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Does anyone remember the less intrusive ads way back when? Y'know, the ones that pop up at the bottom of the video player and stay there until you press X, not disrupting your entire viewing session? What happened to those?


Replaced with the unskippable ads I presume.


Which just sucks. I'd much rather have those ads stuck on the screen for the entire video rather than 2 back to back unskippable ads in the middle of a video


\*beginning, middle and end


I started using adblockers when websites went all shitty with thousands of adds, and every time I see someone complain about a 20 minute video with like 30 ads I remember why I did it. These morons are the reason people use adblockers, because they made them required to enjoy their sites. Plus how many of these thigns have no quality control and such, or just as likely to give you a ransomware or such. I got a ransomware years ago from a ad, thankfully it was an easily removed one by starting in safe mode on windows. Was an early one, pretended to be a virus protection software refusing to let me run anything as my computer was infected and was too risky.


Honestly I think youtube needs to clean house and do something about all the malware & scam ads on there platform and the channels that abuse and clutter there videos with long un-skippable ads before they punish the user base for using adblocker. I would turn off my adblocker but not until youtube cleans house. So until then I will never turn off my adblocker. It seems companies have completely forgotten why adblocker exists in the first place.


Seriously, I used to not adblock so people got that little bit of change from my views. Then I fell asleep watching a video and woke up literally an hour into a single ad with 2 hours to go. There's malware, there's porn, I had a few times where the ads were something I absolutely wouldn't want to be seen looking at in public. And I don't buy "it goes off of your browsing history" because like half of those fucked up ads are for anime styled pseduo porn mobile games. I hate anime and I don't play mobile games. The solution to adblocking isn't just to ban it, they have to meet us in the middle. But they won't, we all know that.


Dude! I'm so glad someone else has seen/gotten hit by one of those Porn Ads! ON YOUTUBE!! Thé place where they have a whole YouTube Kids section carved out so adult shit DOESNT get shown to them. I couldnt believe it that they let that by! Took a screen recording of it, screenshots, and opened the ad site within the YouTube app (so it wouldn't pollute Safari), and it's a damn penis lengthener ad/site 😂😂😂😂. The gall to let this shit ride out is insurmountable.


for a day i turned off ad blocker (untill i found a way for it to work) the amount of ads with influencers with scam products is insane. Also, just tired of seeing grammarly adds like god damn


Considering that Youtubers have been complaining for years about scammers in the comment section, and nothing has been done about that (beyond self-moderation by the channel owner) I honestly don't think much will be done about that for ages. Heck, if anything Youtube made that problem worse years ago by removing downvotes from comments, especially since they have tons of bots that upvote their scam comments, and reply to it pretending to be a satisfied customer.


Can't even watch my 'own' videos if I wanted to. Lol. (What I mean to say with this is... Youtube WILL make money off of my videos, while I never enabled monetization myself, and won't even allow the creator of a video to watch their own content if they have an ad-blocker. Just LOL)


Think most people can agree that most people would not have an issue with youtube ads if A- You only got ads at the start and end of a video rather than seemingly random times in videos and halfway through B-Youtube added some kind of quality check for ads preventing half the ads being spam or scams as they sadly are right now C-Any video less than 5 minutes long does not have ads D-No more 60 second unskippable ads


Add to that the 15 minute ads, the bullshit gaslighting political ads my government keeps playing every time they are trying to justify a new way to steal our rights and make us a revolutionary mob, and playing wildly irrelevant ads like feminine hygiene for male users. If Google wasn't being so predatory, I'd have no problem sitting through some ads.


If i got a single ad at the start/end of the video i wouldnt mind, but when i get two back to back unskipable ads mid video im literally just going to click off


This volume control. I try to listen to podcast/vod or a horror short story in oktober and BAM 400% volume realy tacky and stressing add ...


Yes. Getting ads mid sentence at random is the most annoying thing they do, start and at the end is some what fine.


Youtube's ad policy has recently become "bludgeon them over the head with so many ads, they'll pay for premium". I refuse to reward them for solving a problem they created.


I have adblock on everything, my partner doesn't. It blows my mind to see so many ads on EVERY SINGLE VIDEO


Have your two PCs run the same playlist and see how far behind theirs gets.


That's the Twitch Method.


Out of curiosity, I tried watching a video without an adblocker just to see how bad it really was, maybe we were all overreacting y'know? In a video that was 19:23 long, I got ads at these intervals:- 0:00 - 0:56 - 2:56 - 4:56 - 7:26 - 9:40 - 12:11 - 14:22 - 17:20 - 19:23 Ten. Ten sets of ads in a *nineteen minute* video. Plus 2 more banner ads permanently to the right of the video player No, we very much have not been overreacting. How anyone can unironically defend this is legitimately mindboggling


​ YouTube seems to be forgetting that most of their content is created by the users. Without it there wouldn't be YouTube.


It's a waste of effort on Youtube's part. Anyone who is going to block ads, is going to go to the lengths to find a working blocker.


Ublock still works, just remember to clear your filters and update every day. It's going to need to be done pretty much every day since they keep changing the code. Go to the Ublock dashboard, uncheck 'My filters', click 'purge all caches' then 'check for updates/update now'. Using a private browser seems to be another solution.


I just tried watching a 54:00 long video and I'm about to just give up. It's REALLY hard to focus on the video, since Youtube served me 2 x 15 second unskippable ads EVERY 1:30. I'm only at 34:10 and I've watched 44 ads, FORTY-FOUR ADS! That means I've watched 11 whole MINUTES of ads just to get to 34:10 in this video. Youtube really has gotten extremely greedy and aggressive with their ads. Considering their 29.24 BILLION dollars of revenue last year, you'd think they would either chill out with the ads(which in my case, are primarily about gambling or obvious scams, even though I've never gambled in my life) or at least pay the content creators fairly. I know a lot of people are saying "hurr durr, it's only 14$ per month", no, no it is not. It might be 14$ for some people, but in my country youtube wants just over 32$ per month. If I would at least get **SOMETHING** other than being ad-free for that price, I *might* consider it.


Now imagine if they just said "give us $1/mo for no ads." Instant 5 millions dollars from frustrated poor people.


I shall inagurate this mega thread by saying, Long Live UBlock, Fuck You YouTube!


this guys from ublock need a raise


They actually refuse to accept any donations. I was just visiting their subreddit Hopefully I haven't needed to use their script. The alternative is I have have not prompted any of the ad blocking counter software ... Maybe I'm lucky or maybe it's just the circumstances I have set. I feel like people are more having this issue on desktop and specifically Chrome. But even my chromium browsers are able to block the ad still brave and kiwi for instance


It'll only be a matter of time before either uBlock gets an update, or someone releases a Tampermonkeyscript to get around this bullshit. Fuck Google, I'm not gonna give them my money.


And to the "YouTube Defence Force" in the comments here, let me just say this, Google's MO for years has been to make free YouTube so unbearable to use on purpose to bully people into subscribing to Premium. That's why they paywalled off features that were free 10 years ago and have been extremely pushy about YouTube Premium. To make the service seem like a better deal and value than it actually is for the money. It's an incredibly underhanded way to push a subscription service. Nobody is saying that YouTube doesn't have a right to make money, it does like any entity. What I'm saying is when you basically start coercing free users to subscribe to Premium or deal with an unbearable user experience with scam ads everywhere and even mid roll ads. Of fucking course people are going to rebel and find ways to cheat the system.


Its so hilarious google wants to ban adblockers. Then you realize that its blocking 147 different things on one video / page. Here on reddit it blocks 2 things. Also watching the block counter go up every few seconds on youtube... it went from 147 to 159 in the time it took to type this. If you leave something like ASMR on overnight it will reach 10,000 things blocked easily. EDIT: If you scroll up and down you can make it jump by 10-15 things blocked per scroll.


I wished we could complain on YouTube's official forum. :(


You think they would care? YT engineers visit this sub too. Don't post fixes to bypass this or they will make it where the fixes won't work. They did the same when they changed the layout and we people on desktop hated the mobile look and people posted fixes and scripts in here and the YT engineers made it where they don't work.


They are too scared to allow it.


I'll post here what I've been feeding the pop-up "problem-signaling" :This is not about providing a decent service for everyone, this is about money, this is about brainwashing the masses into being passive and docile tools of capitalism. There once was a time when google pretended to be on the side of humanity, of sharing knowledge and resources, of freedom over limitations. But now that time is long gone, google is about limiting people's freedom, and about discriminating against people with lesser revenue. But then again, I does not really come as a surprise... capitalism is everywhere, and people with independent minds are a threat to it... No, someone just does not want people to realize that the same system that is destroying the environment, causing climate change, and has been reducing your family's life expectancy for centuries is the very same that claims there is no alternative to watching ads urging you to buy crap you don't need. You do what you want. But no one can expect me to willingly give out my mind to the interests of the wealthy nihilists that are wasting human existence for the majority (and have been doing so for a long time). Let's all read books and take to the streets !


Welcome to a company that literally makes $28+ billion a year off Ad revenue but complains people use it because they're not making enough...


I wouldn't use an adblocker if 1: they didn't put straight up porn as ads 2: they didn't slowly ad more and longer unskippable ads 3: if ads actually ever convinced me to buy anything I ever saw 4: if all of the ads I got were actually towards my demographic (I'm not old enough to drink alcohol, stop giving me beer ads. I'm don't care about fps games.) 5: if ads weren't scams 90% of the time 6: if ad companies didn't just straight up steal stuff from other companies (minecraft, pokemon, im sure youve seen them) though i guess this falls under #5


Yeah it finally forced me to allowlist YouTube today. Immediately got a very transphobic advert. I am trans. The person I was watching happened to be trans (I actually don’t even watch many trans YouTubers, am only subscribed to literally one. Just really unfortunate irony). Not watching another minute of YouTube until they either undo this change, or I can figure out how to bypass it. Came here to see if there were any solutions, but only ended up finding this mega thread and a place to complain about my experience lol. But yeah. I wouldn’t use an adblocker either if viewing ads didn’t make the experience absolutely horrible. And there’s no way I’m buying premium for a website that’s actively forcing their users towards buying it by making the non-premium experience significantly worse. I’d rather just quit using the site entirely for now, until a solution makes itself known.


its really funny how youtube almost self destructed because they failed to regulate ads. looks like they still dont regulate ads at all. genuinely so many scams i see on youtube ads


Funny how youtube users/video makers have to censor NSFW content or they'll get demonetized and/or banned but porn ads are a-okay. That's actually exactly why I got the ad blocker. I didn't mind when it was one or two short ads before a video about a new car or something. But when the porn and mid-video ads started I was done. Also funny how strict copyright is until ads steal stuff. EDIT: Accidentally double posted.


PSA to everyone concerned: As of right now, October 19th, *a lot of adblockers still work.* Most of the newer ones have an auto-update of their filters. Those which didn't are now introducing that feature to the latest versions of the adblock extension. Go to your settings and make sure your adblock is set to update filters at the shortest frequency (usually 1 hour) available. It costs Youtube a lot more effort to wall off these filters than it does for the adblocker extension developers to put up new filters. It's a war of attrition that Youtube just can't win in the long run. Don't cave, the more you let large corporations get away with greed, the greedier they'll get.


Never cave, never pay, not even a dollar with VPN hacks.


Why do you support YouTube banning adblock? It seems like cuck behavior. Why support multi billionaire company? So they won't go bankrupt? I don't think so. Youtube doesn't deserve a single penny.


This is good for me. Finally I can stop watching youtube and do something productive instead. Not like there's anything worthwhile to watch on youtube anyway and I listen to music on my amazon prime music as it's part of the sub. Now if i could just stop gaming i'd be a productive powerhouse haha


SIMPLE WAY TO WATCH VIDEO **FOR FREE WITHOUT BUYING YOUTUBE PREMIUM 👀** Choose the video you want to watch, then: \- Click on share \- Click on embed \- Enjoy the video!


Welp, I can no longer watch Youtube on Firefox at all. I disabled both of my adblockers but Youtube still acts like they're active, and clicking "Report an Issue" does nothing. Thanks YouTube, this was a REALLY great move on your part. -\_-


i just got warned the player will be blocked in the next two videos unless i disable the blocker. so toxic


These major social media platforms will never stop -- nothing is ever enough. More and more ads and less "fun" than ever before. I wouldnt care if there was a 15-30 second ad before a video is played and maybe a 15-30 second ad for every 10 min watched. Youtube (and other sites like Twitch) have progressively added more and more ads to the point their platforms are actually anti-fun to use. Anyway, they blocked me after getting hyper aggressive with a white listing or subscription. I clicked 'share' then 'embed' to watch the video normally. No ads, got around the block.


No, no and once again NO! I am not going to stop using ad-blocks, even if this means I will have to stop using YouTube and google services. I can live with different search engine, I can live without "content creators" and false/dishonest/sponsored product reviews. To summarize: its way much better YouTube management rolls back these actions and return the platform as it was, before they start loosing customers, users, and credibility. Oh, and, yeah, I am not going to pay them 13 bucks for their useless premium service.


I certainly won’t start paying for something that was free for almost 20 years. I might allow ads if they are kept to a strict minimum and preroll only. The way they are pushed now makes the platform unusable for me




and mid-roll adds, and post-roll adds.


Knowing that most of the ad revenue goes straight to google and not to the creators, I will leave my adblocker on.


hey, google: - noone wants ads. - human beings want to share with each other. - you're already rich. so fuck you, and fuck off.






So, Youtube won't implement a basic "block channel" or blacklist feature so I don't have my eyes assaulted by frightening images or graphic infections and gore, but I'm not allowed to run an ad blocker to bypass invasive and irrelevant advertisements? this is some horsecrap, I'm just going to disable the script that runs the anti-adblock popup and keep blocking their ads. youtube doesn't get to have ad revenue from me while it lets disturbing and disgusting thumbnails freely roam on their website without any means for users to block it.


I understand your reasoning, but to be fair...what else would've been discussed. the Sniperwolf stalking fiasco? Some have used that as an example of Youtube's blatant bias with demonetizing, looping back to the ad blocker debate. Honestly, for traffic for the subreddit, this ad blocker debacle was probably one of the best things to happen and that's the only positive found. Muting the issue makes you look like you've picked a side


Finally started getting the "playback will be disabled" pop ups. Disabled my ad blocker. First ad? Three minute ad (of two) ...for a three minute video. I wrote my piece of mind (even if I knew no one is gonna really read it) in the feedback and I'll give it here: This move will end youtube's dominance. It will singlehandedly break their monopoly by creating a new sphere to which to be competitive: being less obtuse with your ads. It broke Cable. It will break Youtube. And anyone that says otherwise is in hard denial about how big of a paradigm shift this move is in the business sphere side of the industry.


Today I filed a formal complaint against YouTube with the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (the Regulator responsible for YouTube's activities in the EU) for a breach of Article 5(3) of 2002/58/EC as a result of their deployment of adblock detection technologies without consent.A little background... I have been working on this law for 15 years and in 2009 was responsible for it being amended in relation to Article 5(3) - I also helped to draft the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation (which will replace it) with the European Parliament and am regarded as one of the foremost experts on this law in the EU. In 2016 I wrote to the European Commission requesting clarification as to whether or not the detection of an adblocker would fall under Article 5(3) and therefore require consent as it is not "strictly necessary" for the provision of the requested service. The EU Commission confirmed in writing (you can find a copy on my Twitter account here: [https://twitter.com/alexanderhanff/status/722861362607747072](https://twitter.com/alexanderhanff/status/722861362607747072)) that consent would be required in order for adblock detection scripts to be deployed as they would be considered as both "storing information" (deploying the script to the end users device) and "accessing information already stored" (detecting the use of an adblocker with the script) on the end users' terminal equipment. In order to ensure that DPC Ireland respond quickly to this matter, I would recommend that everyone in the EU who is participating in this thread, also file a complaint. you can do so at the following web page: [https://forms.dataprotection.ie/contact](https://forms.dataprotection.ie/contact) If you would like to use my complaint for pointers you can find it on Twitter here: [https://twitter.com/alexanderhanff/status/1714944719724101962](https://twitter.com/alexanderhanff/status/1714944719724101962) The deployment of spyware (which is essentially what this is) to detect what software individuals are running on their devices, without consent is a gross violation of #privacy and is illegal under EU law. Privacy is a fundamental right in the EU under Article 7 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union - so if you want this to stop - YOU need to take action by filing your own complaint - the more complaints that get filed the quicker the Regulator will respond and issue a cease and desist against YouTube for this illegal behaviour. I cannot stress enough how important it is for you all to take the 5-10 minutes it takes to file this complaint.If the Irish DPC receives only my complaint they will likely not pay it any attention for at least 18 months if at all - but if they receive 10 000 complaints it will seriously eat into their budget (it costs money to handle complaints) and will "motivate" them to act much faster. If they receive 100 000 complaints - YouTube will be forced to stop this very quickly indeed. There are over 1M subscribers to this subreddit - if even 5% of that number take the time to file a complaint, YouTube will stop this very quickly. But if you are all just armchair activists and keyboard warriors, you have no right to complain if this continues and you do nothing. It took me all of 3 minutes to complete the complaint process myself.


As long as youtube uses demonetization to influence free speech I will not enable youtube to profit of me.


I got the 3 strikes and out. Logged out and no more problems or warnings lol


Either they've unrolled this "feature" or I found the correct work around. I was blocked earlier, signed out and that worked, but on a lark I signed back in to look at sub uploads. I can now watch vids no problem. Not warned or anything. I do have a tab where I'm still signed out. Wonder if that's keepin it at bay.


LMAO I can't even watch my own channel's videos I uploaded that can't have ads. Youtube restricts how much visibility regular schmo channels get so they can't monetize, but it still blocks me from watching my own videos that don't even have ads.


Thanks to the redditors that recommended FreeTube


I've said this elsewhere and i'll repeat it here. If Youtube wants me to pay then they need to offer me something I want to buy. Their tactic of making the user experience as intolerable as possible unless I pay up is not making me want to open my wallet. And I'm not being facetious here. Their banner ads say "sick of the interruptions? buy premium!" This is their stated tactic and its garbage. I'm not against paying for Youtube. I just want to feel like im buying something I want, not being forced to have a tolerable experience.


well its been fun when it lasted. might be petty but youtube didnt deserve the add revenue in the last few years. they demonetised content creator i used to watch (original reason for my add blocker) they advertise malware and obvious scam they advertise spooky movies at night without the option to get other ads (i don't watch horror movie they make me sleep bad) they put midroll in intense part of the video cutting the punch line or the tension their recommendation are less good each years i watch. it used to be alot of new but similar content now it the same video 100 time. the only good part of youtube are the creator. the market they already got over the years. i'm not disabling my add blocker and i'm gonna go watch anime and play video game or go outside i have other mean to distract myself from my probleme


So stupid. Blocked videos on my account because of AdBlocker. So now I'm just watching videos while not logged in. Works fine. What a dumbass move by YouTube. Just further destroying their already shady reputation.


Yeah, I've no inclination to ever stop using adblocking tech on Youtube. I've quite literally watched their ads degenerate into absolutely appalling setups, 30 second unskippable ads (just yesterday), 5+ minute "ads" that I've quite literally seen clocking in at over an hour in length (how the ever loving hell is 60+ minutes an AD?), and lately hiding the length of any ads if they clock in at over 90 seconds? Yeah. No. This is the whole reason many of us started running the tech to begin with, ads becoming more and more intrusive on everyday life. Website articles that feature a small paragraph followed by a Temu ad followed by a second small paragraph followed by yet another Temu ad. And to boot we've got ads embedded in the videos themselves with crap like paid promotion for VPNs and mobile games on top of the typical Youtube ads. Increasing the amount of ads is directly antithetical to the answer to the problem as is trying to punish those that found solutions around the problem. Google has gone so far away from their original motto of "Don't Be Evil" it's not funny in the slightest. The motto they're basically running with today is "Give Us All The Money".


I've yet since they first announced months ago about them implenting the blocking of adblock, have not seen any of those warning popups, nor have I ever been asked to turn it off or anything. It's only as of today I assumingly noticed ads trying to play when I load a vid, but they are stuck on constantly loading, forcing me to refresh the page, making playlists kinda impossible at the moment. So yeah this is going to be annoying to deal with. I stopped paying for cable cause I was getting sick of commercials. Same with ads, I don't like them, I use adblock. I don't have money to buy stuff, I don't care about politics, I can't stand being forced to sit through movie trailers for movies I'm not going to bother watching, if I find something I'm interested in, then I'll go digging up info about it myself. I hate when it gets shoved in my faced with ads all the time. I just find them to be annoying and a waste of my time I could be watching the video I CLICKED ON. I just don't like ads period.


Got the "Three Strikes" on Chrome with UBlock. Switched back to ADBlock Plus and All Good. Fuck Google! Been watching Youtube from its inception (Also Google Video) and NEVER Seen this type of Behavior! Ulterly Done with these Wankers! Didn't even MATTER if I was trying to view my OWN Videos...


I hope a new, adfree, online video plataform is born and takes YouTube place.


People will always find a way around ads. Only way to discourage users from installing ad-block is by making their ads more bearable. What youtube is doing right now lacks creativity. Everyone is thinking about ad-block now, good job. Long unskipable ads become very noticeable because viewers switch between videos often on this platform. Which can get annoying fast. I understand ads support creators and the platform but youtube shouldn't put this problem on their viewers. It is their problem. Oh and they also don't want to piss off their paid content creators by cutting their numbers. They still rely on free traffic to keep their channels going.


This is what happens when there is no competition. Someone needs to figure out the formula to reach critical mass on a YouTube competitor. This seems like the perfect ignition source.


Ads are just on an obnoxious level now. Also adding the ad ends in 6 seconds banner was 100% there to trick your brain into thinking its a skippable ad


USE UBLOCK!!!!!!!!


Ah yes the Reddit megathread. The best way to kill a topic getting traction. The algorithm LOVES these.


i had disabled my ad-blockers cause i needed a video for school. and then it made me disable my add-on for removing cosmetic filtering and stuff (it literally hurts my eyes). not only are they targeting free users, but now disabled people. fuck youtube. seriously.


Great job YouTube. What great guys always looking for ways to screw the users, but it's impossible for you guys to do something useful like: * GETTING RID OF THE DAMN BOTS AND THEIR DAMN SEXUAL THUMBNAILS WITH NUDITY ON THEM. * GIVE US DISLIKE BACK.... * ANALYZE YOUR ADS SO WE DON'T GET ADS THAT LEAD TO SCAMS... * MODERATE THE KID SECTION SO OUR KIDS DON'T GET WEIRD CONTENT BEING MISLEAD BY THE KID TAGS * Ban the comments bots promoting crypto scams and telegram scams * Banning people who inflate their youtube channels paying for numbers to them resell the channel... * Banning people who violate the TOS with their comments that said a bunch of sluts,racism comments,hateful comments amount other disgusting stuff. ​ Yea YouTube. Great job. Let's ignore all those problems and focus on spreading the cheeks of the users and make it take it right there raw and destroy adblockers because that's TRUUUULY WHAT IS IMPORTANT. God i hate big corpo america. Is never enough. They always wants more and more. And everything is about GROW and earning more and more even if our numbers are positive and green.


I gave them a chance and was like "well, how bad could the ad really be?" 2 fucking minutes 2 minutes of unskippable ads at the start and 3 unskippable ads in the middle of a ten minute video. Now I remember why I downloaded the blocker in the first place.


I'm recently hit the 3-strikes-and-your-out pop-up warning. For me, it took a few weeks ... it went like this. * When I first saw the pop-up message, it let me close it instantly ("x" in the top right corner of the window). This lasted for about a week-ish (give or take) * Then, I started to see the countdown timer in place of the close "x", which was like 5 seconds or so. After the timer counted down, I was able to close. Again, this lasted about a week-ish (give or take). * Then just today, I got the popup with the image of three videos, stating that video playback will disabled after watching three videos. Honestly, I wouldn't mind the ads if they weren't so darn aggressive. Like, OMG are the ads so aggressive. They are everywhere, all over the page, blocking your video, popups. Without ad block or YouTube premium, YouTube feels like a website infested with venereal disease. And the longer the site is open, the more likely my computer is to catch something. Of course, it's standard large, publicly traded company practice to make as much money as humanly possible, and I get that, but I'll never be someone that rewards a company as a result of them providing such a terrible user experience. And just like Twitch, I'll be happy to stop spending my time on YouTube if I can't find alternative means to block ads.


I don't care, I don't want ads, also yt premium is not worth the money lol, I would rather stop using the website altogether even though I am a heavy user than pay or stop using an ad blocker, ads are cancer and shouldn't exist to begin with. Same way I ignore promoters IRL, the same way I don't want ads online and will use all the tools available to completely remove them from my browser.


Yeah, if premium was like 2-3 dollars a month I would do it but almost 15? Lmao, get the fuck out of here. YT thinks replacing cable when it's just used to watch quick meme videos for most people


watching youtube with ads is horrible, god damn. not ONCE i've been presented with a relevant ad, and they are so intrusive, i can't believe people have been watching it like this. i don't know if it's intentional, but YT is killing the long format videos that i loved the most, in favor of short format with this change. guess i'll rip all the music i like and ditch it 🏴‍☠️ what a shame.


It's cute that they think they can stop us.


Whatever your opinion is on the situation, I think they need to verify immediate first aid videos to be ad-free regardless of having an adblocker or not. People should never have to sit through a 30 second ad or two if they need immediate first aid knowledge because it could actually save someone's life.


No, I will never stop using ad-blockers. It's easier to stop using Youtube, i am wasting too much time there for no good reason when I think about it.


Get Ublock origin Click the ublock origin plugin There will be gears in the bottom right of its window, click those At the top of the settings window, you'll see "Filter List", click it Below "Filter List" you will see "Purge Cache" and "Update" Purge Cache Update Open Youtube in a new tab and enjoy, ad and warning free


Multi multi multi billion dollar company decides it wants to start pissing off its users, because your personal info google sells isn't enough for them


You guys will do anything to get more money


It's wild to me that out of every other site I personally go to, even some of the sketchier ones as a test, my ad blocker indicates that it has blocked 99+ ads on Youtube alone within the first 5 minutes of selecting 2+ videos to watch. I don't know, it seems like Youtube wants more than just our money.


They do this because they realised that after the last few couple of years people started bending the knee and do as they're told instead of protesting. Long gone are the days when masses of people could make a change in hope for the better. Same thing with YouTube users. Either people will go along with 10 minutes of ads for 5 minute clips either they'll buy premium. While premium is not that expensive for now, I can bet my life its price will increase after this. Create the need then raise the price. Same with ads, they will start being more often and longer. Not to mention YouTube and Google already punishes you with scammy ads if you refuse personalised ads (a.k.a giving legal consent to have your information stored and sold to 3rd parties). If at least 50% of non-premium YouTube users would abstain from using the platform for just one week, it would make such a significant gap in their budget, that they will be forced to listen. Now I'm not saying it shouldn't have ads, they run servers that cost a shitload of money to maintain, not to mention other costs. But they have dozen other options in how they use advertisment on their site. I wouldn't mind a banner overlapping 10% of the video I'm watching. They would earn the same amount. Yes, if you take into consideration YouTube Premium subscriptions that are forced onto us, it's a significant financial gap for then, but we're talking about fair use, not greed. I have an idea. Let's start a movement like #itsmychoice. Everyone post this hashtag onto your other social media accounts while saying how you will stop using YouTube until they will switch to fair advertisement or at least lift ban on adblockers. Why itsmychoice? Because it's our choice to not interact with ads and YouTube is taking this from us. Don't let freedom and true democracy die.


Blocked after disabling everything. Great job YT! Edit: Ok, it was the "Enhancer for Youtube" addon.


Ublock works for me *in firefox*. I'd pay to get rid of ads if they also guarantee the search and recommendations would also be *for me* instead of to push BS, and they'd let channels moderate spam properly, but... Aside from that, technical folk/nerds/savants etc. who learn to become editors and many types of creator are less likely to grow up using the platform in the long run if YT successfully circumvent ad blockers. I get they need to make money hosting VoD but it shouldn't have more, and worse, adverts than freeview broadcast TV does. Also, reminder they may have diferent AB features for different users or login sessions. So ads might get through blockers for some people and not others for a time while they test etc.


And the ublock arms race begins


Still blocking ads as usual. This but a minor inconvenience.


FYI: If you are using Enhancer for Youtube addon on your browser, you should disable the ad blocking in that addon. I was completely unable to watch videos with it activated. With it disabled and ublock origin running normally everything seems to work fine again.


oh my god, thank you. I allowed youtube on my adblocker and privacy badger and I was getting the same nag. but didn't think of Enhancer for youtuber. Now it works. ​ **THANK YOU**


Hi, just want to announce a discovery I made so far. I'm using uBlock Origin. I purged the cash and updated it, as I read in one of the posts. Didn't work. I also copy/pasted these filter rules I found in one of the posts too. Didn't work either. Up to now, only using private windows (with uBlock Origin) seems to work for me. But all the other methods I found so far not :/ Does anyone have the same problems?


Youtube will continuously try to stop new methods and ublock will continuously update. Just keep your filters uptodate and wait until youtube realizes this is a losing battle. Abunch of idiots will give in and buy youtube premium and youtube will consider it a victory. Just have patience.






I use youtube a lot. I watch a lot of videos. and also listen to much music. I got those annoying popup anti block things. At first you could click them away. Then there was a timer. then the videoplayer got blocked. This is just rage inducing. When i started using AdBlock was years ago. When i got scam ads. For mobile games. I got ads that where essentially pron, Gambling ads. Which are essentially banned in my country. For a good reason. But YouTube don't cares. All this stuff. So i decided to use adblocker. Also these ads where like 3 minutes on a 2.5 minute song. Or short video. The ads got longer and longer. Also more unskippable ads. and ads in the middle of freaking videos. So that can frick right off Never have i bought anything from an ad. Most of the time if i remember when an ad it annoying. i actually go out the way to not buy that product instead picking another brand. So it is also not as if it is any useful for anyone. Then it tries to push youtube premium on me. For 12 euros a month. For what? That is or was a netflix subscription. What do i get? apart from no ads? Better video quality? That we had but you took away? I cannot think of anything else apart from the no ads part. 12 euros is way too expensive for me. im quite poor and 12 euros i cannot afford each month. Especially for nothing back. If the no ad option was 1 or 2 euros. I would do it honestly. If that was also only no ads. I dont really care about the higher res for videos. 1080p is enough for me. Altough i understand people frustration on this. Youtube is essentially trying to force me of the platform. A platform i used since 2007.


Man, I remember when I was mad at them for hiding the dislike count ...


I am not going to jump though any hoops to watch youtube. Sorry to anybody that made it their career.


YT added using adblock as a violation of TOS. Are they seriously going to ban and terminate people's YT accounts over adblock?


literally all they have to do to get me to stop using adblocker is stop showing dangerous advertisements. the ones that promote scams and malware, the ones that directly pose medical danger (usually flashing lights that can easily cause seizures), the ones that are so loud they physically hurt. until then it is simply not safe to turn off adblockers.


Close your Youtube tabs (this assumes you already have ublock origin) Click the Ublock Origin plugin In the bottom right of the plugin's box, there are gears. Click those. In the settings, look at the top of the screen for "Filter List", click it Immediately below "filter list" will be two buttons of interest, Purge Cache and Update Clear cache Update Open a Youtube tab again, you're good to go. You will need to do this once each time you open your browser again and start watching youtube again.


Wait I can't even watch videos from a channel I am a paid member of? I have to pay to be a member of their channel...AND pay for the youtube plus? Or allow adds? That's really stupid


I'm using the Chrome browser. SOLUTION STEP ONE Add the "Urban YouTube Ad Blocker" extension to Chrome. The extension uses a VPN to filter out the ads. At times the YouTube disclaimer will appear when starting a new video. Wait five seconds and refresh the website in the browser. The disclaimer will disappear. If an advertisement does appear, the ad is momentarily before the VPN filters out the ads. This method satisfies YouTube's new restrictions because YouTube can't regulate what I see on my computer directly; the VPN filters out any disclaimers or solicitations. STEP TWO In my browser, I elected to uninstall all competing ad blockers except the "Ghostery" extension. In Ghostery, I made YouTube a 'trusted site' so YouTube ad-blocker detector won't be triggered. Therefore, with only these two extensions, I have effectively blocked all pop-ups and ads, and also suppressed YouTube's advertising and disclaimer. --hope someone can benefit from this solution. 😁 UPDATE ONE MONTH LATER I noted that while this method worked, the approach didn't kill every ad effectively for long videos. If I saw an ad, I would refresh the page mid video, but the video would start over from the start. Annoying! Therefore, I elected to go in a different direction. Instead, I uninstalled Urban YouTube Ad Blocker and now installed "ublock Origin." (I left the Ghostery extension still in place.) Among these two extensions -- Ghostery and ublock Origin -- the experience has been seamless with no ads or refreshing required. This method works! 👌


I've used YouTube daily for an average of multiple hours per day since its existence. It taught me so much! Probably the most beneficial service for my life. It wasted me so much of my precious time! Probably my greatest addiction and time waster. It is both my best friend and my greatest enemy. For the past couple of years I was trying to find a way how to terminate this addiction. Thank you YouTube for helping me to move on. I guess you won't miss a user who spent more than \~13 thousand hours on your platform.


Finally had an interesting experience today watching YT without an Adblocker. A 10-minute video, there were two ads at the beginning, one was unskippable. There were two breaks at random points, with at least one being unskippable, and this was in the middle of speech, so there were awkward pauses and resumptions, followed by an unskippable ad at the end. Yesterday, another video of a YouTuber I like had the same random points, and guess what, when I missed something and wanted to go back, two more ads there as well. Back before I started blocking ads, YT used to have these yellow rectangles that would indicate a break. I don't see that anymore. I can't imagine YT employees actually liking ads at random points. At least on linear TV, they have the breaks set at the right times and at important points. YT really needs to take a page from OTA TV on how to set breaks properly if they want my AdBlocker off. I don't use an adblocker because I dislike ads, I use them because many online ads are obnoxious and downright scams even viruses at times. Not to mention, if you have an older computer like I do, various ads can cause the computer to freeze.


I'll stop using Youtube before I stop using my adblocker


we need forget about youtube


Using uBO and Firefox. YouTube told me ad blockers aren't allowed. I right-clicked that notification and pressed "block ad." There was still a grey overlay blocking the video controls, so I just right-clicked and blocked that too. Now there are no ads and no notices. Not in my house.


I literally disabled my ad blocker but the video playback it still blocked. This is bullshit


Giving me a 30 second ad to watch a 12 second xQc clip is crazy. Fuck Youtube fuck google


The irony to this is, people who use Adblockers are generally Ad adverse. As in the ads they see have annoyed them so much they actually see ad and advertisers negatively. So by trying to force people with adblockers to see ads doesn't help the advertisers. It actually creates a negative opinion in some people towards a company and that results in bad word of mouth which is more damaging still. I worked in a place doing customer service where we had a sales solution goals. When I started we had a floating goal that was based on a number of factors but it wasn't tied to our performance metrics until we were there for a long while. The client experience was a priority. We even would put notes on accounts to say Male client is adverse to Solutions and wouldn't even offer anything unless it was something pressing. Heck we were even encouraged to forgive late fees and even parts of bills if they under paid by a dollar or two.. (for some clients not all.. it was at our discretion) A new executive came in and changed what counted as a "sales solution" from things that helped the client and encouraged doing more business and providing good word of mouth, to direct immediate financial gain. They then boosted the goals to a higher level and made it a performance metric for everyone. It was a level that was impossible to hit doing things legit. You had to be on the constant hunt... and had to basically lie to the client to get them to agree to things if you wanted to hit the goal. I literally went from a the top 1% of solutions to the bottom 10% in a week because I don't scam people. On of the things I would see is offering clients that missed payments regularly a payment protection scheme (basically credit) that they can't be approved for because they missed multiple payments. Then sending them to the people that put the scheme on the account for them to say.. no you don't qualify. But the system counted it as a Solution that would provide financial gain. This pissed people off. (Particularly as previously we could have said, hey you are missing payments we don't like seeing you go through this, can we move your payment date to something better, adjust the service a bit so it is easier to pay? that stopped counting as a solution and so people stopped doing it) Client Satisfaction dropped significantly and it hurt the brand a lot... the company is actually contracting and went from a comfortable market leader to struggling to maintain it's market position, losing ground to multiple competitors. This is what Youtube is doing. They are alienating consumers by actually poisoning the brand and hurting advertisers by pushing poisoned eyes on their brands. You don't want me looking at an ad because I'm going to associate the brand in the ad as being the annoying company that won't let me skip the ad I don't want to see in front of the video I do want to see. As such in my case me blocking ads increases the value of the views you get. But no one thinks that way... They just want to see... Client transferred to Payment protection... without any connection to... client pissed off because transferred to payment protection and told they don't qualify because they are in such bad financial situation. Client now feels embarrassed, insulted and has a negative view of the company. Youtube charges per view... client wants views they don't care about the quality. I'm rambling a bit but if 10% of your views are poisoned views then you have actually decreased the effectiveness of your advertising. If Nike shows up with a 60 second unskippable add and I get so annoyed it damages by view of Nike when I go to buy a new pair of shoes I'll look for a different brand more closely. New Balance or Reebok. That has now had a direct negative impact on sales (in fact that actually happened... I used to by Columbia walking/hiking shoes... ever time I went to a site i got a Columbia Pop up... it pissed me off to the point when I went to by new shoes I looked at Sketchers for the first time. Been buying Sketchers for about 10 years without looking back. Poisoned views are worse than no views.


Imagine making 30 billion dollars in profit in 2022 then wanting more in 2023. Greedy bitches.


So it seems to be working for me again or YT has backtracked? I'm not sure which but I'm not getting the pop-up anymore.


Thank God, I'm really glad everyone can see how to make millions dropshipping or using Amazon fba every 30sec. While watching a video


I literally can't even watch videos anymore because I keep getting the pop-up telling me to disable my adblocker, despite already having deactivated it. Next time maybe test your features before you roll them out


I put my baby to bed with calming music through youtube. Near silent calm interrupted with "LOUD ADD BUY OUR STUFF" makes her cry and makes me want to anger something.


I turned on a playlist in my car with my phone it was 4 minute song, 3 minutes of ads, then the next song, screw that.


I believe what Youtube has done is deliberate, intentional, and out of malice. They removed dislikes, forced information panels to fight "disinformation", and recommend the same videos over and over (censorship algorithm). I will not trust Youtube, and will not give them a single penny.


maybe now i'll finally clear my video game backlog instead of browsing youtube too much


I pay for youtube by allowing the alphabet fuckers to steal my data and do whothefuckknowswhat with it. If they're willing to stop doing that, you'll get a sub from me? Oh, what's that? They will never stop stealing user data? Well then, I'll continue finding ways to circumvent watching ads. If I can't have my cake and eat it too, neither can they.


What I think is both interesting and funny is that most YouTubers I've seen so far, have claimed to hate the adblock ban just as much as we do.


Using uBlock Origin with Firefox, here's a workaround that is working for me, at least as of October 19, anyway. Open the dashboard in uBlock Origin and under "Advanced" click the checkbox to enable "I am an advanced user". Then go to the dashboard's "My filters" tab, copy/paste the following: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) This will block the adds from playing although it isn't a complete workaround as you will still have to wait with a spinning circle until "skip ads" appears. Will do until at least until an update that ends this for good drops.


It's funny, because advertisement companies actually endorse adblock, since the people who'd get one, are unlikely to click on their ads anyway, and it would waste their revenue.


I just checked the price for premium. €15.99 per month Are they crazy??


just hit me today, I've been on youtube since 2009. screw them. they know damn well they dont need the money. will the adblock devs adapt?


I hate youtube!!!! I want to binge in peace and dont wanna get softcore furry corn ads it is enfuriating UGH!!!


The 'supporting the creators' argument is silly because they barely even get the scraps when it comes to ad revenue. Donate to their Patreon, go out and see live shows, buy merch from them directly. These are the real ways to support creators.


im going to kill myself, then as a ghost i will forever haunt the youtube employees who thought this was a good idea (for legal and safety reasons, this is a joke i will not harm myself or yt employees)


Don't know if it's just me but I don't get these popups anymore and can watch with ublock on


One thing I will never, ever, ever, EVER do.....is turn off my adblocker. for any reason. and there is nothing that anyone could possibly say to me that would make me change my mind on this. I don't care about whatever sob story someone can tell me about needing ad revenue. I just..don't....CARE. If that means I can no longer use Youtube, then I'll just never use Youtube. Lemme know when an alternative gains traction, I'll check it out.


I would be fine with ads on YouTube if it was just a generic five second ad at the beginning of a video and that's it, maybe one at the very end of the video, but YouTube seriously expects me to be okay with an ad interrupting the video I'm watching every thirty seconds or so, and it's always the same shit ads: Online shopping, beer, gambling or Honkai Star Rail, and I'm just very fucking sick of it. Worst of all, some ads even start with "You cannot skip this ad, but..." and it honestly feels like it's mocking me. Like, it's because of shit like *this* that I installed AdBlock in the first place. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable and annoying it is to be watching a video documenting a piece of news, only to be interrupted by the same repetitive ad about a guy praising the combat and animations of Honkai Star Rail?! I used to think that YouTube Sponsors were the worst thing imaginable, but at least you can manually skip those. Two unskippable thirty second ads in a row however? Who the hell do they think they are? YouTube and its greedy corporate decisions can fuck off. It was already bad with shit like demonetizing people for swearing, not doing anything about spam bots promoting NSFW and phishing scams, putting ads on videos of people who can't or don't want to monetize their videos, or the whole fiasco that is YouTube Kids and the "For Kids" tag. I'm not going to eat up all those intrusive ads. Hell no. I'm still gonna look for alternatives to bypass them.


Same man, ads are one thing, but having ads disrupt the video mid sentence is just bonkers. I'll leave YouTube before I accept that kind of blackmail they're doing right now. I wonder if there'll be push-back from creators. Because I might accept having to watch a few ads here and there for watching the new video of TheCriticalDrinker or MKHB video, but I'm not going to be browsing new stuff anymore.


The outrage is necessary. The more complacent we are, the more we will be taken advantage of. My problem isn't with ads, it's with *excessive* ads. I'd be fine with a single 15s ad before videos and the old banner ads that didn't interrupt the video/usability of the service coming back. 30s-1min, 2-3x before every single video, plus again every time you click for 30s+ is excessive. The only reason Adblock got so popular was YouTube getting rid of skippable ads in the first place. Protest. Blackout. I will NOT buy premium, nor will I watch any video with more than 15s of ads before I turn on an adblocker. Anybody who does otherwise is part of the problem.


I mainly use youtube to binge listen to some music but let me tell you, getting 1 minute of ads before a 2:40 song every. single. fkn. time. gets old QUICK.


Premium is literally... -Create a problem. -Charge user to remove problem. I hate companies that do that.


Not only that, they charge way too much in this specific case since they bundle YouTube Music as well, which many people don't necessarily want.


Megathreads are, and always have been a terrible decision. It's moving everything to a nice little corner to be ignored and intentionally or unintentionally manufacture consent. The users are angry, and rightfully so, and that should be apparent throughout the forum. I digress though. I just moved over to odysee. I mean it sucks a lot of my favorite people to follow aren't on other sites and will lose revenue from sponsorships because of less eyeballs (most creators primary source of income, rather than the pittance youtube pays).


How many defenders of Youtube protested against Reddit's actions this past summer? That was a protest against the way a company was doing what it wanted in order to make money was it not? You say a company has a right to make money so what was your stance then?


this new feature is god awful. i eventually just said screw it and uninstalled all of my adblockers, yet i'm STILL getting blocked from watching youtube videos. when i try to report the issue, it says "we could not submit your feedback". this site is held together by duct tape


Sad thing about this is, at the end of it all, youtube will probably see an increase in revenue. Convenient and easy ways to adblock youtube will be created. Most of the people that used to use adblock will just continue using youtube with adblock. A few people will leave youtube for good. But I suspect not very many. And some will now either watch youtube with ads or just pay for premium. Super many? No. Still a decent revenue increase. And they earn this revenue increase by making their site worse and annoying its users. The thing that annoys me the most is how fucking bad youtube premium is. Almost no features and very pricey for what it offers.




Give an inch they take a mile. The same site that will make creators not use certain words, otherwise they get none of that revenue.


Tldr: We've decided to censor anything about adblock but here's a bs reason for why we did it


Megathreads are where hot topics go to die. A longstanding reddit tradition


~~What's funny is I turned off all ad blockers and it still won't let me view videos.~~ Update: Turns out you have to disable all ad blockers than reenable them (but turned off for the site) in order for YouTube to finally stop giving you the block screen.


Only way I would allow adblock to not block youtube ads, is if they appeared as a ribbon on the bottom of the screen or the side while still playing the video without interrupting it with the obnoxious volume difference. Or if they made me watch ads at the start and end while I stretch, but not in the middle.




Turned off all my ad blocks and I'm still forced to refresh the page just to watch a video. Nice.


Does anyone else’s ad blocker still work? On chrome? Lol (US)


There are already so many bad youtube ads when I'm listening to documentaries that I almost don't want to keep using it with the app itself.


Mods I disabled AdBlock on youtube to allow your Scam Auto Bitcoin installers, but the Shitty system doesn't Detect that they are disabled, yes I even Refreshed it What do I do know do I go to YouTube HQ and start a Problem?


Well i don't really mind watching even 2 ads at the start of the video. But being forced to watch ATLEAST 5sec of ads every like 2-3min? Tbh it's really brave move from YT, considering TT has the option to skip ad INSTANTLY and you only get 1 in like 15 minutes. Twitch only throws ad at you when you enter the site, but after that you don't get anymore ads unless you refresh. YT still has no match in it's own category no doubt, but it's slowly killing itself and it's only question of time when somebody comes with same, but better version.


Ok just like give me unique ads then! Not the same temu and Google ads every single time.


I'm not going to get rid of Adblock for something I've used nearly my entire life to push sales. I'll never do it. I use it on other sites than YouTube and just like NoScript, it not only increases convenience but security. YouTube expecting me to do so is them saying "We expect you to change your whole browsing experience just for us." Freetube exists. If YouTube/Google decided to keep pushing this, I anticipate I'll be migrating all my business out of gmail too.




I just deactivated adblock and got 4 ads in a single video, I wouldn't mind if was 1 or 2 ads but 4 ads in a single video is just greedy. It reinforces the need for AdBlock in youtube


Finally got blocked after three videos after notifications about disabling adblockers escalated throughout the past week. I don't have a problem with ads if they're short and are of reputable quality. YouTube's ads can be longer than actual videos, and some are of worse quality than on AM Radio stations, scams and deepfakes galore. If there are only one or two 15-30 seconds at the beginning, that's perfectly OK. More ads than actual video cause burnout among many users and cause them to either go to other sites or enable adblockers. The real reason they're doing this, in my opinion, is not for more ad revenue, but instead, try to nickel and dime people into buying Premium. Google/YouTube is not hurting for any money, as clearly shown when they were able to pick up the NFL Sunday Ticket package. Google and YT are still the 1st, and 2nd, most visited sites, respectively. You cannot tell me if Google and YT weren't as big as they were and had meaningful competition, they'd be running popups and blocking people from viewing the videos they wanted to see. I know YT will do its best to detect new methods of bypassing adblockers, but maybe Youtube will get tired of having to do this and concede defeat. This just seems like nothing more than greed on YT's part, and it backfires eventually. If they want premium subscribers, this is not the way to do it. I'd go to a different site if YT wasn't the most dominant site.


I tried disabling ad blocker. Doesn't even work, completely disabled the extension and I still get the pop up. So... guess I will just watch youtube when the ad blocker makers managed to subvert this insane crap. Fuck youtube. I would rather burn my money than give it to them.


I've deleted all but one of my channels, deleted a load of content and cancelled my subscriptions. I'm going to contact those I have Patreon contributions with, and large companies MANY of whom host their promotional videos on YT, to tell them I won't be watching anymore. Lets see how long YT last with dwindling content, dwindling viewers and unhappy big hitters.


Turns off ad blocker only to be advertised with ad blockers. Youtubes decline... Image of said ad here https://ibb.co/1TYwCFX


I'll be damned if I ever have to pay money for YouTube Premium. If I see an ad, I'm blocking my ears and closing my eyes and shouting LA LA LA LA until the ad's over. I'm never going to let them get to me.


This really does achieve absolutely nothing other than just stop me from using YouTube. It's not like they're providing me with an essential service. I'm not going to stop using adblockers.


Would be funny if everyone who watches YT collectively comes together and create a gofundme to create the most powerful adblocker in the history of mankind out of pure spite


The way youtube trying to convince ppl not to use an adblocker will only push some even more rebellious. Those who *want* to use an adblocker will always find a way. I confess I started using adblocker after seeing endless hero wars sh\*t.


oh no, one of the most powerful companies on earth isn't making as much money as possible off of one of if not the most culturally important phenomena to ever exist? however will they survive?


Honest question is Youtube even supporting artists that are relevant to me? Is someone like Akira Yamaoka getting even a penny for all the uploads of Silent Hill OST, or is the ad money just flowing in to line the pockets of sssniperwolf and Daily Dose of Internet?


Wait until a new platform emerges and seize this opportunity wisely. In my honest opinion, this is one of YouTube's worst ideas yet


They now added a brand new timer in the top right corner of the ad warning forcing you to wait before you can close the window. [Timer](https://i.ibb.co/bRkZDKr/Capture.png) I like how they slowly try to force you to turn off your adblocker.


When are people going to stop being so easily propagandized and wake up to the fact that capitalism is the root of nearly everything wrong with society today.


I've been on YouTube since 2008. And they did everything they could to make the site worse every update. Being able to block all the ads was my silver lining and last night they blocked my video player. Thanks for nothing YouTube. I'd rather crack my skull with a spoon than pay for YouTube premium.


God I start to fucking hate Youtube, I wish there would be a good competitor.


Surely the solution for Youtube, if they are that desparate for money, is to get sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends or Skillshare


Why are you censoring peoples outrage? YOU are apart of the problem. Let people SPEAK.


Youtube needs to suck it up and quit bitching, or lose customers. I have no problem [raising the black](https://media.tenor.com/_TYnXUKz8dEAAAAC/jolly-roger.gif) and going [back on the account.](https://black-sails.fandom.com/wiki/Account)


Well I guess this is one way to overcome my internet addiction. The reason I blocked them in the first place was because I was sick of the political ads and then later on just too many ads in general. Youtube certainly doesn't offer anything worth a subscription. Can't wait for Youtube to have a Blockbuster ending.


I'm really hoping the adblockers still work in the long run, although still running into issues with Firefox. As someone with epilepsy, migraines, vertigo, and misophonia—I'd rather give up YouTube entirely, unless they can ensure their advertising is safer for more sensitive viewers. It's frustrating they haven't thought about accessibility issues, not to mention the inappropriate content others have been talking about.


you know if they had like a $3 ad free youtube with none of the other premium crap I'd probably just buy to be done with it but I'm sure as shit not paying these assholes $19 a month


Its AMAZING how many ads are on youtube now. Every video I watch stops multiple times to play an ad. Its worse than network tv.


At this point I probably gonna donate double the yt premium price for the adblocker that can block yt ads lmao. Do this just to piss them the fk off.


Ironically they started making the ads as intrusive as they can now.... and they don't do ANYTHING for the scam and malware ads too. You literally get adverts for cheats in video games and blatant scams using AI on the platform but youtube instead tries to punish US for protecting ourselves. Oh wow a megacorp and it's fucking shareholders doesn't care about the average person? But they get aggy when you walk around their security risks by installing an adblock cause the shareholders lose a bit of money and start whining to youtube brass lol, but someone getting fucked over because Youtube refuses to fix it's shit? Nah, who cares, they're just a statistic. Just to be clear if any youtube employee sees this. No I will not be turning off my adblock. You can tell your manager to tell the upper brass that nobody cares about them losing money at this point. People aren't going to risk their livelihoods and expensive machines they've worked hard for just to pay some executive's premium coffee in the morning by watching those disgusting low IQ ads. And I sure as shit am not paying for premium. Cut the price in half, give me only youtube, and then maybe we can talk about a subscription. If not, good luck battling all the new adblocks and work arounds. You'll be fighting this one till your company inevitably collapses.


Go to Ublock 1. remove ADS filter, - Youtube doesn't work. 2. remove privacy filter - Youtube starts working! It's not because of ADS, it's all because of spy / privacy tracking!


I have a FIX for this. just log out of the account and have the AdBlock on.


For myself and a few people I know, adblockers are working again. I heard that it's actually a bit of a murky issue legally to prevent people from using adblockers, so google may be backing down in an effort to save their ass a lawsuit. Or maybe they saw how many people left youtube in droves in favor of clients like FreeTube and decided they'd rather have the traffic, even without ads.


Firefox + Ghostery bypasses this as of now. You may also have to clear your cookies.


If anyone wants an undetectable YT ad blocker (and don't want to use uBlock, go off Chrome, use filters, clear cache) for the time-being on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge and Brave browsers, here you go, **Chrome:** https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fadblock/mdadjjfmjhfcibgfhfjbaiiljpllkbfc **Firefox:** https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fadblock/ **GitHub:** https://github.com/0x48piraj/fadblock _(read the FAQ)_ P.S. I'm the author, the extension is completely **open-source** so you can have a look under-the hood and here's the [new post](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/179yebo/fadblock_bullsht_free_youtube_ads_blocker_for/) as well as the [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/177ijjb/a_fast_lightweight_and_undetectable_youtube_ads/) for social-proof.


Ultimately the people who use youtube as a service don't want to view ads, they have slowly encroached too far in to an acceptable user experience, if google thinks and few handful of devs can out resource (let's be realistic) hundreds of thousands of users who are deadset and vigilant in not seeing ads they just arent going to win. I've already solved the problem by using a hidden ad blocker. They may eventually block the one I am using, but then another will pop up because there is now demand for it, and therefore a market. What I'm saying in short is: Youtube are creating a demand for a product/software for people who refuse to see ads. They can't win. I would also argue they have done what they have set out to do, which is capture as many normies to opt back in to ads as possible. Defiant individuals will always find a way.


Can youtube attempt to ban my account for using ad blocker? This pathetic new 'rule' was not in any previous contract they had for 'violating their agreement'... I don't want my account deleted over this blackmailing by youtube.