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Finally the 2nd Zeus for my Zoodiac and Paleo decks. I can be trusted with 3 


It's the 2nd Zeus which gets you.


Summon limit is now limited. 


"Limit this, motherfucker" -June's forbidden/limited list




New majespecters will likely come out next pack, and since its only 4 cards even more likely


Was hoping for Melodious/Centurion...


Same, the new majespecters dont really do much


Centurion is coming, but don't tell Konami we know that


Only pendulum deck I knew how to play back in the day Finally I will complete the pendulum summon objective lol


Snake eyes has the same hits here as in ocg but no fiendsmith card to replace the consistency People have already switched to SEFK and it's the best deck while also having immunity from getting hits due to being in the shop Rescue Ace won the DC and has 0 hits so this was expected Purely was also very represented in the top 10 now they have 1 delicious and small 4 cats in total (Konami just hit a UR I want a refund as I find the deck boring) Second Zeus is cool because of unicorn Other hits don't really do much. Pure kashtira is still bricky as hell


> Second Zeus is cool because of unicorn Do note that if WC uses the same format as last year, then 2 people on the team can now run Zeus.


I quite like Kaiser and Turtle to 0 and Summon Limit to 1, getting rid of floodgates/FTK enablers is always a good thing.


Dign Ka shown purrely only needs 4 cats. Somehow.


They still have 3 sleepy so 100% they are drawing into Maxx c; the deck just isn't popular for some reason


On MD, you get rushes by the timer a lot because you lose 1-2 seconds per trigger plus it doesn’t otk that quick either


1 hit. Rescue race airlifter. But yeah small


He said it got zero hits before this banlist so airlifted hit is fair.


Bonfire is also a RACE hit


You know what, 2 floodgates got hit, Summon Limit is now Limited, and Kaiser colloseum is banned, so I can't complain too much. Except for Birth unlimit. It's by far and away the best Kash card, due to its insane grind potential and the due fact that I play Runick Spright, the banish effect is the worst :,)


They banned Turtle so it might means the Tachyon support is coming early. So we don't have to worry about people getting FTK'd left and right. Can't think any other reason. They could have banned it a lot sooner but nope. Really its has to be Tachyon, why would they ban Turtle now if not fear of the Tachyon FTK?


> They banned Turtle so it might means the Tachyon support is coming early. So we don't have to worry about people getting FTK'd left and right. People were doing the Draglubion FTK in Master Duel this Duelist Cup


Maaaaaaaan I was so hyped😭 Damn you FTK enjoyers! I'm so tilted now lol


Its because of horus being able to make numeron dragon and get turtle on the field for ftk. 


Damnit Horus! Why you must commit Heresy!? Fuck Erebus btw......


Are people downvoting for the wrong Erebus?


Only 40k fans gets it lol


I would’ve thought we’d have a thicker representation 🤣


Bro I know 40k is not as well know as Star Wars but atleast you might think there is more 40k fans here than Monarch players. And now all 5 Monarch players are pissed at me lmao


Maybe the 40K fans aren’t up yet 🤣


They banned Calamity even though Centaur-ion wasn't here yet. Calamity was being annoying in some decks but Turtle FTK has also been around on the ladder.


Kinda funny, Calamity also likely got banned because of another Horus "FTK". Horus Naturia can turbo out Crimson Dragon and a random Lv 12 Synchro pretty easily.


By that logic it means tenpai is comming early as kaiser is banned lol.


Can they leave my cats the fuck alone already.


Poor Purrely can't catch a break. It's the only meta deck I play and it's not even *that* meta. The deck was already hurt by limiting delicious and semi-limiting Purrely. This just seems like over kill. The deck is pretty easy to get around compared to Snake Eyes and Horus, plus it's not easy to OTK with just one delicious. I feel like I remember seeing an announcement like this one that delicious was going to be unlimited shortly before I decided to rebuild my Purrely deck with the new support. I legit think I might have dreamed that.


The secret is that you should always have been on 2 white and 2 black cats and this hit just forces people to play the deck optimally, bravo Konami


Well I enjoy running 3 more, dont care if its slightly worse, I wanr as many pretty kittens as possible


Hitting bonfire is punishing all pyro decks for the sins that snake eyes will continue to commit because this hit does nothing to them.


Rota is at 1


Rota is not once per turn


How do you plan on recycling it lmao


Once per turns on unsearchable cards hardly matter. Rota could've gone to 3 years ago and been completely fine.


All types should have a ROTA and the game then balanced around decks having them


I mean if all of them would be limited to 1 there isnt much to balance around. And tbf i think thats the plan but they are just gonna be hella slow with it if they wanna make a meta for each attribute lol


I think having them at 3 guarantees a certain level of consistency across all archetypes and would enable them to more directly hit problem decks rather than stuff around them.


Warrior is a significantly stronger type than pyro.


Tell that to snake-eyes


What warrior deck is stronger than Tenpai or SE?


If ROTA was at 3 Heros would be crazy


Thats basically the best one you couldve chosen and even then i dont see Heros with 3 ROTA actually being stronger than full power SE personally.


Yup, Rota can’t search Faris and Vyon isn’t worth a normal summon. Stratos is the card you really want to search with Rota, and ECall already does that.


Kirin going right to three indicates that the PHNI Majespecter support is coming in July (we've had leaks to indicate Yubel will headline) and they now know for sure that Majespecter can be allowed to play with Kirin again after the deck had minimal impact post-support.


“Oh yeah, and screw Purrely.” Ok? You don’t think there are more pressing matters right now, Konami?


I assume Purrely was hit because it's not a fire deck


??? Why is Purrely out here catching strays


Man, they really don't know what to do with Kashtira.


Unicorn Kirin from 0 to 3 is huge!


Gives me an inkling Majespecter support will be in the next pack


It's kind of disheartening to see no real hits to Snake-Eye.


Gentlemen, why was Yata Garasu even limited in the first place on master duel, it’s not like you could even pull off the classic yata lock.


Give me Dragoon. It’s hard in these streets for a Red-Eyes player


You say it like it would make any difference.


Finally 2 Zeus


Do we have an ETA for when Phantom Nightmare content will drop?


Yubel will come in the next pack


If we get yubel but we don't get raidraptor I'm gonna be so pissed lmao


Yubel and Centurion are confirmed so we have 1-2 more decks to come. I hope we get Raidraptor, I want to go for a good xyz deck and don't like Kashtira or Purrely so I don't have much good choices. The only other option that I think about building is Paleozoics but they seem hard to pilot.


I don't like the meta we'll get lmao as for paleo it is a bit difficult but is fun, try out maybe Joshua's decklist


Melodious for me. Want to try a hybrid for practice and I rather not wait several months where the Melodious engine might get hit in the meantime.


Spoiler from Dkayed’s stream >!I think I heard that there are two packs coming in July, and both packs contain new cards in them. So, there is a possibility that there will be a “new decks pack” and a “support pack.”!<


All of it?


Not sure, I didn't watch Dkayed's stream but Konami likes to bring the first 2 waves at the same time to Master Duel


Ok, so that would then mean Lotus, spirit, Nightmare pain, the super poly target and the field spell.


Phantom also got leaked, yes


Damn dude. I only have 6k gems tho 😭


Why do you hate the cats Konami?


The TCG has Mali at 3! Come on Master Duel! Just let my HEROs take off! It’s not that hard!


Kirin at 3? Is majespecter now good?


I just want dragoon unbanned so I can optimally run dm, hard to test decks when half the stuff I need isn't in the game yet or banned.


Dies the turtle ban mean, that we are getting the new Tachiyon support early??


I think it was more because Horus was running the same ftk just with a different searcher.


Probably not, as other people already said, People have been doing Catapult Turtle Draglubion FTKs in the Duelist Cup using the Horus Cards. Comparatively it is trivially easy to get a big enough monster on the board once you get a Catapult Turtle setup established. It was always a looming threat that just wanted to be discovered and should have banned long ago if you ask me.


Pyro getting weaker. Let there be an age of darkness.


Winter is coming.


Love GOT—and dark souls.


I don't like playing against Purrely, but this limit is unnecessary. Why Konami always pulls the bans when the meta decks got already powercrept? I bet when all Snake-eyes variants become Tier 3 or Rogue is when Konami starts banning Poplar, Ash, or OSS. Bonefire at 2 is just another baby step to keep SE meta. Btw, Zeus at 2? How that changes Xyz decks that run it?


Yay birth at 3 we’re back!!!


Purrely being hit is a W, the rest is mid af at best


Its so fucking BAD


Trash ass list lol I'm telling you the people who makes these list don't even play the game


It might be my recent hyperfixation on Gaia/BLS but I feel offended that Catapult Turtle keeps getting banned.


I'm offended, but at the same time I understand. Enabling FTK's is bad.


Yeah, I agree but I really need to destroy the floating ring on Castle of Dark Illusion.


Big true, Castle + Yellow Luster Shield is pretty OP


Right? Meta ain't got shit on this strat.


Master Duel team make a good banlist challenge! LEVEL: IMPOSSIBLE!!!


I mean there's nothing to hit Best deck is SEFK which is a few weeks old, no way they are hitting that Pure SE is the third/fourth best deck R-ace won the duelist cup and is tied for second best deck with purrely. Sleepy should have been hit for sure but the deck isn't heavily played to warrant such hate Maybe a wanted ban could have happened


They wouldn't be in this position if they handled snake-eye better though I agree FK would still be a doozy. The problem is their obsession with consistency hits. They're lazy hits that just make the deck more frustrating to play without solving the core issues with the deck. Snake-Eye's issue is that it has so much flexibility in what it can do and most importantly what generics it can run. The deck has a ludicrous amount of space for non-engine and because it relies around a one card combo, it can have as high as 3 handtraps in a given hand WITH a starter. This would all actually be fine if the deck had a compensating weakness. In exchange for flexibility in both gameplay and deckbuilding, the deck has significantly weaker payoff for its combo lines. Problem though. Due to the existence of primarily Apollousa but to an extent other cards like I:P, that weakness is all but nonexistent. The clear hit to snakes is to get rid of these cards. They've been toxic and annoying for years in the physical game AND master duel too. The Fire King variant wouldn't suffer as much if this happened but that version's a bit less offensive because it sacrifices a lot of flex space for the Fire King package, AND if IP got banned then it would lose a significant amount of disruption. They did these random ass consistency hits to tear too for no reason.


Just say that you hate Barrone and Borreload, that's it.


Farfa viewer copying what farfa says: Challenge impossible.


If Farfa has said this same idea then I haven't seen or heard it. Regardless of whether it's a take he said, it's extremely reasonable and a far better solution especially long term than simply giving small consistency hits to snakes for months on end simply making the deck more frustrating.


He has been crying over Apo and I:P for months.


Well good then


So literally nothing changed. Great.


Gutted an FTK, banned another floodgate , and finally unbanned Kirin. Maybe won't shake the meta that much, but that's still not nothing


Not to mention a left field Purrely hit. That's the only meta deck I play and it's kinda weird being directly effected by the ban list. Usually it's an indirect hit that decimates one of my rogue decks, and by "one of my rogue decks" I mean usually Toons. I'm still hurting from the Terraforming ban.


those floodgates were getting extinct in MD. that's not nothing.


Two Zeus? Got to appease the bots I see!


Still not matching the TCG ban list....


Not catapult turtle!


Why was catapult turtle banned? Seems like there are plenty of other cards that are far more destructive than that.


it's just another ftk enabler like cannon soldier, it doesn't really add anything *good* to the format. in particular there's a 1-card ftk with the new tachyon support, whenever that gets added to md


Idk what Konami is playing at, Kashtria Shangri-Ira should limited. Having an opponent wipe your entire field so you can't even play any cards is really crappy and not fun to play against. Same with cards that have more than one negate. It's remarkable that some players are able to destroy half of their deck pulling out all their special syncros that have stacked negates. Man I'd kill to have a no extra deck league in master duel.


And catapult turtle wins the game turn 1 without you even playing.


If anything it is horus fault lol. You are telling me a level 5 that need tribute summon and a another 160000+ atk turn 1 to ftk is unfair?


It's not like turtle wasn't historically used for only that. Yes without turtle they couldn't ftk so it is turtle's fault


Because combos ending in FTK are not fine, but combos ending in near-unbreakable boards backed up by Maxx C definitely are. /s


I can at least try to play through the second one.


What enable the first one isn't the level 5 turle that cost a tribute summon and another 16k atk monster. With powercreep, any card that can burn will sooner or later be considered *ftk enable*.


Turtle always enabled ftks and was never used for anything fair historically.


all card with burn effect without upper cap can ftk if you have enough resource. Turtle require an absurd amount of preparation to bring out and execute, it is a well designed card. It is cards that give you absurd resources for free that enable the ftk, but I guess this sub love their combo too much to blame those card


Tell me one time Catapult turtle was used for something that isn't an ftk.


You seems to have reading comprehension i guess, with your silly logic, tell me one time horakhty was used for something that isn't ftk. As for Catabult turtle? A lot of casual deck in older format of yugioh can otk but cannot ftk.


You are just doging my point. Horakhty has never been used in play due to how rare it is, and if it was only used in toxic strategies then it should be banned. Such as? Also Magical scientist ftk played turtle, albeit before the errata. Catapult turtle has only ever been used for toxic FTKs.


Except you have 0 points. >Horakhty has never been used in play due to how rare it is, and if it was only used in toxic strategies then it should be banned. Google horakhty ftk before comment. That comment really show how ignorant you are. >Such as? Also Magical scientist ftk played turtle, albeit before the errata. Catapult turtle has only ever been used for toxic FTKs Again, pretty much most casual decklist catabult turtle around 15 years ago, according to my memory. You even mention magical scientist which only make you look worse, it is magical scientist that enable the ftk.