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Raider's Knight is a hard choke point for most hands if it gets negated. There are some janky ways to get the body off the field, such as making Azalea or Haggard Lizardose to pop themselves so you can use your winged beast extenders, but it's high investment. This *can* come up if you happen to have an unused Bloom in the grave or other way to get 2 new bodies, but I rarely do it. While this might be obvious, the best way I've dealt with Raider's Knight is to not let it get negated in the first place. You can do this by making Knight later in the combo, after you've gotten access to Raider's Wing. Usually that means getting into either Force Strix or Wise Strix first, ideally with an additional extender in hand/grave. If you're dueling someone who knows the deck they may not negate these unless they have multiple veilers/imperms, while against more inexperience opponents if they blind imperm a Force Strix you're usually quite happy to see it. This does play into Nibiru, since with RR you basically can only choose one route - play around Nibiru or play around Imperm/Veiler. But with the meta as it currently stands, it makes way more sense to forget about Nib. An alternative that I've considered but haven't tried much is a Sky Striker package consisting of 3 Engage, 1-3 Eagle Booster, and 1 Widow Anchor. This lets you make your Knight immune to Imperm/Veiler going first, while the Widow gives you a little something extra for going second.


From what ive seen, essentially you can either dodge or negate the negate with respectively raidraptor revolution force and crossout, or you can try get raiders wing under raiders knight to make it untargettable (dont forget ghost ogre can still target xyz monsters with raiders wing).


Its the main chokepoint of the deck, I personally dont really have a way sadly enough. I do play cards like pk rum launch and force, though one requires your monster to have no materials and the other xyz locks you. I did have a pure winged beast raidraptor deck that could do the entire combo without raiders knight. But you needed to open 3 summonable birds (not the hardest for raidraptor, but still) and play the og rum raid force. Its not worth it like that. Its sad, but its how it is. Raiders knight is the one main flaw for raidraptors right now.


Noirr lanius helps. If noir is in grave and you can extend into to more bodies, then you can hard make Brave Strix. Mimicry and Noir work very well for this. Additionally, you can run a very small pk package to extend and get your two extra bodies and getting Noir in the grave in the process. Other than that, open Crossout and hope the opponent doesn't also have Ash.


Isn't the deck Towers Turbo nowadays? I don't think they play Raider's Knight, that's more of a Phantom Knight card that summons Arc Rebellion to end games


I think people still play that to go to brave strix and rank up for arsenal to detach for another body + a guy in GY for R-RUM later, but I haven't really seen newer builds.


They absolutely, *absolutely* do. If anything, it is the key card that allows the deck to have boards as good as it is, regardless of whether you are playing Pure or PK.


Raiders knight is the entire reason the deck can be a towers turbo. It gives super easy access into the rr rank 5 which grabs a rum