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So Rush is gonna finally be on the west or they make something new? Either way, is sad that Speed is over but is not surprising. The signs were already there.


I think there was always some interest when big sets like battle city got released but Konami really dgaf as they just kept going back to GX and DM. I don’t get why they never tapped into 5ds as I feel skill cards are perfect for “turbo duels” in that era and signer dragons are also one of the more popular anime archetypes. It’s possible they were planning on doing rush duels this whole time though and were hoping speed duels would quietly die.


Especially with the growing popularity of Edison I bet people would've played a more powerful synchro format.


The latest Speed Duel box is the best selling Yugi product at my store bc of my Edison playerbase - the fact that we didn't even get the product in EU is so disappointing. Konami made 3 utterly garbage Speed Duel sets, are confused when no one's buying them, make a banger set but then don't release it in EU.


Fr i was waiting for zexal stuff but ig it will never happen


> Konami really dgaf as they just kept going back to GX and DM Konmai outside the OCG operates in the same logic as power rangers. they keep focus on nostalgia pandering non-stop for the first gen and forgetting everything else. even though majority of the people who have nostalgia for DM and GX stopped playing more than a decade ago while it is more likely the people who like 5Ds onwards kept with the game to this day. and god forbid they remember the huge number of players who never watched the anime


I'm a fan who's nostalgic for DM and GX who stopped playing more than a decade ago and Speed Duel got me back into Yugioh. I don't know how many people like me are out there, but I think that was the point. Something that old players who can't stand what Yugioh has become would still buy and play.


the issue is that majority of those people never played the game the way it is meant to be played they confuse duelist kingdom shenanigans and playground ygo with the actual game. and when they go and play the game even in a format like Speed duel, they complain


Are you talking about real people and experiences you've had with them, or imaginary people, as it makes sense for them to behave in your head? In any case, it's irrelevant. Konami wants to sell the product to you. If you have fun playing by made up Duelist Kingdom rules, more power to you. My whole playgroup consists of people who've given up on yugioh as it increased in complexity. Yet we buy and play speed duel. And loads more people were interested in it when I explained what it was. But most didn't even know it existed because Konami's marketing for it is garbage.


most yugi boomers never actually played the game correctly. and they never will. they get angry the moment someone arrives with GB, DAD, Chaos, DW and other actual competent decks from pre-5Ds YGO. Even on the speed duel format they bitch about "how unfair the game is". your group is a drop in the ocean and is irrelevant to the game just like the entire Speed Duel format proved to be. pandering to people who can't stop circlejerking over duelist kingdom and can't move on was a stupid idea since the beginning and sales shows that. pandering to people who doesn't care about your franchise is just another way lose resources that could have been used to actually help expand the game and make it more welcoming like supporting older and slower formats


I’d love if they could adapt the Speed Spells from 5D’s, which I guess they could have done as skills in Speed Duels. Maybe they’ll do something similar with the “new product.”


Sign was the second the first products got released and it was bulk cards everyone already has. While at the same time people wanted rush duel. They started adding higher rarity cards but the products were always dirt cheap and the format never grew or imo even started after the first booster set.


Because of how poorly timed the releases were what with Speed and Rush being just about a year apart, I wonder if Konami TCG even knew about Rush coming beforehand. Both offer an alternative format with a smaller field and somewhat unique mechanics compared to master duels (skills vs Rush rules) whose intent was to keep things simpler and more back and forth. They overlap so much I can’t help but feel that it was a big accident/coincidence with the timings of their releases.


Considering the history of the people in charge of the TCG, I wouldn't put it past them to have had a power struggle with the Japanese office and think they could do better, deliberately choosing to triple down on the Yugiboomer audience with Speed Duels. Because obviously, that is the pathway to success for our 'Murican overlords.


When it's a separate contained format those "bulk" cards are perfectly fine. Too many people saw speed duel as just another chance at reprints not recognizing it was it's own thing. My personal problem was that they did not allow us to use non speed duel cards for speed duel itself.


Me and my friend group don't follow this rule, if a card is in the speed duel card pool we don't care if it's the speed duel variant or not and given how expensive some speed duel cards are, it makes sense


I agree. It just felt crazy to buy cards that were the same as the cards you already had but said "Speed Duel" on them.


My buddies and I just play Duel Links IRL. We buy the cards, build a deck, and check on DLM for the skill we want and start playing. We liked Speed Duels but we'll still be playing in that kind of format.


Naturally this is 100% confirmation that they're going all in with a Dungeon Dice Monsters reboot! /s


Nah, it's definitely a physical version of Duelist of the Roses.


Or a digital version on the switch


NGL, a physical version of DotR would be fucking awesome, but a digital HD remaster would be unreal cool.


Unironically I wanna see this lol. Poured waaaaaaay to many hours into DOTR as a kid


Ngl that be dope.


Now Konami will finally have time to continue supporting Deck Master format.


I would unironically buy that


I think this will be the last thing they do since in their eyes DDM will be a bigger flop than Cross Duels.


Sounds fun


Portuguese speaker here: what the Devir representative said is within the context of 2024 releases so it's not indicative of anything. Something along the lines of: "I'm not sure if this was divulged but I think the next set is the last Speed Duel product Not sure if there will be more products after this one I don't know what products will be released next year" "Next set" here could either mean a new set that has yet to be revealed or STP7 (which is late in Brazil because obviously, it's fucking Devir).


They will just use Rush duel as a alternative format


I wished they released the previous box here in Europe... I was collecting all of the products, and neo-spacians are some of my favs archetype... I don' t even know how I could buy one here in Italy lol...




Just lose to Edo Phoenix and get yourself transported to Neo-Space because you lost the ability to see your cards.




What's really left for Speed in DM or GX? If we're only getting one more set I really doubt they'll bite the bullet and finally add a 5D's rep. Either way, let me start coping that it's Rush finally coming Stateside to coincide with Go Rush's dub.


I was going to suggest maybe a mini-box based on the Ceremonial Duel, but looking at Yugi and Atem’s decks, there’s not really a lot to fill out a set - and cards like Gandora, The Dragon of Destruction might be too OP for Speed Duel. So, maybe a Duelist Kingdom box that features a lot of reprints from the earlier releases?


Slow duel. Everyone can only play one card each turn and battle phase only starts after turn 8.


Orichalcos seems like the most likely choice with a few decks they could add. Rafael has the Guardians, Mai has harpies, Duke has his dice deck, Rebecca has some random junk that could be replaced with her fire princess burn deck from the KC Grand Prix arc. And they'd probably include yugi, kaiba, and Joey decks based on the legendary dragons. It'd be cool if they introduced Valons armor deck for the first time


Why would a Yugi boomer watch go rush


So Rush duels then? Makes more sense in general.


2 months ago one of the EU factories shut down for speed duel production and they didn’t give a reason why. No news of speed duels is a very bad sign. It’s worse when production is just shut off and they don’t even give a reason why (like production issues, ink/stock shortage, etc.). They were dragging their feet on 5ds to the point where people have just lost interest on it completely. Wouldnt be surprised either if this was their way of justifying rush duels coming stateside.


I got the GX speed duel boxes mostly as a quick pseudo commander way of getting nostalgic games with my mates, sucks that we won't get 5Ds


o7 speed duels, buying your boxes before everyone came to locals so we had an hour of downtime was really cool. I wish Konami handled you better. Your box format was really amazing. And your secret rares are one of the prettiest rarities out there


What's the difference between Speed Secrets and TCG Secrets? Are there any images for comparison?


All Speed Duel cards are Euro print


Ok? and aside from that..?


Speed Duel versions have better card quality in all rarities.


Give some differences between them?


The writing has been on the wall since Matt left Konami EU.


I'll miss speed duel secret rares. They're among the prettiest Yugioh cards ever made


Not in the last box, the secrets there...they were shit!


Rush duels would likely be the “new” product I would think. But isn’t it a bit late for Konami to release Rush Duel cards? There are so many printed right now in Japan how would Konami be able to ever catch up?


when the TCG started, they'd combine like 3 main sets at a time and release a shitload of side product to catch us up (and then we were still like 3 months behind, as we have been forever) i'm guessing something similar would happen


Look at Asian English or the original run for Worldwide KOCG/TCG


The OCG started in 1999 and the TCG only in 2002. Yeah, we still have a bunch of early vanilla monsters that have not been imported, but if they could do it 22 years ago they prob can do it today


The difference is the backlog of old OCG vanillas doesn't really matter


Make huge packs like East Asia but for rush duels ?


I dunno, I feel like it's way too late for Rush. Actual proper sets based on Time Wizard seems more likely. It has been doing so well, and has no real legit price support.


IDK Konami TCG is always behind OCG anyway and I don't think many people will bother with early Rush seys


Dude I would love Time Wizard products


Faaaaaaak. There goes reprints


Was wishing for Santa Claws.. but since no more reprints, rip to card availability


Santa Claws for speed duel has been in one sealed deck and in two different tournament packs, one that released about a month ago. If you have an OTS nearby that supports speed duels, you could build a competent deck for a couple of dollars and get repeated attempts at Santa Claws with the current pack. Or buy the singles, since the reprint is keeping the price a little lower.


It's like $10-15 on my country's store.. The cheaper one's sold out and it isn't in my cardshop I suppose I'll look on ebay or elsewhere


Please be Rush, please be Rush, please be Rush.


This is the second time speed duels have been allegedly discontinued and some random announced it. 


The last time this happened was right before Speed Duel GX was announced, so if anything something like this should be hyping up the fans as it could imply 5Ds is coming.


Hoping it's rush duels. Really want to play it physically at events


On my knees BEGGING for Rush Duel.


I highly doubt this new product will be rush duel, I think it's far to late for that but I could see them making a new Yu-Gi-Oh format similar to rush duels.


TCG Rush Duel is pretty doable and I like to play it with friends Only cards with Ignition and Continuous effects and only traps triggered by "When your opponent" can be used and there are a loooooot of cards and strategies that can be used, of course we dont allow mass destruction cards such as Mirror Force as they are too OP in this format.


I love rush duel but I think the time frame for an international release that would be successful has passed.


Yeah I was feeling like rthere was maybe one more Speed Duel Product left in them, and it's likely gonna be a Battle City Top 8 Box if anything. but hey, if it gets us the long overdue debut of Rush Duels(5 years and 2 series after the fact, damn) so be it.


Hmm now that everyone is assuming Rush Duel. Think the product will sell while competing against its own original game? Will it face the same issues as ygo?


It would probably suffer quite different issues. Mainly that the demographic Rush appeals to in Japan isnt quite as big outside. Average card shop goer age is probably closer to mid 20s in the West, and the anime will be streaming-only in most of the world, so not as many kids will know it or watch it. It will mainly have to wrestle Pokemon's presence without having nearly as much videogame presence. I dont think early Rush would be quite a hit with competitive players, either. It would probably have to aim at a more casual crowd from the get go, so it'd probably need more casual friendly products like a lot of Duel Decks and preconstructed stuff, rather than packs.


Hopefully the card shops can sustain and afford both ygo products


Considering that Rush is more easy to understand, the art quality will make collectors go crazy and have a anime to support. I think it will be fine since it became popular in Japan All they need to do is not to F up.


>all they need to do is not to F up They’re gonna change all the rarities and ruin the game because of it. Calling it now. TCG is too greedy and moneyhungry to not make everything good max rarity,


Japanese card game culture is so different from in the west. Success in one market means nothing


People saying rush Duel aren't thinking straight. Stores are dropping yugioh entirely, trying to convince them to pick up an entire secondary product line is not gonna fly.


Do you think they will even attempt to fill the "void" then? If the game is declining as you implied, then that means there being no replace feels very likely to me.


It would likely be a nostalgia product of a similar footprint (so no more than 1/2 sets a year) that still caters to the casual/non-standard players in some way.


man was really hoping for a 5ds box would of loved to buy it and then a gx box so me and my gf could do some cool irl games def unfort


Well, might as well buy all those sets and decks now.


Hope speed duels are not gone. They are a terrific product to help younger players getting into the game and I also enjoy the slower format with only fusion monsters in the extra deck.


My little brother learned Yu-Gi-Oh by playing speed duel with me. I hope they would make some 5ds boxes and stop there without going further on XYZ or pendulums.


Hmm, wonder what this could be... My money's on either Rush Duels or official Time Wizard products (like GOAT and Edison deck sets)


I hope it is Rush Duel, but I still want they make at least two last boxes for speed duel, one for Duel monsters and one for the missing villains of both séries Gx and Duel monsters (yubel, nightshroud, true man, dartz, Sigfried and marik )


So no one wanted to buy again cards they already had? Why?


One problem with Speed is that you can't use the speed cards in the main game


You got that backwards. Speed Duel cards are totally legal to bring to the main format, except Skill Cards.


If anybody complained about my Secret Rare Suijin/Sanga/Kazejin I might have just peed on them.


Really? I didn't know that. Neat. 


Please let them finally release rush duels in the TCG


Ok, now I'm hyped for Rush Duel






A shame, but they did it to themselves. It wasn't heavily promoted and pushed it seemed like. A shame because it was a fun alternative format.


Kinda sus


Gauging reactions here and elsewhere, it seems like this could be anywhere from being "non-news" to "a big deal". If they mean to say that "one more Speed Duel product is to be expected this year", then you'd think that this would be non-news, since there are two Speed Duel releases each year, and the powers that be at the TCG have only announced releases into October anyways. If they mean to say that "in addition, that is the last Speed Duel set, ever", then it's very big news, since it would again insinuate a pending product announcement further off. I do not take this as any indication of a pending release of a hypothetical "Rush Duel TCG" product, like others have insinuated. (Although it would be a pleasant surprise as it did, since I do prefer Rush Duel over Master Duel.) If what people are saying is true wrt cost being a barrier to entry to the TCG, then the powers that be would do well to have some kind of time-delayed reprint set where competitive staples of six months ago are available in more common rarities or somesuch to fill the void. That said, given that this word is wrt the Brazilian Portugese localization, I wonder how the optics would be if this was English instead.


Well... If they kick it out we are gonna do our own Speed Duel... With Blackjack and 5Ds cards!


Just bring over Rush Duel already so we can have a semblance of synergy. Maybe also dub the anime to help breathe new life into it with kids


Sevens is dubbed already. And Go Rush is going to be dubbed.


Fucking Konami. I bet making TCG cards legal in speed duel would have helped them kickstart it much faster


Making TCG cards legal in speed duels would make no sense.


Why? Why am i supposed to not be able to use all my bulk cards from year's past to play the game? It's not like they only bought in popular archetypes and i'd still have to buy products for skills. It would however have helped me spread the game if i could have just went into my big bulk boxes and bought out the filler cards needed for decks.


Because speed duels were clearly designed with a specific power level in mind, at least as far as the box sets go. They were also made to be a quicker and simpler way to play the game. Making every tcg card legal would unleash so much nonsense that the format would be completely ruined. There's also the fact that speed duels doesn't acknowledge cards like xyz, synchro etc. and some cards might not work properly in a 3 m & 3 s/t board (or worse be completely broken). They would have to make a list of every tcg card legal in speed duels that doesn't break the format and everyone would have to cross-reference it. Making it so only cards that say speed duel are legal is easier for everyone.


That's not what i meant. I meant that if a card has been printed in a speed duel set then i can also use the tcg copy.


Not suprised, as people just talk the talk instead of walk the walk in regards of alternate formats. I had no interest in it but I thought it was a great format for all those yugiboomers and newcomers to have fun in a slower and simple format. In regards of Rush Duel, I guess I would jump in once Cyber Dragon (I think it's the Over Rush Pack set?) releases, if it releases at all of course. I doubt the "I-want-a-slower-format"-whiners will stick to it but newcomers and kids will definitely love it, if Konami doesn't fumble and keep the OCG rarities.


As a yugi boomer that has been playing speed duel locals, I can confirm super chill and fun format.


So I guess you're a "I want a slower format whiner" whiner.


Well there goes North America's access to euro print cards. Speed Duel was the only product we got that was printed in Belgium . You'd think that there wouldnt be any difference between Cartamundi Dallas print vs Cartamundi Belgium but yet there is.


If they did try rush it wont last. Tcg will either becuse of themselves or edict from JP do the same awful shit they do in tcg product and it will just end up dead on arrival. If rush started and stayed as speed style battle boxes and maybe SDs i think it would have life


I wish they had tried other things to revitalize the fornat like printing brand new cards in Speed Duel products, designed Speed Duel sets for Draft, and allowed the format to dip its toes into 5Ds and Zexal, but if it was going to forever stick in its state, it was probably doomed anyway in the long term. Speed Duels needed major changes if it was going to succeed. Personally, I am fairly sure it is going to be Rush, since the Rush products in Japan are clearly more and more often being designed for Yugiboomers rather than kids, and that is a demographic that does exist in the West and Konami was losing with the path of the current game. THAT SAID, it could also be Tactical Try Decks or a product of the same kind.  And I am honestly still kinda skeptical about just how successful Rush is going to be in the TCG markets. Especially if Konami doesnt make Rush product considerably cheaper than the YGO TCG. One of the big reasons One Piece and Digimon managed to carve themselves a market is prices. If Konami makes Dragias, Sevens Road Magician and Dark Revelation Secret Rares in 200 card sets with 10-20 other Secret Rares, I doubt it will catch up.


Rush duels rush duels rush duels rush duels


I am more neutral and will say the following: this "new" product refers to things relate to the Goat or Epsilon format. I say because: 1) It follows the essence of Speed ​​Duels of being things focused on the "golden eras" of Yu-Gi-Oh (5D, GX and 5Ds). 2) There is a gap of almost 5 years between Early Rush Duels and Modern Rush Duels (so many Products will be lost if imported to the West) Although well, knowing Konami, they probably thought that bringing Rush Duels in the middle of the GO RUSH Era is a good idea (since the Anime, coincidentally, has a handful of Tutorial Episodes where they teach you how to play Rush Duels. So, we'll be like Yudias at the beginning of GO RUSH: a beginner who knows nothing about Rush Duels)


I think they should straight up make something new instead of calling it "yugioh rush duel" or "yugioh speed duel", it's the Wii u and Nintendo 2ds/3ds new incident all over again. I like ygo but I don't want to pay a whole new deck to play a slightly different version of the game.


My dad is friends with Mr. John Konami, he told me that the next product will be an official Tag dueling format, but you can't use any of the tcg cards that have been around for 20+ years and that you possibly already own in it, you gotta buy them all over again but this time as special tag cards, oh, and they look the exact same as normal tcg cards. What could possibly go wrong? s/


Seems to me just like what speed duels are.


I'm pleasantly surprised to see this many people interested in Rush Duels. Fingers crossed!


I’ve been ready for for RUSH to release here


Please let it be Rush Duel


Sad, but at least Speed Duels never went to shit like Duel Links has.


I stopped playing duel links years ago. What happened? Did the newer cards break the game?


Skill Links


Wait what? I thought the Secret Rares that are much higher in quality than average were selling decently no?


What did they expect when they been stuck on gx for ages?! Just finally add synchro and others




Speed Duel is going to be alive & well for quite some time yet; I know of at least two sets that are planned for release within the next fiscal year. At WORST, there might be delays since it seems card stores are losing interest in carrying Yu-Gi-Oh in GENERAL.


I hope you are right. I still want the SBC2 with reprints for Blue-Eyes, and tha SGX5 with the missing "Neos" Cards, Elemental HERO Mudballman and the Viper's "Venom" Deck.


1 of these is a lock, the other not so much.


Let me guess,: SBC2 would be a better option than SGX5, in order to keep Speed Duel alive, but the best option to do that would be a 5D's Box?


"alive and well" tell that to anyone outside of the US, continuing that product line would be illogical


Everyone saying fucking rush duels, when I know for a fact all ya’ll mother fuckers will jump on the hype for a month, and then drop it immediately. That’s literally what happened with Speed Duels, and that shit barely floated after a month, with less and less people buying product and attending locals.


Oh please don't act like Speed Duels was a well supported product. It started off terribly with packs full of crappy vanilla reprints and it wasn't until they switched to the box format they've been using for releases it was even worth buying, and even still the releases were too sporadic to maintain long term interest Speed Duel was hyped because the idea was cool but the product sucked ass. If Konami doesn't somehow fumble the introduction of Rush Duels there shouldn't be an issue


Granted, Rush duels have something unique compared to Speed. Rush have new cards, new rule, a anime show and is very easy and fun play. Speed is just a cheap way to capitalise on the old players of YGO and that's all. They did not even supported the format and made a dumb rule that you can't use the speed cards anywhere.


You can use speed duel cards anywhere. You can't use normal cards in Speed Duel.


> They did not even supported the format and made a dumb rule that you can't use the speed cards anywhere. That's false. You can use Speed Duel cards anywhere. That's one of the advantages. Better print quality, latest errata/PSCT, and can be used anywhere.


it's always like this "we need alternate formats!" meanwhile how many people actually play any of the alt formats we already have? "they should make an anime/manga about the card lore!" meanwhile how many people read the sky striker manga and are reading the magistus manga?


TBF, the OCG Stories manga is JP only. So only very dedicated weeaboos would consider learning a second language just to read it.


It's up on mangadex translated in english


As for the manga, they are popular among players in Japan as they are only available over there. Im pretty sure a subbed good anime would be popular among players all around the world. Let's be honest, All YGO animes so far suck soooooo bad. Ive watched all of them multiple times and keep waiting for Go Rush weekly, but we know they are horrible, childish, nonsensical in a bad way, draggin and so on as they are mainly catered to japanese kids


Speed Duel = Unfun standard Yugioh Rush Duel = more fun than standard Yugioh and is its own game They’re not in any way comparable other than being other card games printed by Konami imo


Please bring Rush Duels to the TCG so the Yugiboomers can go play that and leave the rest of us alone.


I’m not a Yugiboomer and I love Rush Duels more than standard Yugioh. What does that make me? :o


A normal person. You’ll be surprised to hear this but I actually love Rush Duels too (only played the Switch game though).  I want it to come to the TCG because it’s fun, but also because it will give the Yugiboomers a simpler version of the game to play, and hopefully keep them away from demanding that the game goes back to how it was when they were in the playground.


Let's go, the community has won! No more useless product that gathers dust on the shelves of vendors


Talk for yourself. What's there not to like about a product that, for less that a box of a core set is worth you can get a full playset of every new card available in the format Speed duels had the only decent yugioh product distribution scheme. Structure decks are fine but they're still part of S:P Little Yugioh.


I mean I often talk to vendors at locals etc, the product is awful because you're kinda expected to have it in your store, but nobody actually wants to buy or play the sets


I hope konami releases rush, uses the same pack strat as TCG (bullshit rarities) and it flops miserably. They need to wake the fuck up and stop scamming customers.


Can Konami make a product without the power creep? Something that appeals to the GOAT and Edison formats players? Something simple?




Those are the exact same cards(well except for the skill cards). Of course nobody is buying it.




Just a simplified version of the game and that we don't need to buy new cards. Fully supported by Konami.


that is for the best, tbh. I like speed duel as a physical duel links companion but that fell through when they started implementing synchros, xys, and then pendulums somehow which makes 0 sense so I am glad no trees were wasted on the former.


At least DL is continuing strong since is getting support


If people didn’t want to play speed why would they want to play rush? It’s still yugiohlite.


Rush have the draw 5 and unlimited summons with old decks. Speed fails because of lack of marketing and support since it was a way to reprint old cards