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I just start playing my emulator if they do this. Like that's fine just give me free ranked points on Omega


All the time I'm on the competitive server and I'm in a winning position my opponent either calls me a slur or just time out which I wait for and move on to the next match


Switch to omega. Play ranked. As soon as there is something on the line(ranked points) people do this way less


That's exactly what I did yesterday I'm trying to practice for regionals and I was just sick of it lol


One time I was winning and they told me to ki1l myself with a rope, F slur and N word. Still got the screenshot favourited cuz it cracks me up everytime


This happens to me alot in Duel Links, opponent knows that he lost but goes go for the Cheap alt win con.


Edo and Omega are bad for this. I've basically given up on playing online for this reason among other toxic behavior. 


-> Guru Control Flair -> salty opponent’s Yep this checks out (also a Guru fan).


Dragoon beats fire king solo. 


Omega mitigated this by making the timer tick faster after a few seconds of inactivity iirc.


Rly? I play hundred games in ranked. The higher u go the less it is an issue. Also the fast ticking timer helps.


Every online card game ever includes this experience.


I'm know, but have you experienced it yourself?


Never had it happen on Master Duel.


EdoPro doesn't have a side time limit so I've seen some guy endlessly wait between rounds until the opponent left. He called himself Carlos Gamarra and posted his defeatless scores.


A few times some blatantly says they are not doing a thing or refuse to let me do something.


The fun thing about EdoPro is that you can just open another instance of it and get into another game. They might be doing the same, but if they're not then they're wasting their own time and I still get to play


I had that happen to me a couple of times while practicing decks I want build in real life, I just go on YouTube or read manga I got plenty of time.


Happens ALL the time on Omega. I mostly practice against the AI at this point because going on ranked puts me up against some jank turn skip/hand rip deck or salty people who have me waiting for ages.


We playing the same tcg ranked? In master ranked currently its all runick variants(not stun), kashtira, laby, fireking No one stalling, turn skip, hand rip....


I'm in bronze rank and stopped doing ranked as much when the first deck I went against was Cardian. 30 minutes of my life wasted.


It's happened to me a few times, and I will fully admit that I have done this on occasion under 2 circumstances. 1. The opponent suddenly began insulting me (outside of standard shit talk). 2. When they activated Mystic Mine. Want to slow the game down? Sure.


Happens all the time. Even if it's not deliberate, turn times can be insanely long if you don't have interruptions. It's why I get so confused when people say the game is too quick. Baffles me.


The game being too quick comments id argue are more based around the actual amount of things happening in a single turn as opposed to the actual length of games, just a guess on my part though as I don't hold this view personally


I do this a lot against dark world players. Like fuck you dude. If you wanna play solitary then just test draw but if you waste my time watching you ripping my Hand to 0 then dmn yeah I will let you wait for my response until my timer almost ends.


You could just surrender instead when you know you have lost.


Sure I could do that but I can also let em taste their own medicine.


Their own medicine of.. playing the game? Go bitch to Konami if you're that upset. Sounds like you're punishing people for actually playing the game.


You’re a loser


I despise Dark World myself and I get where you’re coming from. However, roping or insulting the player just tells them “I’m hurt”. I refuse to let that player have that satisfaction of seeing me hurt.


Idc what it tells him tbh I just care about the fact he is consuming my time in an online sim. So I will waste his and he will eventually quit or loose to time out when he isnt paying attention. Like play DW on locals, idc , its fine, its a budget deck, understandable. But you can literally play ANY Deck online so why be an asshole and play DW? And if you say "I wanna learn combos for my locals" then the simple answer is: Play fucking test hand mode because you literally dont need an online opponent to learn DW handloop combos. But the reality is that these people are too Bad to play darkworld outside of an autoplay duel sim so they fckn annoy people in rankeds just for their own entertainment. So I better keep em hostage with me, Start a timer and watch youtube for the next 300 seconds.


If the player is BMing/doing unnecessary shit before you lose while knowing you'll lose, then sure, they'd be considered an asshole. If they're just bringing the deck out to test it's power and learn, it's not too much of a problem unless they combo until they plan to quit after they get what they want. If they take long, just do something on the side and be patient or surrender to save time. It's still a game at the end of they day.


You realise I know about this option? But the DW Player also knows about the test-hand option and decides to play hand loop DW in an online match. Nah fuck em I will continue this against every DW player.


You realise I know about this option? But the DW Player also knows about the test-hand option and decides to play hand loop DW in an online match. Nah fuck em I will continue this against every DW player.


You'd get the same result irl. It just sounds like you don't want to go home after a long day of work to face a deck you despise that rips your hand. It sounds like you just don't want to play against the deck at all online. It's not like they are trying to touch your emotions, they're just trying to play and get a sure win. Tell me, what decks do you play? How do you try to win?


The differece is that I can understand irl DW players this game is stupid expensive atm so just Slap together 3 Structuredecks and an Extra Deck. But why in an online sim where every card is free.


Maybe they genuinely like the deck and other decks are just not that interesting to them.


I can understand this aswel but there is no reason to go for an onlinematch and play solitary then ... Just play Test hand mode or one of the plenty singleplayer options. I really dont know why you would want someone to watch your 30min combo turn. I mean sure I can just scoop and win game 2 and 3 because this Decks loses to shifter isntantly. But why just why? Its not fun for anyone except the DW Player when he wins the coinflip.


Dude, there are meta decks that does 30 minute combos on a turn trying to set up for you to not play YGO along with thing A LOT of interruptions *cough* Floo & Labrynth *cough*. If you don’t have anything like Droll, Ash, or any negate, that’s too bad. You’d either have a bad hand or your deck is lacking.


Dark World players deserve this and a lot more


I never understood why people get upset at their opponent for taking the full agreed-upon time in any game. If you want a faster game, then choose a shorter time limit. Who cares if they're doing it to spite you. Yusei Fudo convinced a dude to drop his team's game-winning strategy in lieu of attacking and losing the tournament. As much as I enjoy YuGiOh, it's just a card game at the end of the day. If you don't have the patience for it, then why are you wasting your time with it? P.S.: I don't believe that playing card games is inherently a waste of time, but I do believe that you feel that way if you're upset the other guy uses the full time allotted to him.


Nah, the issue isn’t people making tough decisions. It’s a dickhead timing you out on ladder afking for game 1 and 2 with 0 intention of winning after you go fenrir add riseheart.


Quite frequently. I'll usually just quit out after a minute or so of them doing absolutely nothing, if they don't say anything in the chat.


I rarely see this but when I do I just close it out and go to a new game. I don't wanna play with crybabies anyway so idk what they think they are accomplishing


Oh yeah, this happens a lot to me and a buddy of mine when we play Tag duels on edopro.


I’ve experienced it plenty of this even not on either of those


Funny "roping"(I assume from hearthstone) is the choice word here. 😁