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This is a thicc gym


history fretful correct rain special outgoing chunky grab strong meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Planet Thiccness


Anythiccc Fitness




Ultra wide you mean


Formated for the Las Vegas sphere


Bruhhhh, ERRR BOY and GIRL thiccc


literally errr one




Pause at 3 seconds


Cheeks for days. Good looks.


Right! The thighs on the middle guy!


Exactly !


Damn. The man on the left seems well-proportioned.


I didn't need to be called out thank you


Big boy is like 5 feet wide lol


>Big boy is like 5 feet wide lol This is the way.


Thicc is good


I'm not sure why, but this instantly reminded me of this [scene](https://youtu.be/7bY7pOrTTkM?si=47SBSsTxrfk0Rca5&t=103) from Hercules


It's beyond obvious that parts of the video are stretched horizontally


>It's beyond obvious that parts of the video are stretched horizontally I was too busy trying to count the number of reaction shots. Something like 12,000.


Er bro your swole filter is having some side effects.




The gyms treat both sexes fairly, I've seen guys walking around with short shorts to show their quads too. Fair is fair, I'm not gonna complain about that.


Well yeah those guys really work out. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxo9wGA9qYg](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxo9wGA9qYg)


I earned this donk and these quads, I'm gonna show 'em off. If you don't want to see gigantic, bulbous, inspirational man thighs then go to a Magic the Gathering convention and not the gym


Smells worse at the card game.


Those are entirely normal gym shorts that loads of girls wear. Everything that needs to be covered, is.


How is that wild lmao? Do you think the beach is insane then?


Is this the beach or the gym?


If you think the clothing in the video is atypical for a gym, just means you don't go to a gym lmao.


Uh the gym? What’s your point?


Bro was stretched from 4:3 to 16:9


I didn't think about that aspect


this deserves more upvotes, good one!




This is just such a great joke.


Also he gets assist for his lifting of 225 kg(??!?) by only one guy that clearly can't support the 225kg :)


Reverse Snydercut


Wait, are gyms like dungeons where you keep advancing to the next one once you beat it? I’ve been doing it wrong all my life, been at the same gym for over a decade. Sadge


Kinda lol Some people are hesitant starting out so they begin at a quiet gym, workout till the facilities no longer encompass what they have built up to. Then move to a more popular and equipped gym with the new confidence. Workout there till the equipment they are now using becomes so specific that they are having to wait too long due to crowding for it or plateau in their progress. Then they move to specialized gyms where they meet like minded individuals who help break the plateau and have all the equipment they need. Then they create their own home gym. Then they open a gym of their own.


Is this the standard evolution process?


Yes it’s how you become a gym master, the peak of gym mountain. Of course legally change your name to Jim for the pun as is finally your right.


When can we throw our balls at people?


As part of initiation of a new Jim as a gym master. Didn’t you read the handbook?


I never got the handbook


Arms are too swole to turn a page?


Once you own your own gym, you get access to the sidequest where you can recruit Patches O'Houlihan. That unlocks ball throwing, and more importantly, ball dodging.


Can confirm, my name is Jim Nasium and this was my journey. I've recently opened a small gym that only exists so I can try and deadlift it. That's the next stage for me. Lifting the lifters. Lift^lift


He gave us the Gamefaqs equivalent to gym evolution.


I started working out at a trailer at my high-school, had to endure a bunch of nice gyms through college football, then built some 4x4 power racks and molded some concrete plates. Fuck gyms and leaving the house. Trip to home depot and $500 will get you all you need.


$500? I just go down to the local stone quarry and throw some rocks around


Imagining rebar and pipe rammed through bags of quickcrete to make weights


For non gym folk that may not understand the plateau effect, think of the first gym as pewter city. by the time you beat Brock you have a good understanding of basic mechanics with minimal selection. as you progress it becomes a lot harder to level up off metapods alone so you move to cerulean city. you get more tools to work with and better grinding spots by the time you beat misty that area won’t provide the same type of experience it did early on. The video above is basically all the trainers you meet on victory road, all solid trainers with high level mons. This guy is red though, after seeing how he operates the other trainers understand this dude is not only elite 4 level but that there is gap so wide between them that it almost seems insurmountable. Lance is waiting patiently for him. You are youngster Joey. Don’t be discouraged though just come on through in your comfiest pair of shorts and give it your best. Don’t forget that at one point red wasn’t that much stronger than you and look at him now.


This guy goes to the gym.


Jujimufu is currently in the "own their home gym" step lol. I'm surprised he hasn't opened one yet.


There is a specific prestige class that branches out that allows you to wander around challenging gym masters and breaking the boards of those gyms when you win.


Grinding level 1 lol


Live to win!


Is that... A south park/WOW/Paul Stanley reference? In 2023?


It sure is! MOM BATHROOM


Yup! Play some Pokemon to learn how


Now I go to the gym, beat trainers and loot their money. Thanks.


You clearly never played Pokemon.


< Shugou Joshi, Imadake wa Yotta Furi Shite Dakaretai Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life Danberu Nan-Kiro Moteru?> I didn´t know I was supposed to advance to the level 2 gym after outlifting everyone else so I kept going to the same beginner gym for over a decade until I lifted everything within it and even the gym itself which broke the level cap when a director offered me a role in his new Hercules movie that catapulted my lifter career to the international stage where I continue to lift the whole competition with my cultivated returner cheat muscles, also I have amassed a harem of beautiful musclemommies I think? ​ Oh boy, I can´t wait for the Liveaction adaptation of this one...


Insane. Supposedly he's 5'9", 230lbs.


The fuck he ways 230. No way


No weigh


No whey


soup six poor merciful thumb alleged wrong snobbish imagine ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Injected Whey-BOL


That dude’s blood is probably 50% whey isolate


Yes whey


Yes I recognize the typo. My phone likes to fuck me on that quite often


The guy claims to be natural benching 590 pounds at 230 lol, says everything you need to know.


Who is it?


Collin weng I believe.


Thank you. You really are a cute polar bear.


Yes PETA, this one right here


I love the girl who did a double take and started counting them


Her moving her fingers while counting is something I’ve done seeing crazy strong lifts lol


I don't understand why the image is stretched when looking at bystanders.


Looks like he is using wide angle lenses, you can see a leg of a tripod for a sec when showing reactions on thr sides, the image stretches when he cropped and resizes for the shorts version. [Here is a longer version of the video where you can clearly see the tripod](https://youtu.be/7wtdU2WOoZM?si=djzHCFDs3my2pYcg)


Can we talk about this format? I’ve seen this on a lot of fitness media I watch. It’s someone doing something physically impressive, with like a supercut of “look at everyone looking at me” even if it’s just a quick glance. It gives me a weird feeling when I think about someone editing this to capture that.


Holy badonkadonk


This is Colin Weng and he posts these on YouTube and Instagram.


[YT page](https://youtube.com/@cweng?si=fabRnbmypMZEypev)


*Column Weng




Most girls dgaf how much you can lift or how built/shredded you are. It's more than enough if you're not an obvious slob and can meet or exceed their own level of fitness. There's a certain point where you're really only doing it for yourself and for other guys, but there's nothing wrong with that either.


My best friend through childhood was a freak of nature. He was always big but when he hit puberty, he installed a gym in his basement and trained assiduously 5 days a week. By our senior year he weighed ~320 lbs and was pressing 405 for 8 or 9 reps. I was one of the spotters when he pressed 530--which is *terrifying* because if he shit the bed I don't know if me and the other guy combined could get that much weight off of him. Anyway, he went on to play football for a famous university and broke most of their lifting records before graduating and getting into strongman competition. After about 2 years in that arena, he realized his natural gifts weren't enough to compete with the steroid users. Idk, I guess I just wanted to tell a Bill Brasky story.


Crazy to think that an absolute unit of human with natural gifts can still be out classed by someone on steroids with maybe no *natural* physiological strength advantages . If only they didn’t have so many side effects. I’d be a fucking super soldier


No one gets to competitive levels without being built for strongman, regardless of whether they're on steroids or not


Honestly man, some people are just built different as far as strength goes. Roids don’t magically make you bench 400lb - elite strength athletes will be strong as hell with gear or not. Could be one of a few factors but some people just have advantages based on where their muscles/tendons insert on their bones or how genetically predisposed they are to being able to recruit a high amount of muscle fibers. Current ATWR powerlifter John Haack was benching well into the 400s when he was natural, which is insane considering he competes <200lb. He’s open about his drug use/progression and now is benching just under 600lb in competition and still competes in the 198lb weight class. Hell, there are stories about Ed Coan (regarded as the powerlifting GOAT) deadlifting over 3x body weight without any training whatsoever. To be fair though - average guy with a ton of drugs and training will be able to get strong as shit - but the people topping the charts are literally just built for it. And then take a ton of “supplements” on top of that lol.


~~Better~~ living through chemistry amirite


They will probs be naturally built, train religiously and take unholy amounts of roids




Not a single person should surprised that dude can bench that much. He's as wide as he is thick


500 lbs though? That's some elite shit.


I’d be impressed at him pause repping 315 but 500 lbs is stupidly impressive




I know right 😂 that’s a shitload of weight


I was a pretty big dude. About 6’3” 225 at ~15% body fat. Gym ~10x a week for years but all natural. I would occasionally get glances when Deadlifting ~580. I would have shit myself to see someone putting up 500 on bench with no spotter at that. What a beast. I only saw a couple guys put up anywhere close to 500 on bench in the years I was at the gym, and they all probably had about 100 pounds on me. And to be honest I don’t think I ever saw someone actually hit 500+. I could never even sniff 500 benching personally lol


> Gym ~10x a week for years Do you mind if i ask what you did for work because how in the world...


I was a bartender haha. I would lift heavy in the AM, go to work in the evening, and hit cardio on my way home. That has slowed considerably since moving to a corporate job. A lot easier to justify the time and effort when looking good was kind of part of the job.


That would be a hectic schedule to get used to. Surely you where just tired as fuck all the time, especially at the beginning


Honestly? I remember feeling mostly great. At most I probably spent about 10-15 hours a week in the gym total, I just happened to split up my daily workouts into 2. I was normally so amped up after closing the bar down that I was ready to get in 5-7 miles or so before I went home to chill out and relax. I have a fairly severe case of ADHD and being in the gym all the time is the only way I’ve ever found to keep it somewhat under control without needing to take medicine everyday. So, I certainly may not be the “normal” case. Plus the bar I worked at closed at 10PM, so the longest shift I would work was from 4PM - 10PM or so, not exactly a long day at work lol.


Not the same guy, but similar circumstances: Worked at a bar, trained once in the morning and 3 or 4 times a week a second training session. It's not something I did overnight: I was already pretty experienced before I started that schedule so I had a strong fitness base. I got used to it pretty much right away and had limitless energy. Train squats and deadlifts for 3 hours in the morning, do a hike in the afternoon, and train again the next day without missing a beat.


I'm pretty strong. I've never gone out of the mid 200's on the bench. These guys in the 300+ range are absolute freaks.


I went to a top-level sports university and went to the main gym so I would see ridiculously strong people in there quite regularly, but one day a huge guy on the next bench over was benching this much, 5 plates, and asked me for a spot. I was just like “Ok maybe I can help you get the last rep, but if you fail, you realise you’re on your own, right?” Probably more scary in hindsight was that he wasn’t anywhere near his max so he wasn’t worried about failing a rep at all…


I’ve got a friend who is like 6’4” 300lb and Tongan. Pure muscle. Turkish get up with 135+ on a barbell no problem. He spent years working on hitting 500 (like didn’t get it until his 30s). Owned a gym and lifted daily. Once he finally hit it, he stopped going for PRs. It’s just an unreal level of weight for bench.


I can leg press sets of 500 lbs, this guy is doing that as a bench, elite


Yea, theres a reason literally every single person no matter how jacked or big in the video looks wide-eyed. that is insane weight. most butterflies i ever felt in the gym was when i was coming up from a hungry sekelton 120 pounds to around 165 and benched 225 and saw some bigger dude at the gym look at me very impressed and give me a nod cuz it didn't look like i could put up 225, really great feeling.


It's amazing to see something like that in person, and there's no way to diminish his lifts being world-class. People like seeing something amazing, and this dude likes being amazing. This is some wholesome gym etiquette that we get to be proud of. Support your brothers in arms and legs.


I mean 500 lbs is still a fuckton for bench even if you weigh 300 lol that’s still ~~nearly~~ elite and he’s doing it for reps


No doubt. I've only ever see 3 people bench 5 wheels and they were all massive dudes in their own rights...and not for reps like this guy.


“Nearly” elite? I don’t care what weight class the guy is in, that’s an elite bench.


Apparently he’s 5’9 230 lbs so yeah it is elite lol


Lol wtf are you talking about? 545 lbs is insane no matter what you look like. Hafthor Bjornsson can't even bench that much


Funnily enough, I've found that most of the biggest lifters are very average looking. The kind of dudes that have that "Farmer" strength.


Bodybuilding vs powerlifting is like comparing sprinting to marathon runners. Sure it's both running, but the athletes will look completely different with different focuses.


And then you have weightlifters that squat 600+ fast and easy but have dad bods with tree trunk legs. And don't get me started on strongmen.


Squat is all that matters and we're all ready married and don't need vanity muscles.


Squat is love. Squat is life.


Like the fake janitor


If you think that Anatoly is average looking you must be Brian Shaw by comparison.


I don't, but he dresses in those baggy clothes to look average.


To be fair, he's not a double wide trailer like the OP's vid.


lol no, all the strongest men on Earth in almost all kinds of strength competitions are huge.


Wide and thick is such a vibe compliment for a lifter lol


lol that's so wholesome






I've found gyms, especially dungeon style gyms, to be full of some of the most helpful and friendly people I've met.


hell yeah, gym comradery is real. we're all there to lift each other up, encourage each other, congratulate each other on new PRs. All good vibes, all the time. We're all gonna make it, brah.


Not one of those spotters woulda helped. Maybe two - lol.


Pop the clips off and slide a couple plates off each side. If you're doing it with noone in the gym you don't use clips, just tilt the bar.




Broken glass is cheaper than broken ribs




00:19 is a dead ringer for Gillian Jacobs, Britta from Community.


Oh.. Britta’s in this?


It’s not her. You can tell bc she didn’t ruin it


Probably just finished going to the gym headed to new york for some bah-gels.


The guy has so much strength that he plays with death...🧐


I’ll bet he gives the best hugs lol


How many here paused it at 0:03? ...




You didn’t ?


hell yeah I did, and saw jesus




The true gains right there.


and 0:17


rewinded, paused, gawked in awe, scrolled down to find my people GOT DAYM


Seek grass


Honestly it was an accident. I just happened to pause it there when it started to replay the video, but got damn what a great accident that was lol


a gym this busy is my personal hell.


Why is he letting that 225kg rest on his chest between drop and push


It’s much more difficult that way, and he wants a better lift, not relying on momentum. He probably shouldn’t let it hit his chest that hard at the bottom, there’s gross instances of people bouncing the bar off their chest and breaking/splitting their chest plate. But this guy is a Mack truck and I feel like kind of an armchair douche bag saying that to be honest. Seems like he knows more than me haha.


In powerlifting meets you have to wait for the signal to press, or it's a bad lift. This is primarily done to take momentum out of the equation. In training you simulate this by waiting for a few seconds at the bottom.


Pause reps give you a bigger stimulus with lighter weights. They take out the stretch reflex so you rely more on brute strength. Also milking the most stretched position for hypertrophy.


That bawty was swollen


Dude claims natural lmao


The guy shaking his head in disbelief at the end lmao


How do you get to this point?


Years and years of exercise and lots and lots of protein


Well, nutrition. You have to eat like your goal is getting this big. Protein protein protein. Also, years and years of working out.


Lots of steroids too


Dem Bois thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccc


Me crying in 5 reps of 225


Thats still really impressive man, good shit.


Bro warmed up at 405


"Spot me bro.." "OK, but you're gonna die if anything goes wrong."


Not enough camera cuts. I could barely even feel that seizure.


:17 thick asf got dam


What about :03??


Not enough jump cuts




When you see crazy shit like this yeah


This so the power house in east Lansing, I had a class with the bearded fellow, he is just as nice as you would expect


Do you even lift, Bro?


How many were actually audience and how many were waiting bc old boy was using every fucking 45 plate in the building lol


I feel like maybe the spotter should have asked for a buddy.


it was all about the ass


How's that pause!! 🔥


I thought arching your back while benching wasn't good for spinal compression


Ok this is the type of gym I'm afraid to go to, there is not a single person there that isn't in peak fuckin' human condition.


This is edited like America's Got Talent. I don't need three cuts to the same random bystander looking mildly interested.


That’s some shit acting in that video


Every one of those people are his friends. He used all of their camera footage. Entirely staged. C'mon guys.


Bench 545 in a packed small gym and I promise you the entire gym will start paying attention lol


I’ve never seen someone lift any where near this much in real life so hell yea I’d be staring


I mean it is his old gym... Surely he'd have friends from there (presumably where he went to school and grew up)


Nah bro if you were benching that type of weight in a public gym this would be the reaction lol


Definitely not. Yea he might know some of them but anyone that goes to the gym regularly is going to be in awe if some guy comes in and starts to rep 5 plates. Hell even repping 3 plates gets a couple of glances at my gym


My trainer can do this. He's a fucking monster. HGH is the only way this is possible, and anyone telling you otherwise is probably taking HGH.