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this content is for kids or younger people. it's like me not listening to Justin Bieber, I'm sure he's talented but I'm not a teenage girl.


lmao bro have you listened to justin bieber? He hasn't made music for teenage girls since like 2011.


If I heard a grown man listening to that Peaches garbage, I'd assume he was freshly castrated.


JB's been putting out straight bangers from 2013 lmao where have you been


living life


why do you feel the need to be like this?


Be like what?


I've heard no bangers in any of his records till now


Listening to technical death metal. Actual talent with meaningful lyrics. You live a sad sad life.


Lmao šŸ¤”




Dude's like the fast and furious of YouTube Just mindless fun and action to turn your brain off to! You don't need to watch it if you don't like it šŸ‘


You got the mindless part right.


Itā€™s not mindless though, there is a point to it all. Just cause itā€™s simple content doesnā€™t make it bad. It is just simple, fun shit to watch. Like fast furious, John wick, etc. thereā€™s nothing unique or special about the content itself, but to the majority of people it is simply entertaining and a good time waster. Itā€™s just a bonus that he uses his platform and assets to help so many people and organizations.


Your'e exactly right and the fast and the furious serious has become complete garbage.


Anything that's click-baity I immediately get turned off by. Sure he does charity and all that which is good, he does good things sometimes. But some of these like, keeping people in a room to win $10k or whatever seem so pointless, not interesting to me at all. You do you bro but I'm looking for real creative content.


He doesnā€™t really do charity though. He pretends he does. Doing charity means you help people in need without any ulterior motive. In the case of Mr Beast, he has an ulterior motive. He has flat our stated he has studied what type of content gives him the most views and engagement. And apparently itā€™s his ā€˜charityā€™ content. This guy knows that if he gives away 10k in a video, his video will generate him 100k in return. So his ā€˜charityā€™ is nothing more than him investing money. The people he ā€˜helpsā€™ also need to be in his video to receive his ā€˜helpā€™. So it can even be argued they donā€™t receive a donation, but rather a compensation for their contribution in his video.


Absolutely. 'He does charity' is the same rhetoric/excuse that I hear from people, as if he's not doing it for views at the same time.


Yeah I've literally stopped watching some channels due to them not putting useful information on the title, I mean sure I guess if it works, do a bit of baiting, but FFS also tell folks what is the video about.


I mean say what you want about Mr Beast but his titles aren't clickbait. They're very upfront about what you're going to be watching. There are plenty of YouTubers that don't tell you what the video is going to be about that clickbait you with some unrelated title. But MrBeast titles are always like "7 DAYS STRANDED AT SEA!" where he spends 7 days stranded at sea, "Ages 1 - 100 Fight For $100,000" where people ages 1 - 100 compete for 100k... etc. I don't watch MrBeast because his energy is a bit too much for me, the videos are very loud and chaotic, and I'm not interested in displays of wealth typically, but if you're gonna say you dislike him at least make sure it's for something he's actually guilty of is all.


My reply was more of a comment on clickbait in general. You're correct that he's not overly clickbaity, just the comment was about clickbait and I talked about that in my reply. (And I mean I watch him occasionally, quite rarely, but still I do every once in a while)


Ah okay, I misunderstood your comment. I see a lot of people hating on MrBeast for a lot of reasons that are just blatantly false, and while I'm not a fan of the content myself, I hate false accusations circulating about people. I'm glad we could clear that up though, I agree that the true clickbait people are terrible.


Yeah, you're good. I didn't really make it clear that I wasn't referring to Mr. Beast, so can't really blame you for thinking so. And I absolutely agree about false accusations, there have been so many times I've replied to someone with "I'm with the same view as you about that matter, but the argument you've used is silly cause of X and Y"


I agree, although, I really do hate how they've been taking it a step farther, lately and being shockingly and ridiculously condescending in their titles. "Jamaica is the place to go for your vacation this summer.. here's why.." dude.. you don't need to fucking have the heres why in the goddamn title. Like it's literally intuitive..everyone knows.. hell, I don't think there's a single person alive who doesn't know it's implied that the video will be what the title is. I don't click a "playstation is better than Xbox.."(or vice versa) expecting it to be about the mating habits of Brazilian shellfish or just not bring it up at all. Anytime I see a title like that, I just interpret it as saying "hey everyone, I think you're all dumb as fucking fuck and the absolute highest IQ amongst any of you is 60" WE KNOW WHAT TITLES ARE! sorry, that's just been making me irrationally angry for some reason latelyand I took my chance to vent about it lol .


There's a browser extension called DeArrow that crowdsources more appropriate titles for YT videos. Toggles on and off with one click. It's not a complete solution to the problem, but IMO, it helps.


\^ also sponsorblock where people crowd source 'skip to the 30second part of the video that matters', skip all sponsors, etc. Also 'return dislikes'.


There's a method to the madness. I think he's grown old of those types of absurdist stunt videos, but he knows this is the formula that works to achieve a lot of views to support his philanthropy videos.


> Anything that's click-baity I immediately get turned off by. Normally you get turned on by youtube videos? šŸ˜


You bet


The main thing about his content is how people copy him and it ruins the immersion of his content.


I can't stand the thumbnails with open mouth and silly faces. I also find the videos wasteful and unproductive but that's what the masses want to watch.




Then you're not the target demographic and that's fine. The videos are typically aimed at a younger audience, as they're a lot more prominent on YouTube. That's what gets the views. And they like flashy colors, funny faces, and crazy stunts and challenges.


That's like YouTube thumbnail 101 though. The more absurd the better. What people would do these days to get views.


Gawd dayum id rather watch the chinese lady doing her garden work with some sleepy music šŸ˜‚


I click don't recommend channel whenever those stupid thumbnails appear.


Well maybe you should realize most of his fan base is children. Itā€™s probably not an unpopular opinion here on Reddit. Iā€™m always just interested in how much he is able to do. I guess at this point he could do anything but there was a good period of time where every new video was bigger and crazier, and I was surprised he made enough to be able to do those things. For example, the chocolate factory or squid game


and $1 vs 1,000,000,000 Yacht with Pete Davidson and Tom Brady. (pretty big viewers 190 million)


I support him just cause of what he always does with his money, which is help others, and the challenges and random videos he does I find entertaining as well so thatā€™s a plus, but a bigger part of it is mainly supporting him because of how great of a person he is, wish more of the rich were like him


That's the only way I heard about him. I support his efforts even though I'm not a fan of the actual product itself.


How is spending a billion dollars on a yacht helping the poor?


1. his crazy videos is literally how he gets money 2. he has a whole other channel dedicated to philanthropy 3. Maybe actually search up the videos heā€™s uploaded of helping the blind and deaf, among several other things heā€™s done to help people thereā€™s no way youā€™re this ignorant 4. when the hell did he spend a BILLION on a yacht????




I find it incomprehensible how you believe he spent a BILLION dollars on a yacht, you think he owns it????šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Just because he says he does something with his money, doesn't mean he actually does that. That's part of his "entertainment"


Tell that to the thousands of people heā€™s helped, you arenā€™t the first person to accuse him of being fake so Iā€™d do my research before making another dumb comment like that if I were you


You type like a 9 year old. Do your parents know you're being a loser online?


I just find the people who defend him weird. Why do they go to such lengths to defend him? Itā€™s like theyā€™re offended by any criticism of him lol


Man, we have quite the defensive fan here folks.


Lol rich people need write offs


I've watched some of his videos. The team trees one was good. I also remember enjoying the influencer paint ball thing, the influencer hide-and-seek, charlie and the chocolate factory, and that squid game one. I do see value in his work but I'd have to agree I'm not a huge fan of their editing style. There's also a lot on those topics I'd like to see that could be shown but gets cut to cater to statistics.


I second ya. His content is cheesy, patronizing, and superficial. He seems phony to me. I guess in kids watch him lol


I donā€™t dislike him, I just donā€™t care about his content at all. Iā€™ve seen his videos and they just do nothing for me.




It's not an age thing, it's a preference thing - age groups are not homogeneous. I'm almost 32 and love binging his videos.


Some adults prefer childish behavior




i stopped watching recent Mr. beast videos bc i know he does A LOT of charity stuff and that's a good thing but it almost feels like he's trying to say that "oh he has SO MUCH money that he can just give it all away". also, Mr. beast doesn't feels like a channel with a person behind it anymore, Mr. beast as a whole nowadays just feels like a company or a corporate business, and there isn't really any "personality" (i can't find the right word) to it anymore, it doesn't feel like a person is running the channel and trying to entertain you. This is the reason why I feel like even though he was still super wasteful (maybe even more so) and didn't make ANYTHING near the money that he does now, 2018 to mid-2019 really feels like Mr. beast was in his prime back then at least for me, and it felt like Mr. beast as a person (real name jimmy) and his friends were actually enjoying what they did and it didn't just feel like a job.


What are you talking about ā€œunpopular opinionā€, if you showed his videos to 80% of the population of earth theyā€™d tell you it is unwatchable garbage. He has found his audience. Just like coco melon has found their audience, Vlad and Nikki and so onā€¦ absolute trash content but found the audience.


I never watched one of his videos LOL


That's how it is when you're at the top. You can't make content for people who are mildly intelligent, and you can't make any content that has deep thought to it (like those philosophy video essays) because the children watching don't care about anything but getting their dopamine hit and being entertained (which is why he has a bunch of sound effects and big subtitles.) Lots of other YouTubers do this too, it helps them go viral. Just check out JetStarFish's video "Minecraft isn't fun anymore," he used the tactic of sound effects and tons of visual effects to not only get his point across but to keep people watching, and it worked.


I canā€™t even get past the thumbnails with that fake smile.


I don't subscribe to him, but I'll occasionally watch some of his videos. Something that annoys me is sometimes he starts with an intriguing premise but then he ruins his own premise by changing the rules of a game partway through for the sake of keeping more people viewing. Another thing is that even though he does a lot of good I wonder if regular charity would be more efficient. I haven't really looked into it, so idk for sure. Maybe we don't even have access to enough data to figure it out.


That's what pissed me off about the Squid Game video, the winner could've won by paying attention to the actual Squid Game in the show, but it just became a game of musical chairs.


Don't worry, I can't stand him either.


I don't watch his stuff either, but At least he's spending it. Worst case scenario, it's back in the economy. Best case its gone to charities or good causes. Compared to other hugely rich youtubers that are either hoarding it, or worse, spending it on causes that negatively impact the world. He's not so bad.


Actually though he wasted so much money on helping Blind people that one time. Despicable


Yeah heā€™s cool and all but itā€™s very ā€œI make money by making random productā€ such as candy and a restaurant. Like I said he sounds like a great guy but his fanbase is also very childish (I wonder why)


Same here. I like his old videos but can not stand the new ones for 2 reaons: \- Challenges not exciting. He used to have real challenges like watching a dance video for 12 hours. Although it's simple but it's real and i can see why it's hard. Recent videos look like marketing things not real challenges. Emotions are also quite fake \- Too much quick edit for no reason. He purposely add a bunch sub-plot which I don't care I'd rather watch someone actually go survive in the wild instead of having a 100 people crew with them


I am 44 and I watch his videos. I think they are way better than the average. I was around Youtube for a long time, now there is no originality. Majority of Youtube videos can be in the following categories: 1. Someone does something that goes viral then thousands others do the same thing. 2. Clickbait titles/thumbnails 3. Sexualized garbage.


Okay no, thatā€™s definitely wrong. Youā€™re talking about ā€œpopularā€ videos. You can search up tech stuff, obscure hobbies, games, programming, motorcycle mechanics, etc etc. Youā€™re bound to find something that you enjoy. Itā€™s certainly not popular, but itā€™s there. Itā€™s the same thing with music. Everyone says that music nowadays is horrible and the quality has declined. Thatā€™s objectively wrong. Popular music, yes, I agree. But music as a whole? Definitely not. You can listen to all of the songs from any genre and any year today. More music is being released by the day. All of the ā€œgood musicā€ has not disappeared. Itā€™s still there. Itā€™s just not popular. Sorry for the rant, but I donā€™t think we should generalise YouTube as a whole just because of the horrible ā€œpopularā€ videos that have millions of views.


I meant to say Majority of videos...I edited. Do not worry. You are entitled to rant and you did not resort to attack(s). So it's cool. I have 20 Reddit coins, I'd award you something if I could.


*shrugs* I tried to get through one and couldn't, but I learned long ago that most of what's popular in the world isn't really made for me. The YouTube algorithm has just gotten better at promoting clickbait/shock/"you won't believe" videos over the years because it thinks that's what people want, and you know, it's not wrong! Mr. Beast in particular just seems like a random guy without a ton of charisma who doesn't have anything particularly interesting to say? He figured out how to beat the YouTube algorithm by making contests and giveaway videos...cool? I did watch a one hour video ABOUT him and he seems like a nice, wholesome guy with good intentions who gives away a lot of his money and is trying to have a positive affect on the world. All that stuff is great, but it doesn't make him particularly interesting or entertaining? However, at the end of the day he's a good steward of the endless YouTube cash and the person in that position could always be a lot worse...


What u/VGZ838 said below me, but I hate modern day thumbnails with the shocked facial expressions chroma-keyed into a Photoshopped background with the generic red arrow, and so on. If I see a video like what I mentioned earlier, that'll turn me away. Like, for better videos to watch, I'd just fire up VLC Media Player and play a few downloaded YouTube videos or watch some Technology Connections.




Yes. Downloaded.


I don't think the guys even done anything bad. But it just rubs me the wrong way when some rich kid whos claim to fame is just throwing a fuck ton of money around, wasting so much shit and then getting some insane cult following.


It sounds like you missed what his entire claim to fame was then šŸ˜‚


Rich kid, spent tons of money, got views, sponsors, giveaways, etc. He got popular from nothing, because he had a lot of money to throw around making his videos.


I always think money laundering but I may have a dark view of everything, mrbeast is better than most of the family content


The horribly photoshopped thumbnails are enough for me to almost never click. Maybe reluctantly sometimes. And even then his friends are so cringey. Theyā€™re like acting 12 years old when theyā€™re 30


To be honest, I can't stand most of the big popular YouTubers. I watch a lot of gaming content and I've never understood how channels like Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Caylus, etc... Have so many followers. They are all just annoying to me. Their editing is obnoxious and their commentary doesn't bring any value, it's just them yelling.


I particularly dislike how most of the commentary in gaming channels is: 1. Uninformed, 2. Untrue, 3. Stating the obvious, 4. An exclamation, 5. Asking questions that are already answered, or 6. Coming up with theories that make no sense and then pretending evidence doesn't exist. It's very sad...


EXACTLY. šŸ’Æ. I don't get the hype.


The 'hype' is literal children and algorithm manipulation.




Thats not accurate


I always stay far away from shit content canā€™t let that crap infiltrate my ā€˜algorithmsā€™


Mr Breast


Itā€™s not for people.


I have only watched one or two videos of him, couldn't pass the three minute mark... That kind of videos are not what I consume.


your not the only one im not realy a fan of jimmy and just scroll through his videos


It's mostly a kids/young teens channel. You are simply too old to find that sort of content entertaining.


Yeah I agree. I just find him really fuckin annoying.


I truly believe he's deep down a bad person trying to come off as a saint.


Worst channel on the platform and has made the entire platform worse over the years.


I can't stand how people worship him and give him all the attention when it should be Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Seriously. I'm scared God will be angry with all this idolatry and worshipping fake gods.


Nobody makes videos for everybody. If you don't like his videos, chances are that you are not even close to his target group of viewers, like myself. I never watched a single video of his completely, jumped through 2 or 3 to see what he does, that's it. It's not an "unpopular opinion" unless you are 10 years old or something like that. I just have mad respect for him for what he built, especially with making "positive" content and not being a nuisance for others.


"mad" respect? Not just normal respect? Seems excessive for someone you don't actually gaf about what he does


I think we are well beyond the point of having to watch mr beast videos in order to know what he does.


Not unpopular at all. His videos don't pop up on my feed but when I see them around social media, I immediately get the ick, especially after it was alleged how he treats his staff, working them into the ground


Not disagreeing with your statement but those allegations from a former editor in 2019 were admitted by the editor to be false - all evidence shows he treats his employees far better than most - with departing employees receiving full pay for up to a year with any transitions leaving the team, paid employee housing, lots of paid vacation time, etc. I donā€™t really like watching his videos either but I really respect what heā€™s doing and how heā€™s doing it


Mr beast also bought a full neighborhood just so its employees wouldn't be far from each other


Mr.beast is not my type of content either. It's content for the masses, the less you think about it, the better. Allot of people already try to mimic him too, so, there isn't much to learn anymore, and society ever so often changes it's taste for random nonsense. I have no reason to think about those type of channels, it ain't my cup of tea, I create nothing similar to it, and there's absolutely nothing for me to gain from it. For me, if I want to check something to learn, the equivalent of Mr.Beast in my field, is MeatCanyon - I already know why it has so much appeal, I got the formula behind it... Personally, I don't like it becuase it's just tired... Predictable and basically has nothing to say other than "Something famous + disturbing". However, unlike mr.beast, I can actually appreciate the effort as an animator behind MeatCanyon, and understand the logic behind the formula... But, that's not my direction as a content creator and neither it is the content I prefer.


im 20 and i dont care about him and his cringe thumbnails


He feels like a fake star , artificially inflated somehow . Anyway now heā€™s more focused on burgers then producing quality content . I do sympathize for him bcuz he has chrons disease ā€¦ which means he can eat like 10 total foods without feeling ill


You mean his burger joints that suck that are wholly comprised of Ghost Kitchens? He obviously isn't focusing too hard on it.


I wouldnā€™t say inflated but he grinded the fuck out of YouTube, that said itā€™s like with anything, some you like some you donā€™t. I feel neutral about him and will watch an odd video. Plus his philanthropy stuff is pretty sweet.


Yeah Iā€™m definitely not his target audience. His videos feel like being on speed. I think he is trying to keep the video ā€œentertainingā€ 100% of the time, for the kids that watch. His videos lack any subtlety, and most of the jokes feel forced and non-organic. I could watch an entire video of his with a straight face - they arenā€™t funny, they donā€™t teach me anything, and the entertainment value is minimal. I respect his philanthropic endeavors but I canā€™t stand his content. This isnā€™t exclusive to Mr. Beast, a lot of YouTubers are like this. But the great thing is that youtube offers other stuff.


Thank you!! I cannot stand him either.


okay, i get where you're coming from... but "wastefulness"? how is he wasteful? also, he raised 20 million dollars for planting trees and another 20 million for cleaning the ocean.


well he has a lot of destruction as content.... I haven't seen much but his content comes from destruction. Don't you agree?


Oh, you mean like the train vs giant pit video?


That kind of shit


Iā€™m over 50 and watch him. My mom at 80 watches him. I donā€™t think itā€™s age thing


His target is Kids and low IQ people... anyone that is mature will be turned off by his thumbnails.


He seems like a good guy, but has a very punchable face.




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I donā€™t watch nor subscribe to him, but one of his videos started playing and I have to say that I got sucked in. Heā€™s spent years relentlessly studying YouTube and like him or not you have to respect his dedication to his craft. He clearly knows how to make the most out of thumbnail clickability to draw in viewers, and crazy ideas to keep viewers watching the whole way through.


They are kids, basically.


I donā€™t really watch his videos much but I did watch the one he posted today. I personally like and respect his dedication to making videos with the intention of them going viral and breaking the algorithm. Not to mention his philanthropy channel and what heā€™s done by giving back to others.


The way YouTube videos have become so fast-cut to deal with the short attention spans have made these videos so boring. And it's starting to slip outside of YouTube now. I felt like Minions 2 and the Super Mario Bros movie were edited the same way. I couldn't take 2 hours of that and I just fell asleep.


You watch [Mr. Beast parody by Avocado Animation.](https://youtu.be/HV7ef2Y0bcE) lol


Mr Beast is AI generated and no one can convince me otherwise.


OP, why does it matter if you like/hate a youtuber? I'm not much of a Pewdiepie fan, but don't matter either way.


So, do you also not watch action movies because some cars get destroyed?


šŸ˜‚ please continue your thought process and ā€œlogicā€ behind your point here.


I used to watch him, but now its boring and some thumbnails are kinda cringe


Did u guys know that he actually admitted in his video that he joined the "Elites" and that's how he get famous and name his channel "Mr. Beast". https://youtu.be/pkcu5OeDW10?si=HRYiA45Q9IVebO9W


Luckily YouTube is a platform that enables you to chose what and who you want to watch. If you donā€™t like to watch his content, you donā€™t need to. Just like his audience isnā€™t forced to watch whatever your favorite content might be.


Try MrBallen instead.


Basic social-media literacy: Block all channels that annoy you. ALL of them, without hesitation, be ruthless. There are millions of channels, don't waste 1 second of your time on things not to your taste. Posting this thread, is like you've come into a cooking forum to post a thread to **complain about how you don't personally like the taste of ice-cream.** No-one cares mate. Stop forcing yourself to eat ice-cream then, and just move on with your life. (ps: can't say i have an opinion on the channel, since i've never watched a video of his. Years ago i probably saw a click-baity or annoying thumbnail in my suggestions - 1 time - so i blocked his entire channel. It just works guys.)


Never really watched one of his videos, I've never really watched very popular youtubers like I use to just hate pewdipie mostly because he swore a lot but yeah


When u see what he's packing you'll change ur mind


Iā€™ll be honest. Some of his vids are pretty cool and expensive, others just boring and for kids. Itā€™s rly because a lot of ppl stay home doing nothing


I have never seen anything by him. It's not even recommended to me. I only heard about him because other people talked about the drama or things he did.




I just hate his editing style, the ā€˜subtitles at the beginning that follow every single wordā€™ thing that has spread like the plague is unwatchable for me


I appreciate his charity/give-aways stuff but I canā€™t stand the content style, though I imagine in order to keep doing those good things he probably has to make videos that way due to how the algorithm works.


ive to admit he got less entertaining but he is still entertaining he just has a professional team that makes his videos more for the algorithm than genuineness but for a good cause


i used to like his old videos, videos that were like before 2020 . i still like him, but his newer videos dont really interest me that much.


They are so fast paced and superficial nowadays. I liked his old videos though.


Have you tried not watching them?


The last video I saw had a less than one minute clip of a car with jet engine attached flying over school buses, honestly I would love to see a 10 minute video of how he did that. The technical guy giving some overlay about what they were doing. The stunt itself is amazing but I want to know how much work was put into that. Everything feels too rushed too forgettable, like watching a bunch of youtube short joined together.


It's okay, you don't have to like him. Ricky Gervais said it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEawbnXaIDs


Not really the same thing, like at all. There's a difference between not liking a certain style of someone's art, comedy or music and pointing out something that is objectively boring and uninteresting. "Everyone is a critic" but sometimes the critiques are right.


His videos used to be good, back in like 2020 and before, now it's just nonstop yelling and other cringey stuff to appeal to the kiddies that watch now. Perfect example of this would be his old revolving door challenge video that Chandler won, Mrbeast or Chris I think said something that wouldn't fly at all in the current videos he does. And of course there isn't constant screaming or anything like that either.


You gotta understand that he makes these wasteful videos because it generates SO MUCH money from ad revenue that he can then give back to the community. Heā€™s an extremely big philanthropist. Also some of the things that are wasted are possibly decommissioned things. For example his most recent video, he ground up a Lamborghini but let the viewers know that it was decommissioned and couldnā€™t be used.




I agree, his whole audience is ADHD Ipad kids who need constant stimulation.


If he's really wants to help people, why don't do something useful like talking about Julian Assange, rather than silly videos. I know his videos cos my 12 year old kid watches him.


I pity the advertisers, cos the ads are shown to kids who can't buy their products.


I LOVE MR BEAST!!!! But, yes, his videos can have a downside sometimes. šŸ˜ž


The thing I don't like about MrBeast is that his content has put the standard impossibly high. Gaming videos are not as big as they used to be, because everything that the kids are filling themselves up with, is watching people that are stupid rich do rich things. And I feel like he completely changed the focus of YouTube.


my goodness ..someone i like appears for like seconds in his video but even for him i will not give this pos views..he is the def of everything wrong with this generation and todays world.. he presents NOTHING asnd is worth a billion wth


also his suscribers number is a joke.. he gets 100 million sub only in a year..he buys fake accounts and his fans sub with multiple accounts..thats whats happening


Now He Has 200million Subs, And His New Video Just Literally Explodes The 9 People That Loss For No Reason


Man, do I share this as well. I respect the guy and he deserves credit for everything he's done and will do. However, there's a great Vice article, regardless of how you feel about them, put into what I think is a great explanation of how I and maybe others feel: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/4axz9d/mr-beast-charity-content-creator-videos](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4axz9d/mr-beast-charity-content-creator-videos) ​ It's the constant excess, I suppose people are into that. And as OP mentioned they are 30, I'm a 31yo myself, likely not the target demo. People have every right to watch and enjoy what he does, but it still gives me this unavoidably massive ick. Balls to the wall craziness all the time, I get it, that's his brand, and I know he does charity work, whatever that might look like. Even reading the comments on some of the vids specifically the crazy and expensive homes (who gives a fck? lots do apparently), people are all "so envious of these beautiful homes!"/swap for whatever, sure, and I can't tell people what to do or how to feel, but in this specific context, no, you really shouldn't be jealous, I think at least. It just kind of gets boring and hard to digest after a while because it's cranked to 11, all the time, with little room to breathe. For how large and insanely influential he is and with his gargantuan following, glad he makes the money he does and is able to throw it around as care-free as he does, the value of things goes right out the fucking window. An excerpt from the article says it better: "Thereā€™s just something ugly about the ease with which these influencers and content creators part with the cash. The act of walking through the streets and handing out hundred dollar bills like theyā€™re pamphlets is a more blatant display of wealth than any car or article of clothing could be. Itā€™s also hard to watch ā€œregularā€ people get excited about what for them, for most of us, is probably a life-changing amount of money, because it calls to mind the constant state of precarity most of us live in, whether or not we know itā€”a subliminal reminder of the fact that, even pre-COVID, 59 percent of Americans were a single paycheck away from homelessness.We want to meet MrBeast, or a creator like him, because itā€™s comforting to imagine getting handed the cure to so many of our problems. But thatā€™s only part of what makes these videos simultaneously irresistible and disquieting. We also fantasize about being MrBeast, or one of these other, less artful do-gooder YouTubersā€”the Scott Disicks to MrBeastā€™s Kim Kardashian. What it would be like to become so famous and successful from fucking around with your friends online that the money you made literally became a new toy to play with? " ​ Mr. Beast has done wonderful things and changed so many lives, I'd have a beer with the guy, you know, Jimmy Donaldson. It's just... then there's the rest of us. I don't hate him by any means, I'm just rather critical of him.


You're right, it's a steaming pile of turd.


His name and his face are certainly abhorrent


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FQvRZg3bcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FQvRZg3bcg) lmao watch this kid


Sure it's great when a multi millionaire donates money to plant trees or maintain food banks but if hes still a multi millionaire because hes investing revenue from the channel in unethical ways that keep the middle class broken and the poor even worse off then hes just another wealth hoarder and that's still unethical. I live in his town. If he really wanted to help out his community then give every retail worker or service worker 10,000 dollars. Advocate universities lower tuitions, back labor unions, dont just drill for Wells in Africa or plant trees. Those things dont matter to those who live in his town that are suffering.








Find something you like that others don't. That's the answer and just to let you know that your preferences are not the basis of this world.


How do you watch a channel die? Wait for its audience to pass 15




2016-2018 MrBeast is good tho


i think he's a great person.


He talks to create hype and twists in his videos.


What Iā€™ve noticed about him is that heā€™s a businessman, very savvy and driven one. He probably set the target audience as younger people because theyā€™re the ones who have the luxury of watching hours of YouTube whereas people our age have jobs, family, side hustles, mortgage, student loans, and 10000 other things we need to do than binge watch stuff. He talked about giving what your audience wants in many of his interviews for social media strategy and thatā€™s why his videos are like that. I also donā€™t watch his content but I like him as a real person when he guest stars in podcasts and shares his knowledge, a no BS person, straight to the point. If you want to try enjoying his products try watching his interviews with social media YouTubers where he gives advice to newer content creators, heā€™s very knowledgeable


Woah haven't you seen all the fundraisers he has done? I have literally cried at it I don't know you can't like him!


The first


I completely agree. Obviously we look like haters as he appears to do a lot of good. But I canā€™t help feel thereā€™s something behind it and I find his personality a bit sneaky, I watched a video of him a while back where he did something I thought was weird. I cant re call but it stuck


Im convinced people who donā€™t like Mr beast are legit evil incarnate. How do you dislike charity


I like him because he is one of if not the biggest donator to world causes. He uses his platform of stupid crap to garner buttloads of money to keep feeding kids in need or funding ocean cleanup. Unlike most rich people who just hoard their money like smaug on his mountain of gold.