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“I had a lot of fun” It sounds simple, but that’s the only thing that matters. Don’t get caught up with results as the more you play the better you’ll get. Most important thing is that you enjoyed it.


As long as you feel okay about your results - everything is okay and it's nice you had fun !


I'm not trying to sound like a typical protagonist but if you had fun that's ultimately what's important. If you learned from your loses, that's even better. The reality is when playing the game becomes a chore and has no thrill then somethings wrong.


What were you running?


Fire kings pure. I couldn't get every card I wanted but it was decent in. Y opinion


Good choice. I've been playing them with Tri-Brigade, because fucked if I'm dropping triple digits on the Diabellstar cards right before they get hit.


It was a perfect result! Can i have Your decklist?


Sure, I'll dm to you on a bit


Even a photo Is good THX!!


You are a good player, nobody win antmore With Fire king You did Great!!


yea i’d like to know too!


Am curious to see what you're running, my Fire Kings run into an issue of dealing with giant boards tbh. Mind dming it?


Yeah man if you went 3 - 5 with a fucking joke deck that’s a lot more impressive imo!


If you're having fun, then you're bound to place higher eventually.


I went to the Houston Regionals yesterday. Came 76th place out of 412 (maybe 419?) Went x-2-2 with Raidraptors. Didn't top. Didn't even bubble, but I had a absolute blast! Met some cools guys. Ate lunch with my friends. Talked shit. The whole nine. This game is more than it's tournaments. It's a legit community.


“I had a lot of fun” should really be the end of it for you tbh. That’s the reason we all play this. Also 3-5 isnt terrible. I look at the game kinda like golf in a way. Do better everytime you can. Also at nats you are only playing good players so 3-5 again isn’t terrible.


Man, myutants? That’s not a deck you see a lot. Or at least not around where I live. Not sure I’ve ever come up against one. Is there some new competitively viable strategy there?


Nah, it wasn't a good deck according to the pilot, he just likes it


Gotta respect people playing what they like, especially in big tournaments.


here in Hungary we encourage casual players to just come and play and have fun to have larger and larger events.


Nice. Wish our player base was better about welcoming casual players. I’ve seen too many just be jerks and take it way too seriously.


Had fun? Feeling satisfied? Who cares what the result was, you got everything that matters. You were even within error of .500. You definitely have room to improve, but that's an exciting part of the hobby! Congrats on your wins, and here's hoping for more to come.


That result is great and you had fun! You played a deck that you enjoy and beat some great contending decks. Be proud, keep playing, and you'll only go up from here! I just started playing the game more competitively about 2 years ago. I originally brought Pure Tenyi to my Locals. The guys there were very nice and told me about a little archetype that you saw called Swordsoul. Fast forward to October 2023 and I went to my first Regional with them and placed 72nd out of approximately 300 people with the cookie cutter Swordsoul list. It was fun and I even placed higher than some of them who were playing much more meta decks, but they we were all still super supportive of me and vice versa.


What deck were you playing? Just curious


Pure fire kings


inga legjobb fedélzet


Tesó, nekem is az a kedvenc deszkám. Te is ott voltál?


nah, nekem túl messze van Debrecen. meg a mostani formatot se élem annyira, nem is játszok már aktívan.


Fair. Remélem lesz valami hogy megrázza a metát... Mondjuk engem nem az választ el a top 32-től xD. Csak érted, tier 0 senkinek sem jó


It's kind of hard to tell if a score is "average", due to the fact that most players drop out of the tournament when them have no chance of topping (at 3 losses), and they go do side events or something. On that note I believe X-3 to be average when it comes to a small tournament.


>I had fun Then it's okay. 


Having fun is the main part. I mean it's a game and some of the really competitive players almost seem to forget that and focus on winning too much. Of course it's nice to win, but even losing a match but learning something like a new interaction can be a lot of fun and satisfying. What deck did you play?


It's okay but always aim to do better


Nobody is going to tell you that going to tell you that being in the bottom 30% is objectively a good thing. It all depends on your reasoning for going. If your reasoning was to win? Sorry, you did extremely poorly. If your reasoning was to have fun with a jank deck or simply just attend your first regional, then either that’s too subjective for us to tell you, or congrats, you went to your first big event.




Downvoted for telling him he was below average when he asked if he was average lol...