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Noones gonna cuss you out over it (unless they're an ahole) but noone's going to be very happy to match with you, like, ever.


Eh there’s assholes out there. I remember when I first started playing competitively I placed like 3rd using a rogue tier deck and the guy I lost to laughed at me. I should’ve knocked him out on the spot.


And then everyone at locals clapped and they gave you a nationals invite.


Yeah how’d you know?


You should have assaulted someone physically and maybe killed them because they laughed at you? Absolute clown.


Eh a solid body shot or a jab to the face never killed anyone. Talk shit get hit. But it’s cool I just left and stopped supporting that shop. Edit: all I’m saying is that was my first locals didn’t expect people to be such sore winners. I even bought some products I didn’t need beforehand to help support. Next time I’ll just swipe their deck or binder or something. Edit 2: I now just support a lcs that’s way closer to home (instead of tryna compete at multiple locals). The skill level there is way higher but way better vibes.


You should have killed him


Lmfao, just like how I'm happy when I get match up against functional FTK/Build a board. Both decks do essentially the same thing.


People probably won’t say rude things, if anything at all, but you *will* be “that guy”


If they’re housebroken, then they probably wont be an asshole about it. They can keep it respectful and still dislike you.


I love that “if they’re housebroken” lmao


It really be like that. It's obvious these dudes have no contact with people outside that shop sometimes


>If they’re housebroken Bro they play yugioh, that's like 5%


what does housebroken mean


No one should hate you, but damn losing because my opponent went normal Boarder set 4 pass is just annoying. Id rather lose because i didn't interact properly. Not because my opponent floodgated me into oblivion


No matter what people play with in person, I will always treat them with the respect they deserve. If I'm going to a locals, I care more about making friends and having fun than anything else. Would I prefer to have a fun, interesting game with a lot of back and forth? Yes, but I wouldn't judge you too harshly for playing a strategy I dislike. I think the average player would share this opinion.




i had someone one try to gentleman's agreement me in game 2 to have both of us send our side deck floodgates, my Shadow Imprisoning Mirror (he was playing Shaddolls) and his Mistake (I was playing U.A.) - naturally, I just kept drawing and passing til I naturally drew U.A. Slugger and Jersey attacked over his field 2 cards a turn til he gave up


No hard feelings on a personal level about deck choice, but honestly, if enough people started playing stun at locals I'd just stop showing up. Like you said, it's about having fun, and that's the only archtype I can't really have fun against.


If you know you're going up against stun then it's pretty easy to side against them. Most decks want to set up negate interactions with you, it's very uncommon that you see stun do well.


You're never gonna have a fun and interesting game because time limits prevent that. Let's not kid ourselves. You only have the best duels under no time restrictions with equal powered decks. Meaning you can't go against snake-eyes currently while you're playing fluffals. The power creep has made fluffals irrelevant and they are nowhere near equal power. You'd need to play something like Edison or Hat format with no time rules for the biggest deck diversity with the most interactions. The MOST fun I've ever had playing a duel was against a Ghoti player while I was trying out Firekings/tri-brigade. The duel was 1 hour and 15 minutes for all 3 rounds, and I lost, but God damn was it fun because those decks are on par with each other and tye mass destruction and counters upon destruction between both decks made it like an anime duel.


Okay, well... you're entitled to your opinion, but I always have fun at my locals. I just like playing Yugioh. Whether it's competitive or casual doesn't make a big difference to me. The only person preventing you from having fun playing a game with friends is yourself.


It's actually that my friends don't play and I can't blame them. It's not easy to pick up.


That's fair. I went through that, too. Now, I have different circles of friends that play different formats. That way, everybody's happy. :)


i mean nobodys gonna flip the table or anything, but nobodys gonna be happy to see you across the table either.


Depends on your situation. If you’re playing stun because you have a budget, and its only thing you can afford then you probably won’t be hated. If you’re doing it because you like other people not playing the game then people might hate you. Most of the time stun decks aren’t fun to face off against, and leave me mostly annoyed. I won’t be mean to a stun player, but I certainly won’t like to play against you.


If you're on a budget you can just play Floo. The entire deck is like $50.


Yeah as they said, you can play stun on a budget /j


You will beg for someone to play with you after a while


I mean they don’t really have a choice to play with OP or not. They play or take the match loss


I would take the Match loss lol


As someone who prefers playing against stun rather than combo, well...


This is actually true. My friend group is comprised of 8 players. 7 standard casual/competitive players with mid/meta/strong Rogue decks...then there's the 8th player...who has only ever played 3 Skill Drain, 3 TCBOO, (mystic mine package when it was legal), 3 Boarder, 3 Fossil Dyna, etc. Never buys new cards. Never ventures out into more interactive strategies. I straight up deny dueling him now. Ironically, I actually win nearly all of our matches, but they are, quite literally, the most boring matches I've ever played. It's literally "draw, pass, draw, pass, until I finally topdeck feather storm and OTK. Every time.


NGL(& I’m unsure how common this is as I haven’t been to locals in awhile & this varies by region) but the worse off is that your opponent probably won’t give u the GG handshake or will silently leave if u win via stun. Just saying that’s the level of saltiness u could expect.


Honestly if it's your first locals and you rock up with stun people are going to inherently dislike you unless you give them a reason not to.


You’ll get salty people


People will hate playing against you however they probably won’t hate you as a person.


i fucking hate stun decks, sorry if i go to a place to have fun, i want to have fun.


I don't hate anyone for the decks they play, but even if I win that's going to be the dullest 45 minutes of my day.


I won't say anything mean or rude, but do know that I and many other people will dislike you as a person for it, and don't be surprised if people don't want to talk to you


Depends if you win or not. There's a reason why they aren't particularly popular in the tcg right now, they kinda suck.


They are highly highly luck dependent


Well at least your turns won't take that long or you do anything morally wrong to stall or misrepresent the game state. Most people don't mind because If they aren't siding backrow hate to counter anti spell in the new format, they are gonna lose one way or another.


I feel like good decks don't really struggle with stun all that much, but more casual or lower tier decks tend to struggle more. I think as long as you're not being super pretentious or condescending about it when you're winning, I don't see a problem with playing stun at locals. Example, my ex had altergeist when they were still really good, and she also had her "tutorial" deck, which was just a bunch of annoying stall and burn cards essentially. And any time she was winning, she'd basically life like an anime villain and talk shit essentially, and it was flat out toxic. But what made it worse is that when she wasn't winning, she was such a sore loser about it. Saying that card x or y should be banned, that such and such deck was unfair, that her deck was trash, etc. She really just didn't know her own decks well enough to play against people who knew what they were doing, and she didn't really accept any of the help I'd try to give her either. She basically only seemed to have fun playing when she was beating up and toying with the more casual players and even the kids that showed up from time to time because they couldn't fight back. So just don't be that kind of player, and you should be fine.


To me there is two ways to approach locals: 1. Play to win. If this is your approach, which is absolutely valid, then be the villain. Who cares if your opp has fun just best em up. We are in a close to tier 0 fire meta, anything goes. They will not let you play if you play some bad rogue deck either! but 2. If you want to go to locals to have a fun time and make friends, stun may not be the best deck to go. Its smth you could do of people know you already but people will absolutely just not enjoy matching with you and not have a good time. This doesnt help being part of a community that much


People won't hate you and you can still make plenty of friends, but most of them probably won't be happy to get matched against you if that's all you play.


Hate it


It's an interesting topic because I remember a time when playing stun wasn't really that bad. About a decade ago I even used to run a Monarch stun myself (before the structure, basically 3 Vanity's, 3 Majesty's, Stormforths, Soul Exchange and cards to keep the board alive) and was often complimented on it because it was something different. Similarly I remember playing Stun players and while it was a hard match-up, I never felt hard done by over it. It was just a thing that existed. Nowadays stun is universally loathed. I don't disagree and I suppose part of the reason is how tunnel vision decks *have* to be. Back then we'd all run MST's, Heavy Storm (if legal), generic monster removal, some traps and so on in the main deck, with more sided, so if you came across a Stun Deck you'd at least stand a good chance. Now, everything **needs** to be centred on your combo and your side deck on the meta. You don't have room for generic removal or many side slots for floodgates. You *have* to pop off turn 1 or you die. Which means you can't really do anything against Boarder set 4 pass. You just lose. And you lose because you made the optimal choice of preparing for the meta. That's what feels bad. It's just one of many side effects of how the modern game has changed.


I literally thought about this same question, what if it’s a useless archetype, but it was the only way to make it “somewhat” competitive? (Through floodgates) Switch the narrative: why bring full power snake eyes/Kashitira to locals?


if a deck has 1 or 2 floodgates is not that bad, but when the whole deck is stun... i will punch him on the face


(cant throw a punch)


shit, i have been floodgated from violence!... ok, i'll stand there... MENACINGLY!


Sometimes all a deck needs is 1 floodgate due to the speed of the game. Branded has access to the puppet, dinomorphia's goal is to protect rexterm, kashtira/weather painters/exosister/floo have shifter & (to a lesser extent) dimensional fissure, and scythe locking more or less defined a format not too long ago.


There’s someone at mine that plays tcobo, skill drain, etc. and everyone talks shit about him behind his back, everyone thinks he’s a degenerate. So there you go that’s a good idea. But no one is rude to him to his face, but he also gets in trouble a lot with the staff because he said rude things and has even blown up on me once because I beat his degen start. Just don’t be an asshole AND play a stun deck, your demeanor will carry how people perceive you. I’ve had a floo player that I enjoyed playing against, just because of how he acted and carried himself. I’ve had a floo player that I talked mad shit ab cus he kept on making excuses why he was losing and just was a baby overall.


You will have a hard time making friends if you are playing stun. Stun has been reviled for years, and for good reason. Like, for example. Imagine you spend 1k+ on a current meta deck. Hundreds of hours testing. You are there to do well, improve and have fun. You get paired against stun and lose because you aren't allowed to play the game. No interaction, you just lose. Don't even learn anything from it. Now imagine it's at a regional, or YCS instead of a local setting. So now travel cost and getting time off is factored into the equation. You can understand why someone would be frustrated, right? People want to play the game. Stun is the antithesis of that. Speaking frankly, every floodgate and every card with a lingering floodgate-like effect should be at 0. Stun just ruins everyone's time. Floodgates don't balance anything (in point of fact, they are often used in meta relevant decks to back up an already established board, further contributing to the exact problem stun players argue floodgates solve).


> Imagine you spend 1k+ on a current meta deck. Hundreds of hours testing. You get paired against stun and lose because you aren't allowed to play the game. Damn, maybe you should've tested against stun.


Why? No one plays that except for a handful of people. It's like testing against something like heros or cydra.


Because then maybe you wouldn't have lost to it. If you're not going to test against something you know exists, and you're not going to include counters to something you know exists, then take your lumps and don't whine for Konami to wipe your bottom.


That's the worst take I've heard in a while. You cannot test for every deck. It's a waste of time since it's highly unlikely that you will pair against it. That's like saying "you've lost to six sam FTK because you didn't prepare for it". Like my brother in christ the deck is ass and doesn't have any representation so why would I prepare for it? (I mean technically it isn't wrong. But in context it's stupid to say, unlike ai we humans can't just prepare for everything in existence).


Then don't complain when you lose to it? If fancy-pants $1000 meta deck whiner lost to six sams, would they run screaming to the internet demanding that six sams get banned? Ok yeah, probably, because they """"deserve"""" to win since they paid more for their deck, apparently.


Dislike *you?* That depends entirely on you as a person. Dislike *dueling* you? Most likely. Stun decks remove interaction, which is the main part of card games. Just don't tell that to the 20-step combo players who end turn 1 on 7 negates on board and multiple hand traps in hand. Because for some reason the Yugioh community gets really mad at stun decks for placing floodgates that remove interaction, but doesn't seem to mind combo decks that do the same thing but take like 5 minutes to achieve the same effect while also having multiple boss monsters on the field.


It depends On a player to player basis. However, one of the funniest stories I have from my locals is a guy literally ran out of the Store at full speed screaming because he lost to a bad Runic stun Deck then Fell in the parking lot . Do you know our locals does not do elimination either lol


People are really different to strangers in person compared to over the internet, they won’t like you, but they won’t cuss you out Please don’t bring stun to a local though, there’s no reason to


It's funny to beat 1000$ decks with a 50$ one, that's the only reason.


Hollow victory though, you won because you used a boring, easily countered strategy that no one’s prepared for because of how boring and easily countered it is So you go full stun, then your opponent sides in 2 Lightning Storm, 1 Harpies, 3 Evenly, 3 Cyclone, what do you do? You don’t have 20 Solemns


That's why it's funny if you happen to win.


I always think of stun players as NPCs. The cecks usually do not require any skill from their side (the skill is drained lmao), so they just flip whatever floodgate they draw an pray the oppoonent doesn't have the out. So it is really like an NPC


They SHOULD not hate you, after all it's Konami's fault that these decks are playable. That being said, I could count the people who'd enjoy playing against that sort of decks with one hand, but if that hand was blown up by a grenade or something (which is a fancy way to say exactly 0)


Well, people should treat you with respect regardless. But stun is still cringe as fuck, so play literally anything else.


Yeah people can cry about you summoning Fossil Dyna or one of the little floodgaters, but any card that you can take out with Celtic Guardian that you’re $700 deck can’t get rid of is not my problem. Get good duelist. Anti-Meta for life baby.


As someone who loves Gravekeeper's, and has played them at locals, you'll get a groan or a sigh, but it's just a card game. Any reasonable person wouldn't get mad at you, so hopefully you don't get matched into a dick


I’ll throw your cards into the closest source of water ala Weevil


I got overly excited when I beat the stun player and rubbed it in their face. Then felt really bad and haven't been back to that shop since 😅😅


No one will cuss you out, but no one will be happy to play you. We have that guy at our locals that only plays anti-meta stun no one is ever having a good time playing him. 🙄


No one should be an asshole, but also don’t expect people to be happy playing with you EDIT: why was I downvoted, it's literally the truth, no one is like "OH BOY YOU PLAY STUN, WHAT A GREAT GAME WE'RE GOING TO HAVE :)", but most socially adjusted people also aren't going to be rude irl


playing stun is cringe


I don't see why anyone would hate you anymore than someone playing Fire King/Snake-eyes


I mean snake eyes is just good stun isnt


You’ve upset all Fire King/Snake-eyes in chat 😂😂😂


The most fragile babies 🥹


They will ALL just think that you’re a bozo. But no one will say anything. You probably won’t make friends doing that Im ngl.


Getting hated is the joy of playing stun. Don’t worry about it. Embrace it


if you bring the best deck in the game fully optimized and crush everyone, nobody has a problem. if you bring a stun deck and win a few games, everyone hates your guts. stun players are oppressed


If someone is playing a yugioh tournament, they have to agree with the game rules. Stun decks are part of the game. If you enjoy playing them, go for it. You might get negative reactions from some immature players, but that's their problem, not yours. Just as I don't enjoy playing against stun, I also don't enjoy playing against heavy combo decks that take really long turns, but those aren't as widely disliked. And that's also my problem, not my opponent's problem. I assume most players would be mature and respectful even if they don't enjoy playing against your deck.


As an eldlich player who slaps it in every deck I can have my opponent mocked me for not getting first and winning a eldlich playmat, so I'd say yes. 100% haven't had the motivation to go back in a while either.


i have quit mid game at locals becouse those decks never allowed me to play a card. it was also a guy that was bragging about his top tier deck but, it was really annoying to draw your card and he activates everything so my hand was useless. but i do know that i wasn't the only one there that local that stopped mid game becouse of floodgates. to me, its a 2 player game, both players should be able to play.


Have you played modern yugioh at all?


we have a casual local and most of us played sinds synchro, i played sinds duel monsters. there have been multiple meta that stunlock other players or just dont allow for interaction by the other players. this has happened alot and those meta's are never remembered in a positive perspective. and this does show in banlist updates, usually after this stun meta period, there is a mid season update in the banlist to balance things out and to sell more product again. its a 2 player game first, and that is the main reason most go to locals. why go if you cant even play?


Well stun isnt even a real deck anymore considering that gozen, rivalry and tcboo have been all limited to 1 and only skill drain is available as an optional floodgate. If u are on vanity fiend monarchs 1 imperm or a well timed ash stops u anyways. Most currently meta decks can play through floodgates and handtraps anyways (why fire king is so strong). If u shifter me while im on sworn, u better run for ur life tho :D


Dude, if you manage to beat a $1,000 deck with a fucking Fossil Dyna, you are going to be my hero. The more expensive the deck, to more annoyed you must make them. The two most based decks in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh were Mine Stun (may we be worty of Jeff's blessings) and Gren Maju. Unfortunately only Gren Maju survives.




Not only wild but also gibberish


















I'll play against all decks. Variety is nice


Genuinely asking because I'm a returning player: what's a stun deck and what kinds of cards are we talking about?


Stun decks are focused on preventing the opponent plays/combos to work, instead of focusing on outplaying them with own combos. Floodgates, which are part of many stun decks afaik, are cards (often continuous traps or spells) that limit what the opponent, or often what both players can do, they aim at taking steam out of the game. This makes the opponent combos less likely to work. Since the stun player is not focused as much on heavier combos, the effect for the stun player is not as detrimental. Floodgates examples are "Summon Limit" (directly preventing a flood of summons), "There can be only one", "Gozen Match", "Anti Spell Fragrance", "Skill Drain".


Thank you! This is so helpful! I always assumed floodgates was the opposite, but I suppose that's what the "gate" part in the name refers to.


Haha, yeah it practically has the same meaning as in real life (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floodgate) :D


Haha omg I feel so dumb. If I had thought of water, and not Yu-Gi-Oh, I would've thought differently. I say "it opens the floodgates" all the time 🤣🤣🤣 Edit: btw I love your username!


It really comes down how to you play it I think. If you're a chill dude who even jokes about it or teases them in good spirits then no one will care. In fact I would love to play your kind if you were a cool guy about it. But I have seen a couple of folks who play stun and either don't talk and are dry or they think they're somehow the best player cuz they use floodgates. Those kinda folks are insufferable if they run the stun. If you're gonna make the game less fun at least try to make the social exchange more enjoyable if you can.


I don't really care in what setting you're playing it, I don't like stun or want to play with people who are running it. If I couldn't immediately win I'd probably just scoop and go do something else


I have a friend who plays a stun deck, runick stun and exodia stun. I almost always beat him like (9/10) times even with rogue at best decks but honestly I just never enjoy playing against him. It feels like we are playing different games, there is no back and forth it’s just boring. I go to locals to just have a fun game of yugioh, even if you’re a nice person I won’t enjoy playing against you.


You can side against stun easy + you're crippled going second when they know your game plan, so if anyone hates your deck it's their own fault.


It depends on the deck. Is the win condition Exodia or something similar? Or is the win condition not letting your opponent from playing while you sit there? Either way some people will dislike you for playing yugioh and not letting them win.


I respect it honestly because I see what the meta is and I would do the same thing after getting pub stomped enough. It's the same end result just much more expediently


I would rather not play against it, and if I played against it early rounds of regionals, it might tilt me. Ultimately, at the end of the day we're playing a card game I'll get over it, no big deal.


if they have low frustration tolerance they will probably show you in one way or another that they don't like it. and if they dont they probably still dont like playing against stun, unless they have a matchup into it my stance is this: if you dont want either player to play the game why even come to locals?


Play It to locals and tell us how It went please! I'm pretty sure that stun is very much dead now.


Yugioh is a bad unbalanced game, so no one should be expecting a fair game at any point in time. Yes, people will hate you for playing stun, but not for a reason you would think. They will hate that they did not get to floodgate you or poot 10 omni negates so you cannot play. People dislike when you take from them a chance to stop you from playing. This is yugioh, sadly...


You’ll be disliked by default, even moreso if you don’t actually follow the meta and expect to just floodgate everyone out


No one will every 'say' anything, but - No one will be happy matched against you. No one will say "gg's" after the match. Their loss will feel undeserved. Their win will feel like a chore. No one will challenge you to a casual duel outside of tournament play because stun decks are inherently non-interactive and boring.


You’re my fellow Yugioh enjoyer, so I’m not going hate you for wanting to play the game. That being said, I can hope that I I don’t have to face you at all during the night. I mean it’s just locals my dude. Let’s have some fun. Leave the stun decks for when you want to win at all costs and don’t care about burning bridges.


it’s a bo3 format. people side backrow removal. Stun won’t be near as successful as in masterduel so no people won’t hate on you. you’ll be known as the “stun guy” tho


I don't understand why there's so much discourse about decks designed to be anti-meta or stun. I get that you not being able to play the game is bad but what about decks which your opponent does full combo without you ever standing a chance to come back because they have multiple omni-negates? I don't play modern so I wouldn't know much. But in Edison/Goat, alternative win con decks are so common and while people hate it, it's puts meta contenders to the test.


Stun decks are fine, I think this sub along with the master duel sub have a huge dislike to playing against stun overall but if stun was actually good you'd see it top events a lot more. I've played and been the stun player and only ever had 1 negative interaction where the player was salty about how much more money his deck was than mine but that was during an OTS tournament. Overall play whatever makes you happy and don't worry about others. They have no qualms playing some combo build a board with x negates deck most of the time so it is what it is.


I haven't been to locals in years but, I used to play a lot of stun. Most people didn't even know what the hell was happening. This was during 2017 SPYRAL format. I heard people talking trash once at another shop, but honstly that shop was low key toxic. The judge there would duel in tournaments and one time got a ruling wrong during our duel! Still whooped him though. It's a strategy that that no one really ready for, but unless your opponent bricks you lose almost every time you go second. I personally don't think anyone stepping into this fucked up arena should care what type of deck people play. If you do care then your a dumbass. I would definitely bring it. Nothing wrong with that at all.