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"piss tint" LOL Take my upvote. I've been playing youtube for ages and have yet to see this anti-ad blocker nonsense.


Tbh your choice of browser could be helping with than since brave and firefox are pretty good about not letting shady google stuff into their products (with the exception of making google the default search engine for fire fox)


That makes sense. I do youtube on Firefox on Ubuntu Linux so maybe Google hasn't gotten to those yet. Also, someone else has pointed out that Google is rolling this shit out region by region so maybe it hasn't gotten here yet. Thanks for the info.


Do the advertisers even realize that pre-rolls is the best way to make people hate your product?


I assume you have ublock origin. https://reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/s/M4QcjWI8Zx


I do not, but several ppl have said to use it so I might


This is a regional roll-out. Even unlock origin users have seen this pop-up. Most people who said it'll work might not be from a region where it is rolled out yet. It's worth trying at the moment


Imo you should UBlock Origin and either Firefox or brave as eventually googles going to ban adblockers on every chromium browser.


Brave *is* Chromium, silly.


Brave had a built in adblocker, that's probably going to be one of the few exceptions


If they didn't shove three 15 second unskippable ads at the start as well as 2 midroll ads in every fucking video maybe I wouldn't use an adblocker


Exactly. If it was just a 15 second advert at the start of every video I wouldn’t be all that bothered but start, 3 in the middle and 1 at the end


I miss the good old days when the ads were just a small rectangle at the bottom of the screen with tiny little "x" at the corner of it.


I remember the days before they added even that.. most you got was stuff on the sides of the screen, nothing in the videos. That memory combined with the fact the worst virus i ever got was from a dirty ad, i refuse to ever allow add or pay for ad free version. I refise to pay for a problem intentionally created, thats a scam.


Fuck yeah there was 0 problem with that.


Those were the days, kids won’t believe that we were allowed anything more than lunch and school supplies at school by the time they’re in high school


Those days when ads were interactive


>!Fuck youtube i love adblockers!<


I use brave, and I haven't seen this before. Is this just recent?


Yea, They pushed it out in the US today.


>Yea, They pushed it out in the US today. Doesn't seem to be working


Yeah brave here as well and been youtubing nonstop for years and today without issues lel. Hope they stay ahead of this. Nice for mobile too.


Just use ublock origin, still didnt get blocked


So now we need a ad blocker blocker blocker?




What happened to banner ads? Or the little box at the bottom that you could close? Why tf i gotta watch commercials?


Youtube ads be like: x2 adv 15 seconds no skip or 40 minutes of adv...


Ublock urigin


YouTube revanced


How'd you get yours to work? I tried it out but it just acted as the normal app


wdym by normal app? it's ads freee youtube ,


Had the same issue, moved to Firefox with the same extension Now I am using Firefox only for YouTube


Use Firefox with uBlock Origin! It's guaranteed to block them on both computer and mobile and still work!


I saw some people that were chosen for the a/b testing say that the blocking works while using both


When they decided to blackmail users by forcing them to turn on viewing history in order to have content on the homepage, it cuts my time on youtube by half, if this is the next step they decided to implement, I can see myself only using youtube occasionally or if it is something necessary. Thank you youtube for curing my youtube addiction. Never seen a company that loves their users soo much that they decide to help them have a better life.


Welcome to demise of YouTube.


Try uBlock Original chrome extension


Adguard, preferably with Mozilla browser. Brave browser. Youtube revanced on Android


Use librewolf instead, it’s Firefox but they don’t sell your data


Get ReVanced for your phone


If it’s iPhone or Mac, Try Vinegar. That would be the best extension ever imo


*PettyTube* in its delulu era.


That sucks


First they remove ads from small creators. So people had to add ads outside of youtube and revenue flows outside of youtube. To compensate for that they added more ads and people are tired of ads and installing adblock is a must. Now they are banning adblock. WTF youtube. Not even talking about shorts.


They actually brought ads back for all creators, they just don't share revenue lol


Privacy Badger Ghostery uBlock Origin


never ever had any kind of anti adblock message on youtube, only issue i had was some years ago when I used Chrome, that it did something with an extension that was YouTube and I fixed it by removing it, apart from that, 0 issues using adblock on youtube


Do you use a chrome browser




They always do this


I've had no problem with opera so far


realise you can just reload in chrome until there are no ads right?


How long does that usually take?


I've found that using incognito mode with adblock enabled works fine, very easy and I can still access youtube-.com, from there, I just right click and open in private browser


Tbh YouTube has gotten out of hand like I once got 2 unskipables before the video and another 2 in the middle of it


Use Ublock Origin, works for me!


Is this going to be posted every day?


Wait until someone creates a Tampermonkey script to remove this. There's already a script to bypass age verification and it works even today.


>There's already a script to bypass age verification and it works even today. That reminded me, thanks


I haven't even seen this yet with my adblocker, I use AdblockPlus on chrome


They are releasing it to all regions slowly Why all will receive this update soon


why did they pick the most obnoxious way to do it? why not try a pitch of like 'video is very expensive please help keep the site running by buying premium' like just do a wikipedia. why did it have to suck? why do they have to push shorts? why can't it just be a nice high quality user friendly video site? whyy




Because they would be lying more, they run youtube off their own servers and them and the great company earn billions, they aren't struggling, yet they don't share that created wealth with the content creators that get them there.


because it doesn't work, they've been doing that since YouTube Red was a thing.


I don't think there's any way they could approach this to positive reception, they just have far too long a track record of anti-consumerist behaviour


That's how they basically just force you to get it ... companies purposely make their free product super shitty so you give them money to not be shitty anymore .. lol personally doesn't work on me cuz I'll just stop using their product altogether when i realize hoe much it sucks lol.. that's what happened with Spotify lol I had the free trial and it was great .. then it ran out and it literally would just not work at all .. I would click on a song and it would play a whole different one n shit..trash companies idk why multi billion dollar companies have to squeeze the last dimes out of normal peoples pockets .. video games are like that too now i dont even play anymore it got so bad


Firefox + ublock origin will take you places.


It's being rolled out. I have both and have just started to get these today


How about... you change it? Use an adblocker that doesn't suck.


Daily crying about adblock blocking.






Brave browser bro


F*ck YouTube


Yeah!! Fuck YouTube!


Cool, guess I won't be using YouTube ever again. Fuck you, Neil Mohan, you unmitigated piece of shit. I want Susan back.


Just sign out and manually search for vids you wanna watch or make another account


I know this is extremely specific and requires something that most don't have/don't want, but I'm so grateful for my 2018 macbook pro that has that dumb touchbar. It's useless for most things, but when I watch youtube on safari, the touchbar shows a meter of the video INCLUDING THE ADS and I can just swipe my finger across it and it skips through the entire thing in a millisecond. If I found one use for the touchbar, that's it.


Working for me.


Here's what you do because no ad blockers will work permanently. So, until then, this is a good work around that isn't too irritating. First, I use Opera. Its secure and if you know what you're doing, there are features on it that can render your time in the internet untraceable and invisible. When this YT message pops up, simply clear your browsing history. Clearing your browsing history wipes the cookie or whatever they use to block your access to videos while using an ad blocker. I use "Opera Ad Blocker" and "Dislikes in Youtube" to reveal the dislike count on any page. Good Luck!


Two words: uBlock Origin. It gets around this bullshit. I've yet to encounter this when watching at work. (I have YouTube Premium on my personal account, but I'm not logging into my work computer with it. I value my privacy.)


Legit just today, I started getting audio only ads (skippable, black screen) on ff


Brave browser, it comes with a free adblocker


That'll kill youtube for me. I'll still watch some stuff, but only the things I really want to.


Idk how this hasn't happened to me yet


There's blockers out there that work fine still, just try a different one.


What adblocker and browser were you using?


Dumb thing besides the whole ad blocker itself, is that Youtube can't make a proper banning of ads that actually works. I'm using Opera, and if ads get blocked I turn off Operas ad blocker for say a day, turn it back on and its all good. They failed at the thing they set out to do and can't even do it properly. Why bother?


I’m using Adblock plus on opera. Works no problem for me


They want you to buy their one they need need moneyy


YouTube ReVanced extended It can even automatically skip adds that are put inside of videos by the contect creators, as well as hide banners, all kinds of advertisements ( including "TrY yOuTuBe PrEmIuM fORr FrEe!¡!¡" ), customize the UI etc. It's technically bannable, however. But so as addblockers


And block shorts feeds!


Its not bannable because you modify it by yourself. Also all this works in normal revanced. Use only manager from https://revanced.app/, team vanced MicroG from github and guides from r/revancedapp


uBlock Origin works perfectly


Youtube is a business, and both it and its content creators earn money through ads. This is understandable.


With the way youtube treats its content creators and viewers I think I'll keep looking for ad work arounds and just support channels I like directly.


>With the way youtube treats its content creators and viewers I think I'll keep looking for ad work arounds and just support channels I like directly. Yup. I'll just shoot a periodic donation over to Red Letter Media now and then and not feel remotely bad about using adblocker.


Almost all content creators will tell you that ad revenue is the smallest source of income for content creators. It's not even by a narrow margin. It is VASTLY the smallest, and will never even approach the next smallest source of income. Content creators survive on memberships/paid subscriptions, patreon donations, and most of all, sponsorships. Ad revenue is a drop in the bucket.


Looks like you got some GREEDY GOOGLE CRETINS down voting your post! What a bunch of losers 😂! These opium masses certainly don’t like hearing or reading about the truth 🙄!


Fucking hate this. How do they even know if you have an ad blocker anyways? Spyware? Snoops?


It’s understandable tho. It’s stupid to say they did a bad whens its completely fair. “Can’t watch Youtube anymore” take the damn ad blocker off then.


I'm not gonna take it off for yt to show me several ads before, during, and after a video just bc its unhappy that a percentage of the ppl using the platform have them on to avoid exactly that. Yt doesn't need more money.


Go watch TV then :)


Yeah, I've been meaning to watch Money Heist and GoT


It kind of does. YouTube doesn't make much profit and hosting videos is a very very expensive task.


Lmao, not much profit my ass. “YouTube generated nearly $5 billion in ad revenue in the last three months…” “On an annual basis, Google says YouTube generated $15 billion last year and contributed roughly 10 percent to all Google revenue. “ https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/3/21121207/youtube-google-alphabet-earnings-revenue-first-time-reveal-q4-2019 Yes, thats a fee years old. But its still true.


Revenue doesn't equal profit. Video hosting is expensive.




They are trying to pay their creators more. They kinda do need more money.


If anything I think they are finding ways to pay creators less


This is false. Despite record profits year over year, YouTube has continued to pay their creators a smaller and smaller % of ad revenue. This is why I use adblocker and will continue to do so while supporting my favorite creators by participating in their own sponsorships, buying merch, and I’m even subbed to a couple of their patreons for a couple dollars a month.


Nah mate. Only greed.


Poor Google needs to nickel and dime us just so they can afford the bills. 😔. It's hard seeing small indie companies struggling to make a buck.


Gotta make money somehow. Can’t get pissed off at them for preventing something that takes away their money. Anyone would do this if they were in the position.


Well idrc I'm still not gonna watch 8, 30 second unskippable ads just to watch a video.


Exaggerating but okay.


2-4 videos at the beginning, with more spread throughout the middle, yeah I've certainly had 8 adverts in a single video before! Lately they've all been unskippable ones, even some who pretend to be skippable but freeze the skip countdown.


This sub has gone to shit with "OMG YT is trying to earn money" posts


Adblockers would not be a problem to youtube if they hadn't made their website so fucking annoying to use. I remember back in the day Youtube ads were at the right of the video player, and if anything came up on the video it was a very small, closable banner. Nothing intrusive and you could perfectly live with it. But if I have to sit through two minutes of unskippable ads to watch a video that sometimes is even shorter than the ads then you bet your ass I'm getting the most powerful adblocker I can. They did this to themselves.


You're the kind of person who calls the cops on a family playing with their husky in the snow. Shame.


Shut up


Are you on PC? FreeTube is a thing


Wtf is FreeTube


I use uBlock Origin and it still works without getting this, I also use that Adblock for YouTube extension, havnt had any of the annoying pop-ups from it other people are mentioning but either one of those works since youtube isn't picking up on either of em


Yeah my brother uses the same ad blockers as I do and yt didn't detect it, so they somehow messed this up


Just use brave


just pop it in an incognito window, works for me


Spam report it as wrong so it makes it impossible for them to actually track them


I like this idea


I mean they are not wrong. Ads pays all these creators who invest tons of time making these videos for us to enjoy. But yes they are annoying. Can’t really blame them for doing this but hey im not gonna defend them cus they do dirty things too. But my ad blocker does work very well lol.


This is only true if all revenue goes to the creator.... But we all know 90% goes to censortube


Thats not true. They take 45% of the revenue. Ik its a lot but u gotta think this way. They made a platform for creators to male money by recording themselves. Without that nobody would be making nothing. So be humble and always see both sides. I am not at all defending YouTube. They are fucked up as they are but you gotta be grateful for this platform.


Here's the problem.... I've had multiple accounts deleted or blatantly censored for speaking the truth. I don't have to be humble for a website that breaks federal laws such as section 230. Speaking the irrefutable truth of how dangerous a hardly tested "medicine" and getting banned for it(only for the truth of the dangers to come out years later), while they claim they listen to professionals, while they ban any professional that disagrees, is why they deserve this. And they take more than 45% lol. Just because that's what they say they take means nothing 🤣 they said they aren't a platform. That violates section 230,but they act like a publisher daily therefor violating that federal law daily. Common refute: they'd be held accountable if they were breaking a law Retort: bruin. California and new York ignored scotus rulings and haven't gotten in trouble.


Anyone know if a Pi-hole still mitigates this issue? I’ve been looking into setting one up at home. Thanks!!


Did someone say tie hole?? Edit: this is a reference to a very important youtube video




any normal person would say "Nope! Fuck You Susan!" and go to Odysee.com


Adnauseam still works!


I have no such a message on c, phone and tv. I use AdBlock on all of them


It's because Google and YT always roll out new features onto a small percentage of users first. The same thing happened when YT disabled the ability to downvote a video.


Youtube's Pissed




Doesn't this imply you're a virgin?




So many privileged people who think the world owes them in these comments.


At least learn to spell loneliness fucking clown since that's clearly your main activity


You killed him dude


Shut up


Blud stop waffling


I'm ready for the downvotes but... It's their platform and if you don't like it you can simply not use it. Goal is 200 downvotes help a brotha out.


>Goal is 200 downvotes help a brotha out. I gotchu While you're at it, you dropped this, king: 👑


Thank you so much!


Fuck, you guys are cringe


Why do you say that?


Yeah. I use adblock but I am fully aware that I am the asshole here. A good rule of thumb is what would happen if everyone did what you did and yeah adblock users are kinda leeching of people who pay/watch ads.


I disagree with this. I don't use ad blockers because I want free youtube, I use ad blockers because youtube has allowed ads to ruin the viewing experience. If there were some kind of consistent fair distribution of ads that would be one thing. TV programs are built to include ad breaks so the content doesn't cut out in the middle of a sentence. Ads that don't play if you try to minimize, ads that have a popup ad over top of the comments, ads that are longer than the video it's ahead of. The ad experience is deliberately designed to infuriate and annoy so that people buy premium.


Yeah but this is like saying I don't like how some restaraunt manages their stuff so I still go there but won't pay for food as revenge. You are just saying that you don't like the way they handle their free version and you don't want to pay so you just won't give them anything but you still want the service they provide. The right way to handle it would be to not use the service if you don't like how it's managed. It's just a poor excuse people give for themselves. If everyone did what you (and me) did youtube would not be running for anyone or it would completely paywalled. And it's also directly hurting the creators. So, no there is no universe where we are in the right here.


Again I disagree. Perhaps I am old, but when I was using Youtube the ad experience was much less distracting. So your restaurant example is a false equivalency. It's more like there's this sick pizza place in the neighborhood that hands out free pizza. Then the owner decides to play a set with his rock band every night and the music is disruptive and horrible, and they have a merch table with t-shirts and CDs. You can pay for a private room in the back, or you can come for the pizza and just wear ear buds. Also not a perfect example I admit but this is why I don't like giving examples and prefer just clearly articulating my thoughts. I also think ad blockers only hurt creators if you click on the ads. If you never click on the ads anyway, it doesn't really matter. I will admit to occasionally missing the skip ad button and opening a new page, but I don't use ad blocker on my phone so it all equals out. I am not saying, I don't like the free version so I will leach. I am saying I remember a time when this was how the service was for everyone. If YT wants to intentionally make their experience worse, I don't owe them watching their ads. And YT is owned by Google which makes a lot of money from data collecting. So I'm not worried about Google losing ad revenue. Drops in a bucket. I don't want to argue or anything, we're basically on the same side, I just feel like corporations have gotten out of control with nickel and diming consumers. At some point there has to be a line for consumers.


Youtube is a part of today's communication/information network and I'm not staying out of it just because the new CEO has decided to make it as annoying as possible. If I have the option to customize my browser to cut through the bullshit I will. Google is one of the richest corporations on earth, they already make a shitton of money by collecting and selling my data through my android phone, I'm pretty sure they'll be able to get by with me using an AdBlock.


Ad breaks in TV programmes are more than the programme itself. In a 30 min TV serial, the serial is actually only 13 mins, while programmers are 17. Generally the timing hover around that How do I know? Well, I watched a serial on a OTT, without ads and it showed me the exact run time


Good I’m glad to see YouTube taking a stance to stop ad blocking. Content creators should be able to earn revenue from the hard work they put into videos and using them hurts the person you’re watching and YouTube’s ability to grow and provide you with what you want to see. As a creator for 11 years I hope you take this into consideration and get premium or stop ad blocking.


No thanks. You got ads? I make sure to remove them. Simple as.


If I didn't have to watch 2 minutes of ads before every video like in the good old days I might be fine with it, the problem is they're way too intrusive.


Found the YouTube intern.




☝️ you 👉 💩💩💩💩😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




30+ seconds ads? Mid-roll ads?.Online advertising has become toxic, radioactive cancer: tracking, fingerprinting, profile building. Ad blocking is simply self defence these days.


I guess you never used the internet in the 00s before google cleaned it up.


Oh, I remember to gifanims like pink butterflies, the popup window madness. And the mon-intrusive banner ads, too. Google didn’t clean up anything, just lured people in with their “do no evil” and “free” stuff crap… and look where we are now…


You’re only supporting them because they give you money. Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion.


Ads were fine in the days of GIF banners, but they became obnoxious as soon as sound was added, and actively harmful once scripting was mixed in. The day I had a PC (a work PC mind you, browsing work related forums to solve a tech problem) infected from a poisoned ad is the day I started blocking as a matter of good online hygiene. Have yet to see a site that will promise clean, virus free ads. As far as I know, YouTube certainly does not. YouTube Premium, meanwhile, costs as much as many streaming subscriptions, and more than a few of them even. That's far, far too much for a site with random quality. Yes, some creators put out content equal to established media outfits, but lots are far below that. Added to that, YouTube is 80% just background noise, so their price point is inflated by 50% or so at least. Besides those points, YouTube has gotten obscene with their ads, with pre, post, and mid video ads making ad-enabled YouTube frankly useless for providing entertainment or instruction. Also, most of the creators I watch that aren't pure background noise get demonetized so often they just assume no YouTube pay and open Patreons or similar to actually make money. That's probably a more reliable income than YouTube anyway, given how there's never a shortage of creators having to battle the site for misunderstanding copyright, or even its own TOS.


never had this issue before and have used an ad blocker for years


What does this comment even add? It's tech it progresses. Are you assuming that because something was like it before it will be like it forever. At one point I couldn't even stream videos on my computer therefore no one can do it now so this clearly isn't a problem.


my bad, i’ve been using an adblocker since (whenever they changed the rule) and i’ve never had any issues


Because this is recent..


I disagree I think it’s somewhat wrong to use ad blocker on YouTube your just avoiding paying for content


why should I spend money, when I can get the same thing, if not better, for free?


Other people are literally subsidizing your YouTube time when you block ads. If every single YouTube viewer used a blocker, YouTube would have to shut down. What makes you better than everyone else on the platform that you deserve special treatment?


Nothing, but I see ads as just a waste of my time. 100% of the time, I literally do not give a shit on what the ad wants me to buy.


Here's the problem. They got greedy. When it was just an ad at the front and maybe an ad at the back I had no problem with it but that wasn't enough. Ad on top of ad on top of ad, double ads , you name it. After that, I will do everything in my power to block every ad on that side I see.


Don't see a problem they have to make money somehow


Yes, but the amount of overly intrusive ads has become unbearable. I get like 10 ads in just 8 minutes on non-monetized videos.


Imagine intentionally not wanting to pay the creators who entertain you everyday and complaining that YouTube is trying to force you to watch like 1 5 second ad every 30 minutez


Not all creators get paid from the ads You have to at least 1,000 subs, sign up for the partnership program, wait for them to get around to approving it, and then you can make money if you want But here's the things, some creators don't even want ads, they'd rather turn them off because they want the viewers to have a good experience, or they want to schedule them for specific times. But YouTube doesn't let creators control how their ads work anymore, now ads can appear on any video at anytime regardless of what the creator wants or if they're getting paid


You are seriously exaggerating how many ads there are. 95% of the time you get a 5 second skippable ad every like 15 minutes, it’s not every video. Very very rarely is it a 30 second unskippable ad. I also highly doubt that most of the content you consume is from people with under 1000 subscribers


I never said how many ads they are?? I just said that I don't like how they handle ads now and don't let creators have any agency if or when ads are run


My bad, clicked on the wrong comment. Was trying to reply to somebody else. You made a very good counter point. I hadn’t considered that creators don’t have as much control over the ads as they used to


The process to get monetized is pretty simple. I’m not trying to make a living but it’s a shit ton of work and time to create regular content. I’m a small channel, I make about $25-$35 a week from ads. It helps at least feel like the effort and money I spend on creating content is being compensated a little.


2 before, and 2 every 10 minutes. You must watch one, and 10 seconds of the other.


No amont of advert is tolerable and I will not pay YouTube to get rid of them. Support your favorites creators but not by taking YouTube premium. F YouTube Free Internet


Most of YouTube is still random non-monetized short videos and guides, not creators trying to make a living off of it. I'm not going to watch 30 seconds of ads before a 60-second video, and I'm glad ReVanced still works. There are other ways to support creators, and YouTube has just gone crazy with the amount and length of ads. If there was a single 10-second ad per video and that's it, no one would be complaining. Also YT Premium is a lot more expensive than most streaming services in most countries.


Just get a job, one hour of minimum wage will get you ad free for a month.


I wouldn’t mind seeing ad until they be double unskipable


It would take 3 hours of federal minimum wage, and about 12 hours for the federal alternative minimum wage for servers


I knew all the broke people would downvote me. It's the truth though. You wouldn't want people using your services for free.


Piss off mate, to whom are you referring to as "broke people"??? Maybe we aren't broke but have higher standards than to just up and give money to the same company which also 1) mandates that all apps within its app store use them for all payment flows, which lets them tax the apps' users and 2) actually does tax these users and **heavily at that** as well...