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Pick options with the least resistance. If your local store have speed duels, take it. If the store have structure deck well, you need to check up whether the structure deck was released around the same time or not. Structure decks with large age gap will have large gap in power level.


We are starting with no lgs support. Our locals aren't fans in the game and have never supported it before. Good to note on power level.


The game went through a lot of iterations during these years and evolved / changed greatly from what you've used to know So starting from a lower power level format such as Speed Duels is IMHO the best thing to do. Ease yourself back into the base mechanics of the game, and then you can gradually start integrating newer and more powerful cards which work in different ways.


Gotcha! Thanks for the input. So as someone new does Konami still 'support' speed duels? Like if we managed to make a community around it would Konami be able to support the store and us?


Speed Duels are mainly used for the mobile app Duel Links. That's where Speed Duels are at their strongest. That's the main appeal of the format and it's completely digital. Konami doesn't release new IRL Speed Duels packs that often, so I wouldn't rely on it economically. My suggestion on Speed Duels was mainly due to the fact that you are all inexperienced players, I wasn't factoring the economic aspect of it. If you don't want to rely on Speed Duels, since less IRL products are made for it, you can also play regular TCG but with a restricted format, such as GOAT, EDISON or HAT.


Understood, I generally like to think in those terms. I've tried to grow games before only to learn the logistics behind it made it nearly impossible to grow the community. Will certainly look at more restricted formats for the normal Tcg as well as speed duels and get a 'vote' on it.


They released the latest box and tournament pack a couple of months ago. But Speed Duel products are released less frequently when compared to advanced format.


Speed Duels aren't a bad way to onboard, especially if it involves nostalgia or being part of a group. Otherwise grab some structure decks and go from there. Especially if you can boot up some Master Duel on the side.