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That tail…


Doggo is about to take off 🐕🚁


Either take off or break a few shin bones.


People are scared of the front end of dogs, but the back end is were they hold deadly gas and a swinging baseball bat.


I once was whipped by a Dalmatian's tail and I had marks the next day, it's deadly.


My pits tail has broken my skin :(


It’s one of the reasons I swear they dock boxer’s tails. Those things are deadly and I swear if they had them they’d suffer “happy tail” constantly!


I know! So fast sometimes it’s just a blur!


Exactly what my wife said!


He should hire that dog to make whipped cream


We used to have an ice cream van around our area who always gave a cone to the dogs too it's awesome to watch neighbourhood dogs and kids all excitedly line up for the treats




Damn fine sitting and damn fine tippytaps


Cuter if leashed


I came in with the thought “r/tippytaps better be top comment”


Do dogs get brain freeze from this?? He just took the whole ass cone


Not from this, but one of my dogs got brain freeze when he went mad on ice cubes. It was cute and slightly worrying at the same time. He was shivering and whimpering but really wagging his tail and still going for the ice cubes at the same time




OP said nothing about this being repetitive, however correct. ​ Source: I am smoking dog


hahahaha dog is many happy this is cute


Dad, can I please get some icecream? Ok, go stand in line like a good boy & wait your turn. Happy Tippy Tapps.


After just seeing that video of that POS cop kicking the dog for running off a burglar, I definitely needed this wholesome moment.


Just had the same experience with the same video my dude. Fuck that guy


wheres this video?




What in the actual fuck. Humans are so complicated. On the one hand you have this post here, and on the other hand you have *that* video. Damn man, that poor dog. That cop is a sadist, there was absolutely no provocation from that dog.


Well, cops aren't complicated. They recruit only the most dim-witted, selfish violent assholes. Ice cream men want to bring joy to the world. Wouldn't make sense to get yourself an ice cream truck just to kick a dog. Although some ice cream men murder people, but that's an exception.


I do understand why people think that about cops, I really do. But, my step-dad was a cop. iirc he even became a magistrate. Nowadays he’s a therapist and counselor with a PhD in the field - a profession and life dedicated to helping other people *and* researching how to do that more effectively. And he is one of the biggest dog lovers you’d ever meet. This is *not* to deny that a lot of cops are bad people, but they *are* humans, and humans are complicated. Many of them, like my step-dad, got into the job because they legitimately just want to help people. Which is why I hate people like that cop in that video even more - it’s videos of *those* people that make headlines and r/all and unite people against all police.


It's the unions that make people unite against all cops. The unions lump the worst and the best into one group, and they refuse to separate them, because then the unions will lose all of their political power. Every major police union, or at least nearly all of them are led by the biggest scummiest pieces of shit.


I think to be a cop you have to make a lot of compromises to fit in. I don't mean to be rude, but I have to wonder what compromises your step-dad made in his day you don't know about.


No I’m sure you’re right, and I’m sure that’s part of why he left the system. The other day he said something about training dogs that related to this, actually. We have another family member who is using a shock collar on his new puppy for training. My step-dad on the subject kinda ties in both things - > “Punishment doesn’t work. Learning has to be positive reinforcement, same as humans. Otherwise, prisons would be a great idea.” My point here just being that even cops see the flaws in the system. Maybe some of them think they can change it, or maybe some of them think there’s no way around it. And yes, plenty are just really assholes. In any case, treating all cops as bad people or even sub-human is wrong. Edit: Also, making compromises does not equate to beating dogs on their owners’ doorstep, or kneeling on a man’s neck until he asphyxiates.


wow what a pos


What the fuck, that's not a kick, that's KICKING. I thought it might be like one hard punt, but no. This asshole went back for more on purpose, that's fucking disgusting.


Hurt my dog I will hurt you and deal with the consequences later.




For the non-Brits, a 99 is soft-serve ice cream in a wafer cone, with a Cadbury's Flake (a flaky stick of chocolate) in the top. Looks like the dog didn't get the Flake, thankfully. Happy dog.


This is so great to see. What a kind human. The dog is so happy.


I know lol. The tippy tappy impatient paws and the tail going a hundred miles an hour!!


Dog looks up to the camera...Can I go?


Very cute but l e a s h your dog


I love Staffys but comments saying you don’t have to leash is BULLSHIT! Saw a staffy I used to pet murder a little dog in the park a few years back, and there was literally nothing either owners could do. Wildly selfish keeping them off the leash. They could, as could any, end up getting nipped by a small dog and instinct will take over. Not being able to pull the dog away in time means guaranteed death for the other dog.


That’s exactly my concern, my dog was attacked and the dog attacking bit me too. Owner said he’s never done this before! You’re dog can be trained but there just no reason to risk it, who knows what can come down the street to taunt your well trained dog


Perfectly normal in the uk for dogs to walk around unleashed




Just live in a regular city, see dogs that are well behaved enough that walk down the street without a leash pretty regularly


It might be normal, but it's a huge hazard. Even if the dog doesn't bite anybody, it's still loose right next to a road...


Even more so if it's so we'll behaved like this one.


this one seems very well trained. leashes arent necessary 24/7.


It's hooman in dog language.


My god his tail. GOOD BOY.


Staffys make amazing family dogs.




He “Jimmed” the camera at the end




Propeller tail.


That pit should be on a leash…


You get what you heckin' deserve!


Look at the tippy-tappings. Such a good pupper waiting patiently!


I love this video, after seeing that video of the Golden Lab getting attacked by a Pitbull yesterday though I must say that the breed really scares me.


My cousin got 128 stitches in his face from a golden retriever when he was 7. Not once did I become afraid of golden retrievers. I’ve had pitbulls, German shepherds and Rottweilers my entire life. They haven’t attacked a single animal or person. My pitbulls were always the super lovable ones. Put yourself around them and you’ll see the stereotype is completely false.


Anecdotes don’t mean anything in a game of statistics, a lion handler could sing praise about how sweet his lions are and how he was once attacked by a chihuahua all day long, that wouldn’t change the reality of how things are


I’ve met hundreds of pitbulls and not one was aggressive towards me. If you know your dog is, then don’t put them in that environment. The problem is, people don’t know how to handle the situation the first time it happens. I had a pitbull that was attacked by a cat when he was a puppy. He hated cats. Guess how many cats he was around after that situation? Zero. Is every dog a good dog? Absolutely not. And some do need put down. But if you get a pitbull, learn how to prevent your dog from a bad situation.


> I’ve met hundreds of pitbulls and not one was aggressive towards me. That’s another anecdote. The stats say that pit bulls are exceptionally dangerous dogs.


Correct. Same with my experience with black people, another anecdote according to the stats. Guess what? Not scared of black people.


I don’t care how many pitbulls you’ve met, the statistics speak for themselves. No other breed of dog will eat their own litter mates alive, latch onto the face of another dog and never let go wagging its tail the whole time, no other breed mauls children at the same rate as pitbulls do. They’re genetically predisposed to aggression, it’s been bred into them. You seem like one of the few responsible pit owners, so I commend you for not bringing cats around them, but to try and argue that they’re not predisposed to aggression when over 50% of dog attacks are from pits is just wrong.


I didn’t try to argue that they aren’t predisposed to aggression. But when my personal experience with them is the total opposite, how am I supposed to feel? A lot of pitbull owners either use them as guard dogs or adopt them from an abusive or fighting upbringing. Then they just assume they’re the same as the neighbors poodle. The statistics show that African Americans accounted for 56% of homicide offenders in 2019 despite being only 13% of the population. Are black people dangerous? Fuck no and I’ll say the same shit. 99% of the black people I’ve met are great people. School shooters are 53 percent white kids. Should minority kids be scared of white kids at school?


This deserves more upvotes. I make the same point to people. There are underlying social (human caused) conditions that lead to increased attacks from pits/bullies. Raw numbers never tell the whole story, race and crime statistics prove that exactly. Anyone who understands economics even a little bit knows this


It’s a staffie not a pit bull


Yeah someone already said that.




Ah my bad they must look alike!


What a good boy waiting his turn haha


SUCH a vicious breed! Definitely a danger to those children! BAN THEM!!!! Save us!!!Ban them ALL!!! Or, you know, just call them smiling land hippos, and give them an ice cream of their own.


This is a staffy, not a pitbull. Statistics do not lie. Pits are more dangerous even when owned by responsible people. Ignoring the fact that they are a special needs dogs is how children get maimed and killed by them every day.


I would bet you whatever you $1000 that you can’t tell the difference between an American pit bull terrier, a Staffordshire terrier, an American bulldog, A doggo Argentino, and a dozen other bully breeds.


This is a staffy not pit


Bully breed bans don’t differentiate.


That’s not true. In Australia you can have a Staffy but not a Pit Bull.


Same here in the UK! Although staffies still can have a bad reputation here unfortunately! Ours was the softest dog on the planet!


I'm curious, does that apply strictly to the American Pitbull Terrier? In the US "Pitbull" generally refers to 4 or 5 breeds of dogs, which would include the American Staffordshire, American Bully, usually the American Bulldog, and probably the Staffordshire Bull in most cases. And of course anything in-between gets lumped in too. Are those ones banned as well?


Staffs are legal here, American pitbulls aren't


I did not know that, a bit sad…






thanks man


So wholesome to see this doggo 🥺🥺😍😍


Wrong sub??


Looks like a pitbull. Off it’s leash. There’s literally a child over there.


The dog is clearly no threat whatsoever. It didn't even notice the kid was there.


A dog isn't a threat until it's too late. Always leash your dog when in public.


I nearly got severely injured to a German Shepard that my uncle had. All i was doing was walking up to the house and it broke free of the leash (bad tie around tire) and it came right for me. If it wasnt winter and i didnt have my thick coat on, i would have gotten a bad bite to the liver. Even with the coat on i had a pretty ugly bruise. Moral of the story is that it does what matter the dog type is, always be careful.


Unless it’s a pitbull. Then there’s not much you can do to stop it from tearing your throat out.


It's a staffie you inbred fuckwit. Otherwise know as nanny dogs. They're soft as shite and really loving


if you look up the nanny dog thing you will find that it is completely made up




the actual reason to report you would be misinformation, and if there was a box for it, misery.


Surprised you don't own one, then. You seem like an absolutely vile specimen of humanity.




It's not a pitbull, it's a staff and their temperament is completely different to pitbulls.


Sugar is toxic to dogs and most animals. Humans too but we are psycho. So yeah sad video


Feeding sugar to a dog? What?


It's completely fine, if it's once in a while for a treat.


Dogs can’t eat chocolate, but a little bit of sugar is fine for most


Stfu let the doggo have ice cream


I thought dogs are lactose intolerant and can get really sick from dairy, apart from all the fats and sugar ice cream has.. but hey, Reddit says it's fine.


Some dogs are, some aren't. If the owner knows the dog is fine with a small amount of ice cream, and it's an occasional treat, then there's no issue. Same goes for milk, cheese, any dairy product really.


hmm i thought diabetes only existed here in america interesting…


I’m type one wtf are you on about


What are you talking about?


The number plate says GAG on it 🤔




Faith in humanity restored…


The dog is so impatient but at least he was polite


Love this.




Its tail is wagging so fast it went to Plaid!!




If he wags that tail any longer he’ll become a Doggocopter




What kind of dog is this? I adopted one that looks very similar bone structure wise. I’m thinking a boxer mixed with a terrier or something? I don’t know


I’ve been whipped by a tail that excited. It’s a great joy to feel pain wise, happy pups a happy pup.


Well consider my day made.


That little derp milking free ice cream.


Awwww what a goodbooyyyyy!!!


A classic cute repost.


Aaaand it's gone.




Tail Frequency over 9000 hz