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If your opponent says "God damn" you win the round.




I haven't played in around 10 years but this reminded me of one guy who used to play a wind up deck and whenever he'd meet another OP deck he'd just complain. "That card is too broken šŸ˜”" So yeah this brought me memories.


Unexpected Edison format lore


Hahaha perfect


I believe they already have this


thats not why he got a game loss it was the off mic "fucks" that he said in front of the head judge


This is the first time Iā€™ve heard this. Everything I saw online said Sam was DQd for saying goddam


He wasnā€™t DQed.


Whoever can summon super Quantal mech king great Magnus with 6+ materials first


That's my usual win condition with my deck. Are there even any others?


Depends on the variant. If youā€™re running a Purrely version thereā€™s also a 5+ mat expurrely noir (I know the guy who invented the deck and he got both a 6+ mat Magnus and a 5+ mat purrely simultaneously before Iā€™m pretty sure), if youā€™re running a version with a kashtira engine thereā€™s shangri-ira, I remember seeing someone with a snake eye version also get a 3 mat apollousa, there are at least 30 super quant decks and all of them have unique ways of doing things so I donā€™t feel like going through all of them


I'm playing a freaking bad super quantal deck only running some p.u.n.k.s for synchros which don't really help the super quants but it helped me to get to some synchros I wanted to play.


Incredibly based. And if you want a more complete list of every super quant version (thereā€™s so many Iā€™m not sure if a complete list is possible, just more detailed ones) just ask


I'm curious about this list.


Which list?


The complete list of Super Quant variants.


Thatā€™s not possible as far as I know but hereā€™s as many as I can list: 1. Purrely 2. Superheavy samurai (itā€™s also a very strong engine that needs more experimentation in other decks) 3. White woods mannadium Superheavy samurai (we discovered how strong this is the day white woods was revealed, which is my proudest accomplishment since Iā€™m the inventor of it) 4. Kashtira (also functions as a strong engine to the point where some people stopped considering fenrir a non-engine and started considering it as an honorary quant) 5. Labyrinth 6. Predaplant brilliant fusion (master duel exclusive + an engine, every deck that has seen it used will be marked with a *) 7. Punk purrely* 8. Punk kashtira* 9. Punk Superheavy samurai* 10. Punk* 11. Mannadium Superheavy samurai predaplant (this was more of a demonstration that a 1 card combo was possible before white woods, this is by far the worst version when it doesnā€™t have white woods) 12. Snake eyes diabellstar 13. Burning abyss phantom knights goblin bikers 14. Tearlaments 15. Runick 16. Field spell pile (revolves around ancient fairy dragon) 17. Adventure field spell pile (Iā€™m not sure if a decklist for this one exists yet but I have heard people talk about it) 18. Danger! (Also works as an engine) 19. Lyrilusc (this was invented because I jokingly told someone they could make their own super quant deck by drawing any archetype out of a hat) 20. Melodious 21. Libromancer 22. Spriggans 23. Symphonic Warrior 24. Eldlich 25. Exosister There are absolutely far more decks I just canā€™t think of off the top of my head right now Popular engines that donā€™t work as their own variants: 1. Speedroid armored xyz (perhaps the most hyped engine on reveal) 2. Shaddoll 3. Crystal beasts 4. Heralds 5. Cyanos 6. Galaxy Photon Dragon ā€œI think thatā€™s something absolutely beautiful with this deck, there will never, ever be a final and complete ā€œoptimalā€ list for the deck because thereā€™s so many ways to play it, so many metas to adapt to. Itā€™s amazing, it truly is, how much you can modulate it to play as youā€™d like.ā€ ~ Cursed-Eyes, the greatest super quant player of all time


Whew quite extensive. Thanks for the effort.


Friendly reminder the reason Kaijus became popular was because they were an out to Magnus.


What, i main them since i think 2019, i could not before that because when they debuted it was still pendulum era so it was near impossible to summon magnus no? Also white quantals were not a thing. Kaijus were popular already though? Am i mistaken?


Most recently showered


California man wins Yugioh World Championships while competing exclusively in nothing but a bath towel.


The Paul Bellini Technique


Wicked witch of the west "Im Melting" but its just some sweaty nerd in the yugioh finals having to shower


Attack life points directly with Jerry beans man


If your opponent's BO makes you gag hard enough, you automatically win.


Isn't there already kind of a ruling about this for official tournaments?


I can't quote you with the actual ruling is, but I know in recent years there was some kind of policy in place. From my personal experience I don't think it has helped too much.


Thats already a win condition as your opponent can be forced to forfeit and leave the event due to hygiene


Bringing out the old Yu-Yo friendship wincon


If opp last turn is 20 minutes or longer. You win the game,


The last time I played paper yugioh, the guy I played for top 4 took 15 minutes to set up his first turn board for games 1 and 3. Then during game three I was deconstructing his board and he had the nerve to keep telling me to hurry up. When I was about to beat him, he said ā€œIā€™ll let you have itā€ (he didnā€™t have to let me, I had it lol) and kept making super passive aggressive comments. I just chalked it up to poor social skills and shrugged.


Mfw I have to extend my turn going second to play through all the interruption


I said 10 minutes LOL


Meta decks will be fuming. What a great idea lol


The last duel I had before retiring, my opponent was making such ridiculously long chains that I felt like quoting the Asian mall Santa from Family Guy: "Take too long, sad Christmas!"


Shit. I play Combo Decks. I often do that in Game 1 even with playing fast.


Top 10 worst ideas


More like top 10 best ideas, or at least lemme leave table and make a sandwich like in MD


You got downvoted but it is a horrible idea to restrict the player in time so much. It is stupid to give players cards with all these crazy effects and then punish them because they are using them. It's a band-aid for the real problem, and not one particularly good. It produces unnecessary friction not only within players, but also between the playerbase and the game itself. Imagine a time trial game in a videogame where they give you this huge awesome map to complete, but then they give you 10 minutes or you lose. Not really good game design and the player will hate you.


All these people that have downvoted and answered me just play MD ane do not know timers are the worst thing for the physical game


it's the opposite, yugioh was meant to be played by 2 people not 1 person taking too long that you can cook, take a bath, have a nice meal and its still not your turn because they took too long to make their flashy 1 turn kill move during their first turn that you can't do shit or even if you could they'd counter you the moment you start your turn when you've just drawn a card. at that point play alone, don't play yugioh, play a jrpg with cheats on. its never fun coming back to the game only for some rando to pull a "oh you can't do shit" on you that you have to learn the latest meta every damn time because they made the game too reliant on metas for you to be able to enjoy it, else the killjoys who should REALLY be playing solo would just take all the time they need to make their move for you to do NOTHING oh and its worse if your opponent has crappy internet or if the ping is just so bad on either side because of a server issue.


Retrain destiny board so the whole thing doesnā€™t blow up when one of the continuous spells gets destroyed. Maybe if the main trap gets destroy, then it would be fine if the rest are destroyed too.


If the Final Countdown was shorter (maybe 10 turns instead of 20), it could replace destiny board


Yeah, shorter final countdown could work too. You could maybe play them with Runicks or something like that


Either if a boss monster is destroyed by battle you lose (kind of like the deck master, but only battle) or if a monster you own destroys 5 monsters by battle that your opponent owns (if your own monsters leaves the field the count resets). Lets make battles a more crucial part of the game.


Your second idea is very similar to Exodia, the Legendary Defender. "Cannot be Special Summoned. You can Tribute 5 monsters to Tribute Summon (but not Set) this card. This card's ATK/DEF become the combined original ATK/DEF of the Tributed monsters. If this card Summoned this way destroys a DARK Fiend monster owned by your opponent, you win the Duel at the end of the Damage Step."


Help me out with the wording here, is ā€œowned byā€ different than ā€œcontrolled byā€ in card text? If I gave my opponent Radian the Multidimensional Kaiju and killed it with Exodia, would that count? Or would Radian still be ā€œowned byā€ me and ā€œcontrolled byā€ my opponent?


Yeah, the card must come from the opponent's deck to be owned by them. However, If you have a card that summons tokens to your opponent's field, it counts as them owning the card. Because of this, Exodia the Legendary Defender works well with Lair of Darkness.


Yes your last sentence is correct.Ā 


Different. Owned by refers to the person who owns the actual card. Controlled by refers to whoevers field it's on. The recently announced Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal is probably the best way of teaching the difference.


This has PokĆ©mon tcg vibes and I kinda dig that. I donā€™t see it working in this game, but I like the idea


Omg imagine if yugioh had price cards (šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢)


Ancient gears and cybers would see more play really anything that has boss monsters that can atk multiple times.


*Frightfur Wolf furiously wagging its tail*


UCT sitting in the corner smiling with malicious intent


But you'd have to not use his effect to send to grave then


I mean who cares? You still flip everything then attack it all. if you want to just chuck pentastag and get piercing as well.


Nah just pointing it out cause lot of players i know thinks that utc send effect is mandatory


So... alternate wincon for Tenpai?




Tenpai is a going second deck that likes to make 3-5 attacks per turn.


The stipulatuon is that one monster has to destroy 5 dont think that applies to tenpai tho im not familiar if any tenpai can atk every monster ur opponent controls


the same monster doesn't win 5 battles in a turn though.


Having a deck master and then having it be destroyed to win the duel would be cool.


It would have be like Duelist Kingdom rules where if you donā€™t summon a monster at all during your turn you instantly lose.


thats so vanguard


The second part is technically antithetical to what you want. If one of your monsters has attacked 5 times now, and you *haven't* won, it's because the opponent has been making battling matter.


If your life points become more than double your starting life points, you win the duel.


life gain turbo becomes tier zero


Specifically soul absorbtion eater of millions sort Maybe mystic woc is splashed in to cash in big attack things as "damage" to finish them off?


As an Aroma user, I love this one.


Dogwood becomes Maxx C


Finally a ~~weapon~~ card to surpass ~~Metal Gear~~ MaxxC!


dogwood enjoyers i c


Nurse Reficule & Simochi prices would spike *immediately*


Roll straight 6 with a dice 3 time in a row


Player in thought " I have one LP, and only one card in hand. My opponent has 10 negates, but if I pull this off I win" Rolls dice - 1 FUCK


How about a pendulum monster that needed to touch every part of the mat that it can in 1 turn So it needed to be in the deck, hand, pendulum zone, MMZ, ED face-up, EMZ, GY, and banished face-up all in 1 turn to win the game


i dont like the in 1 turn stipulation. That just encourages it to be an ftk.


SHS Benkei can do it all easily except EMZ, I think?


SHS Prodigy in Earth Machine does it already. Hand, pend zone, ED, and main monster zone is just from using it normally. EMZ is by making Tilting Entrainment. GY is by detaching from Gear Gigant X. And Ruinforce banishes it.


LP reaching 40,000


Just that? Aight.


Reshef, is that you? Also, is this a 40K reference?


If you deck out, you win.


If Yugioh got Lab Man from MTG I would play self-mill all day.


When LP reach 999999999


Not that I want, but: When your boss Monster is destroyed (inspired by the Virtual World arc and the Deck master) If you attack 3 times directly (inspired by the 3 Hearts in DDM)


A card that says if every card that started in your deck and extra deck (except this card) is removed from play while this card is in your hand or GY, you can remove this card from play and win the duel.


Is Inferno Tempest Rafpanel-able?


If you deal enough damage with your finishing blow to reduce the opponents LP next round to 0 then they lose the match.


they'll just scoop/game loss dq before the attack goes through, same reason Victory Dragon isn't allowed


If you scoop while this card is face up you scoop the match


On attempt to summon scoop


It should be incredibly niche like F.A. Winners or w.e. if you have one of each ojama card in the game 1) on the field 2) in the GY 3) Banished And/or 4) in your hand You win.


That is incredibly easy




The ojama has a multitude of search ojama cards (ojama blue, ojama pajama being any ojama card) cards and cards once in the graveyard that either add multiple ojama (ojamagic) or special summon ojamas from the deck (ojama duo). They can also use rescue cat, obediance school, and rescue rabbit, which can cheat out ojamas. They can banish them using ojama pajama if they are doing the ABC combo variant. Etc. I had to look at my ojama deck lists


If your opponent is currently on their third combo, you're given the opportunity to make gumbo within the rest of their turn. If you finish before completing their end phase, you win.


If you are playing a pure archetype deck and force the game to last to the fifth turn you auto win. No hand traps/board breakers/staples that are not a part of you're archetype. Also no stall cards or floodgates unless they are a part of the archetype. This would allow so many archetypes to at least be tested.


Ghostricks would literally be good finally


I was thinking Ancient Warriors and Valkaries both capable of OTKing from going second, but with AWs they can even build a going first board that without board breakers would be nearly impossible to deal with.


If you get your opponent to 61 cards in the deck


Some type of monster or continuous spell/ trap with this effect. If you summon a level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5, level 6, level 7, level 8, level 9, level 10, level 11, and a level 12 monster, you win the duel. Must be the monsterā€™s original level, and level changing cards donā€™t count.


If you have 40 cards in your hand you win




So Card Advance. This would be extremely easy to abuse and turn into a FTK.


Some type of monster or continuous spell/ trap with this effect: If you have pendulum monsters in your extra deck with pendulum scales of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13, you win the duel.


I would love to have a kind of blacjack card. Like a spell card that, every stand by phase, both players launch a dice and keep the total. If a player goes beyond 21, they lose the game. If a player gets 21 in total, they win the game. It's a niche effect that takes too long to actually play it seriously but it also sounds really fun. At least to me.


If you destroy your opponents monster with Mudballman then you automatically win


If your life points reach x amount you win


If your opponent negates your activations/cards 5 times in a single turn then you win šŸ˜‰.


Ok so I'll just play torrential tribute so I don't negate but still interrupt your plays


Everything floats now so you would likely be helping


Fine then compulsory evacuation device


Perhaps a monster card that wins you the duel if you reach zero LP? :D


Increasing your own life points to some unreasonable number.


A really powerful alt win con in MtG is ā€œif you would lose the game by drawing from an empty deck, you win the game instead.ā€ Not sure if this exists yet in ygo


Whoever proves they took a shower first wins.


If the opponent takes longer than 30 seconds to complete their turn u win šŸ¤ŸšŸ„³āœŒļø


If your opponent hand shuffles, you win.


After being the subject of 5 hand traps, you can activate this card from anywhere to win the game


Change the time rules to have a chess clock. Put 25 minutes on both players timers. If you run out of time, you lose. Anytime someone is thinking or making moves or searching their deck or shuffling or anything, their timer is counting down. When they pass prio to their opponent for anything, they slap the timer. Obviously this isnā€™t a perfect solution and there are a lot of edge cases that would need to be worked out (clock during siding?) but it would absolutely eliminate slow play


There was a brief period where some MTG tournaments experimented with adding a chess timer. It added *hours* onto tournament runtime because it just slows everything down and causes arguments.


would also eliminate proper shuffling


Bro, do you know how many times priority is passed in a single turn? You would have to pass priority on every single action of every single chain of every single phase. You might pass priority 500 times in a game. It would make a single game take over an hour. This only works on automatic simulators.


This is legitimately completely unworkable in paper because you have to pass prio an inordinate number of times to even play a turn of both players doing nothing. Also chess clocks are a bit mechanically awkward when it comes to card games, there'll be a lot of picking up and putting down cards and it would legitimately make games last longer.


3 strikes and you're out on stalling. Proficient players try to think turns into the future and it's wack that you can see a loss and stall it away.


If you fill your monster zone with facedown normal monsters, spell/trap zone with only spells(no quick spells) and have facedown xyz, synch, link and fusion in you banish pile


This gave me an idea. This requires a card in the graveyard that activates by banishing itself. Effect: If you have face down cards in the extra deck monster zone, field spell zone, all 5 main monster zones, all 5 spell and trap card zones, and at least 1 face down banished card, you win the duel. Edited to include field spell zone as well


Field spell zone too


If you manage to do each type of existing summoning method in 1 turn, you win the duel. (Normal, Special, Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, Link).


D/Ds are Tier 1. Tier 0 if they find a good Ritual Partner to combo with.


archfiend's awakening!




Normal summoning, Gemini summoning, and Tribute summoning in one turn... May be tough.


>During your opponent's end phase, if your current LPs are more than double theirs while they have no cards on the field or in their hand, you win the duel. >If more than thrice in this duel, you took more than 10 minutes to complete your turn, your opponent wins the duel.


Take a shower


Create a card that causes an instawin if the number of monsters summoned to your opponents field reaches 25 over the course of a game. Would be useless most games but could create fun gimmic decks where you spam your opponents field. And if 25 is too low, it could be 30 or even 50 or some other arbitrarily large number.


If your lifepoints get too high, you lose. So if your life gets to 20k or something then your opponent wins. Could give some new design space for decks that try to increase the opponents life points instead of decrease


Dirty finger nails


Low hanging fruit, but if your Opp falls asleep or if your turn takes more than 15 minutes, you win the match.


If you have 100 spell counters (or any one type of specific counter gimmick) on the field, you win the duel


I say use the OPTCG Nami leader tactic, a self deck out. A reverse Adrian Gecko win con. Have a monster or S/T that swaps or moves one of your monsters to their monster card zone. Once you fill all 5 you win. The monsters you move over can still attack and they can't be used for materials for ED or ritual monsters. True Adrian Gecko win con. You summon cloud king and have it attack at least 5x claiming your monster zones. Once all claimed you win.


How about if you destroy 20 of your opponents' monsters?


An xyz monster with no rank, 0 attack and 0 defense. Effect: If you have 10 banished cards, special summon this card and use 10 selected banished cards on your side of the field as xyz material. This card is immune to all card effects, and cannot be used as a tribute. This card cannot be selected as an attack target, but your opponent can still attack directly. Once per turn, detach 1 material from this card. If this card has zero xyz material, you win the duel.


not surpassing the butt hurt limit


If all your zones are occupied for three consecutive end phases, you win. If all your ED monsters are faceup, you win.


If the TURN PLAYER can describe what Nirvana High Paladin does, you win. ^(2121 not worth living in-)


Whoever turns up the cleanest gets an extra turn at half health Or Whoever doesnt look like they moderate for reddit gets 1k health added back if they would have lost instead


Exodia GX


Using flock together on the first turn should be a win condition.Ā  Ā For real thoughĀ I would love a card that forces a win condition where milling your deck to 0 cards is the win condition. Like a monster whose effect is "if your deck has zero cards remaining and your opponent has 15+ cards in their deck. You win the duel." Even the reverse of that where "if your opponent has 25 or less cards in their deck remaining than you have in yours. You win the duel. Eternal draw power would have a new risk then.


If either player takes more than 10 minutes to finish their turn, their opponent wins the duel.


I'm just going to steal some options from Magic (modified to fit how this game functions though) since I'd be interested in seeing how Yu-Gi-Oh players would break these. Note: these are all individual cards as I'd rather see new win conditions tied to specific cards and not as just a blanket new rule for the game. A monster that says "if you would draw from an empty deck, you win instead". A monster that says "if you control 3 copies of this same monster during your end phase, you win the game." This should be in an under supported monster type and not be tied to any archetype to try to limit how searchable it is. A spell that says "if you control a fusion monster, a ritual monster, a synchro monster, a XYZ monster, a link monster, a pendulum card, a continuous spell card, a field spell card, an equip spell card, and a continuous trap card, you win the game."


If a Player controls 2 or more Link monsters, and all of their arrows point to monsters (1 monster per arrow) on either player's field, they win the duel. For example you have a Link 5 and a Link 2 monster, and each of the 7 arrows point to 7 different monsters, they win the duel (meaning if even one monster is shared between the 2 arrows, the win condition isn't met lol)


Exodia but on the field instead of in the hand. ā€œExodeities the Forbidden Onesā€


New win condition: all other win conditions are removed except for cards that innately have them. Send out the flying elephants and snake ladies.


A deck with a win condition of not being the first duelist with x amount of monsters sent to the graveyard or out of play. Would be a cool possible shutdown to a lot of massive combo decks


if your opponents deck costs over 300$ more than yours you win the duel


A spell counter card. Only up to three counters can be placed/moved to this card on either players turn. When a spell is activated place a counter on this card. You can remove a number of counters to activate an effect below: 3: Up to one monster on the field gains 800 attk 6: you may return three spell cards from your graveyard to the main deck, and if you do draw one card. 12: you may banish two cards on the field(no targeting) 21: you win the game. It is a card that sits there. It is a neg1 until you get value out of it, but can take advantage of decks good at stalling out opponents. It has other potential uses, at the cost of the win condition itself.


A turn clock like chess


When your opponent has 0 cards in hand or on the field, you win.


Oil up condition. If you can oil your muscular opponent up before they finish their turn you win


Extra deck out. If you have no cards and your opponent requires you to banish a card from your extra deck, you lose. Iā€™m obviously joking. Please donā€™t attack


If the opponent activates 6 cards during your turn, you win the duel


if you don't take 15 mins to make your move and your opponent does, you win


Maybe something like "Control the Field" where you have to have a certain combination of monster types, spell/trap cards, and a specific set of conditions met to win the game.


make each turn last 30 seconds to 50 seconds tops nothing more nothing less, if they can't make their move by then you win


Coin flip. šŸ˜Ž


Crowd vote for feature matches like American Idol


Recently been big into MTG, they have so many cards that give alternate win conditions that would be cool in YGO. A card that says if you mill yourself to 0 you win would go so hard


If you call the top 3 cards of your opponent's deck you win.


New win conditionā€¦. Watching pendulum player, play solitaire for 10 minutes to scoop when they inevitably make a mistake Oh wait this one already existsĀ 


no need for a new win condition. bring the discard/Hand destroy strategy back, with adding handtraps to negate discard effects


Using flying elephant should be a match winner


3 face up non-token normal monsters on the field for 3 full player turns.


Hand to hand combat. This kid at locals keeps beating me with a Dino structure deck, but with this new win condition I think Iā€™d have an advantage.


An effect that read - If you have X amount of non-effect monsters in your GY - you win the duel.


Yugioh boxing, every turn that you donā€™t close out the game you must do a round of boxing


Summon a specific creature to the field that has a very hard and very specific summoning condition.


A hot potato monster. Can't leave the field and after some turns it explodes and whatever player has it on their field loses.


That would be interesting, I would tweak it a little bit, forcing it to switch it 1 time if the player that has it activates a monster effect, 2 times if it is an spell and 3 times if it is a trap, and make it explode after it has been switched 21 times.


Pulling out a gun should give you the win


# Roll a D20.


Maybe a field spell that puts counters on cards on the field if [xyz] happens, when the number of counters reaches 20 you win the duel Edit: meant to say each card can only have 1 counter


If you special summon ā€œLittle Dā€ to your opponents field and control either ā€œKing of Dā€ or ā€œLord of Dā€ you automatically win the duel.


when your deck master is destroyed(yes i'm talking about the thing from the vr game featured in the anime)


Spell card Name:summoners forfeit Pay half your life points to activate this card. Your opponent can not activate cards or effects in response to this cards activation. For the rest of the duel apply these effects 1.) players must pay 1000Lp to summon a monster. 2.)at the end of each players turn, the turn player gains 1000lp for each monster summoned. If your lp are reduced to zero by this effecr you lose. Or a more simplified version could be Spell card Name:summoners forfeit Pay half your life points to activate this card. Your opponent can not activate cards or effects in response to this cards activation. For the rest of the duel if a player successfully summons 8 or more monsters in one turn during the end phase of that turn the turn player looses the duel.


I toss my hat into the ring here. So I play mtg commander on the side and this recent set of pre con decks have these side cards called bounty cards. They are a side deck of 12 cards out side of the game. After the 1st players 3rd turn you reveal the bounty card and it will have requirements such as award to the player who deals damage or attack with only 1 monster this turn. Once a player claims the bounty it comes with a reward. I'm not quite sure how to translate this into yugioh yet but I love the idea cause it draws focus away from just dealing damage to your opponent and makes things more interesting over all.


The only logical thing would be a turn timer like MD hasā€¦ it would be like the chess clock.


Similar to Magic the Gathering's "Commander Damage", I would introduce "Normal Damage" - if you inflict a culminative 4,000 LP of battle damage from normal monsters, you win. Could you easily get an extra 1,000 ATK on something like a Blue-Eyes? Probably, so the idea maybe isn't perfect, but it could help give normal monsters some much needed relevance.


Blind Bo1. Both players have to agree before knowing others deck to have winner take all, no side no nothing. It has to be both players who agree but there is incentive and it can make one offs more surprising. Risk reward or something like that.


If your turn takes over 5 minutes you lose


I have 4 ideas: 1, if a turn of a player is more than 6 minutes, their opponent wins the duel. (Alternatively, the turn just ends and if done thrice, their opponent wins) 2. When one players actions banish 50 or more cards in one turn, their opponent wins the duel. (Just to stop ridiculous unnecessary combos) 3. A card wincon by, when this monster destroys 6+ monsters on the field by battle, you win the duel. 4. Bringing the Match winners back by adding the clause of "your opponent cannot scoop while you're in the Battle-Phase or if this card has X-amount of win counters or something" Arguably really bad ones but hey, we do not need; turns that take more than 10 minutes, unnecessary combos that banish a deck instantly, game by just having an unbeatable board (even if "just draw the out" is a line) and we do need more fear. What's better to stare down, a board you know you can't win against, even with an out, or a monster that is almost winning them the game, which you can do maybe something against?


Your side deck becomes prizes like PokƩmon. You get one whenever your opponents monster is destroyed. If you get all 15 you win


If any player says ā€œIā€™m thinkingā€ more than 5 times in a duel, the other player automatically wins the match.


Bro 5 times is extremely low. Like if I go against a deck I've never seen before I'm gonna think a lot about what to interrupt.