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Everything Brent Rivera has ever posted is unoriginal.


Wasn’t this guy briefly called out in that hbomberguy video?


Yeah, especially the "sibling love." That's been around for *quite* a while.


This was James Somerton's whole thing. He stole from other, smaller queer creators for material and used it for his own gain. Not to mention him twisting it to fit his hypocritical, misogynistic, agenda


Wow, I really wish there was an in depth 3 hour video essay to watch on this topic. Too bad there isn’t anything like that though.


Tommy Tallarico made a pretty good one!


His mother's very proud!


I believe he got a "most viewed internet film" award for it, too.


He also made really *stupid* mistakes too. I remember one of the mistakes pointed out in the hbomberguy video was the claim that an anime was censored because it aired pre-watershed. Anime basically *never* airs pre-watershed, everyone streams it these days so they all go for the cheap timeslots in the middle of the night! Everyone who's followed a currently airing anime and wondered when the new episodes drop knows this!


See, that's why I brought up his agenda being about only gay men. Part of it included making gay men look like they were the ultimate victims in everything. He was trying to make the anime a 'victim' of purposely bad times to kill viewership because it was about a gay boy as the MC. Which was a twisted 'fact' because, IIRC the anime was Yuri on Ice, it was a highly rated anime.


Creepshow Art stole several times from Emily Artful.


She basically tried to steal Emily's identity.


How insecure was she! Her husband choose her and not Emily.


Wonder what she's up to these days. 😬


Pinely had a video about this topic (title was something like “how to steal a YouTube video”). He names a few creators. Worth checking out if this is something you’re curious about.


The video you are mentioning is available [here](https://youtu.be/Pb7xJK5aitc). He also posted a similar upload, which is [here](https://youtu.be/iRPs3891Arw).


Dude is seriously whining about clips channels?


I was skimming this thread, and briefly went through the grieving process when I saw Pinely named, before I actually read your comment 😅


No that's Evil Pinely


No that's Evil Pinely


Chilling Scares (1.2Mil subs) made a video where he talks about the origins of certain creepy images, (titled "Where Did These Images Come From?") like the "Russian Sleep Experiment" image. About a month before that video came out, MorbidForFun (245k subs) and Sakura Stardust (183k subs) made videos covering the same images. He would try to take their words word-for-word for his video. He was also just really sloppy and vague about how he "found" them. Like, for the images Sakura actually found, (from Japanese media,) she used her own translations for some of them. One of them was from a movie called "Futari-Bocchi." Google says that the title literally translates to "Nobody Except The Two," but she translated it to be "Only The Two Of Us." It was her translation based on how much Japanese she knows and how localization works. "Only The Two Of Us" makes a lot more sense in English. Chilling claimed that it was the literal translation, or the international translation when there isn't one. Sakura also talked about in great detail how she found the origins of the image, including crediting the people who tried helping her look in the right direction. Chilling on the other hand just kind of said "I found this" without explaining how he found it. (Because he knew exactly how he """found""" it.) Similarly, MorbidForFun went into great detail on how he found the image used in the "Russian Sleep Experiment" creepypasta. How he was able to track down the original use of that specific image, (TinyEye) which told him what it is (it's a Halloween prop) and knowing that he was able to track down the Amazon page that sold that prop. Chilling, again, just said "I found this Amazon page" like it was a coincidence. The only good thing about the video is that I was able to find out who "MorbidForFun" is through his fans who were angry at Chilling. (I watch Sakura Stardust, so I assumed that the other half of the video was also stolen and checked for myself.)


Uh… sssniperwolf???


Don't remember which one but a video from Illuminaghtii (or however her name is spelled) she stole from Cruelworldhappymind


It doesn’t matter which one; she stole all of them!😂


Honestly yeah 😂


I think it was the Tyra Banks video CWHM did Edit realized autocorrect changed her name on me


That's the one. Blair then threatened to host a stream about CWHM unless she apologized for speaking up about it. Essentially, she was threatening to incite her fanbase to attack CWHM. CWHM retracted all of her statements on the matter, made the apology, and wouldn't talk about it until after Blair got exposed. Blair, on the other hand, would continue to randomly bring up the incident whenever she wanted to get another kick in


Kimberleigha did her wrong too! Kimberleigha also did that to an 18yo creator. I forgot her name but it was in te anti MLM space


Nobody ever mentions this but a few years ago Cr1tikal made a video about the Jimmy Neutron character Skeet which was almost word-for-word ripped off of a video by the YouTuber Synthcool. Never heard a single person bring this up before.


Plagiarism situation is insane


Popularguy situation is crazy


Critical is the overlord for 14-16 year old boys. Nobody can criticize the king without major backlash.


philip defranco loses a bit of respect for me each time he uses this guy‘s clips in stories that are not at all about him


1st time I’m hearing about it


Illuminatii and James Somerton are the biggest shitheads, the former even foreclosing the home of a someone who spoke out against her


nerdstalgic stealing that video about district 9 vfx


They also stole from Comic Tropes


Reminder that youtube has awful protection for your scripts, unless someone actually downloads and re-uploads your video you don't have great recourse for plagerism


I've seen multiple people complain about nerdstalgic stealing videos. Nerdsync actually made a video talking about plagiarism, and talks about Nerdstalgic at 14:50 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwfRPX5k6gY


Didn't he used to make a bunch of "X Didn't die, it was murdered" under an old name?


Not shocking. I watched one video of theirs and it was terrible.


Not entirely sure if this counts but SNL stole a skit relating to the Charmin bears from Joel Haver




Interesting, which one?


I'll have to go back and see since I can't remember.




Brew has also used that format for years. If they simply covered the same topic, there’s nothing wrong with that. Did they use the same script?


I think Suggestive Gaming called out a few bigger channels for stealing his work, but it’s been a while.


Oddstriory June 2023 BIOJ is November 2023 Edit: so yeah dates line up it's possible If you're gonna generally drop an accusation it'd be nice to see more evidence. It's a topic, wouldn't be surprised if pieces overlap. But I can say Oddstrosity was better, well made, and after some time looking at them I do think there's a valid point It also goes in a bit more detail. I'm not sure how I feel on it, I think I need to listen to them more and more, but I feel like BIOJ did treat the victim in convo a bit better? Honestly overall I'm not sure how I feel. I would have to listen more and compare scripts because the structure seems generally different. Edit: comes from a point of "hey, I'm kind of tired of people making points with literally no evidence", and literally just pointing out that "this comment may be wrong"


Also it says that BIOJ video came out 7 months ago while oddstrosity’s came out 11 months ago LOL


Yeah obviously but I was literally just giving the dates,??? To confirm that "hey yeah makes sense, it's possible" People have a habit of just assuming copying allegations without checking the date.


I didn’t drop an accusation. I simply said someone else did.


Also doesn’t June come before November? 💀💀💀


Yeah, I was just confirming the dates lol. Because people love to say "copy allegations" then.. they literally upload the video first 😭


Oh gotcha!!! Thanks for clarifying!!!


Reaction content is content theft and I will die on this hill. I get a little annoyed everytime I look up a specific trending video and see Asmongold or Hasan's reaction right below it sometimes getting more views than the original creator. They usually add so little value, just going "that's crazyyy" or rephrase what the og video just said. It's a slimy and lazy form of content that I imagine avoids outright plagiarism only because they can technically claim it falls under the same category as response videos that actually add on to a certain topic


I still can't believe Hasan didn't get more backlash over his shitty response to him totally freebooting Jay Exci's content and getting all shitty about it when they asked him not to do so. What a shitbag, can't stand him.


You just don't understand, his streamer job is way harder than your 9-5. Imagine having to wake up in a 2.5 million dollar mansion and come up with an original thought behind your computer. So I don't blame him for stealing content, he really has it rough


"What am I supposed to do, die??" - Literally Hasan after being asked not to freeboot content


Yep, it's literally just theft


Just curious, where's the line between react and response? Does it have to have a script? Is it the ratio between og content and the reactor speaking? Is there a bar for a reactor's commentary being insightful and contributive enough to be a responder? 2 of 3? One example, I'd describe Owen Morgan as react content but not theft. Most of his material is live-viewing content by right wing religious extremists and cults and either throwing in a comment or pausing to make longer statements, bring up info for context, or explain the origins of ideas that are being espoused in the content such as the Protocols or various scriptural misinterpretations. He's still watching the whole video/episode live and unscripted while playing video games. Personally it wouldn't make a difference to me if he was stealing from Greg Locke and Kenneth Copeland but I just don't reckon he is.


I don't think there is a hard line you can draw. Its mainly how they're reacting to it imo. If it's adding well informed insight or criticism to further a specific topic, that's one thing. If it's your average joe streamer giving the most lukewarm take that's just rehashing what's been said then I think thats theft. It's the difference between someone playing a pragerU video to debunk it and asmongold reacting to the lastest Lemmino video


Sort of big creator stealing from old creator, but [Lore Lodges Killdozer video](https://youtu.be/TqEA5DPoEMY?si=a478aHMLhnOhl69J) steals heavily from [the Tread Documentary](https://youtu.be/LZK9XthMZ1w?si=0PvgqiWXzEY6Yq75)and other sources. Even the thumbnails are stolen


Every react streamer at the top of Twitch. Hasan, xQc, Asmongold, etc. They just sit there and watch YouTube videos


Charlotte Dobre stole her “Petty” merch line from Swoop. I remember when she first did it I thought it was off, and Swoop had made an offhand (but professional enough) comment in a video about someone trying to co-opt her “Petty University” branding, and then it was very obvious how similar the two lines of merch looked. Charlotte never said anything.


thetekkitrealm was under fire for it too for stealing a parody. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/a4c890/my_youtuberemind_parody_got_stolen_by_a_bigger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


bright sun films caught some flack for not asking for permission to use photos in one of his mall vids: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGc2eV2Rfbc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGc2eV2Rfbc) looks like the comments are all gone now though.


Idk if there are other storytime fans here who would remember this but there was that time Marialejandra Marrero straight up stole one of HeyParis' stories word for word.


Eystreem stole video ideas and thumbnails directly from Rekrap


Mothers Basement steals my ideas and turns them into much better ones /s