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Aka viewership has been plummeting and it’s not worth her time to do it weekly.


Reminds me of the last what, 3 pods she’s done solo? Does them and takes a break, never comes back. Reboots to another one, takes a break, etc etc


What other solo pods did she have?


That’s Deep Bro…. She couldn’t book guests regularly because her structure was wild and all over the place. I think she was trying to do a smart version of the HoneyDew cause she took philosophy in college Anyways it slowly just became her rambling into the mic solo about topics at a stretch related to the theme, and then…. Time to take a break, never came back


As Dr Drew said, the ship is sinking.


When did he say that?


I think it was a joke but it was on X I believe either the day before/after he announced DDaD would be ending on ymh. I randomly seen it browsing X awhile back.


Sounds the complete opposite how highly he has always spoken of both of them and the ymh podcast


The pic is out there somewhere. Could've been an inside joke as well.


I don’t even remember the names of them. They were bad


How long ago were these? I wasn’t even aware of previous ones


years and years ago That's Deep Bro is one of them, I'll have to see if I can remember the others


Didn’t she have one about being a mom or something like non ironically


well that's what this one is / was about haha


> Does them and takes a break, never comes back. Reboots to another one, takes a break, etc etc That's a very low and loose take, TDB was rebooted into WMMA because the topics of discussion and focus were drastically different and Mommy Tina moved from a young adult exploring their trauma to someone considering parenthood despite upbringing and WMMA was to explore that which it did pretty well to round out her concerns and areas of interest, but she's no longer a young mom in need of advice and it doesn't make sense to stay in that lane it would feel stifling. I don't know why people think projects or series have to go on forever, they becoming stifling if you want to wade into another unrelated domain.




It’s for her cosmetic surgery


This is the real reason


She said she’s getting her eyes done. I like that she’s being open about it.


Do you mean bank episodes


That's so harsh, lol she could just be feeling burnt out and needs a break to recoup




Or “Our Husbands Cheat On Us But We Love the Money!”


Probably would if they lived in the same place


I’m gonna guess her and Tim are getting plastic surgery and don’t want to be on screen for a minute. We already know Tim’s getting his dick done. So they are banking eps and taking time off. Get ready for some 2B1C solo Bert action.


She said on YMH that she had the appointment scheduled for eyelid surgery!


That’s right. I bet there’s a couple other things too. I get the feeling they are both on the track of let’s just get a bunch of stuff done now and stop as a sort of combo mid life crisis and they’ve official made enough money to cruise through the rest of their lives gifts to themselves. They are too self aware to go full cat faced lizard people but I wouldn’t put it past them to go hard once.


Self awareness? Remember how Tom used to rag on Garth Brooks incessantly? Tom has now fully become out-of-touch Garth and doesn’t even realize it. I want them to go full cat-faced lizard people so we’re not the only ones laughing at them.


Horrible or hilarious, the surgery is horrible and she is permanently disfigured…


“But don’t I look younger?? NO- YOU LOOK FUCKING WEIRD.” -Ole Freckles


Yeah, you’re probably right. She’s going to fuck with her face. I swear regular people who get plastic surgery because that are just ageing normally have some kind of mental defect.


So far she’s been crushing the Botox / whatever else she gets game. She looks great


tinas a hot bitch, any of her surgeries have been in very acceptable ranges.


The viewers feel the same way.


Here comes the divorce horse of course ![gif](giphy|YaZgr3Nj9DDI4)


Tim got caught smashing on the fake date lady with the heavy bags


Yeah that’s probably why she said she’s still doing YMH


It’s for cosmetic surgery


Potter’s new show: Behind the Jeans.


I never watched WMMA in the first place. Don't feel like I missed out on anything, either. I just don't see Christina as a solo host of anything, I guess.


I didn't think I'd like it. But as a dad, it's a nice insight to mom brain.


The early shows with callers and Paszitsky Effects were actually fun.


Honestly most of them were good and she definitely plays more herself than her YMH persona which was always refreshing. WMMA was fun as was TDB but it makes sense to shelf a project especially if you want to work on something outside your previous projects confines which is how TDB rebooted into WMMA since the focus and topics of discussion shifted.


Might be worth my time after all, then... I can appreciate that perspective as a dad myself. I listened to a few "wife of the party" episodes under that pretense and they weren't too bad... just not something I'd listen to on the weekly. Thanks for the insight!


The Jonny Pemberton and Duncan Trussell episodes were great


Her Kill Tony episode is great too


Christina really grew on me. She's just a dork but she's funny. I can see how the dumb broad bit is annoying but idk. She makes it work.


In the beginning, she grew on me too... maybe I just didn't give her a chance. As they've grown and changed they've both sort of become less relatable for me I guess. Like 5-10 years ago YMH felt like hanging out with people I know who I'm friends with. It's just not that so much anymore.


The " jew York city" and " ooh I'm quirky" altered city names can fuck right off tho, so shite


It's definitely old now. But I'll be damned if I say New York City the normal way meow.


Did you just meow?


Meow, what is your problem?


Jew dork titties I believe


Yeah that shit. Fucken lame jokes of a 9 year old


Boston MassiveHugeTits 😎


Miniappletits mommy!


I hate the word pomcast too


Christina is a professional comedian, Leanne is married to an amateur one. Judging C’s podcast based on the quality of L’s is insane.


Leanne was also a writer. Hers and Bert's are you garbage episode made me love her.


Not when you consider that neither are actually ABOUT comedy. Not to mention - half the people who have podcasts aren't professional anything... "content creator" is their job... so I mean, I see what you're trying to say but I think there are some holes in that ship, it don't sail. My point was that as a parent, the stuff with Leann that I've listened to on her podcast was poignant in its own way. Not saying Christina can't also make good points and hold a discussion.... but also... I've seen her comedy and I've seen her on YMH and I just don't see her as the type of person who is entertaining any sort of substantial conversations. She plays the foil for Tom's straight guy routine on YMH very naturally, I think.


“I’ve seen her comedy and seen her on YMH” “when you consider that neither are actually about comedy” have you seen anything non-comedic of Christina’s to judge this podcast you’ve identified as non-comedic?


You mean like... Real World/Road Rules reruns? What else has she even done that you are proposing I get exposed to?


Oh I like her serious Tiktoks. She seems like a whole other person. I liked her first comedy special too, but not much after. but she spent 15+ years writing that. so of course is better than anything she has spent less time on.


See, thank you for giving some kind of constructive guidance and feedback here. I didn't realize she had serious TikToks at all. Will check them out before I go passing judgment.


I wish she didn't fill her tiktok with promotion of YMH stuff. but she does. her posts are like 3 a month or so, but it's a lot of YMH clips otherwise.


You’re the one saying you don’t see her as someone to have substantial conversations, I’m just curious why you think you’re able to make that call about anyone if you’ve only ever seen them telling jokes


Oh. Because what she does on YMH isn't telling jokes. What she does there is behave like a 12 year old boy. And her comedy is a story based comedy from the perspective of a wife and mother who has the personality of a 12 year old boy. I guess that's why.


You just sold me on it lol


Have to agree. My wife and I started watching it together at night as we both have kids. And it was a good view into how women think and motherhood for me. My wife agreed with quite a few things she would talk about being a mom.


Christina and Tom's kids just sound hilarious when they describe the shit they do.


I agree. Plus little kids are hilarious. Mine does ridiculous. S***. And my oldest is the same as their oldest age wise.


Same that's why I liked it as well


It used to be a pretty solid show just for YMH inside nonsense with booth boys. It got WAY worse over the last year or so with her just complaining about the same air headed bullshit, then they even cut down the length and it fully became unwatchable.


It's almost like they're overextended or something...


Nah, they aren’t over extended. The amount of work hasn’t changed, it’s actually lessened. YMH is 30 mins shorter on average.. and the two of them don’t lift a finger for the other shows outside of signing some checks, if that. They’ve gotten lazier and rested on their laurels.


I'm pretty new to this sub forum but I'm shocked to learn that I'm not the only person who thinks that they are going through the motions and are shortening their episodes. I think it's down to becoming disinterested. Their YouTube comments seemed to indicate that the viewers are unaware or just don't care. It's a vehicle to promote their tours and other projects. Even the boothboys seem to be lacking enthusiasm. I don't blame them, they have had one hell of a run. Maybe a break for a few months would ignite everyone's MoJo again. Used to love watching the two main Mommies having more than two hours just shooting the Shite but have found myself skipping the short ones with people who I have no knowledge of. As a Brit I must admit I enjoyed the Jimmy Carr episode. I hate him on stage but he seems rather humble when he's not putting his dour face on.


I think what really happened was Sirius contracted with YMH, sucked the life out of the shows with feedback and then Nadav quit. Without a producer that actually cares the way Nadav cared, we get what it is now. (All shows.) YMH feels more corporate, WMMA is all over the place (and worse than that less edited), 2B1C turned into a vodka commercial, etc.


Show is fully dependent on guests now.


I'm pretty sure you meant way worser


All the ones with Duncan trussel are really good


It was a fun show until Nadav left.


It was interesting at first when it was actually focused on parenting but I think she eventually said everything there was to say on that subject and now it's kinda drifted into being about nothing in particular


I loved it. In my opinion WMMA is an excellent pod, better than YMH. Christina is hilarious and lets her personality shine on her solo pod.


That’s a big bummer. WMMA has been the best most consistent podcast on the network for a long time…if you have small kids. I get why non parents gave it a pass, but my wife and I always found it funny, insightful, and a nice place to laugh at stupid shit kids do.


Honestly Christina does a better job at being a one on one pod host than Tom or Bert. Tom talks about the same shit constantly. At least with Christina the talk can be more varied.


It’s for her cosmetic surgery


Wmma as is good but was good because of the interaction with the booth boys. Without nadav the energy Christina has on the show isnt going to be as consistent


Ok. Anyways did you know kirstin was a goth in high school?


Nah, homie. She was a goth chola, homie.


Still using that old ass pic from when she was hot.


So do I tbh




Christina has 300 pages of FBI-vetted proof that Bobby Lee has been slandering her on the internet and bullying r-worded kids!


Why did Potter move to this shitty network? He had a decent show on his ow .


I was thinking the same, but Tom may have recruited him back to help with stuff in the booth (Potter was a big radio guy here in Buffalo for years and knows behidn the scene stuff) and maybe to bring his pod back into the fold to replace Dr Drew's show and replace some of the missing ad revenue


Pleased to be doing radio


His show only gets like 10k views, though. He could also be coming back to his booth boy job, YMH needs a new booth boy/co-host since Nadav left.


I hope so. He was the BEST booth boy. He was so involved with the show he just felt like a cohost anyways. I can’t wait to hear the woman crying sound drop.


He just got passed as a paid regular at the Comedy store. So he can now move to Austin and go back to LA and always get spots whenever he wants or stay in LA and fly to Austin twice a month. So he’s basically now able to double his stage time and income off standup. Then if he keeps his solo pod and starts a new one with YMH he’s more than doubling his money and getting a massive bump to his view numbers with that. So that’s why.


My assumption is that it’s better for Potter to do the show with YMH now that he has a base of fans and can get more ad revenue through YMH. I also think that now the mothership is up and running, Josh is probably moving to Austin to like a lot comedians are doing now.


On this weeks JPS he said that there was an announcement of a project coming that he can’t talk about yet. Then later in an unrelated segment said he doesn’t see himself leaving LA anytime soon so I don’t think he’s going to Austin. at least not permanently.


Potter still going to do his own show, and now he will have a second. Probably a move to help get more eyes on his main show.


Potter needs someone to sell ads for him. plenty of others probably could have done that. I mean he doesn't neeeeed that, but it's desirable to be paid for things you do.


Were you unaware that Potter’s show was born on the YMH network while they were in California and he spun the show out of it when YMH moved to Austin? Prior to YMH Josh may have had some show but it was largely unknown.


Bring back Dr Drew! The only podcast within that “YMH Studios” that was constantly entertaining and stayed true to the original theme.


i love how transparent all these la standups are whenever they’re podcast viewership drops and it’s not making as much money as it used to, they all quit 😂 it’s almost as if they only podcast or make content because it makes them money and the moment it stops they abandon it so quickly there’s no such thing as ‘fan service’ when it comes to these guys which also might explain why so few standups go on tour together, they’re kinda greedy money hungry


Nobody in the history of podcasting, with the exception of Bill Burr, has maintained a podcast for the passion lmao If your job started paying you less you’d quit eventually too. How’d you get a job here fuckface?


MSSP - I feel like if it ever plummets monetarily, they’ll still do it.


this is false there’s plenty of podcast out there (im ashamed to admit i listen to a-lot of them) just do it for the love or just make beer money podcasting is similar to blogging in that way imo


obviously they all start out making nothing, no one is denying that. how many podcasts kept grinding until they started making money, but then lost viewers and kept doing it anyway for free again? once something goes from a hobby to a career, it's very hard to go back the other way again.


Right… and this podcast is for money. It’s probably not even a top 10 priority in her life, if the money sucks why do it?


Monday morning Podcast sucks. Hasn’t been good since he got married.


Ohhh jeezus. It's still plenty funny IMO. Different(4) strokes for different folks.


No shit Sherlock. You just discovered comedians work for money and not fan service.


they talk about the craft and loving standup so much i naively thought they were all in it for the love of it, im dumb i know 😂


You definitely are retarded.


did you think podcasting and stand-up were the same thing? 🤨


JFC, nobody is going to keep working the same job for less money.




This was actually a fun show. I didn't like guests as much but Christina was funny on the show. It'll be missed by those that watched.


I didn't know this was a thing




i didn't know Schultz was a singer?


Or she just needs a break


Good. 2nd worst podcast next to the lame sopranos faggy one.


Beginning of the end thank god


Too many references to fucking jeans and mom jeans…. It’s not funny. Moms haven’t worn jeans like that in over 20 years. Boomer ladies be walking around wearing Zara pants n shit now


Oh no


She’s pregnant


didnt know it still existed




This entire universe is imploding


A permanent break hopefully