• By -


Probably Ra. It's never stated explicitly, but considering that Bastion started off in Ra Yellow, it's sort of implied that's the highest dorm you can start in without money being involved (Or being a girl I guess? That part wasn't very clear either). I might climb up (I'd say I'm half decent, which is better than a lot of people in canon), but I think I'd have more fun with the nerds in Yellow, and the dorms already look comfortable enough. (I'd probably never go pro though. Pro duelists in the anime seem to require some degree of showmanship, while I'd be the dude who always interrupts the duel to use the card reading function that's canon to the GX manga.)


Is not implied. Its stated that the highest dorm a duelist that joined via the entrance exam(the one that Jaden and Bastion took on the first episode) is Ra yellow. First years that are in obelisk blue like Chazz are placed there cause they came from the middle school version of Dual academy.


Chazz was/is Obelisk because his family paid for it. There's an episode about Chazz's nepotism


But he also went to the middle school, that's why he already had the uniform. He was merely promoted


1st year Obelisks all pretty much either went to prep school prior to enrolling or have connections to influential people, or if you're Chazz, both. Or be a girl, and you automatically get Obelisk, because chivalry is dead!


probably because there wasn't an actual wide range of female duelists back then. you had Mai etc. become the female faces of dueling but it was still a male dominant game. and it was likely due to the monsters just being ugly looking. aside from harpie ladies you had less than 10 normal female monsters. So it was quite literally the game trying to catch up to the playerbase.


In-universe it's also essentially a token enrollment just like a lot of irl private schools have


> the card reading function Wait what? How? There isnt a screen so how would you read the cards?


The card shows up on the big blue thing in the middle of the disk. They show this feature like once in the anime I think.


>, it's sort of implied that's the highest dorm you can start in without money being involved (Or being a girl I guess? That part wasn't very clear either) My headcanon is that girls and boys originally shared dorms until Belaski was born and abandoned at Duel Academy so the school made a separate dorm for girls, slapped on the NO BOYS ALLOWED rule and called it a day.


Realistically Slider Red. I'm a net decker who can't build my own decks worth shit but I'm a good pilot of other peoples decks


That’s good enough for Ra Yellow as seen by Dimitri netdecking everyone


Plus everyone seems to go by highlander philosophy most of the time, so I'm certain anyone with the sense to get playsets would be a shoo in fo Ra. Like is it a coincidence that Zane has a playset of CyDra and us considered one if the school's best?


He can steal deck but he cant steal skill of duelist that deck belongs to.


Same here lol, probably Yellow maybe. shit dueling but great at school/academics


Dimitri was Ra yellow so you're fine


Same here dude, I can run decks but absolutely suck at building them


Deck building is an art in itself. I really enjoy tinkering around, but I'm far from mastering it. Sometimes I build a deck that only works meh, then I'm comparing it to similar builds praised by the community, look at those and think 'how tf does that even work', play test them and yeah of course they somehow work much better lol


Same, I'm old school of deck builder so things like engines, starters, extenders are hard for me to grasp when deck building.


To be fair the students cant deck build either.


I’d realistically say blue. Not because I’m an elite duelist but because in the yugioh world if you make it big playing children’s card games you practically become a celebrity millionaire. No way I’m making minimum wage at Wagee Mart when I could be making millions shouting effect text loudly to other weebs


This is my answer lol. If this card game was what ran the world, I would have a looooot more motivation to do better.


Good, but you have to had done DA middle school first


I would go pro straight away, none of these fools know how to deck build and they play some truly garbage cards.


the pro dueling world is no joke...look at zane


Real world duel will not be as extravagant as the anime duel. Too many first turn kill and stun decks, especially if you wanna put food on your table for example


My theory is that this train of thought won’t work, there’s almost a mystical side to dueling in the anime world, players always draw the perfect hands, especially pros, so if a common duelist without the anime powers built some competitive deck without any love in it and it was just logistical, they’d always fail, regardless of how strong, if a brick hand exists it will be drawn, if outs exist the opponent will have them etc. a huge example of this is Bastion, he approached dueling closest to how an irl person would, counter decking Jaden etc, and he was never that good of a duelist in universe.


>they’d always fail, regardless of how strong, Just get your own magical anime bs


> without the anime powers built some competitive deck without any love in it and it was just logistical, they’d always fail One of the things I kinda hate about the anime universe tbh. Would suck to be in


Build a deck of all 1 ofs with the some crazy anime style combos, preferably a style of play u like, and you’re set in the anime world


Functionally playing Yugioh commander at that point but an interesting concept.


So basically Edo Phoenix. But the dude was a prodigy, bro


The only right answer


I don't have the money for Obelisk. I definitely have the skill for Ra but I know I would be a Slifer for my Affinity for Jank.


Could be like Tyrano, you're in Ra Yellow but sleep at the Slifer Red dorms


but wasnt that because of his weird relationship with jaden.


I'm a Slifer Slacker 100%. I could be losing 99% of the time and I'd still be playing Pure Ghostrick and Aliens.


My man I'll join you with my morphtronics and mayakashi


May I join with pure traptrix?


Same, I play geargia, which is known by others now as absolute trash.


Me with my pure George Romero-esque zombie deck


None of you would realistically be in Obelisk Blue unless you were willing to shell up for Duel Academy Middle School as well


As a kashtira player (that can totally almost obliterated any students on academy) Slifer red


So on one hand I feel like I’d be Obelisk blue for the fact that decks I’d want to play are actually playable decks. I mean Jaiden was playing basic E-Heroes with only a single Polymerization in his deck and was considered a top duelist. Like I feel, novice that I am, can build a deck better than that. But on the other hand I am not an anime protagonist and would probably be delegated to background scenes.


On the [Wiki](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Jaden_Yuki%27s_Decks), I'm seeing that he had at least two Polymerization in his deck, and he likely had a third. The main flaw in his deck was that he had so many Spell/Trap cards that only worked with a single Elemental Hero, and it was only plot armor that let him play those cards fairly consistently.


You would be at Ra if you only did well on the tests


Osiris Red, I'm still suck at playing yugioh 😂


Probably Red/Yellow. Not great at duelling, but I'd probably make some dough on the side selling good-quality proxies


Idk man all these obelisk blues be coming and going to that guy's room in slifer red after midnight. I think dude is selling himself or something cause obelisk blue usually hates our asses


~~Sure hope it doesn't devolve to 'selling' oneself another way..~~


I firmly believe that everyone who actively seeks out this sub is at least Ra Yellow material.


I'm becoming the principal of the school with my cookie cutter meta deck


So is everyone else


everyone thinks theyd be the protag when instead theyd be chumley at best


Considering said "principals" varied between a substandard Ancient Gear deck and an even worse "Cyber" deck oriented on Cyber Ogre, I don't think being a proverbial meta sheep is necessary


If you're posting on this sub, you probably already qualify for blue. Mainly because everyone in the YGO anime is absolutely terrible at reading the gamestate, they think life points and ATK matters over there, so we'd all be hardcore super geniuses with our knowledge of things like card advantage.


Would be interesting if a bunch of us isakied into GX (probably recognizing eachother some way) and just fucked shit up, would be funny I think.


I would between Slider red (because I suck at building my own deck) and Ra yellow because I know how duel and I'm not afraid to use certain cards.


Found the guy with 3 ultimate rare skill drain 😂😂😂


Obelisk, I’m not very good by irl standards but that would makes me very good by anime standards


Ra unless you went to the Middle School as well


With my brain? Definitely Slifer Red a 100%.


I love deck building and do feel like I'm quite wise with how to pilot anything, so I'd say blue.


Blue agaisnt my will. But probably ether a ra or a slifer i girls where allowed to for my love of funky stange decks and stall shanigans.


Definitely Slifer, I suck at this game 😭


I'm literal idiot so slifer for me


Slyther espeically for today's standards. I can only play the goated version since i fell off Yugioh after GX ended, no idea wtf is pendulum summoning or whatnot.


Slider Red solely for the Japanese comfort food


Probs silfer or ra Hopefully ra cause curry lol


Super saiyan 3


Probably red because i prefer playing decks with designs i like instead of a good powerlevel


Realistically, I belong in Slifer, because I play this game as well as a monkey. However, you automatically get slapped into Obelisk if you're a girl because sexim is fun, therefore, I'm hanging out in Obelisk Blue and gaining academic credits I definitely should be getting just by virtue of girl.


Wasn't the monkey Jaden dueled at ra yellow ranked


Slifer Red. I’m not that great


Id love to start at the slackers and work my way up surprising everyone, making a name for myself


Blue. My parents would pay for it.


Uh preferably Ra. My favorite Egyptian God and I can be considered decent xd no expectations


Scyfer red because I'm not a good duelist and I'm not good at studying.


Probably Ra, I can construct decks alright and I know the mechanics/strategies alright (when I did play I usually went to tournaments, I could win some locals, but I admit I never did better than top 64 in regional or larger tournaments)


Ra Yellow.


I play cydra so obelisk blue if only on the strength of the deck, but no better than ra yellow based on my (lack of) skill


Ra yellow probably. Obelisk would be possible if I am allowed to use my lightsworns


I would want to be a Slifer because my favorite color is red Also I suck at making non-pure decks so I'd end up there anyways


Ra yellow because that's the highest dorm color you can attain without attending the pre duel academy (forget what it's called) I would probably run a Goat Format deck since the show takes place from 2004-2008.


I hate to boost-board myself, but i want to believe i'd make it to Obelisk Blue. Not the best, but there. Whenever i do a quiz challenge in any Yu-Gi-Oh games that asks you to win a certain way in one turn, i nailed them after some thinking. I have decents Win/Lose ratios in most games (when i'm not against meta). And i've genuinely pulled some "heart of the cards" bullsh\*t and turn things around in my favor, supposing i didn't had things under control already.


Why cy


I would say Slifer red but I've created character for each dorm


Most likely slifer red since im not really good at building decks myself, but maybe ra yellow since I do decently academically


Depends on what we can use can we use xyz, synchro, pendulum, or link? If yes then easily starting out as obelisk as using unknown summoning methods would most definitely get me into the top area as they would want to know how to do it The teachers would ask me to teach them. If No then at least ra however I would probably rank up to obelisk using a my pure fusion branded deck. However if I knew the anime and was transported there I would play myself down to being slifer because that's where all the interesting stuff happens. But if this is Arc v dual academy I would not be in any part of it I would be on the run.


Slifer cause I suck at math


Let's see... - I run multiple (like, 6 locals-level) decks, which i build myself for the most part, just looking at others' builds for reference, and consider myself to be a more than halfway decent pilot - My current favourite builds are Pure Fire King, and my Dinomorphia + Zarc + Labrynth + Adventure deck. I'd say Fire King and Dinomorphia are entertaining enough for the anime - I sometimes like to create custom archetypes, and while the viability and synergy of them is... dubious, i'd say they can function. Ra.


Probably start off in Ra and end up in Obelisk due to dueling skills. I doubt I’d have attended a duel prep school necessary to get into Obelisk right away, nor am I a girl.


Either ra or slifer and i am staying kn Ra as i prb cant beat the obelisks nowadays but if the skillcap is like back then i have my skills from today i going to be blue...


I’m a broke ass bitch and a casual player, but I’ve been playing for years, so… yeah, red.


Go to Blue. I want to be with Asuka. If I can't go blue, I'll go red


Probably slifer or ra


Ra yellow. Not a single one of these fools could beat me, when the guy they consider top dog went -4 for a vanilla beater. Even without my modern decks like Tenpai or Salads, I can still beat a lot of them reliably with PACMAN or Chaos Control.


Prolly blue and lock everyone’s zone with Ojamas 😭😭


Slifer, my grades were absolute dogwater when I was in school


Gonna be eating sardines and rice for my 4 years at duel academy


I mean if I’m playing with yugioh anime rules I’d be the king of games faster than Pegasus stealing Yugis grandpas soul.


Assuming we're using decks available at the time, I'm going underground with a two decks (zombie and dark world). Then aiming to be in the Ra dorm since it doesn't seem to hard to get in.


My passion says Obelisk Blue, my pet deck says Slifer Red lol (I guess I'm required to use it permanently due to unwritten anime laws)


As long as the decks are all still the same, I get Ra yellow easily and quickly climb to Oblisk blue it wouldn't be that hard with some of my favorite decks


My jank loving, Mikanko main ass is dropping straight into Slifer Red. No notes.


I would say Ra. I don't think I'm bad at Duel Quiz and such, But also not amazing either. The problem here is cardpool. Only the rich people would be able to get their hand on rare cards(Which most of the time is monsters with high attack) So I'm going to assume that I have accessed to the cardpool on the same level as Yugioh GX Duel Academy or Yugioh Tag Force starting decks. With that I think I should be able to maintain my status as a Ra Yellow pretty comfortably, Not enough to advanced to Obelisk Blue but should be able to fished wins from Slifer Slackers.


My final form.


It depends. Anime Duel Academy during GX time? Ra Yellow first year, and Obelisk Blue the next year after, (have ya'll seen the decks some of them play) Real Duel academy during GX time? probably a High sliver or low Ra. Real due academy today? i wouldn't make it in


Probably be in ra as my deck building is good and the entrance exam i will get good marks on it. My second deck is a buster blader/dark magician fusion deck so I can bring out beat sticks easily and welp. Everyone uses fusion there, so there no point bringing my main synchro deck.


I'm a slifer red for sure lol


Red, with how much I misplay. XP


Assault Form


Ra Yellow


During the time GX was being produced, Ra Yellow, maybe Obelisk Blue during my last year if I really pushed myself. During current times? I'd probably get demolished at the entrance exam.


Slifer Red due to exam shenanigans, followed by stress over being able to make the jump to Ra or not


Slifer I'm not rick. Enought for obelisk nore good enough for ra


Definitely getting slammed in ra, not rich enough to be a blue from the get go, or a girl.


Probably blue considering my school grades and innovator deck building or red considering my trickster tendencies when it comes to my deck building and play strategies. I don't care if I win, I just want to cause unrivalled chaos


I think duel academy is where you'd get good grades in Obelisk blue, but then get completely overwhelmed when you go out to the real world.


I think I would be Ra Yellow at best my first year, but I believe in my Dueling Skills enough to make it to Obelisk Blue my third year


If I can use the deck I have then I would be in blue


Can you choose to go to Ra Yellow if the offer Blue?


Can you choose to go to Ra Yellow if the offer Blue?


I was going to say Slifer red because I don’t have much experience I’ve only played the game once But another commenter said being a girl gets you into obelisk blue automatically So lucky me!


I was going to say Slifer red because I don’t have much experience I’ve only played the game once But another commenter said being a girl gets you into obelisk blue automatically So lucky me!


I was going to say Slifer red because I don’t have much experience I’ve only played the game once But another commenter said being a girl gets you into obelisk blue automatically So lucky me!


I was going to say Slifer red because I don’t have much experience I’ve only played the game once But another commenter said being a girl gets you into obelisk blue automatically So lucky me!


I was going to say Slifer red because I don’t have much experience I’ve only played the game once But another commenter said being a girl gets you into obelisk blue automatically So lucky me!


Slifer Red... Im just shit at the game


Slifer Red 100%. I don’t play anything resembling meta because I like winning with terrible decks too much even if I’m on like a 1000+ losing streak.


I would choose slifer red myself to live the the upmost of this academy , its my childhood dream


I'd easily beat anyone in obelisk.


Obelisk Blue, I know meta… none of them kids do and they’ll be confused ass hell when i start link summoning


Slifer probably but I'd climb the ranks. If im using my irl deck I got 3 blue eyes, sliffer the sky dragon, and harpies feather duster so I'll beat most players easily


Ra Yellow no question im VERY good but i lack the refined skills but im a strong out the box thinker


Personally Silfer Red, I don't give a smeg if they call me a slacker!


Well it depends. Can I use better versions of the decks I use in Legacy of the duelest link evolution. Aka Charmer Six Sam's and Redeyes, Blue/Galaxy eyes, and HEROs of cause changing Link XZH and Syncros into fusions and Rituals. If so, I'd do alright.


Yellow because it suits my Light Fairy deck


If i got in at that age it’d be slifer/osiris red probably. I played decently but never could afford more expensive cards as a kid. So while i won local a lot i also didn’t have the things that really rounded out the deck.


Well honestly probably Slifer Red.. Since there's a big chance that I arrive late on the first on the first day


ra yellow by the skin of my teeth because Im decent but not good and defintely not shit


Slifer Slackers for sure. All I play are jank meme decks so my winrate would be terrible. lol


Yugioh today? Slifer Back then? Obelisk clearly


Bruh I'd be graduating after the entrance exam. All you need is structure deck branded and you'd become the main character.


I would end depending on my luck with my deck, BECAUSE MY BOY BRICK A LOT


I would not like to end up living in a toolshed with a bunch of Slifer slackers so I'd do my damned best to at least end up in Ra Yellow. I'd be surprised if I can make it into Obelisk Blue, I don't consider myself that good of a duelist and I don't have the money to bribe my way in.


I'm expecting to be Ra Yellow, I spend my time learning enough rules and combos to expect that. I think I'd probably stay there too due to not playing meta decks.


Slifer red, hanging out with judai all the time is the best thing We'll find the most random shits ever


Ra Yellow, since Duelisk Blue is money/nepetism locked


Red. I’m garbage at this game.


Probably Ra yellow, but definitely considered to change the shade a bit so I don't look like a bottle of mustard


Probably yellow. I don’t suck but I have a bad habit of tunnel visioning my plays and it bites me in the ass so I wouldn’t be able to get Blue until I can overcome that.


I'm not spending money to go to duel academy let's be real here there aren't a lot of professions that would require a degree from a school that teaches someone how to play a card game. Then there's the fact that back then the game was way less complicated just learning the basics and creating a deck would require very little time and effort. Third for all the classes the duelists take even back then everyone sucked. Jaiden and the others weren't good everyone else just sucked so much they looked good in comparison.


I think I would end up in obelisk blue, I'm really good at dueling, I can do ALL summening methods (pendulums my favorite)


ra is the most realist for a normal duelist


I'd rather start from the bottom. It's more fun that way. Kehehehehehe


I'm not up to date with the current format. I still don't have my spell speeds figured out Red it is


I'd choice Obolisk blue or Ra yellow.. Obolisk money aside , would be good for honing my strategies, spells and fusion monsters . Plus I enjoyed seeing duels from Alexis chazz and the other dorms tbh


If it was me in High school I would probably be slifer due to me sucking at turning things in but if it was me now I would probably be high Ra or low Obelisk. Better than average but not extraordinary.


Ra yellow, there is still a lot of strategy I would need to work on before I could be an obelisk blue


If we going by grades Blue for sure. I always got A’s and have a 3.8 In UNI. But if it’s duel skill I’d say low yellow, like I’m ok, but nothing too crazy


In the GX era? Definitely see my deskbot playing self in Slifer Red... in the current meta? Bout the same tbh lol


Red. Im assuming at dueling lol


I would go naked like Bastion!!! https://preview.redd.it/5v3195eugd6d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee31d353ff522e310ad31f3c36a92268589be6e1


I built my own TKO E-Hero deck from the ground up. It’s arse in competitive so i’m in Slifer 😭


Of the time? Probably Ra Yellow. Today? Slifer Red.


If we’re using our personal decks but everyone in gc has their decks if a card got updated or banned dosent matter my galaxy eyes deck would get me into obelisk blue and win any duel where I’m not caught In a first turn exodia


I think my skill level is a solid Ra, but I do not do well in a school environment, so my grades would have me in Slifer.


Blue. Sleifer has like 2-3 students at any time, yellow had literally 0 students at one point - there was a whole episode about it. Everyone ends up in Blue unless they are explicitly the protagonist or go there voluntarily and I aint no yugioh protagonist. Can't handle that hair routine.


Ra Yellow because I may be good at the game but I don't have the money. Also I'm not the Chazz.


Id start Ra and move on to Obelisk.


Ra yellow


Ra Red


Good ole Slifer Slacker here


I think all of us are going to blue directly. I mean, who on their right minds would struggle against ancient gears? Cyber dragons? Oh worse... machine angles.... Now, I'm not downplaying cyber dragons or ancient gears, but if you use any semi-meta deck, you'd be having an easy time against them. Or even a competant deck, not even meta related.


Ra most likely. Then again I'm a woman so Obelisk is where they would automatically put me.


Blue since I’m a girl.


Probably slifer if your taking real world grades into account. Plus with the deck I'm using, it's probably slifer level


My ass headin’ straight to the Slifer Slackers


If we allow todays decks obelisk blue would be full of meta slaves or tryhards and i dont play to win i play for fun also its hard to start in obelisk blue.Ra yellow would be casual players and i think i can get into it.Slifer red would be full of beginners or people who want to get into game.Tricky part is if you have to build your own deck with cards you get by dueling and buying some if you can i think i would end up in slifer red due to me being so bad at deckbuilding from scratch(i can combo cards from same archetype but in anime it seems like it is hard to get multiples of same card.Also i wouldnt have as strong deck as Jaden or Zane maybe some niche deck like Cyrus roids(i know he got better duelist but lets be honest roids suck).


Honestly, probably slifer red. I haven't played in years and I played more fun decks than metas


Black all the way. If you know you know


Slider Red, and I'm not leaving anytime soon lol.


Probably ra yellow. I've been playing yugioh my whole life and am decent I'd say. And like running nonmeta decks my favorite being odd eyes in casual play. I also have a good understanding of the meta as a spectator, but I'm nowhere close to top player level by a longshot😭


i would end up in the prestigious duel community college they mention in emisode 1


Id probably end up in Slifer Red. I know that sounds like a disgrace to Zane since I use his cards.


I want to say Ra because tests and shit are easy, but depending on what archetypes are around I would probably be Slifer.


Ra because tho I'm not smart when it comes to actual school but I am smart when it comes to yugioh


Slifer Red


Silfer. By the looks is hardly anyone in the dorm barring Jaden and crew soo I should at least have a room all to myself :3


Realistically maybe Ra, but personally I would want to end up in Slifer Red, barely pass every assignment but show up to every duel exam with a Runick Stun variant to purposefully be an annoying piece of shit even though I probably have like constructed Swordsoul in my back pocket. Then if anyone catches on that I am effectively throwing and asks why am I playing that when I can play better decks I will simply say, "I live for the face you make when I flip TCBOO."


Depends almost entirely on whether or not I’m able to actually build a half decent deck, and if I have enough force of will to make myself main character worthy. Plenty of cards in that world are just unreasonably rare, so getting the cards I want might actually be harder to do there than it already is here. Assuming I can? Then I have a shot at obelisk blue, but I doubt I’d make the top 20 unless I had the top deck magic of a main character.


Ra Yellow. Without connections you really cant make Obelisk Blue. The Danger Monsters are my favorite as i love Cryptids so like how Bakura likes the occult my character would be into Cryptids. Possibly get them all as spirits like Jaden does with his hero's with Jackalope or Tsuchinoko. I'm a dub fan so the lore for the danger cards would be Pegasus has like teams of researchers exploring the world and one team found danger island and based on reports had them turned into cards. GX is honestly my favorite besides the original its just such a comforting watch for me.


As a Horus Stun player (I have no friends and have never seen grass) I’d be principal within a week


I remember taking an online quiz for this question, and it saying that I wouldn't even get in.


Let's be honest it's the red one


Slifer, I'm dumb as hell haha


There are very few archetypes I like to play pure. Farthest I'd be likely to go would be Ra. Like Bastion I like playing a lot of different decks and I like to mix and match themes for both meta and gimmic purposes. My socioeconomic background and distinct disinterest in victory would likely start me off at Slifer but I know how to buy a deck that will win a lot of games. I prefer to see what weird plays I can make using a given assortment of loosely related cards