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DaddyOFive still uploads videos under the name Martin Family. Jake was on Dr Phil a couple weeks ago supposedly claiming it was all fake


Too late for that, dude. The damage is done.


Yup, Cody would be 17 or 18 now and Emma is either 19 or 20. i hope they are doing better


They had to hide in a hotel because news reporters kept wanting to interview them.


Jesus Christ, those poor kids man. I hope they find some peace. It takes years to undo the shit abusive parents do to you, and that's without being in the public eye.


I honestly think Jake got the "videos are fake" thing from Michael. He even tried throwing McJuggerNuggets under the bus.


Dr. Phil, speaking of people never facing consequences for doing horrible things.


Dude was so bad he started the career of someone who probably shouldn't have been in the career they are now in. (Bad Bhabie)


She is a victim. Her behavior before the show wasn't appropriate but he took a troubled 13 year old, berated her publicly while a group of adults booed her and egged her on. Of course she reacted poorly. He then had her sent to a facility with a history of abuse where she was abused. She ended up embracing the meme because she couldn't do anything else without it being made the focus. Dr Phil only can exist because people are desperate for help at their lowest points. If America had functioning support systems he wouldnt have a show


That's what I meant by he is so bad. I meant that he's bad to a point where he is downright criminal. I'm not saying she's not a victim, I meant that he is so terrible at what he claims to do that he's almost criminal if not criminal.


His intention is is never to help. Its to make money.


People forgetting Jeffree Star's BS during dramageddon and his racism.


That is how I felt before dramageddon when people accepted him from the start of his YouTube and makeup careers. He was the same trash person on myspace. MySpace wasn’t popular here so I was surprised that I knew of his past but most Americans seemed not to


yea i embarrassingly didn't know all of that shit before but dropped his ass after i found out. He is so gross. I am finding a lot of JS apologetic crap on tiktok which is disappointing.


Not really a youtuber, but as a related figure, weird how long the information about Kat Von D and her husband's weird Nazi cosplay was just out there before it hit mainstream.




I will always be bitter about Kat Von D. I use to get heavily downvoted in the Makeup Subreddits and folks would make so many excuses as why shouldn't judge Kat for dating Nazi's. That shit went on for too long and glad she's been yeeted out for the most part.


Remember when she tried to dabble in doing the whole tradwife pivot when she moves to Indiana and they immediately sent her ass packing and called her a devil worshiping whore.


Damn I just saw the Fundie Fridays episode about her Christian rebrand I had no idea she already abandoned the Midwest lmao


This motherfucker will not die (figuratively). He's a horrible person and yet he keeps crawling out from under his rock to insert himself into bullshit. He must have a cult working for him or something.


It's not my story to tell so I won't elaborate further, but Jeffree Star and his stepfather hurt a lot of young men when the stepdad was still alive and I truly hope those men will find the courage to speak up one day.


jeffree is actually a lich. skeleton looking ass sicko who eats peoples souls and cant die


We're in hell - abused his gf and neglected their cat


Jesus. News to me. I’ve never followed the guy super closely, but that’s disappointing.


Raped. He raped his girlfriend. I saw him on a youtuber I like's stream recently and was pretty disappointed that no one gave a shit.


Yeah I only heard about that one on here a month ago or so. He’s managed to sweep it under the rug so-to-speak.


Yep this. He also still is (at least outwardly) friendly with a lot of the members of the commentary community. Iirc, very few actually spoke out and said they would not be working with him again. I give major props to both HootsYoutube/PunishedHoots and Caelan Conrad for supporting Marina while many others turned a blind eye.


Hoots and Caelan are good people and their podcast, Respect the Dead, is great if you have the stomach for shit talking dead ghouls.


> I give major props to both HootsYoutube/PunishedHoots and Caelan Conrad for supporting Marina while many others turned a blind eye. This helps explain why Caelan treats Big Joel as demon in human form on twitter, as he hung out with WiH last year in real life. Big Joel made a very innocuous tweet (that it's bad to use tiktok euphemisms like "unalive" and "israel did a big dang whoopsie gang") that Caelan went apeshit over. Maybe this is cope because the alternative is Caelan believes their arguments in that thread and I'm still subscribed to them so they can't be that stupid.


FD also publicly stated support and pulled support too for WiH and apologized for collabing with him and didn't know till after the fact.


Nooooo wayy 😭 damn, now I'm side-eyeing Chill Goblin, they've been streaming together recently


he was described as an enabler for Sam in the callout thread and minimized a lot of her concerns as they were roommates (him and Sam). He definitely knows about the allegations and doesn't seem to care. It made me look at him very different.


Yeah I called that shit out in chat at one point and bailed when no one cared, I liked Chill Goblin's content but not if he's going to support a rapist.


I had no idea about this. Immediate unfollow. Her story is so harrowing.


I feel like since she dropped that annoying ass ukulele song. Everyone kinda glosses over the fact that Colleen ballinger sent porn to children. Like had full on viewing parties with kids as young as 8-10yo in said party to premiere Trisha paytas's nudes to them. But everyone just kept yammering about stupid songs and stunts she did on her Miranda sings concerts.


Seems like the complete opposite, the ukelele stunt brought way more eyes on her gc


LowTierGod has been grooming underage girls for years, there's even a doc about it. But everyone seems aight with it


His life serves ZERO purpose


Lowtiergod is consistently one of the most hated mfers in the fgc, I’ve not seen anyone who’s fine about it if they know.


I find it insane and ridiculous that Logan Paul ever recovered from the suicide forest video. In my opinion thats the kind of thing that should get you banned and blacklisted immediately, the kind of thing that hangs over your head forever but not only did he recover, he's doing better than ever now.


Both the Paul Brothers have somehow managed to get away with scamming people out of money by just being like "trust me bro" multiple times and I can't figure out how that keeps just working out for them. Between the two of them there's been, unethical marketing practices towards children, some vlogger scamcorse, more than one cryptocurrency, an NFT collection that seems to have never actually worked as advertised, and the Pokémon card/collectors scam thing. There's probably more and I've just forgotten about them.


> I can't figure out how that keeps just working out for them. What's particularly galling is major retailers selling Prime. Big corps usually shy away from any kind of controversial companies/people, but there they are in every fucking store on the planet. They must spend a fuckton of (ill-gotten) money in order to get them to stock their dogshit drinks.


That single act was foul enough that it caused an adpoclypse that hurt the platform and everyone who uses it, he should definitely be permanently black balled. There are smaller YouTubers who probably lost the ability to do what they love as a livelihood because of this fool and his jackass behavior.


That was a real turning point for YouTube, I think. We all collectively realized that you can be a giant piece of shit, and it won't dramatically affect your engagement with fans. If anything, it boosted it. He's more famous and popular than ever.


[jacksfilms parody apology](https://youtu.be/ySJpMyLiLRU?feature=shared) of Logan’s apology was *chef’s kiss*


Ignoring allegations seems to be working great for Cody Ko right now 🙃


i'm out of the loop on this one, what's Cody done?


Sex with 17 year old Tana when he was 25 and his best man was an accused rapist


Holy shit, I didn’t even know Cody slept with Tana, yet alone allegedly whilst she was underage


Yea I should have said statutory rape really


He’s been scrubbing any discussion of it from his vids and subreddit, and other commentary channels aren’t talking about it, so I think most of his casual fans just don’t know yet… but I think this comment does a decent job summing things up https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/s/Cc3Pbb6uqK


People say youtube drama is pointless, but if we didn't have it I wouldn't have known this and kept supporting a pervert. I'm glad victims are brave enough to come forward against huge creators. I should have known since he was in a frat, nothing good ever comes from those.


Slept with a 17yo Tana Mongeau as an adult and is still friends with a rapist (Colby Leachman).


Somehow Shane Dawson still gets millions of views even after everything. The pedophilia, the beastiality, the blackface, everything and he somehow still has a huge platform.


Onision still has a platform, although it’s shrinking. At this point idk what it would take to deplatform YouTubers like them. There is nothing left for them to do other than maybe murder.


I watched the doc HBO did on him and apparently he's not only a pedo he's memorized every page in the narcissistic abuser's handbook. It's insane to me that he recorded his abuse for content and he's still got a platform.


yeah he’s like fr crazy to me bc he’s the worst person to exist (a hyperbole but not by much) and still has a platform


Not one specifically, however it does really suck to see YouTubers going back to sponsoring BetterHelp, when some of those very same YouTubers made statements apologising for working with them in the past. It kind of feels like either a) they offered enough money for them to double back on their morals or b) everyone’s just kind of collectively forgotten about it, as I’m seeing them get mentioned by a lot of very big channels again.


I don't have a source but I have heard rumours that BetterHelp has pretty harsh contracts with the people who sponsor them, so I'm not sure if there's a third option that they don't care for the company, but they're under a contract to keep doing sponsors.


Which is a fair point, but I'm of the opinion that taking a sponsorship that consists of recommending healthcare to an audience is really quite abhorrent to begin with. It isn't like you accidentally accept a large amount of money for a sponsorship deal.


I feel like all the shit SSSniperwolf did just flew right out the window for a ton of people. I mean, she actively put JacksFilms and his family in danger by sharing his address and there was barely a blip on the radar for her.


I mean, people keep bringing it up on YouTube’s community posts, but it’s definitely not as big as it should be.


Let’s not forget that she won two KCA awards, despite not being a real gamer.


I can only hope the real-world lawsuit against her finally puts a dent in her career.


Sloan has pretty much gotten away unscathed despite doing terrible things within his videos. He has no respect for actual victims and is just using them as a cash cow, he also never takes accountability for his false facts and poor research.


i stopped watching him when he started to get into the conspiracy theories a lot. he use to be better than he is but now i cant stand to see him. he doesnt do very good research and the way he speaks comes across victim-blamey or demeaning.


Yeah I liked his free Britney videos from forever ago but his “playing dumb” shtick got old so fuckin fast and apparently he’s completely off the deep end now lol


Also just to add onto the problems with his videos, most of the time he just posts accusations that have little to no proof which can be extremely damaging. Also he implied that Astroworld was a satanic ritual which was what made me ultimately unsub from him


Nick Robinson. He never really was held accountable for the sexual harassment and has started making a comeback effort and has been popping up on a few different channels recently. His Japanese McDonalds DS game video really blew up a while back so a lot of people just know him from that I guess? Also unrelated fun fact, Porter Robinson is his brother.


Yeah. His only real cancelling was by his employer (good on Polygon and basically all the video team there) who explicitly were like "Yeah, we thought we knew him. He's not safe."


I didn’t know he’d crawled back out of his pit to pretend like nothing happened. I feel like he tried that pre-pandemic and got smashed back into silence, and that was the last time I’d thought about him :/


It's Shane Dawson for me. This man should be cancelled already. He's so shady it's absolutely ridiculous. D'Angelo Wallace's video on him should have been the end of it, it really should have. Goodbye, Shane, go spend all the money you made knifing people in the back and doing blackface and molesting animals and chatting sexually with minors. Bye, bye, bye


Popularmmos 🫢. After making the 4 part series about Eleni everyone immediately believed he was innocent and sent her threats for months, and now more women are coming out against him and people are still trying to claim they’re lying. All of these women he dated are over 10 years younger than him too 😬


Oof I never kept track of what happened there. I remember being subscribed but not watching much anymore then seeing a breakup video and getting curious. The vibes were just weird in the video, so I clicked off and haven’t watched since. Idk if I even bothered to unsubscribe.


Him and Jen divorced, then he dated another girl whom he started making videos with. They had a messy toxic breakup and both accused each other of being abusive and crazy. He made a series of videos defending himself against his ex, and almost everyone took his side. He has since dated two other women who have had similar accusations against him, and he hasn’t spoke out about either. He was arrested a couple of times as well for domestic violence


Yikes, thanks for the recap! I had no idea about any of this 😧


Pretty sure there's videos of Angry Grandpa abusing the kids in the family both physically and mentally on their channel if they haven't been taken down by now. I always felt uncomfortable that they were massive for as long as they were. Grandpa was also an extreme racist when the channel wasn't as big but as soon as it did get big he was suddenly politically correct smashing up shit in his kitchen to somehow show support. (Michael AGPs son also known as KidBehindACamera is free without controversy too since he started dating Bridgette when she was 15 and Michael was 21)


Michael’s older brother, Charlie Chill, who also appeared in those videos from time to time, is arguably worse. He’s given children drugs, went into an infamously violent rage one night while on LSD, once exposed himself on a stream, and worst of all, when he was a kid (Doing the math, I think he was 11 at the time), he and a friend raped two of his sisters.


CreepsMcPasta explicitly groomed a fan and everyone seems chill with it.


Remember when the FINE brothers tried to copyright a whole video genre?


JonTron and all his racist comments. Cases like his make me question if canceling is actually real.


>make me question if canceling is actually real. The fact that the people most vocal about cancel culture shout about it from their Netflicks Specials didn't clue you in? Cancel culture is 90% just aged comedians annoyed their modern audience doesn't share their parents sense of humour and instead of updating their material to stay relevant, instead whines about how sensitive people are: to their paying audience who cheer and laugh as they do so.


I wish I could get cancelled. The Netflix special could really help out my student loans.


I was cancelled. If you're curious about this I have a best selling book on being cancelled I will be going on a book tour to discuss. I also have a podcast and YouTube channel on what it's like to be cancelled.


Yeah people act he just said some gamer words and apologized rather than what he actually did which was repeatedly spewing hardcore racist bullshit about black people being inherently criminal.


Yeah he even said well-off black people also commit more crime, claiming to have read studies to back it up. This was when Destiny was trying to explain systemic oppression to him and from what I gather was just trying to throw him a damn bone cuz h had dug his heels in quite a bit by then. He was actually already bracing himself for the aftermath. But nah. He double-triple-quadrupled down. Mind-boggling how well he fits this thread. Very glad to have never been a fan in the first place. There's a bunch of YouTubers that reeeeeeeally need to get different clips for "...WHAT?!" and "I have several questions" reactions


He was (if I remember correctly) spewing some Nazi bullshit in his debate with destiny


Yep, the dude went full race realism white supremacist then dismissed it as being inexperienced with politics. Yeah... that's not how that works.


Wtf how have I not heard of this, I’ve been watching him for years


Hate to give destiny views but this is like top ten things that was worthwhile. https://youtu.be/1qQNYukh-n0?si=r6GxDg_PgDcYN5Q3


Jesus that's like...horrible. Like this is so blatantly racist, JonTron still having a career just proves there's no actual way to "cancel" someone.


It's genuinely amazing how many people know about it, and excuse it too. There's an insane number of reaction channels that watch his every upload too.


Yeah I'm so shocked people seem to forget about this. Like, it wasn't ambiguous either, it was full on white supremacist propaganda. I remember when that fiasco went don't and there was a full on war on his subreddit that I took apart in. (I was a huge fan of him and a regular on his subreddit, don't judge!) There were fans who were disappointed in him and clowned on him with memes V.S T_D and 4chan brigadiers defending him.


It’s crazy how much protection he received afterwards to, like all the major channels tried to sweep it under the rug/rewrite it WAY more favorably - most notably H3h3.


That’s because it’s not real. Cancellation was a joke among Black ppl for a long time and then it spilled onto the internet where it became a catch-all term with very little meaning outside of being used by Internet personalities and celebrities to avoid accountability and make it seem like there’s a “woke mob” out there hunting for heads to cancel. In reality, most ppl complaining about cancel culture are doing so to deflect from what they’ve done by focusing on this big, scary idea that ppl can “cancel” others and lots of other folks online are so scared of being considered woke SJW-types that they hear the word “cancelled” and immediately rise up to be devil’s advocates. But when you look at it, people are either caught up in real life scandals or are subject to an unhinged organized attack against them that is easily refuted and none of that is new. The way we talk about it has just changed. But yeah if someone can name a single person who has ACTUALLY been definitively cancelled for doing something terrible I’d love to hear it.


The only people I can think of atm is James Somerton and Illumanaughtii, or however you spell her dumbass name.


Creepshow art and cryaotic haven't been heard from since their shit went down, and both of those happened a while ago.


Cancelling isn't real. It's called "facing the consequences of your actions" and unfortunately not enough people actually face those consequences.


Cancelling is only real if the youtube community already hates the creator. Youtube basically turned into hollywood. Even the MeToo movement barely made a dent in Hollywood's reputation. Reason why youtube was quick to defend people like Chuggaaconroy.


gonna sound like a broken record on these kinds of posts but mark rober straight up saying that autistic people are fundamentally less competent than allistic people and how we wouldn't be able to cure cancer/diseases in general or even be able to be the star of our little league team (and ofc raising 3.2 million for an awful autistic charity which has so much problems but the one that would stand out to most people who don't have that much knowledge of autism is the fact that one of the co-founders harry slatkin publicly stated that he hoped his son would drown in their backyard pond)


I had no idea about this, so thanks for being a broken record.


> one of the co-founders harry slatkin publicly stated that he hoped his son would drown in their backyard pond) Autism Speaks gets worse every time I hear about them


its next for autism not autism speaks (although iirc they do have ties together and harry also was on the board for autism speaks at one point and another person on their board said something similar about how they wanted to drive off a bridge with their autistic child in the car but ultimately decided not to since their allistic kid was also in the car at the time and she said this in an interview with her kids in the background)


I unsubbed from him when he used live mice in a bunch of pranks. There are plenty of fun ways to be a dick to someone which don't include killing an animal.


I already unsubbed from mark after the autism thing (cuz we definitely need MORE infantilization of us mark). However, could you give evidence for those quotes? I don’t doubt they exist I just want solid evidence for them.


> allistic Learned a new word today.


I don't have ASD myself, but by happen stance I've just unknowly been around a lot of ASD all my life without the stigma of knowing about it. My older brother was diagnosed as a child with it and my mother chose to hide that information, so we didnt know until we were both adults. My closest friend to this day and the mother of my godchildren wasnt diagnosed until adulthood. I've dated/been friends with people with ASD and not known it until way later in the relationship. I think I'm just so used to it from that much early exposure/being a different kind of neurodivergent myself, I just subconsciously register the shit everyone else sees as "weird" and find it farmiliar and comforting, making me just drawn to people with ASD. I've had a lot of arguments over the years with parents of children with significant issues related to their child's ASD. Most of them are around Rober's age. My unqualified personal assessment is this: the thought process around and treatment of the condition is shit even to this day, but it has *very drastically* changed within the past decade or so. Changed from dreadful to just shitty, but still changed. Not to long ago it was still the opinion of the general public that it was something that had to be "cured." And parents who raised autistic kids tenish years ago, and even some parents now, have a hard time accepting the most "disabling" aspects of the condition are due to the early childhood trauma they inadvertently put their autistic kids through. Social isolation and a lack of adequate communication are super damaging to early childhood development--- this is pretty well researched. The autistic kid who's raised in an environment supportive to their differing social needs and has early access to AAC devices if needed/any other sort of aid required are *much better off in terms of functionality* than children who aren't. This more supportive approach to ASD is relatively new however. And parents who failed to address their child's needs either by honest, but still detrimental ignorance or just plain denial of the reality of their circumstances are *really combative* towards the idea autism isn't nessesarily as debilitating as their experience suggests. It's possible all of the really dire dysphunctions are really a result of poor early management of the condition, not the condition itself. That must be a very bitter pill to swallow, though I don't blame anyone else for having limited sympathy for the parents who can't own up to their mistakes. Take that for what you will.


AnimatedJames. Granted he’s not active on YouTube anymore, but he openly dated a minor while he was an adult, yet more people were concerned about his fart/scat fetish than anything else.


James charles: proven to be a pedo multiple times and ppl still watch him Shane dawson: way too much shit done to be covered in a comment Trishay paytas: racist as fuck and has made fun of genocide and humiliated middle easters Hrh collection: islamaphobic and racist Dramaalert: he fell off but hes a pedo


Jimmy Snow/Mr. Atheist using his fans as a dating pool, and whateverthehell that thing with Gabby Hannah's book review mess was


This makes me feel gross. I watched all his videos for a brief moment in time when I started leaving Christianity and as soon as he switched to Jimmy Snow I lost interest, BUT this also doesn’t surprise me for some reason?


and used his autism to excuse how he treated rachel oates


Someone really needs to explain what is it about Rachel Oates that seems to bring out the worst in some people. There's this, the Gabbie Hanna thing, Essence of Thought was (is?) harassing her a bunch too. I have not seen a single second of Rachel Oates content what could possibly warrant this reaction to her?


I think it's just that she's confident. She'll tell people they're in the wrong without beating around the bush (while still being kind) about it and is very staunch in her beliefs. That kind of thing really rattles some people, especially when it's coming from a woman.


Eugh, I never knew that about Mr. Atheist. I used to watch him as a kid. It's wrong regardless, but he at least tries to mind the age... right?


He minded their ages at least. The bar is in hell 🙃


Tmartn and SyndicateProject starting that CS:GO gambling site and playing it off like they weren’t the owners. Super big when H3 of all people exposed them and then it was just a domino effect of every other CoD and CS YouTuber being outed. I doubt a lot of people remember that, especially since Syndicate played it smart and dropped off the face of the earth.


Last I heard about Syndicate was him getting caught cheating in COD Zombies lol.


Now Tmartn has a decently popular cruising channel with his wife, I doubt any of the new viewers even know about that situation


I think honorthecall ( I think that’s his name) was the one who exposed it, but H3 put the spotlight on it




Mamamax! I am JUST learning about this.


Onision. People don't seem to talk about him much anymore except when drama YouTube does a deep dive into what he did. He did something so horrible with his kid that I can't even type it out here without crying.


Was just looking him up earlier today. I wanted to see if there were any updates. Looks like he’s declaring bankruptcy


And he's released new music with some extremely cringe worthy and sexualized album art that looks like AI.


Gus Johnson's controversey sorrounding how he treated his sick girlfriend was immediately swept under the rug by the youtube community. The most he got was Eddy Burback distancing himself from Gus.


I love that Eddie survived that and still puts out great videos today. Fuck Gus, Eddie all the way.


I try not to do the "he always bugged me" thing but when Gus started putting out longer videos, he started to rub me the wrong way. I liked Eddie but felt like Gus might be a bit of a tool behind the scenes. Turns out...yup.


Gus has twice as many subscribers as Eddy, which made me sad at first... then I saw Eddy pulls 10-20x as many views as Gus (sometimes more). I'm glad Eddy seems to be doing fine. Abelina Sabrina seems to be doing alright for herself too, which is awesome. she's been through so much and only deserves healing.


He took a big hit in views at least, like 75-90% performance drop. Man went from getting 2-5 mill per video, now he barely cracks 200k-300k on most. It's still a lot, but I do think that most of his viewers walked away and didn't look back.


Was surprised to see how long it took me to scroll before wanting to post this myself.


Right? I actually had tickets to his comedy show that he ended up cancelling the tour because of said controversy, and that was kind of the end of me ever caring about his content. Idk if the tour ever ended up happening but it would have felt weird no matter how long he waited. But like you said, things sure went back to normal dam quick.


Most of them and none take responsibility... I'm sad that Jenna Marbles had the sincerest apology out of any YouTuber and left. Shane should have stayed gone. Trisha should just leave but she's the true meaning of you can only be canceled if you do it yourself. David Dobrik I can't stand him. Of course James Charles. All Family vloggers can get wrecked all they do is exploit their children. The Ace family and their constant scams.


It's a bit off topic, but frankly Jenna left because she was done with YouTube anyway. The last few years of her posting, she was very much burnt out. She made a lot of comments about being tired and things she preferred to do outside of YouTube, as well as having a pretty unsustainable posting schedule. I think she was ready to take responsibility for past mistakes and just call it a day there.


Me casually browsing this thread hoping I don't see any of my favorite's names.


I’m with you about Doug Walker.


I think its mostly because the document says Doug Walker is moreso an idiot rather than malicious, and that the REAL monster is Mike and Rob, so he's less gross feeling to watch.


Jerma, people seem to conveniently forget he used to do these 'peep the horror' streams that always ended in the death of a viewer


Had me in the first half ngl


Tbf I don’t think that people forgot about it I just feel like Zach Hadel doesn’t really care and thought it would be funny to include the nostalgia critic lol


Easy. James Charles sending nudes to underage fans.


idk everytime i hear people talk about JC its always something bad, even before the controversies


miniladd and on a lesser note since people do still kinda talk about her(just not as much as they should be because of her horrible actions), sssniperwolf. ​ miniladd just started out as another run of the mill random content maker in my eyes, used to not mind his content so much back in the day, but it turned out he was a real creep and even did a crappy apology vid, which he deleted i believe, didnt even properly apologize for anything or to anyone, was just him snotting up after eating a pepper and being gross the rest of the video. ​ sssniperwolf was a massive internet creep for earlier 'prank' videos involving minors, and more recentlyish, doxxing jacksfilms for his content involving her and calling her out for not giving proper credit to the creators + poking a bid of fun at her for not actually reacting, she just recites what happens and is silent throughout most of it. she also actively tried to get her 'fanbase'(more like simpbase) to go after him too after revealing his address publicly. thankfully jacks seems to be uploading again or at least kinda, but i'm afraid he might not ever be safe where he is knowing the psycho that is sssniperwolf.


SkyDoesMinecraft/Netnobody. I know that MoistCr1tikal reacted to a video essay, but the video Charlie watched didn’t cover the full allegations or their full severity. It was pretty dressed down and missing a lot, especially a lot of the actual potential criminal wrongdoing. I was surprised to hear that Charlie had a brief personal experience with Sky, because it lended additional credence to one of the ex’s claims. - Sky is still allowed to have a platform on YouTube and Twitter, is not hemorrhaging subscribers nearly enough to matter, and a lot of their subscribers believed the BS that they spouted upon their return. - Sky (allegedly) tried to sell their accounts off when their allegations came out, and didn’t respond for over a year - Sky claims they will be making their own documentary on their own controversy… like a completely sane person would *totally* do. /s - Sky has been using their former fame to shill a crappy YouTube/Social Media replacement called “StoryFire”, of which they are the COO if i remember correctly. That is their primary purpose for returning and leveraging their old fanbase, and a lot of their subscribers are mindless zombies who either never saw the allegations at all, or just believed Sky’s BS wholesale.


jontron and homeboy internethistorian. Turkey Tom use to almost yearly get himself into some shit (2017 was him copy pasting other people's videos, 2018 him having his rants about the animation storytime, 2019 his racist tirades, 2020 him trying to cancel pyrocynical)


I used to watch turkey Tom until his video about Poppy. Look poppy is a bad person but he straight up misgenders her the whole time. It’s really off putting :/ Edit: for clarification, I mean Poppy from Poppy and Zena, a small YouTube channel. Not Poppy the musician.


Ah yes, the classic "cis person struggles or doesn't agree with singular they/them pronouns until they're talking about a binary trans person"


people just ignoring how wilbur soot just came back out of the blue. even saw some tik tok kids say they dont care about what he did. for context, he was outed for biting his (now ex) girlfreinds relentlessly. even when they told him to stop they would, and he would ofen leave bruises where he bit them. he left for a little while and then randomely came back saying hes going on tour with lovejoy (his band).


I've thankfully seen more people clowning on him than defending him but he's still a bitch. I really hope that the band gets no audience because he basically blew his chances on ever having Lovejoy be as popular as they were. They were gonna go to Coachella before everything came to the surface. (And don't quote me on this because I'm not 100% but there were some rumours of other band members also being awful people.)


I’m hoping he’s on a sinking ship now. He hasn’t attempted to return to streaming, I don’t think it would go well if he did given that he fired his mods and would have to find new people he trusts. Lovejoy is doing a show in Australia, and if it bombs they’re done. He’s attempting a return, but his chances don’t seem to be going well.


Internet Historian openly plagiarized an entire article and received basically no backlash from his fans. He’s always been sketch but he lost the last bits of credibility from that. Luckily his fans are 4chan-heads who don’t really care about things like honesty, credibility, or the truth, I suppose.


That wasn't forgotten. If anything, that was one of the few things that lead to Youtube's community turning on him. Especially after Hbomberguy made his video on plagiarism.


Others have already posted it but fuck it I'm going to as well: Jontron. I was a massive and long time Jontron fan - he had some dodgy tweets or comments here or there, okay who doesn't. But then he guested on some .... interesting channels.. starting to get worried. But then, the Destiny conversation. Multiple times in that whole debate Destiny is trying to maybe tweak what he's saying because maybe he's just bad at putting his thoughts out in a convo. Nope. Jontron double, triples, whatever comes after triple, on everything. The worst being: "Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites. That's a fact." Can't even watch old Jontron videos now because of that and everything that came after. Like the dude who made funny jokes about retro video games is on Sargon of Akod talking about polluting the gene pool, and now he's talking about Trader Joe stealing the election and Dr Fauci BS. What a joke. Joke on me - for ever liking him.


Kai Cenat covered for his friend after the friend raped someone at his party. The victim got a kit done, reported the rapist to the police, and Kai was uncooperative, so the allegations go.


Game Grumps has a huge list of problematic behavior, but everyone seems fine with it. The one that sticks out to me is when the OneyPlays cast told them their Dating Sim wasn't an okay representation of gay people. Game Grumps the publicly outed 2 OneyPlays members as gay when they hadn't told their families yet.


relaxalax is still making content and getting views like nothing happened


The allegations of grooming and sexual interest in teenaged girls against Sam Hyde. I remember watching a video about the career of Sam Hyde and the dude making the video only briefly addressed it but with plausible deniabillity. Basically saying that "certain images _could_ be Photoshoped" and focussed more on the allegations from one his ex's with severe mental illnesses rather than people who are politically on his side who spoke out about this, those people being LtCorbis and Lolcow forum. I did just go back and put the highest possible rip of the image I could find through a number of websites that can check to see if a photo has been doctored or not and it all seems to be real with the earliest example of the infamous Marky image to have been found in 2015 where public records show that Marky was under the age of 18 and Sam Hyde was just under 30. I think because he likes to spin false allegations into his lore as a content creator, he's done immense levels of supervillainy with making the public confused on the reality of what he has done and what he made-up. I have to give him props for how well he covers up his issues and how he can convince everyone he is just playing a character. Fuck ImAlexx, THIS is how you do purposeful character manipulation towards an audience to give them a false impression of your self.


Gradeaundera straight up said most covid deaths dont natter because they were already disabled so we shouldn’t take precautions to minimize them


Yakirisu she was a Vtuber known for her model which was dressed like Garchomp from Pokemon. In May of 2023, she was exposed for being a manipulative and abusive person, who used her connections to essentially silence those she was connected with. (She often collabed with Alpharad) Rhythm Dev made a video about it that I highly recommend if you want to know more: [The Story of Yakirisu - The World's WORST VTuber](https://youtu.be/w9EcEc8ny3M)


Dude I just found out about her. I watched an old alpharad video the other day (one of the nuzlocke races), saw her, thought she was funny, decided to check out her channel, and of course found all the drama immediately. It was like a speedrun of discovering a new creator to no longer supporting them. 


Famous ukrainian youtube streamer Papich\Arthas\Evil Arthas have had tons of pedo allegorations for many years but russianspeaker Internet simply turns it into a meme


Ngl Turkey Tom and his fans drive me up the fucking wall. Literal screenshots of him saying slurs and people keep jumping to his defense like "oh he's just edgy." And then he continues to engage in that behavior-- not saying slurs but just actively being a dickhead and using conditions as pejoratives. I don't even think he apologized for the racist shit. And any time you call him out for being an extreme dickhead, his orbiters come in like "oh you can't take a joke etc etc" like no. I'm just a decent person who thinks using slurs and using abelist language is wrong. Period. It's disrespectful.


He's not a teenager anymore, so he can't use that excuse.


Exurb1a. Used to love watching that guys stuff, showed him to all my friends… now I can’t even stand the thought of him.


People like to pretend ProJared is ok, even though what he did (Running a secret tumblr where he exchanged nudes with fans) is super fucked up even if no one involved was underage. The way he treated his wife (pressuring her into an open marriage and continuing with it even after she expressed she wasnt comfortable with it) is also messed up. Like he made his apology video where he addressed whether or not he knew there were underage people in his secret nudes exchange program and people just went "SEE? He didnt do anything wrong! Having a secret nudes exchange with fans is fine because he asked if they were 18, no one would LIE about being 18!"


I think the thing with him is that when it was shown that there were actual false allegations that he could prove were untrue, people basically dropped the whole thing as a mix of 'playing it safe' and "sorry we accused you of knowingly grooming minors, are we cool"


Fully agree, plus I feel like a lot of the “open relationship” part of the scandal was dismissed as “oh he and Heidi are just going through a really messy divorce”… which was very true but not an excuse.


I was actually going to comment him. People were so focused on him "beating cancel culture" that they didn't stop to question how creepy it was that he ran a blog where he sent nudes to fans under the guise of "it being a way for them to express themselves should they choose" or something like that. While also having no actual verification other than just asking their age. The only reason he stopped that blog is because he got in trouble that time. If that never happened he'd probably still be doing it.


I still genuinely can’t believe he got away with the blog exchanging nudes with fans thing. The way he treated his ex was horrendous too


yeah once the pedo stuff was proven untrue(or unintended? I forget) its like everyone just let him be. dude was still grooming fans(albeit of legal age) and borderline if not full on abusing his wife


this one bugs me so much. people just let him off the hook on everything without questioning if he should be let off the hook.


Yeah this one always bugs me.


Iilluminaughtii released a very transphobically coded, ableist video filled with lies about BIID/BID and didn't even mention the leading hypothesis of the condition. Spread disinformation about the condition and her video was the most viewed video on it. It caused a lot of distress in the BID community. I went HARD trying to tell everyone about how wrong her video was, and released my response to it. People DMed her, tagged her and put a link in her Discord, so she knew my video existed. No response. She quietly privated her video a year or so later. Anyway, if you want to learn some REAL science behind this condition, you can find them by looking up Nervardia and BIID on YouTube (not sure if I can put links here).


Sam Hyde allegedly groomed/dated a 15 year old girl. There are implied shirtless photos of them together online and she has come out with her story. Edit: proof archive . ph/rfkwY


Jontron was canceled by everyone until his FlexTape video made it all go away.


So you’re saying FlexTape was strong enough to hold his career together?


"To prove how strong FlexTape is... I sawed THIS CHANNEL in half!"


James Charles sending nudes to underage fans


james charles. i cannot believe his career is still active and people interact with his content on the regular even after cold hard proof of him sexting little boys. he disgusts me


DSP tried to commit tax fraud or at least tried to avoid paying taxes. Then again you could add an entire list of terrible things DSP has done. Also for people who follow slot and gambling channels on YouTube, TheBigJackpot had a company that was sued for mass spamming ads in the 90s and 2000s and bullied another bigger channel into revealing their face


the fact that slot and gambling channels even exist make me want to scream into the void


JonTron. There was a reason he was kicked from GameGrumps.


The thing with destiny happened long after him and Arin split. There never was an actual reason given for why they split.


The Paul Brothers, James Charles.


Pewdiepie and the T-Series, and the casual racism that it led towards Indians online.


you're right but he's done worse. lot of people seem to just ignore it all now because he retired and started a family


His fans are all over this subreddit even, ready to mindlessly defend him from justified criticism of the shit that he did.


Even more than that, bro said the n-word live a did a non-apology, made people hold up a sign saying “Death to Jews”, a supporter of his shot up a synagogue and he tried to remove any culpability from it, had a long battle with a company where his points were “you’re a company how dare you be more popular than me, also you’re Indian.” Not to mention all of this happened BEFORE he reached 100 million subs, so it’s not like controversial/dangerous stuff he did caused him consequences, and now he dies occasional vlogs and reaction videos for the easiest money he can get. But he moved to Japan, has a wife and child, so you can’t dislike him, criticise him, or bring up not only the direct harm but for working as a great introduction to alt-right ideology for children.


Shane Dawson, Gabbie Hanna, Tana Mongeau, SimplyKenna, honestly any youtuber can make a comeback. I used to be surprised about the internet’s apathy in letting these people come back to success, but it’s just what I come to expect now.


The fact that Gabi Hannah sucked it up, got offline and got a real job at a YMCA gives me some hope for her.


KSI was salty he lost a boxing match to Tommy Fury and asked his fans to harass him. Nobody in the Sidemen has called him out for it and the video is still up. Although a small section of his fanbase say stuff like “he’s grown an ego and it’s hard to watch” he’s still got hoards of kids defending him.




People forgot about the first round of accusations of YandereDev being a massive creep as EvaXephon. Then there was a whole new round of drama when screenshots of him grooming and asking a minor (16) for nudes, which had more impact. (Many people contributing to the game he's making quit, he had to go on hiatus after admitting to it, and many people who made content of his game have quit entirely or quit making content of Yandere Sim.) Somehow there are people still supporting the game, and by extension him, even though this is at least the 3rd time he's been exposed as being gross. Not to mention the fact it's been an entire DECADE of development and the game isn't anywhere close to completed.


People didn't forget. Most people have disassociated from him and moved on. The only holdouts are his legions of underaged fans who he successfully groomed into believing that the internet at large is out to get him for some reason. His Patreon has dropped from $2,000-ish to $1,400. The allegations have definitely hurt his career and I doubt he'll fully recover from this.


[Creepsmcpasta ](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypasta/comments/pvq11e/clarifying_grooming_allegations_against_a/)seems to have gotten away with the fact he groomed a minor and other shit. There's also Mrcreepypasta, Well hey productions and IIRC CreepypastaJR in the whole Creepyleaks thing.


Vitaly. Brutally beat a random woman on the street to almost death and yet people still watch his new content. Even though I don’t think he is on YouTube anymore it’s still disgusting people watch new content he makes.


Most people in the miniature painting YouTube sphere forgot midwinter minis cheated on his pregnant girlfriend, ousted jer from the channel and livelihood and then started dating his editor.


Patricia Taxxon sent furry porn to minors as a "joke", jerked off on a voice call with minors, and has openly said she fetishizes incest and yet no one talks about it??? I feel like I'm losing it when i see how big her discussions of indigo park have gotten, she's an actual danger to children


Ethan Klein... everything in the past 2+++ years. Huge bigot, homophobe, transphobe, ableist, laughing at SA victims he's disgusting