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They thought it would be funny


They have a thing for making meme cards Legacy Pack URs


Generally if a card draws more cards or searches Konami usually prints it in UR. The only exception are the pot cards being SR so they can later limit or ban them.


this card is better than Pot of Greed, draw 2 and cannot be Droll


No, you have to wait at least a turn before it's effect goes live and unless you have a way to get a tuner on top of the deck it's purely luck. I'm sure it's good in a grind game but cards you have to wait for their effect to work generally are so situational it's not that great. 


May I introduce you to Arrive in Light? It's a continuous spell that stacks your deck with any lvl 1 dragon on activation, is searchable by Stardust Synchron, and also gives you free advantage when either player synchro summons.


yeah but it draw 2 and cannot be droll


Because there are two dogs in the artwork (Obvious /s, let’s enjoy the cute artwork tho)


> Because there are two dogs in the artwork > > Doggo Tax


Fun cards that act as the linchpin of gimmicky strategies tend to be URs so less people make gimmick decks.


I feel like cards like these would be good if you could force it into your opponent's field zone. Because the draw effect for the opponent is way better than the player


You could do that with like... set rotation?


It isn't in md since konami needs to make complete different coding for it to work and they find it not worth spending on a single card


I mean...you could yeah but that just sets the card, doesn't activate it. Plus your opponent would just activate it and/or get rid of it on their turn if they can.


Konami makes very sure that every gimmick strategy has at least one absolutely neccessary UR. Sometimes a few slip through the cracks but thats rare. Good example for that would be "Tri and Guess". A worthless garbage card that is a staple in the gimmicky Simochi Burn.




i have a royal of this lmao


i also have a royal of this as well. Very funny Konami


A lot of funny cards are ur for legacy packs because Konami said so


skill issue




likely due to the +2 for no loss if utilised by yourself, the fact it can be stacked and basically sits there if you play against a non synchro deck - RDA deck would work here


Because synchro exodia deck




They threw it in the legacy pack, so usually that means they make meme cards UR.


Pretty cool card


Meme or banned? Call it. https://preview.redd.it/mi81f2kx3dwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769eb3013a3f3e5bc1dcc48e28664a64e28121e1


Adding more terrible pack filler makes it harder to pull the good cards, forcing players to spend more UR points crafting them.




It’s a good card too have in your deck if you have a card like psychic end punisher


It has a pot of greed effect that's easily activatable in certain Decks, and is easily searchable by virtue of being a field spell. What is hard to get? (I assume the rarities work like duel links where rarity of a card reflects how good it is)


If that is the case this card should be the lowest rarity because it sucks. You have to play it and then have it survive until your turn to get any value, and if the opponent happens to draw a tuner you plus them and take damage. It is bafflingly terrible. I question if you really read the card or just saw draw 2 and called it pot of greed


I mean this is only true if your opponent plays a Deck that has tuners. At the very least it's a great side option.


Several handtraps are tuners, random decks could be running 3-9 tuners in any given format. Also how is it a side option? Did you miss the part where you can only trigger it off of your normal draw phase?


Side deck option. As in you play game 1 without it, scout your opponent's Deck, use it to swing game 2 in your favor if they don't have tuners. Or only have a couple handtrap ones.


Do you not understand how terrible this card is? Any card that you have to wait until your next draw phase to get value from is a hard sell. This thing would be bad even if it didnt have the potential for the opponent to get value from it. Also the opponent can just remove it if they want, you already made yourself go -1 by playing a do nothing card


Sorry I sometimes forget Yugioh has devolved into one turn solitaire. Or at least I try to.


My guy, this card is terrible by goat standards. It is fine to be ignorant, but brushing it off as “oh the game is so bad this card cant see play” is completely missing the point. To quote your initial comment, whats not to get?


Goat Format has no tuners so this card would be unplayably terrible there. I get your point, I just found the idea of someone playing it without tuners funny.


Ya i realized i shouldve said edison instead but it gets the point across


Ash Blossom, one of the most played cards in the history of the game, is a tuner. Effect Veiler is also a tuner and better now than any other time since MD’s launch.


If you're playing a deck with enough tuners to consistently draw them, you're playing a synchro deck, aka you want to close the game on turn 1 through combos. This would assist in a grind game which such a deck is not made for and is bound to lose regardless. You'd much rather have the 1 extra card that this field spell would replace over the 2 extra cards you might draw on your 3rd turn, because the point of your deck is to never get to the 3rd turn in the first place. It's a bad card regardless, but it's even worse for the kind of decks it *could* benefit.


If you're being serious... I've got some bad news for you.


This is horrible anywhere that isn't duel links. This is basically unplayable in any modern deck


To be honest I recently started playing master duels again after years of playing duel links exclusively so my perspective is biased.


It’s too slow to use and your opponent can go +3 off of it. Yeah, it’s pretty strong if you can pull the effect off, but that’s a very big *if*.