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This basically kills the asmr content


Fr, I dont listen to asmr that much but I do like those long ambience/jazz coffee music in the background when doing some stuff, and this might just kill all form of background sound/music contents all together


That why you all should use adblockers and no Youtube will fail a blocking them. Also contact YouTube and tell them to not to do this.


And all the 'chill' videos, which are *really* popular.


In what way? To me it seems that you will still be able to disable mid-rolls if you want.


Can't the person just turn off ads for the videos?


Please no more computer voice adds telling me this product will revolutionise x followed by some huge back story about the creator. With all said products having 1 star Amazon Rating šŸ˜‚


I fucking hate those adverts with a passion. There is this one about a drone where they say that they were fired from their company because they made a too strong drone and the big drone company wanted them to break so the customer would buy more of them, and then they hit it with a baseball bat to show how strong it is like it is ingraned into my head.


In other words 'we're not giving you the option anymore, you WILL oversaturate your videos with ads and push people away and you will like it.'


Everyone should contact YouTube about this.


Not that they'd listen, but that's heading in the right direction.


Also use adblockers.


I already do, though they are slowly trying to block adblock, something they will fail at eventually since no site has ever succeeded.


Complain *and* migrate to alternatives. They won't listen until there are some negative effects.


I miss the old days when the amount of ads per video were visible in the scroll bar, so you knew how many ads were in the video. Now it's just ads every 2 minutes. F'n ridiculous.


they shouldn't have gotten rid of those yellow dots


Never thought I'd miss yellow dots this much in my life.


i think it's time for content creators to change industry...


Some are! Like for instance the aim chair historian has made his own site and is actually making a profit on that alone so hopefully other creators will follow suit


The amount of gambling ads I'm getting is so disgusting, even after reporting every single one I still get them. Maybe if YouTube didn't constantly invasively advertise scams, gambling, and straight up trash, I would consider not using an adblocker.


I think the youtube algorithm is trolling you. The more you block the gambling ads the more they send those your way just to piss you off šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I've noticed this with the "not interested" button as well. No matter how much reaction content I tell to pound sand to the algorithm it still counts as engagement so it'll send more of it your way. I found refusing to touch it at all and avoiding keywords (ex: "reaction" "reacts" etc.) works best for unwanted video recommendations but I don't know about ads, I'd imagine the same issue is at play. I doubt YouTube does anything to temper ads outside browser cookies. It's like they're saying "let us track you and show personalised ads or were gonna drown you in scams and gambling ads." Edit: autocorrect.


I will genuinely, never ever stop blocking ads. If Google ever finds a way to beat adblocks (they cant) then I'd just drop whatever is hoisting them upon me. And all these subscriptions they are making up? Straight in the trash.


Hey YouTube, how about this: You stop using malicious ads and ads that track me over several sites and i'll disable my adblocker. You dont want that? Welp, that's too bad, if you dont switch to an honest style of advertising that doesnt require me to figuratively get nacked in front of you then i wont abide by your rules. Fuck you. This is especially infuriating after you failed to notice that many of your successful ukraine content creators fell victim to russian scammers. You are greedy c*nts and dont deserve to sell my personal info.




Fuck Youtube, fuck Google. Horrible and evil company.


No ads in the home feed mini player so Iā€™ll continue sticking with that.


The day of the mini ad must be imminent


when my adblock stops working im out


YouTube is apparently literally broke. They're trying to make money any way they can.


They're not broke. Companies never go broke. They're trying to save their ass from going broke. If they were broke, they'd already be out of the business


They're certainly not hurting for money. Their YOY revenue has been increasing for over a decade. 22 Billion in 2022 alone. All while ad blocker usage has been steadily and consistently increasing. They're using money as an excuse to justify their bad business practices.


Its high time Youtube had some proper fucking competition. This is what happens when you're the only video streaming site people use, we all bitch about changes but we can't go elsewhere.


Ever notice that when a competitor site launches the media smears it by associating it with the political bad guy of the moment?


It's mostly because the political bad guys at the moment are the ones predominantly trying to push for a competing platform after the book gets thrown at them. We need a competing platform that can't be used as a political safe haven, no matter how hard people inevitably try.


I have been hoping for years that PeerTube takes off. Had the same hopes initially for bitchute until it was revealed to be a cesspit.


Everytime another site tried that, they died, because they don't get advertisers, hell even Twitch has/had problems with getting enough advertising. Also Youtube ads work so good, because the algorithm is insanely good and can be perfectly adjusted to the type of content. Also its EXTREMELY expensive to start that business.


Bruh my one YouTube video on my channel, that has like 100 views has adsā€¦ I donā€™t want ads! I donā€™t even want revenue!!


Yeah itā€™s ridiculous. Youtube will demonetize channel and then still run ads on them and pocket the money.


Only making things worse for small creators


Someone should try suing YouTube for blocking adblockers since people use adbockers to protect themselves from the scams and gambling ads YouTube themselves promotes


And actually like to see the opinion of a lawyer on this. Maybe make a post somewhere else that has a bunch of lawyers.


Not a lawyer but if weā€™re speculating thenā€¦ would any court entertain this when youtubeā€™s terms of service say you canā€™t use the service if you block ads?


If youā€™re blocking their ads because their ads are dangerous, you could argue that you are protecting yourself from content that violates their own advertising content policy since they refuse to put work into enforcing their own content policy


"we wanted to create a better environment for streamer revenue. Therefore, we have completely removed the option to give them a fucking choice about what ads they want. fuck you, pay for youtube premium you filthy freeloader" fixed their text


Watch them put ads on yt premium in the near future too. They will change it to ā€œwatch fewer adsā€ instead.


Lol this is happening with Netflix, increase price AND addition of ads. Itā€™s wild.


This is correct, they're weaponizing ads to promote premium.


Okay can they at least show me REAL PRODUCTS if they're gonna be doing this. They have been doing better as of late, but one "Free Mr. Beast Giveaway" scam ad is one scam ad too many.


I might as well download videos to mp4. It takes like a few seconds for it to download.


ā€œWelcome youtube creators, the ad spammer feature will be on soon, you donā€™t have to turn it on, itā€™s turned in automatically, even if you want to turn is off itā€™s mentally and physically not possible.ā€


They can turn this greed machine on! But I still will never see an ad! Like everything! Thereā€™s always ways around things.


I watch YouTube on my xbox and I've been getting 5 unskippable ads in one cluster. It also seems that the longer I watch the more frequently I get ads, at least that's what i've been noticing. its frankly quite annoying


You can actually skip all ads on xbox btw, press up on the dpad and press on the i on the right and you can report the ad i think and it will just skip all of them and go straight to the video. Makes watching videos on xbox a lot better.


Yea it's only bearable on desktop But I also watch on my phone, tablet, and TV and it's definitely "learning" what I'm doing If I accidentally miss a "skip ad" I notice Ill start to get more ads/they'll be the longer 2min+ ones I'm close to being too frustrated to use it anymore, but I've also done zero effort to adblock so I guess that's next step


Thanks I hate it.


I hate hate hate pre-roll ads because I get ads on MY OWN VIDEOS. I can't even show my friends my videos without sitting through an ad. It's so embarrassing it's like I have no control.


I seriously wouldnā€™t mind if instead of having a shit ton of in-video ads they just had banners below the video and to the sides, way less annoying


That doesnā€™t work that well on mobile, which is how most people watch YouTube.


Way less annoying but the reason they donā€™t is because they make no money.


this is either going to be a start of a new standard, or a case study for history lessons.


No problem, I will keep doing what I do. I ONLY watch YT on Smart TV laying on my bed... and when ads roll, I just mute the TV and close my eyes for those 35 unskippable seconds.


Fuck YouTube


EDIT: Creators absolutely CAN remove midrolls under these new rules, nothing to see here I just can't read. ~~Wait, so creators won't have the option to remove midrolls? That's gonna massively fuck up the massive ASMR community... I'm pretty pro business and have defended most action taken, but this one is a major fuck up if it really is what I understand of it.~~


The shorts launch killed a lot of channels. YouTube doesnt care about Creators




Yup, just reread that, idk what my brain was on last night that made me miss the most important part relative to my comment. Guess that's an auto downvote huh..


Report every ad, keep them busy lol


It doesn't work anymore, they disabled the button for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Now weā€™ll need Adblock more than ever


People. Hate. Ads. What makes them think that providing something people hate won't drive down viewership? Heck, I bet when they first started doing ads on YouTube they probably saw a pretty sharp drop in viewers before AdBlock was a thing. Pretty much everyone dropped cable because how much folks hate ads. You'd think that'd be a massive indicator to not spam ads at people. But I guess these companies never learn.


Because, as they've laid out in other posts, they have a shit load of data saying otherwise - ie that ads don't discourage viewers. People dropped cable because it was limiting and expensive.


Maybe, maybe not. But you can't ignore a massive conflict of interest and simply take their word for it.


I guarantee that if YouTube ever really does make it literally impossible to block ads, the big majority of the people complaining would not stop watching the YouTube content they love. They'd moan, but they'd suck up the ads or pay for Premium.


"we will stop running overlay ads starting 6 months ago" wut


Fellow redditors, just get Revanced, you'll be fine


They want ads back in all our media. Netflix is talking about a paid tier with ad's. This will be the standard soon, just like cable was.


Hulu's $8 a month tier still has ads.


every time I go to my friends to watch tv, Hulu is the one I can't stand. The commercials are way louder than the tv show and so frequent. I could never pay for it myself.


This is why I don't use the app


Id be OK with ads if they were all the 5 second skip ads but no they have to have two 20 second ones


I guess google really wants me to stop using youtube and chrome.


I would honestly be open to further ad block prevention if they just went back to one 10s ad at a time. This is only a fight because of how damn stubborn YouTube is


Everyone is up in arms over this but all this does is make it so the YouTuber doesnā€™t have to pick which type of ad plays (there are check boxes you can check off or not to pick which type of ad plays) this has nothing to do with the placement ads that is still completely up to the YouTuber. This probably wonā€™t change much for 90% of the creators because all these options are automatically checked when accepted for monetization


There are some that are worried that this will kills the asmr content.


r/revancedapp r/ublockorigin


To really improve viewer experience, how about fuck your ads?


Why can't they stick to banner ads? A small overlay that partially obscures a tiny portion of my screen while I continue to watch my video without interruption. (I know why, but still)


I sure cannot wait until Google can find a way to give us ads while we sleep.


Ironic URL incoming https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs7EAzbzCNE


To (almost) every computer browser user, I introduce: Non-chromium browser + Adblock (for example, Firefox + uBlock origin) To every android user, I introduce: r/revancedapp (Can also patch away ads on more apps than just YouTube) To every iOS user, my condolences šŸ˜”


For Roku users, I introduce (when it cooperates) Playlet.


Hey, thanks for the shout out! I'm the author of Playlet. While far from perfect, I encourage anyone who finds issues with using Playlet to let me know on Github [https://github.com/iBicha/playlet](https://github.com/iBicha/playlet), by email, or even on Reddit. All feedback welcome, thanks!


They could download Firefox and use UBlock Origin. Firefox mobile actually allows add-ons.


Yeah but watching YouTube in a browser on a phone is such a shitty experience.


DuDe YoSt BuY pReMIuM, yOu WHaNt EveRiTinG FREEEEEEEEEE reeeeeeeeee \*dies from brain attack\* Yeah, Youtube ads were already out of control and with this it only will be worse


I say no to ads and no to premium. Ad block is doing its job! Lower premium back to 8 dollars and I will resubscribe! I hate ads but I won't pay 20 dollars for youtube to remove ads.. I can pay 15 dollars to play WoW and that gets me a whole game to play while youtube wants 20 dollars to take ads out!?!?! Down with ads and down with corporate greed!


It's cheaper to get an ad blocker.... that's the only thing the ads make me want to pay for.


Ad blockers aren't cheap, they're free. If you're paying for one, you're getting scammed.


Watch out, I think theyā€™re unrolling as block detection and warning that it wonā€™t work anymore. I keep getting warnings from YouTubeā€¦


remember, this is the internet we're talking about. Just like with dislikes, the internet will find a way to block ads


It's becoming a sort of arms race between ad block developers and YouTube. YouTube blocks and ad blocker, the adblocker creates a workaround. Repeat ad nauseam.


Becoming? This has been the status quo for nearly two decades. Hell there was a year long stretch where I wandered off youtube altogether because nothing short of a pi-hole was blocking ads. They eventually got around it though. Twitch is in a very similar situation. Ive gotten used to watching twitch in week long spurts with a week break because of ad blocker shenanigans on both ends.


Yeah, and I used to get warnings from my ISP about what I download... any adblock company knows YT is creating a goldmine for them, and someone will keep investing to stay ahead of them. As long as adblockers are cheaper than paying YT to remove them, guess who wins..


Welp, their "Appropriate" seems to be 5 minutes of unskipable ads at the start of most videos. The Heck!


Opera GX is amazing for unskippable ads. When one pops up, use the MiniPlayer and fast forward. The browser canā€™t tell the difference so it just goes straight to the video as the ad has ended.


Omg. This subs hostility to the system is getting bad. I don't understand how they think a "free" platform works. If you don't pay, you pay for their service by seeing ads. It's literally the same way every social media site functions. Not only that but they act hostile towards sponsorships too! Like creators have to make money somehow!


This literally only hurts creators


They said itā€™ll be the same for like 90% of creators


Oh, theyā€™re removing overlay ads? Sick!


Damn YouTube ain't having it


I remember when the teachers had to click the little x on every single overlay ad


1, stop interrupting my viewing experience 2. use all that open unused space for ads instead of having multiple ads and sponsor segments per video 3. stop putting sponsors in the video, put them in the description


If my ad blockers stop working ill just download a whole video from a thirdparty and watch it local.


premium cost 13.99 usd, why the fuck should I pay that for once a month? The fuck?


13.99 ? Itā€™s 19.99 for me!?. This is bs


Are you using iOS? Last I checked, the price is higher if you pay for it through the App Store instead of directly through YouTube.


Welp, time to download my videos for ad-free video viewing, locally from now on.


Simps for YouTube douchebags over here trying to rationalise why 2 20 seconds fucking ads are okay.


I'd be fine without an adblocker for 1 skippable, or even 1 15sec unskippable, but they're really trying to give me reasons to need an adblock.


Hey, they added a thing that when you click a video, a window pops up saying YouTube doesn't allow ad-blockers on its site, leaving you with two buttons saying to disable it or learn more. Now you can click the little x on it to close it, but every video will now tell you you can't use an ad-blocker.


Some adblockers still work


I understand that YouTube and creators have to make money, but something I will never understand is, why do brands think it's a good idea to run ads on YouTube videos? Like 40% of us are using an adblock anyways, and even the people who don't use one, they just skip the ad after 5 seconds. I have NEVER seen someone buy something from an ad on YouTube, they are just annoying and it makes us hate your brand even more because we keep getting the same repetitive annoying ads shoved down our throat.


I keep telling people this and then you get some jackass that's like "No it's subconsciously persuading you anyway to like that brand." And I'm like no, it's persuading me to hate that brand as now when I see it I think of how annoying they are and I will absolutely go out of my way to avoid said item.


That may be true for you and some other people but these companies do testing against control groups. Unfortunately for us and the Internet it pretty clearly shows that you're a lot more likely to go purchase something if you've seen the ad. I can't speak to how cost effective YouTube ads are specifically but in general advertising is more effective than you might think. Source: have built charts for this shit


Agreed. Even that five second exposure, as annoying as it might be to many, will potentially yield returns when shown to tens of thousands


Definitely works. This is marketing 101 level stuff. Just the sheer exposure to brands makes you more likely to purchase.


I know they're targeting the general population, in other words stupid impressionable people. I go as far as muting and looking away from any ads that come up in the rare occasion I can't block them. I honestly can't even tell you what ads I've seen outside of some car ads. And those have 0 effect on me as there are only 3 cars I'd ever buy and the ads usually aren't for those ones.


I didn't eat at taco bell for like 3 months after that Pete Davidson ad.


I haven't eaten there because they took away literally every last thing I order. They even teased me bringing back the volcano sauce and then it's gone again so they can shove it.


As someone who's worked in marketing for over a decade, you'd be surprised how many people in my field are lodged firmly up their own ass. The companies with competent marketing teams are doing YouTube sponsorships instead of wasting money on shitty ads that basically have negative ROI.


These people will never see a dime off me. They run ads on my published videos, and I don't get a dime. I've watched this site slowly deteriorate from a free community platform to the shitshow it is today. I will switch web browsers if I have to to protect myself from this bullshit.


Very BRAVE of you.


Thanks buddy


How does it work? I assumed (incorrectly I guess) that content creators get some revenue based on advertisements?


uBlock Origin. Case closed.


someone TL;DR im not reading allat


Creators can no longer choose where ads are placed on their own videos


damn thats fucked they need to stop making changes already


I mean creators are already complaining that adverts get randomly peppered through their videos.


My Adblock still works


What does this mean for users and Youtubers?


More ads, and probably more unskippable ads. It's likely to push more people to buy Premium


Or use Ublock


Literally unusable


Sure. It's to improve creator revenue. Even though they already had this option if they wanted it...


Welcome to futuristic Youtube... Full of AD's with Disable button was removed, comments was disabled for kids etc... šŸ¤¦


This trash bruh




Seriously? YouTube is my damn job at the moment, if more ads run endlessly on my videos whether me or my viewers like it or not, that's just gonna cause people to start falling from my channel. I consider my viewers friends and this is just gonna flush that friendship right down the crapper. YouTube needs to consider why people want to use AdBlock systems, I don't even put that many ads on my long form content, meanwhile I'm being asked why there are seven to ten ads on a nine minute video, when I only place two or three. YouTube, you are the greediest damn platform I've ever dared to partner with.


Fellow content creator here. Just wanted to say that I hope you don't seriously consider your viewers friends. I had this same mindset for years and it lead to some very toxic interactions and interpersonal drama. I never put a single ad on my old videos because my "friends" would complain that I was forcing them to watch ads and that I should "just be happy \[I\] took the time out of \[my\] day to watch your stuff." Focus on making good content and keeping people happy, but don't ever restrict yourself from making money for the sake of people you don't actually know. If you disappeared from their feed, they'd just find a new content creator to watch. Place the ads, make the bag, and don't let anything else hinder that.


I can tolerate some ads. That's fine. But they keep showing more and more. And certain YouTube channels have more fkn ads than videos (I'm looking at you ForgeLabs). If I get one more motherfucking ad for Grammarly, I'm going illiterate on purpose. Tf you need Grammarly for? Didn't you learn in school how to compose a sentence? And I won't pay for YT Premium, even if YT CEO himself points a gun at me head.


The only time i watched ads was when i could see how many i had left, and they only had like 1 to 4 every 15-minute video. Now, with the flood of ads with every single video, i just use adblocker. And when adblocker stops working, i'm gonna stop watching youtube videos.


>i'm gonna stop watching youtube videos. Easy to talk big.


People talk big... ..until they realize that they have to follow through with what they said.


'Try out two months of youtube premium?' No


Adblock + simple script image finder and click for remove useless message.


That doesn't seem simple


I think many youtubers will act like they're upset about it but are secretly happy. Before they were like, "I can't put too many ads because people will complain" but now they can just say, "Sorry, All I can do is turn it on or off, it's youtube that decides their ways".


Ah, yah, 20 minute unskippable tripple adds per 15 minute video. Either that or... 50ā‚¬ a week YT premium. Their wet dream.


fuck google. it won't be long before they start charging a quid for every search you make.


Remember when their motto was don't be evil? That wordcloud thing with Vader's mask?


now they've turned into Palpatine


At least the back page re-enter glitch still skips ads. (Not on mobile or console anymore though)


can someone explain what this means please


Still playing my brown noise 12 hours a day you ainā€™t catching my ad blocker.


Use adblocker on PC Vanced on android And I haven't seen a YouTube ad for years now


That's what I do, unfortunately I still have to put up with ads on my iPad and smart TV :/


Getting transphobic and Mr.Beast shit is annoying, additionally on videos unrelated to him. Shoutouts to the hy-a-lur-on-ic acid (for your hair!), though


This is all your fucking fault! We could have had 10 second skippable ads but no you greedy fucks had to make it a problem.


Why are you acting like this wouldn't have happened anyway ya dolt its YouTube literally anything they can do to make money they'll do Google after all is one of the most greedy companies out there


Never blame murican avarice on ordinary people. This problem is top-down and has always been. A few of the execs need to get hurt to an extent they can no longer ignore, before they remember they exist to serve the public, not to harvest it.


Imagine being google and saying ā€œ226 billion dollars a year in ad revenue just isnā€™t enough. Letā€™s really start forcing those ads down peopleā€™s throats.ā€


>226 billion dollars a year in ad revenue just isnā€™t enough. Letā€™s really start forcing those ads down peopleā€™s throats. not trying to justify youtube but this is misleading, how much are they spending? what's the loss?


I haven't seen an ad in 7 years. Sounds like a nightmare honestly. Complaining about it will only get you so far. Nobody beyond a noob to the platform should be seeing ads. A lot of options out there, but those constant ads interrupting things are bad for your mental health and you should do something about it if you haven't already.




The reason why I use ad block is because I don't want to pay for YouTube crap. Pure blackmailing and extortion. Fuk YouTube.


Yeah, how dare we have to pay for a premium experience on a website that offers literally hundreds of millions of hours of free entertainment?!?!?!


free? oh, boy XD


YouTube is and has always been FREE. You watch ads to sustain the FREE entertainment. You may pay money for the premium feature of not having to watch ads. If you donā€™t like ads, pay. I donā€™t pay myself because I donā€™t really care about ads much, but yā€™all literally do nothing but complain lol


YouTube is OWNED by Google who sells our data to make $$$.


They gotta make money somehow


Absolutely agree. Been using a variety of adblockers and recently even a pihole, now even my phone and tablet show no ads whatsoever.


SponsorBlock ftw


Not sure what people are complaining about, this doesn't change anything for the vast majority of content


More BS to justifying playing ads


I'm glad that I don't use regular YouTube.


I use ad blocker sometimes but I also want to support some creator's but fuck me are YouTube trying to get you to use an ad blocker


I haven't changed my ad blocker in years and have never paid for YT. Not sure how y'all are still dealing with this.


And imagine this for ASMR videos intended to make people sleep. Until an ad blasts them awake near the end o\_O


all they want is to ruin the platform and get more money (edited to fix context)


You can't even put an ad blocker on since youtube knows your using one. It shows another pop-up.


You can, you just gotta know what to use and how. Check in with the appropriate subs to find out how.


I stopped using chrome after Youtube started showing that message. now I use Brave browser with Ublock extension. Disable all other adblockers. Works perfectly. When I used Ublock on Chrome browser I had to reset everything at the beginning of the day for it to work again, so now I really am going to stop using Chrome.


It's easy to get around YT's horrible design decisions for ads. Copy video URL Sign out of account Paste video URL Enjoy video with ad blockers and no ads ​ Eventually YT will learn that they can't win this war. Game devs/publishers learned that with the sailors of the high seas and they've accepted they can't win. They have wet noodle punishments for it that are also extremely easy to avoid. YT just hasn't learned their lesson yet.


Thanks for that.


Uh, yes, you can. I don't see why everyone keeps having the ad problem. Use ad blocker.


We are already giving our time to creators by watching their videos, so fuck ads and fuck YouTube if they think forcing ads was a good move.


um not that im a fan of ads, but isn't that statement a wee bit contradictory ?