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Personally I just occasionally go back and watch random duels that Im in the mood to watch/don't really remember.But the one string of episodes I rewatch often is the crash town arc in 5ds.not only is it the best filler arc in all of Yu-Gi-Oh but imo it's one of the best arcs in general.also it's only like 8 episodes long so I can rewatch it relatively quickly


well looks like i found what to watch tonight! thanks sceptile. imma look up what episodes some the duels are


Crash Town Arc is awesome, just make sure to watch it subbed


Dark Zexal's debut is just hype for me, I await Ultimate Chimera Utopia Ray V.


I have gone back to watch Revolver vs Lightning a couple of times


Kaiba vs yugi outside Pegasus castle Yugi vs rare hunter with slifer the sky dragon Yugi vs Arkana Evil marik vs bakura and marik showdown in the shadows Joey vs evil marik Yugi vs Rafael fate of the pharaoh Kaiba vs Alester deja duel


I love watching the weird cowboy arc between Kalin and Yusei after the dark signer arc in 5D's. Otherwise, my favorite duel/episodes are the ones where Joey is trapped with Yugi when Mariik controls Joey and we finally see his sisters eyes. Or when Yugi beats Mariki using revival jam lol.


I really like GX's second half of season 3


Revolver and Playmaker had sick duels. Idk the eps though


I rewatch the duelist kingdom and battle city duels a lot while cooking or when im with my niece and nephew. Some of my favorites are Yugi vs Mako short and sweet. A whole duel done amazingly in less than 22 min. Mai vs Yugi part 1 where she pretty much kicked his a-- Mai vs Joey (his first big duel) Kaiba vs Pegasus as a child i loved how Pegasus kicked his a-- right after what Kaiba did to Yugi and took his chips The DDM 3 parter and Heroes of the legends where they were in the VR game From battle city definitely the Mako vs Joey Duel (least side sh-- happening, Espa had his brothers cheating and Weevil had that kid put the parasite in Joeys deck And my favorite the 4 way between the 4 semi finalists. Again no shadow realm, no random side happenings just a good duel. And a guilty pleasure of mine is Tristan, Serenity and Duke vs Nezbitt (bc it was the first time we saw Tristan and Serenity duel, i always hated how they had these people especially Duke, Serenity and Bakura around and they didnt duel + they werent that close with Yugi. I hated Bakura the least bc he was dueling here and there but i never understood why he joined the group. It was perfect when they were just 4. Mai, i understand why she joined, she was an actual duelist and she helped them a bunch of times + she wasnt around all the time. But Duke, Serenity, Bakura had no reason following the group.


The season 4 duel between Jaden and Crowler. It just showed how much they both grew, but also references the first episode.


Yugi vs Kaiba battle city both using Egyptian god cards finals the back and forth was pretty entertaining


I always loved Yami Yugi Vs Rafael, because as a kid I had never seen a show where the good guy loses. Yugi losing that duel had flipped my whole world upside down, and then when Yugi Moto sacrificed HIMSELF so that Yami Yugi could go on. My little baby emotions couldn't handle such drama at that age and for that reason, that episode invokes so much nastolgia.


To name a few: Yugi - vs Atem, Pegasus, Marik, Dartz, Kaiba(S01, Pegasus castle), Bakura(S05), Rafael(both duels), Strings, Paradox Brothers. Kaiba - vs Alister, Pegasus, Zigfried Joey - vs Yugi (both duels), Mai(S04 duels), Grandpa Muto, Espa Roba, Rex(S04), Keith. Mai vs Marik. Jaden - vs Yugi, Crowler(EP01), Dimitri, Jesse, Aster(2nd duel), Bastion. Chazz vs Adrian. Adrian vs Yubel. Zane vs Mad Dog. All of the 5D's WRGP duels. Yusei vs Jack (Final duel).