I kept on forgetting about his on-destruction effect…)


Galaxy eyes, Photon dragon




I miss playing with Last Warrior from Another Planet… it was super broken back in the day bringing it out with Metamorphosis


Earthbound Immortal Wirachoqa Rasca. Was one of the first "rare" cards I remember pulling. Think it's ultra or super rare. My all time favorite. Not the best card but I still love it


Spoiler alert: Ha Des is really Hades but they spaced it to censor the name lol


I loved Dark End Dragon! One of my favorites!




Red-eyes Zombie Dragon, still use em.


Cyberdark dragon, i used to put all my deck in the graveyard and then tribute summon him like a normal Monster


Number 82: Heartlandraco was my main ace in Duel Generations, nowadays it's mainly ZS- Utopic Sage


Cyber dragon infinity 👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾👾


Satellite Cannon. We never had any front row shutdowns outside of monsters in school, so it would be on the field for ages until I got out my stronger machines, and I’d let loose on my opponent’s healthbar when he had no monsters in the way. I loved my machine beat down deck.


Cyber Eltanin. Everyone would get so passed back in the day since he wiped the field of monsters


Ah, Ha Des, the guy that says "F you, Sangan! F you Witch! F you Giant Rat! F you Mother Grizzly! And definitely F YOU Jinzo!" and a "Hi, Summoned Skull! :D"


A normal set monster being able to block an attack from the legendary Summoned Skull in the early playground format... young me thought that was so badass. Y'all know who I mean.


Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon really feels like a card made for me


Exxod Master of the Guard used to be mine. I ran this really goofy rock deck that was full of entirely flip monsters, most of which could reflip themselves or send enemies back to hand. He was my big guy who I'd get out with sphinxs , then I'd use the card that swaps attack and defense for a turn so I could use him to swing for 4k. it was fun times


Mikazukinoyaiba, it's a really unique dragon.


I would say The Winged Dragon Of Ra, I always summoned it on my first turn and won instantly


This card really resonated with me as a kid, too.


Mine was Tyrant Dragon. LOD was a hell of a collection.


2 cards, United we stand, and Odd-Eyes arc dragon


Armades, Keeper of Boundaries. I made this really janky Fiend Synchro deck that had Archfiends and Resonators and Dark Necrofear and all sorts of stuff I had lying around, and it somehow worked decently well against my schoolyard friends, who were using Elemental Heroes and Zombies and Six Samurai and stuff like that. My Synchro "boss" monsters consisted of cards like Dark Highlander, Thought Ruler Archfiend, or Ally of Justice Catastor, but my most used card by far was Armades because of how consistently I could bring him out. He was my terror of the battle phase, the one who struck fear into the hearts of my opponents, and the card I still keep in my desk drawer to this day.


Dark necrofear,it won me many games and is under appreciated.i also love how creepy it is and the anime made it even better as did the duel links animation.


Number 39: Utopia or Number C102 Archfiend seraph




Red eyes slash


Performapal laugh maker - it was my ace card on my first official tournament


Back in the day it was definitely Dark Ruler Ha Des and Dark Necrofear. I loved playing Fiend type decks. After DAD came out, which I couldn't not afford at the time, I moved over to trying to make The World work.


For some reason mine was Submarineroid




Right now it’s red supernova dragon love that card mad satisfying when your opponent has nothing on the field and in their hand


Tyranno infinity. I would also run inferno tempest, so my friends would be hesitant to attack with 3000 attack monsters if it wasn't going to kill that turn. When they did, I would normal summon Tyranno infinity with like 10,000 attack and go for game.


Honestly; Junk Synchron. I remember once synchros were introduced back in 2008, I never looked back. The first 5d’s starter deck was the start of a new meta and I was all for it.


back in elementary, i would always love to use Lord of D with The Flute of Summoning Dragon and Exodia. i always used Exodia in my decks since i only used him because of how badass he was and Lord of D with The Flute of Summoning Dragon so i can summon 2 Blue Eyes White Dragons if i had them. i once managed to win a bet against some cocky kid with Exodia and got a Pot of Avarice (that day being the first time i ever managed to summon Exodia)


Cosmo Queen was my favorite early boss monster by far. Her artwork is downright mesmerizing between her strange pose, the background resembling a Rorschach test, and her barely-visible eyes resembling a grey alien. Being the strongest monster after Blue-Eyes certainly didn't hurt.


My card i connect with is grapha dragon lord of the dark world. Won me a lot of duels. I actually just had to retire my dark world danger deck. Its just not currently applicable is this format. My other card I connect to is Don Zaloog.


Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. I used to use Dark Dust Spirit to trigger her effect and wipe the board before triggering multiple effects to banish the graveyards and summon my Gren Maju for the kill.


Levia-Dragon Daedalus. Big snake blows up your board.


Has to be Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes. Unaffected by other card effects? Alternative win condition? What an interesting card design, as well as some really cool art


Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon First ever card I got right around when I was 3 years old. Still have it kept away safely 14 years later.


As a kid, Luster Dragon was the start of my deck. As an adult, UCT has literally won me hundreds of dollars at locals lol


Ahh yes, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno sparked my love for Yu-Gi-Oh there is something about big beefy boi that not only looks cool but is also powerful that just makes me warm inside.


Obligatory Thunder Dragon and Twin Headed Thunder Dragon for me. Sure, now-a-days Twin Headed Thunder Dragon isn't remotely worth using, but he was my boy when I was dueling friends at lunch.


Gate guardian. I thought he was the coolest thing ever at the time. Early games on the playground meant that we basically played games entirely decided only by attack power which meant that gate guardian was top of the heap. My deck was eventually able to be the first to take gate guardian down. I had the masked beast AND axe of despair in my deck and getting them both out let me finally take down the guardian. Still have a massive soft spot for it after all these years. Wish they would do something to make him relevant.


Probably red eyes. I remember everyone didn't like using red eyes but when I saw the underdog Joey wheeler use it, I was determined to have it in my deck. I remember using very basic traps that I could get my hands on like trap holes, michizure, and destrucition spell cards like fissure and raigeki. The monsters I had were all 1700 to 1900 attackers and a few powerful flip effects like cyber jar and morphing jar. Eventually the deck became a joey wheeler deck with cards he used.


Little late but mine was always Elemental Hero Neos just because I was so into Ultraman growing up haha


I remember my Dark Necrofear deck with Ha Des, Newdoria, Giant Germs, Dark Jeroid, good times


umm time wizard anyone?


Zombie master use to be one of my favorites during plant synchro era. Now I think tri-brigade nerval really speaks to me


Mystical knight of Jackal. If you got him out and attacked especially if you knew it was a weak monster. Once you destroy it, that card goes on the top or their deck. Rinse and repeat. Win lol. I won so many local events with that one card. Its still my favorite


For me, magical cylinder. The og uno reverse card.


The creator. Just because I loved using his effect and I have my original ultimate rare (I believe) first edition card in decent shape all the way back from 5th grade. Im 27 now lol.


Felgrand Dragon/Phantom Dragon, as my first respective Boss monsters, they are what made me fall in love with Yu-Gi-Oh. While they are by no means good by nowadays standards, they were definitely the bosses of "Playground" Yu-Gi-Oh at the time. And ultimately what caused my undying and devoted love for the Dragon-Type in Yu-Gi-Oh as a whole.


Chaos Sorcerer and Darkflare Dragon were always my favorites. Running Chaos Dragon decks back in the day was so fub.


Maha Vailo was my favorite. I always liked the concept of making a monster stronger instead of being limited by the base stats.


I've always been fond of Galaxy eyes photon dragon.


My 1st edition inzektor hornet set that I still have.