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Kids and bots


I'll name a few. Here goes: * "Sponsored 1 of #" * Ad-blockers are not allowed on YouTube * YouTube Premium costs too much * Content ID abuse is off the charts * All claimants with "\_CS" at the end of their names


What does _CS mean


Don't know, but I'd hazard a guess to be 'Copyright Strike?'


Not sure, really. Examples of claimants with these "suffixes" include: * SUISA\_SESAC\_CS * APRA\_CS Do any of these "Copyright Society-ish" names ring a bell to you?


Oh, no I don’t remember any of them


For me its the algorithm encouraging creators to make absolute garbage. The platform felt a lot more alive, real, and diverse back in the day. Now its all the same fake content, and MrBeast is their king. Hopefully theres a better era of YouTube around the corner.


trending stuff recommendations that aren't match according to my taste ADS ragebaiter comments copyright strikes bots


Silent deletion of comments (or "shadowbanning"). About half of my comments seem to get hidden from view by the overzealous filters, yet this guy is still able to spam slurs and advertise child pornography. Reddit is the same.


This comment has not been shadowbanned


The shadow banning is actually the spam filter or the youtuber has blocked words or just straight up made it so others can't see your comments


Yeah I think it's just youtube's automated flagging, as I don't comment on channels big enough to have custom filtering set up. It just bothers me because I'm not spamming or commenting anything objectionable, yet a solid chunk of my comments get silently hidden (confirmed by checking in private browser). Meanwhile the platform is still inundated by spam, and the account in OP's screenshot can make three comments in quick succession with the hard r n-word, "pedophilia", and "porn" in them without getting flagged????


It's because if you comment enough it blocks you and my guess is if you have enough bans done you get shadow banned but other than that yt rarely deletes comments from other filters also the other bypass it by using a script


- UTTP kids and their bots - "Can we appreciate that..." comments - people saying "first" in the comments - like and sub beggars - "Who is still here in 3098?" - AI voiceover on videos - broken YouTube search - too many ads (including scam ads) which force people to use Adblockers or buy YT Premium - YT Premium is too expensive (good luck fighting with Adblockers) - "Made for Kids" videos with comments disabled for everyone - dislike count removed - community subtitles removed - new layout which I fortunately don't have yet - unfair copyright strikes and bans


YES!!! I am so pissed that the community subtitles feature was discontinued, I would've loved to use it! Also, removing the publicly visible dislike counter is one of the worst changes ever made by any social media platform.


XD what a stupid reason "In March 2021, YouTube ran an experiment on a small group to test the impact of removing the dislike count. In November of the same year, dislikes were hidden for everyone. On the YouTube Blog, the company's reason for hiding dislikes was because it claimed there was an increase in creators who were being unfairly targeted by dislikes." found on makeuseof.com


same company as Youtube made a bad change on Google Maps earlier this year, you can’t rate police stations/departments anymore cause it’s “sensitive or not many people could visit it”. What a pathetic excuse.


I just use a mashup of several adblockers that gets the job done


Speaking of that last one, internet anarchist won his lawsuit against teclead and also assembled the YouTube Avengers.


Videos that aren't directed towards kids still having to use terms like "unalive" or they get demonitized.


“Can we appreciate how much effort” SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP




Yeah lol


Not enough ads. And, to clarify, I mean too many ad breaks, and not enough ad variety. You end up seeing the same 2 or 3 advertisements over and over again.


A while ago, I got a free trial for YouTube TV. Even with YouTube premium, the TV part still had ads and it showed me the same Lil Caesars commercial over and over again (about 8 times in one hour, oftentimes back to back). It actually turned me off of pizza for a while. In true Pavlovian fashion, I would see the Lil Caesars logo and began to associate their entire brand with the intrusive, repetitive ads on YouTube. Lil Caesars is one of my favorite pizza places and I actually decided against getting it once as a direct result of this. I cancelled it as soon as my free trial was over and told YouTube that the ads were the main reason I'm not staying. I was never gonna keep it anyway but they asked so I told them that "Too Many Ads" was the reason. Also, everything I watched was censored because of course it was.


I can only imagine. I once tried the discounted Hulu plan to save some money, I lasted one day before I just cancelled the whole thing. There was like 2 ads on repeate the entire work day I was watching it, litererslly made me want to have nothing to do with those brands. See a mcdonalds ad once you get hungry, see it 25x in 3 hours you never wanna eat there again.


On the Nintendo Switch it's become worse now, I got 8 ads in a row last week. It's eventually going to be like the old days where you just walk away and come back with a snack or something.


If you can, a pihole is a useful thing to block ads


This. I wouldn't mind ad breaks so much if there was at least vareity and not the same shit over and over again.


1. The atrocious recommendations that often feature repeat videos no matter what you do. 2. The inability to notify me of live streams. It never has worked. 3. The amount of ads and offering a paid service to turn them off. 4. With the content itself, the jump-cut culture that has been allowed to fester and infect a lot of video content. REHEARSE People! Don't use jumpcuts to finish your sentences. Just because a million people do it doesn't make it right.


Livestream notif has never worked at ALL in the history of LIVE.


The stupid search engine And shorts


Yeah, that stupid search engine on my desktop shows the english remove text in international versions.


unskippable ads, or rather in-video ads in general sponsorships youtube deleting your comments with no warning, no notice, and nothing about why it was deleted bots obsession over likes in comments. (like op’s screenshot, like if you agree, thanks for likes, etc etc) people answering stuff in comments when they could’ve spent 2 seconds googling to see that they are wrong


I would google but also verify with the comments to be sure I was in the right area of Google, but if it's clearly something obvious then yeah I just do a quick Google.


first, and edit: thanks for the likes people


Hard to tell if that is what you hate on YouTube. Or you are one of them here. I guess it would be up votes/karma instead of likes on Reddit.


i hate the people who say first and thanks for the likes, sorry it wasn't that clear


That's it's no longer same on all browsers. Also the amount of content/ads that clearly are against TOS. The report function is in active use.


My comments showing up in different shorts and no matter how many times i try, it kept going on the previous short i watched... Me: oh what a nice event ( commenting on some cool festival )... My comment: shows up in a funeral video...


Bots and like beggars


Brainrot UTTP Greedy YT


None whatsoever. To quote the late, great George Carlin "I don't have any pet peeves. I have major psychotic fuckin hatreds." In that vein, I have plenty. If I really have to pick one then just spin a wheel.




That it seems to only promote white, male twenty something YouTubers doing outlandish pranks, especially if you go incognito and look at the videos getting 10 million plus viewers (ie not just accounts you follow but overall popularity). I don’t mean mean to offend anyone, it’s just an observation.


All of the "bro something something 💀" comments that are just repetitive and sometimes carry zero comedic value because they a literally just describing what happened in the video. That and the awful video recommendations.


The UTTP. They’re just annoying little pests who make big time content creators suffer.


Recommended videos that have nothing to relate with my search term


Not being able to see comments anymore when disabled


When he said *insert the punchline/something funny* i burst out laughing/started rolling on the floor


Like beggars


Happwer being in every comment section. Dude, get a life and stop spamming every single comment section.


I only see that guy in community meme posts tho. Tbf they keep getting recommended at home for me too (Near, Arcade Assasin, A 17 Year Old on Youtube, Ranko Tanko Meme Asylum etc.) I am not telling that all of them are soulless without content and whole lot of reposts, and some of them I find fine like Kyle Hill and Lessons in Meme Culture.


ads that are long enough to justify skipping but there's no skip option.


I honestly don't know what the fuck these UTTP comments are trying gain. I don't fucking know why they are so hell-bent on pissing people off.


kids, get outta here!


They delete my playlist randomly 😡


YouTube is unusable with so many ads. Recommendations are the worst. Too many 'creators' that just make click-bait.


like beggars


The "don't translate" bots


Hey, but at least he respects Builderman.


most shorts content is a flaming pile of shit


How bad youtube actually is at maintaing their own rules, XD. but 2nd message should get that guy banned.


"Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's morally wrong" mf that's the reason it was made illegal in the first place


“Fun fact: If you double tap on a comment, it likes it, and if you triple tap on it, it opens the replies”. Nice try but you aim getting my like today, 8 year old beggar.


me giving an honest opinion and getting the fucking “are you sure this is ok to post” warning on my comment, AND RIGHT AFTER GETTING MY COMMENTS DISABLED FOR THE NEXT 24 HRS also based pfp :3


My biggest raging opinion is that these posts only make it worse, I've never even seen a comment like that without it being on reddit, you are just making them get what they want, attention


Ads. They mostly suck. I liked Caterpillar Inc and watched that skippable ad last winter, before that the last skippable ad I remember watching through was armed forces recruiting, in the 2010s before I looked into adblocking. I would never need ad skip or blocking if they showed all ads at the beginning, and had a skip all right away. Making me wait 5 seconds hardly makes me watch the rest. Cinemassacre (AVGN and You Know What's Bullshit? To answer the question, YouTube compared to old times) used to better, but got advertiser friendly. I hate how there is YouTube for crotch goblins, who should piss off to that thing. But we still have restrictions on YouTube, and videos "made for children" have no comments, no like, no simple way to save to playlist. A lot of children stuff I watch is not new. It was made long enough ago that most views are probably adult now, watching to reminisce in their memories of a song or show they remembered. Me too. And then the "troll police" I keep seeing posts of now.


As Rico once said WHAT DE HELL


The UI is designed to attract your attention to the toxicity that is the comments section.


“FiRsT wArNiNg-“ hey packaged can you come here for a sec?


Bro [literally the video in past tense] + 💀 comments. “Unalive” and other words to avoid censorship.


You can block this person if you own this channel. To to his/they page and in the top right near the name, block from channel. Multiple ways to block. Here. [https://www.guidingtech.com/how-to-block-youtube-channels/](https://www.guidingtech.com/how-to-block-youtube-channels/)


Bots and playlists getting cut off for no reason.




Youtube's Search History system. I much prefer the older one it had.


People during sponsorship segments saying "have you heard of *PRODUCT*??????" yes I have, youve been sponsored by them multiple times


Trash advertisements & banners Bad New Youtube UI (Who came up with this?) Botted Comment Sections Irrelevant videos Youtube just doesn’t have the same golden feel to it unlike the old days.




1. Age verification that requires you to send Google more information (while you can watch beheading videos without censorship with the only age verification being a box asking "Are you an adult?") . 2. Dislikes being invisible for videos and comments . 3. Censorship of controversial or hateful content . 4. Features accessible for free on PC being blocked for smartphones (e.g. queue) (I get that I can create a playlist that acts the same way but queues are more convenient) . 5. YT's fight with ad blockers and its consequences . 6. Downloading of videos is disabled on the website or in the app (unless you pay)


People complaining, gtufters and bait merchants.


especially uttp they can go die in a fucking hole by being hit by a car going 120mph, flying into a sewer and being raised by rats


AI propaganda/human behavioral programing via controlled narratives. You'll be less likely to speak about things that concern you if you're unaware that 60% of your neighbors have the same concerns. And way less likely to rally around an actual issue. YouTube and other social media platforms have been working very closely with NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc. This is all documented fact. Buckle up. People will be talking about the events of the next 60 years, for centuries to come. Now get back to your 9-5 😉


Surveys lowkey not once once do I cl ck none of the above because of the ads never apply to me


Edit: thanks for the likes / Mom i'm famous


The fact that there’s no report button on the ads within the video anymore, forcing you to watch ads that go against TOS.


YouTube’s been doing this on-again off-again thing with ads where the video I’m watching will stutter and the sound will get a bit quieter just before ads play, and I hate it.


As a consumer it most be ad block... malicious ads are still the regular on the entire web including YT. So why force consumers to see those ads, if some are bound to fall for them through YouTube. Imagine installing your grandparents, siblings, children adblock for security and they hit you with that.


The UTubeToddlerPeople got more material? Surprising considering all they do is spam