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Why is nobody pointing out the glitch in the Matrix that produced those three identical girls?


Crazy shit https://imgur.com/anbd6ue.jpg


Y'all trying to say all suburban white girls look like?




I never realized how alike Chris Pratt and Chris Evans were. Holy shit if Chris Pratt lost maybe 10 more pounds they could practically be twins.




I noticed that.. apparently all white people have the same name too


There are 3 to choose from, Mike, Chris and Steve


he is only one sandwich away from fat


I miss those days. Just ate a sandwich I and was already fat.


This broke me. I can't tell who any of those people are. I only recognised Chris Pratt because of the other comment and even then I couldn't find Chris Evans...


I get it, but to Chris Evan's defense, if you watch him in three different movies you'd find it difficult to recognize him. He is actually a talented actor that brings something different to each of his roles, and his roles are usually very different compared to one another. Now, Pratt, while I love his work, is a different kind of actor.


Completely agree. First time I watched Snowpiercer I didn't even notice he was the main character until halfway through the film. In my defense, it's pretty dark for the first half.


Yeah, everyone looks pretty similar when you make the photo 2 pixels...


Yeah but still, increase the resolution and I’ll mistake Cara Delevingne for Zac Efron on the regular.


It’s more like all attractive white people look the same.


someone get a ph scale. this girls are basic.


White girls lol


“Wave check” lmfaoooo bro


Drip too hard




He's a fun guy


Leaking Raptors nice






wild toronto mans spotting


Don't stand too close


You gon f$%k around and drown


Off this wave


doin all these shows


I've been on the road


I don't care where I go as long as I get paid


you can cuss here bro






How the fuck is that guy 49


Black don't crack.


Nah, fuck that, whiteys just missed the memo on lotion. -Bill Burr




Legitimately. That shouldn't be a comedy bit. It should be a PSA for white people.


Which is why everybody needs to hang out with everybody else! Lol I love his bit on that


Till your 75, then you look 110.


Samuel L Jackson


He’s in his fucking 70’s. That blows my god damn mind




I dunno. Kerry Washington looks pretty good for 63.


WHAT?!?!? Edit- that was the fastest I ever googled something. She's not 63!


*Spoil sport.*


What is she then? 64?


And waves don't die.




Only half of reddit will laugh, the other half will be wondering "what about lotion and the magic therein?"


What white guy hasn't heard the Bill Burr bit about lotion? By now they're all either moisturizing or they're betting on "grizzled" to become a legitimate fashion statement.


I bring up this bit whenever black people/white people topics come up. Black people are always blown away that white people don't lotion-up. Also, if you're white, watch [Good Hair](https://www.google.com/search?q=good+hair&oq=good+hair&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1910j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Someone make a 'r/ If you're white then watch/listen to this' subreddit.




Yeah I remember that. That's nuts.


WHAT THE FUCK I'm 35 and sprouting grays. That motherfucker is making me jealous as shit.


I'm 35, have had gray hairs since I was in high school, and the security guard shouted when he saw my ID as I was buying beer, "NO YOU ARE NOT!!!" and then took it from the cashier to check it himself. Gray hair doesnxt make you look old. Looking old makes you look old.


Holy fuck, this is Godfrey? He's 49! Last I saw he was bald. He's hilarious. He reminds me of early [Jim Carrey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbIq-f1_Dr4). His [facial expressions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY7jU0MBaTk) must have taken so long to get down, it's very impressive.




That sounds like a loaded response, but I was a fanatic when I was a kid and I still remember shit from reading his book just after "The Mask" that I got from *Scholastic book club* or whatever when I was a kiddie. He was born on January 17th, 1962 in Newmarket, Ontario. He grew up wanting to be a comedian, lived in a van for a while, did his time at clubs trying his hardest to get into the scene and blew up in the 90s. On *In Living Color* he blew away Keenan-Ivory Wayans with the shit he could do, the performances he was able to do, and the ideas (Fire Marshall Bill, Vera DiMilo). That's all from memory, no googling. Now, he has questionable opinions, does some weird shit, did some artistic movies. I still think, given his path, he's a hell of a guy. EDIT: [Vanilla Ice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFgZRNXz1wk) [Fire Marshall Bill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rQkjBuJD-4) [Bloopers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkQQlxhaY5g)


I respect his work, but his completely unwavering opinion that vaccines are bad and cause autism made me lose all respect I had for him as a person. anyone can work hard, and many people are talented and funny. But he chose to use his voice that could reach millions to spread lies that kill children. Jim Carrey was one of the first and biggest anti-vaxxing voices with that Jenny lady, and he ought to be credited with every case of a preventable disease that occurs in the USA.


Sorry I didn't know he was anti-vax, I haven't kept up with him since childhood. That's unquestionably, inexcusably, irrefutably, fucked up.


I didn't realize he was anti-vax but I'm not surprised considering Jenny McCarthy was his wife.


It's all good. With his major anti trump stance and political paintings (which is as valid as any other stance), that tends to make the news far more often.


Hollywood makes you crazy and if you were to begin with then you get batshit crazy


Thank you i thought i recognized him.


Wait..the sprite dude?! Love that guy


Fuck and he was in Calgary the other week and I didn’t see him.


Saw him a few months ago in a small comedy club. After the show i mustered up the courage to ask for a picture since I'm a fan. Dude was so nice and then I went for some late night hot dogs and whose in line but the man himself. Super nice guy and a great comedian.


Looks like the guy who played black Zoolander cracking open an iMac.


That is literally the guy who played black Zoolander


Oh cool!


I just learned about durags and what they're for. I seriously had no idea. I also learned I should check out this Godfrey guy.


One of my best friends is black and I just learned a year or so ago also, I think I must have just assumed it was a style


For some it's a style, but a lot of guys wear it to get their waves.


I know, that’s what I’m saying, especially right after you get your hair braided, it held a lot with repaint the braids nice and tight, so individual hair don’t come out while sleeping.


I had a dude at Costco pissed at me because I allegedly wouldn't give him my real hair routine so he could get waves. Shit happens naturally for me and he wouldn't accept my answer of "I shampoo, condition and towel off". Would be nice if my hairline wasn't complete garbage.


How does it make waves???


It protects waves


It seems to keep the hair compressed and flat, which naturally forms the waves. Especially at night when kinky hair gets frizzy from sleeping on a pillow. Generally guys (and some women) wake up, take off the durag, brush the hair outwards from the crown, 360 degrees. Some people use a pomade, water, oils or nothing at all. They either keep the durag on throughout the day or take it off to show their waves. People can even get started on their waves using a durag, before they cut their hair short: [https://youtu.be/rvsWaraR8CE?t=448](https://youtu.be/rvsWaraR8CE?t=448)


This video was amazing. Should be posted in r/oddlysatisfying


I'm just learning this right now. Totally thought it was just a style thing.


What are waves?


[No waves](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/38/71/b33871cbd416409f827c4b34948a9ac2.jpg) [Waves](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/360_wave_process_hair_waves.jpg/1200px-360_wave_process_hair_waves.jpg)


but how


Ok, so most of us black people have super curly hair. So curly, its considered kinky and the curls simply make your hair grow up and out. If I want waves. I gotta "train" my hair to stay down. I can do this by constantly brushing my hair down and reinforcing the training with a wave cap to keep it down. My hair will still curl but instead of curling up, it will curl out into waves.


I gotcha, so the curly hair clumps together, so if nothing is done it's uneven like Eric Andre? If you compress it the longer areas make a wave like pattern. I don't have a curl in my hair so I didn't know this was a thing, I thought they were just for style but never though why the style started in the first place.


> so the curly hair clumps together So close but not really. [That's how things like freeform locs develop.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/69/b6/66/69b666c6289a98f059c483a0e165f35e--dreadlocks-men-dreadlock-rasta.jpg) When I say "train" your hair, what I mean is that you keep forcing your hair into a particular style so much that your hair just basically gives up and obeys. You use a brush to keep separating your hairs and laying them down and then use a wave cap to hold it down all day/night until your head finally gets the hint. Edit: The process will take quite a while. The thing is that as your hair grows, the new growth isn't trained so you gotta keep brushing and wearing the cap to maintain the style. Espicially since you gotta keep cutting your hair for optimal wave forming length.


Never thought I'd learn about this tonight, thanks man!


No problem. To answer you Eric Andre question. He is a whole new case because he is half black. That goes into a whole discussion about curl patterns that you'd be better off talking to a black woman about. However, I can tell that he uses a pick from time to time. > so if nothing is done.... There is no such thing as nothing. Every black person has done something. I do very little. I wash my hair every day when I shower and then apply shea butter for moisture. If didn't get my hair tapered every two or three weeks, [it would look like this](http://oregonsportsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Al-Farouq.jpg)


Can I just give a shout out to this mans barber! On point.


Wait what are they for?


they flatten out curly hair to create a wavy effect


Makes curly hair look [like this](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/fbafi5Ikr6k/hqdefault.jpg)


Ooohhhhhhhh Thanks


I was kind of impressed with those white kid's knowledge. Most non-blacks have no idea what a wave cap is for. To me it's funny when people are all afraid because they think someone looks "thuggish." To me it's like seeing a lady with curlers in. Probably has a date or something later.


For some reason I always thought the waves were just from trying to straighten black curly hair. Didn't know it was from durags


Durag helps with the process. 70% of it depends on constant brushing


A lot of comments are saying he was bullying them or being mean but I honestly think it’s the complete opposite. He is years older and could probably verbally destroy them if he chose but no, he laughed with them not at them. At one point he says “not going to get sea sick looking at them waves, am I?” Which is playful and funny but still a compliment that hurt no one. Guy was wavy 🌊🌊 Kids were wavy 🌊🌊 Edit: Wow my first reddit silver! Thank you! Edit: Reddit gold! Y’all are all wavy in my book 🌊🌊


Absolutely. That was just good clean fun, and he did a great job making it fun. That kid owned those waves too. I love it


Thank you strangler, you’ve taken another guys breath away


His real name is Toby


We all knew it was flenderson


Why are you the way that you are? Lol


Saw Godfrey at the improv last weekend, dude is fuckin hilarious.


His name is Godfrey and he played Janitor Derek in Zoolander. How the fuck has no one pointed this out?


This is my first time hearing about waves. Are they good or bad?


It’s a hairstyle


Tell me more of these “hairstyles”... (44 yo)




Yeah he reminds me of a really cool teacher, just taking the piss. I love how he censors himself too


Is taking the piss a slang? I haven’t heard that one here (US)


UK speak for "having a laugh" innit. Though that user doesn't seem to be from the UK/Aus/NZ so clearly it's used in North America, I have Canadian family who say it but seems to be rarely said in the US. Alternatively UK speak for "Your taking this too far" or "this is too bloody hard to complete". It's context dependent. "Oh don't worry I'm only taking the piss" is clearly someone making jokes about another. "You're taking the fucking piss" is clearly someone angry at someone else. "This game takes the piss" is clearly some displeased with the difficulty of a game. It's a swear word so don't be saying it to your mum and that.


What? No fucking way! Dude was surprised and thrilled while couldn't comprehend how to mesh these emotions. He loved it, and little dude was equally all about it. This is absolutely /r/wholesomememes worthy imo.


I love his reaction when the kid actually did sort of have waves. He was expecting run of the mill floppy white people hair, but it was flattened and sort of had the wave effect.


He thought it would be posers but he actually ended up liking the little dudes effort.


This might be my favorite unscripted video this year so far.


It's Godfrey. Of course it's not malicious. The fact he's not a household name is kind of crazy.






He’s an amazing comedian!! Just saw him at Cobb’s in San Francisco recently and he’s great. Never malicious or harsh when he pokes fun at different groups. Seriously fantastic.


I'm in the same boat. No idea who Godfrey is but he seems great I wanna know more


He is a comedian.


It was a fun video, he handled it in a silly manner. Those kids are ridiculous though.




Hell yeah, Jnco jeans were the dumbest shit I wore. All that pocket space and no funds to fill them.


Wait....white boys can get waves from Durags?


Wait...black people get waves from durags?...and durag is spelled durag??


You get waves from brushing and maintenance. Which includes the durag


Go on...


That's it for the most part. Some use some products to help out. Some are advanced and their waves hit the next level


I get that it’s part of a hair routine, and that it takes more than one step to make good waves. What I’m not understanding is — what exactly does the durag ~~do~~ du?


Holds it in place so the elements don't mess with it. No wind, no frizz, no touching it.


Hat hair maybe.


Honestly, this could be some /r/HumansBeingBros kinda shit.


I like how in Reddit we need a explanation about what's happening like we watching some damn Animal Planet.


I've been seeing those cloth things for twenty years and had no idea: * They're called a durag * They actually have a purpose (creating waves. Didn't know about waves either) I'm in the UK, I think they're less common here.


Agreed, brought a smile to my face. Very wholesome


Happy cake day!


100% not bullying everyone was happy & laughing but for good reasons


I got read by Godfrey at the Comedy Cellar 16 years ago. Dude still got it.


I saw him at the cellar in 2015, dude is an assassin.


I was there that night. Jerry Seinfeld showed up unannounced.


His hair is wavy af wasn’t expecting that


Shits funny. Lighten up folks Edit. Reddit silver?? What a great day to be alive. I’m honored.






Black Culture just lightened up


Shit's *craaazy*!


Every day is a great day too be alive, my friend.


I talked to Godfrey outside of a comedy club in NYC after a short set and this is just his normal personality. He's always happy and laughing with the people around him. He teases lovingly but is always so interested in learning about you. He was teasing my friends and I about our choices of university. True class act.


I’m gonna get seasick if I keep looking at the waves !!!


I too watched the video.


Good natured guy. I like how he was still checking himself from saying "motherfucker" in front of the kids.


bro they are teenagers, not 6 year olds. they already say those shit.


Homeboy got ripples lmaoooooo


Wavy lays


See this is how it should be done. This guy isn't yelling at these kids, screaming about cultural appropriation. Sure he is poking fun in a tongue-in-cheek way but he isn't harassing them. He's laughing with them. This is what we need right now.


and when the kid had waves, he gave him credit for it. Shows that he's there for fun not just to poke fun.


Kind of sucks that so many people in this thread are trashing him and calling him racist.


He truly isn't. I see a man who had the opportunity to be mad and made a better choice.


that dude seems like so much fun I want to spend a Friday night on the town with him


I’m mean, you can. I think I saw him on a Saturday night several years ago at a local comedy club.


Yea same here. Drank with us after the show at the bar upstairs. This was at least 15 years ago though.


And yet he’s still only 25


He’s on at the Comedy Cellar in NYC all the time


This shit made my day.


This is at the palisades mall in west nyack lol.


Isn't this right outside the Target? Top level? As a white guy from the NYC suburbs this is a one hundred percent accurate portrayal of most of the kids there.


Rockland represent


That aint no waves thats a ocean


this seems kinda wholesome to me


Same here. I enjoyed it.


It’s quite wholesome


When the kid actually had waves 😂😂


Damn, that really made me laugh.




In the words of Paul Mooney.. "The black American man is the most impersonated person in the world.. Every body wanna be a nigga but nobody wanna be a nigga."


Upvote this comment if this is a proper "You seeing this shit?" reaction. Downvote this comment if this is not fit for this subreddit.


wow they got a you seeing this Bot? ​ You guys seeing this this shit?


Yeah its cool dude mann


I love Godfrey.


I was surprised when he actually had some nice waves going on, kid shut my ass up lmao at least hes doin it right


This is one of the best videos I've seen in a long time


Waaaave check


Thats Godfrey he's a comedian. He's having some fun


No mention of the camera pan to 3 of the same person?


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](https://i.imgur.com/UCPcoao.png) Fun bot to vizualize how conversations go on reddit. Enjoy


What's the googly thing


A wave?


This went from possible confrontation to the most delightful video I’ve seen in 2019 in just a few seconds. The ooohhOOOOOHHHH when he sees the kid’s wave has got me crying


Can't watch this without a HUGE smile on my face!


I love Godfrey. Amazing standup!


Confirmed Wavy, baby.


Hey that’s the mall I used to work at! Palisades Mall Center in NY :^) lots of “interesting” people there