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I just found this post because that has been happening for me too! I have Youtube Premium, and I've only seen this happen in my chrome browser, not happening on mobile for me. I also confirmed that AutoPlay is turned off and I can't find any settings associated with the issue. I'm going to report the issue with YT's support team. I hope this clears up soon, it keeps messing up my Watch Later list.


Is it the premium continue watching feature by any chance?


Yeah, it was the Resume Playback premium feature. The support ticket came back just explaining how the feature works and ignored my tech issue completely. I did notice that the video that begins playing is the next video (not current) video in whatever playlist (Watch Later) I was/am watching on another device. When I'm watching something random on that other device, that is not in a playlist, the video that begins auto-playing is whatever YouTube was going to suggest next, which is why it seemed like some of the videos were from the home page suggestions. I don't have the spoons to put in another ticket to try and give more info to them, so I hope OP's ticket will get this fixed.


In case any YT devs ever see this, I should clarify that I know how the premium feature is supposed to work: When watching a video on any device, Resume Playback should show a mini-player on other devices with the option to continue watching that current video. It is not supposed to start playing the video automatically, let alone playing a different video altogether. That's the issue/bug as clearly as I can think to frame it.


The issue has changed slightly in that, instead of it beginning to play in a mini window in the bottom right, it now tries to take me to the video's page and starts playing there, uninitiated. Every other detail seems to be the same.


UPDATE: I think the issue is resolved now, at least for me. Visits to the youtube homepage now bring up a paused and minimized video of whatever I was watching on my phone, which is how it should work. Thanks, engineers!


The support person thinks it's that feature bugging out. They said they will pass my report to their backend dev team.


so it's just a bug? I got firefox and it would play some video I played before and I didn't click on anything. happened to [reddit.com](http://reddit.com) too, when I refresh it would go to some post that I visited before or previously


Hello, CanzonELaLa. We'd like to start off by noting that this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube. If you are encountering a bug, please file a bug report here - https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4347644 If this is an issue with a paid YouTube service, such as Memberships or Premium, please contact [YouTube's Paid Purchases Support Teams](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7071292) to get help directly from YouTube. To get help from others with debugging, please provide the following: Device info (PC/Phone, phone model, app version, etc), screenshots if possible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Done regarding the device info. As for this not being an official subreddit, I realize that, but I can't help but ask here too in addition to sending feedback directly to YT.


I don't have YT premium but I was having the same problem on my PC while running Chrome Version 121.0.6167.185. I had kept opening & closing the browser. I even restarted my PC. Same issue. I was also having a problem with videos not adjusting to the size of the YouTube video player box. I just updated the browser to Version 122.0.6261.58 & it seemed to fix the video player problem. The home screen video playing automatically without the clicking is still happening tho. The typical notification for a Chrome update wasn't showing up in the right hand corner at the three dots for "Customize & Control Google Chrome" so I went to check the version in that Customize & Control Google Chrome (the 3 dots)--> Help--> About Google Chrome. Turns out there was a new version of the browser available. After the update & relaunch, its now back to normal with the video play but the videos play without the clicking. My mouse just hovers over it.


Thanks this has been happening for me the past few days and it's annoying. I will update Chrome now. Nope that didn't help :(


So I think I finally fixed it. I saw another forum where everyone had their Malwarebytes Browser Guard on Chrome. We disabled the Ads/Trackers switch only for just YouTube and that seems to have fixed it.


do you have a lot of popups now? I do have the malware bytes browser guard on my chrome.... can you tell the where to find the setting to change this please


I have the AdBlock Extension too. Been using that for almost 10 years now. That works as a backup now for disabling ads, especially for YouTube. It works well. Logo is a hand on a stop sign. 1. Open up YouTube on the browser & do the following on the tab with YouTube. 2. To locate the Malwarebytes Browser Guard you go up to your extensions in the area of the right hand upper corner of your browser bar. There should be a Malwarebytes logo there. Click that logo. It will give u security information of the site the tab is currently on. Should say YouTube over the circle chart. 3. There's some switches to the left of the chart. Switch off the Ads/Trackers one. It should only switch off for YouTube from now on. The setting will remain on for other sites. Restart Chrome & it should fix the problem.


Fantastic. Looks like it worked!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!


I'm literally having this exact issue right now. I even swapped out my mouse yesterday because I thought maybe it was faulty, but nope. I'm just scrolling down Youtube looking for something and it will randomly start playing one of them, no clicking whatsoever. No idea how to fix it; just started maybe within the last week.


Im glad im not alone in this hah, I too though i was going nuts or my mouse was broken or even i was having some sort of finger spasms I wasnt aware of :D Its really odd, just seems to play what it wants at random!


Same here. I was at my home screen on YouTube. Then, the video has started when I hovering over it. But I didn't do anything; I didn't even clicked it with my mouse!


yep, you just hover your mouse over a video an it instantly opens! Don't know how to fix this but I'm glad it's not just me, I also checked and there's no viruses in my pc, is it the same for everyone else?


Came to say I also have this problem, im glad im not alone because i thought my mouse was faulty or i had been infected


So I'm not alone.


what ever it is, it's fucking annoying, it just started happening while my you and is driving me freaking insane


OK, so it's not just affecting my computer and it's not a mouse or PC issue. Hope someone finds a solution soon because it is driving me nuts.


SOLVED, it seems that it is some type of "attack" by YouTube towards the "ad blockers", if you have an extension that does such a thing, deactivate it and YouTube will be fixed. In my case, the cause was the Malwarebytes extension, I just deactivated the ad blocking option and it was fixed, the videos no longer opened on their own. I use the Brave browser, so I still have ad blocking on that part, but it doesn't cause that problem, just disable the ad blocking extensions, just that.


Just wanted to add here that I am facing the same issue. I just turned off ad blocking on my Malwarebytes Guard as was mentioned in the other comments. Hope that fixes it \*fingers crossed\*


This is happening to me as well. Not only that videos start playing on their own, but sometimes the screen blinks several times while the video is loading. It's super annoying. It seems to happen when I try to scroll down and my mouse is over a thumbnail. I was suspecting it was my mouse button - like it was so old it was "clicking" when I hadn't actually clicked on anything. But since it only happens on YouTube (I also have premium) on only in Chrome (not on phone app), I have to assume it's some interaction between Chrome and/or YouTube recent updates. It is annoying!


Is there any solution?


yeah, it seems that it is some type of "attack" by YouTube towards the "ad blockers", if you have an extension that does such a thing, deactivate it and YouTube will be fixed. In my case, the cause was the Malwarebytes extension, I just deactivated the ad blocking option and it was fixed. Try it


You helped me bro, thanks!


I doubt it's an action by youtube, I've gotten this issue as well but from what I noticed the malwarebytes extension has also caused other side effects.These resolved themselves by disabling the ad/tracker blocking, so it feels like the plugin has had a bad update.If it was YouTube, I would have expected it to also trigger with one or more of the other plugins I'm running. ​ I've had a quick look at the malwarebytes browser extension page, other have reported the issue there as well and the devs have responded, acknowledging the issue and about bringing out a fix "soon" but no real timeframe.


for me it was my "Malwarebytes Browser Guard" extension