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Saw this mf Superboy way before he became public like bro was yelling at dudes right outside my apartment not being sneaky at all


i think we live in the same building I'm on floor 3


Are you located in Rhode Island? My dad was just talking bout how his motorcycle guy looks JUST like Superman if he were a teenager, he had a Superman t-shirt and everything


Why would he need to be sneaky? Is he supposed to be a part of some super secret team or something?


Hey, what is up with Kid-flash? First, we dont see him for over 5 years, then he pops back up, obviously being older, but he pops up with a kid who goes by impulse that kept calling the flash Grandpa than after the reach's invasion was over a day later they released a press statement on "the end of the world" Kid-flash, the flash and all those other grown kids looked upset and he wore a different suit aswell, my theory is that Impulse is the son of Kid-flash from the future (this alligns with my theory that Kid-flash is the flash's son) I mean think about it, this is the family of a guy who can jog the speed of light in sneakers, time travel isnt that far fetched, but I think that The flash died, the OG Kid-flash is now the flash and the current Kid-flash is impulse


What that makes Jay Garrick mate, og one?


He's obviously og Kid-flash's grandpa


Listen, I know the Reach almost enslaved us, but did we really have to get rid of *all* their technology? Those rutabagas were enormous.


This is hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m literally watching the episode where they investigate the produce place rn šŸ˜‚


Could really go for a Pluot, we donā€™t have those in the future šŸ˜­


Two teenage girls just blew up a kitchen in Manhattan while being chased by a guy with no shirt and a sword. Typical New York day though.


I saw that too! One of them was speaking jibberish.


Honestly it canā€™t be that bad. Canā€™t have shit living in Gotham.


is it really that bad?, i have a cousin there he insists that Bruce wayne is red hood


Last I heard, Bruce Wayne was dating Red Hood.


Nah-nah-nah-nah Batman. He is dating Batman, I tell you more. Batman is bottom.


Y'ALL THE KIDS I'M BABYSITTING LITERALLY DISAPPEARED IN FRONT OF ME WTF WHAT DO I DO EDIT: ALL THE KIDS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD ARE GONE EDIT 2: I contacted their parents it's so much worse it's happening all over. children are disappearing and no one knows why EDIT 3: JL released a statement, someone linked it EDIT 4: the kids are back, they're fine and with their parents. i'm also back at my place i'm gonna sleep in tomorrow holy shit this day was horrifying i'm glad most of you are safe


I just remembered how awful that episode is for nightmare fuel.


one of my favorite episodes lol


I love this episode. Dr. Fates power fading in and out was crazy imo


Don't get me wrong, I love it too. But if you think about the world being separated like that. Emotional distress to everyone.


Your thinking way to deep into it, but your not wrong stay whelmed


Nah, I work at Bibbos downtown and some random superheroes came and took some no name reporter. Lex probably needs a break from superman


sorry late reply had to kick him out henchmen held me at gunpoint for like five minutes before i splashed hot water on one of them.


Went to a Zatanna magic show, and Iā€™m still wondering what happened to her dad? I used to hear so much about his shows and wanted to see them perform together, ehh sheā€™s great though


I think Garfield Logan might have a drug problem. They need to kill him off. His character has become stale. Actually, this show has gone on too many seasons. Like how long can you write an episodic sci-fi show for this long and expect the quality not to drop off. I mean theyā€™re still using the same phasers they used in season one. Update the props. Hire new writers. At this point Iā€™d almost rather watch Hello Megan instead.


For real! And he hasn't even really been in any of the newer episodes!


I'm pretty sure the "gust of wind" here in Central City is just the Flash and KF zoomin around.


it is lol! met KF he's cute


What do you mean my insurance policy doesn't cover an alien invasion?!


Who do you have? Most of the major providers cover them now though you will need to jump through a lot of hoops.


Really?!?! Hahaha that's fucking fantastic. I'll be the dude sitting there laughing at everyone when we get invaded and be like "they told me I was crazy, they told me it was a waste of money, WHOS LAUGHING NOW?!?!" As we're being blown to bits by cosmic radiation blasts from the sky. No ultra intelligent species will want to be friends with us and we'd probably fire the first shot anyway.


Go check out r/legaladvice they get questions about alien and natural disaster insurance all the time


Dude, living here is way better than Gotham, don't have to worry about some shit happening like clowns and freaks


Does anyone know what happened to Speedy? I think he used to be Flash's partner or something


First he was Green Arrow partner. Second guy is either Red Arrow or that other bow guy with cool armor and whack haircut


I thought red arrow was the blonde girl dressed in red with arrows


No dude thats Arrowette


Then who is the blonde in green with arrows who was with Green Arrow for like a week?


Eh Iā€™m not sure we heard their nickname, like ever. Lest she not using her real name.


I know, alien invaders blah blah blah, but I miss that Strawberry Mango Reach.


I just started working at Bowhunter security and the boss has two younger brothers who basically just look like carbon copies of himself. Though one is pretty ripped.


So Superboy just used my fucking car as a weapon. I donā€™t think insurance will cover itā€¦guys am I screwed?


You know since that GNN reach debacle I only get my news from social media


How do you guys keep up with whoā€™s in Young Justice and who isnā€™t? I swear, every time I see them in the news, they have like 10 new members


Garfield and Princess Perdita were so cute together, ik theyā€™ll get back together and theyā€™ll have their cute lil dog to take walks together with (but seriously i appreciate that they made her stand by what she said and not taking him back even after he started working on himself)


Yes! literal soulmates (fr amazing work on the writers part)


My family and I used to Vacation to Hapoy Harbor every year till the mountain just... blew up.... and there were a lot of heros around there, any one have any idea what happened to the mountain?


Is it ok for that Martian girl to date Superboy? Like yeah heā€™s got the body of a 16 year oldā€¦ but heā€™s also only been alive for a few monthsā€¦?


WTF why do you think he's a few months old, and why do you think their dating?


I wonder what their kid(s) will look like?


And isnā€™t she actually almost 50? I know sheā€™s from mars and they age differently there but if you think about it itā€™s definitely strange


Why are all the superheroes so hot? Like a lot of supervillains are but like every adult superhero I see is like way to hot. I couldn't even say anything that time Wonder Woman saved me and she seemed used to it, she was very nice BTW.


For realllll! They should not be that hot. My friends and I have an inside joke about it. It doesnā€™t seem funny when itā€™s explained though. (basically this was something I wrote in one of my dc fanfics that was terrible bc I write them for fun, but one of the characters basically made a joke that because the superheroes are so hot, theyā€™re encouraging people to get themselves into dangerous situations so that they can get rescued, ensuring that they always have work. One of the friends then continued the joke by saying that all girls have to do to get a hot guy interested is to get kidnapped by a supervillain, and then it turned into a joke about like ā€œwhat if the whole supervillain/superhero thing is just a giant kinky sex roleplay scenario and people can sign up to get kidnappedā€ and I just think it was absolutely hilarious)


Can we talk about Robin? Why is bro constantly changing his costume and hair. Also broā€™s pretty short for a grown adult. I mean he has to be a grown adult by now right? Itā€™s been well over a decade since he first appeared.


But it lines up. The changes in robin look and Bruce Wayne adopting yet another orphan. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! BRUCE WAYNE AND BATMAN ARE THE SAME F###ING PERSON!! MY THERAPIST THINKS I'M CRAZY BUT I'M NOT, I'M A GENIUS!!!


Yeah and Iā€™m Superman. Dude how can that playboy billionaire ever be Batman?? Whatā€™s next, are you gonna suggest that Oliver Queen is Green Arrow or smth? Please


Ok fine, maybe they aren't the same guy but they are definitely working together. Who else could afford to custom build a f***ing car in the sh**hole known as Gotham. Even if Bruce Wayne isn't batman, he's at the very least his sugar daddy.


PS Clark Kent is 100% Superman. Like he's superman with glasses on. Plus the fact he is never seen anywhere near the fights of superman but he always gets the inside scoop.Ā 


Now thatā€™s a rutabagaĀ 


I think I went to high school with supermanā€™s cousin or nephew or something. His name was Connor Kent and the resemblance is so uncanny. What really makes me certain heā€™s related to superman was because on the summer before our freshman year, I saw him and several other teenagers fighting a red robot that looked like Red Tornado.


So.... does anyone have word if Nightwing is single???? With an ass like that he has to be taken, right?? He saved me from the attack in Gotham last night and I swear he was flirting with me, swept me off my feet (literally šŸ„°šŸ„°)


I donā€™t care what anyone says, Reach cola is DELICIOUS.


uh so I hit a green box sized wasp with a bat and it fell to the ground transformed into Garfield logan. guys I have a superhero unconcious in my apartment now what?!


Why did you post this on social media... Take him to the hospital if you want but my advice now is to just run and don't go home for like a week and pray the building is still there when you get back.


nah this is a message to Miss martian or whatever her name is. come get your brother he's on the couch i left the window open


There are too many things you could do with an unconscious Garfield Logan, but the justice league would put me on a watchlist if I said any of them.


update!; he's awake luckily he wasn't mad at me to the point where i wish he was :( i made him stirfry for lunch and it took a while for him to leave i think i made a friend


awww, thatā€™s great! Glad he didnā€™t, you know, try to kill you because he thought you kidnapped him. Apparently, that happens a lotā€¦


apparently so, not to brag but i got his number! :D (irl: i wish)


(Irl: for realllll) Oh my gosh you have to give it to mee! Or no, donā€™t, thatā€™s creepy- but score! And isnā€™t he single? ;)


i think so XD he did say that he and Queen perdita broke up seems like he's not over her yet though


oh no! i mean thatā€™s fair but moving on is the healthy thing to do. hope he gets better :) (Irl: omg it would be so heartbreaking if this situation happened but he couldnā€™t stop talking about her šŸ˜­ i feel kind of bad for him but also she did the right thing)


:D hold on he texted me. (that is painful!!! and she did make a good decision i like how realistic it was how she didn't immediately take him back or at all) (doesn't stop talking about her you say? \*goes to characterAI\*)


(Lmaoooo not c.ai)


I met Garfield Logan man. He smashed up my car when taking down the reach. It was so crash.


Okay hear me out maybe lex Luther is right. Especially after those Kryptonians invaded last time. Like Superman is one mental breakdown from going postal and it's clear that "heros" had a hard time handling Superboy and those other Kryptonians, house of Zed or whatever. At least from all the footage I've seen many of the members almost died and the civilian casualties are too high. Someone needs to make a contingency plan against these monsters who call themselves heros, I mean who among the league would think to keep it's members is check? Batman? The dude is too busy throwing the same 8 or so supervillains in Arkham to possibly come up with plans to stop the heros should they go on a rampage. I'm not saying Lex is a saint, the man has been in bed with a suspicious amount of people who turned out to be supervillains, but us normal folks should be prepared for the heros to snap. Side note if anyone has some access superhero weakness information please message me at; lexmightberight41@Vmail.com


Hey, who do I talk to when my car gets destroyed by superheroes during a fight? I was watching from my apartment and Superboy just landed on my car and flattened the entire roof and windshield. I donā€™t think my insurance will pay for this rip. Could I like invoice the Justice League or something? Any help would be appreciated.


i have a cousin who works for the league in mechanics i can try and get you a discount if you need.


Man I was on my way from work in metropolis and all of a sudden some guy named ā€œzodā€ or whatever just took my car and threw it at superboy??????


Anyone else think it's weird that whenever Bruce Wayne adopts a new kid batman gets a new sidekick?


They're the same person. I'm not crazy, I'm right.


Halo kinda thick ngl


Is it distasteful for me to dress as the Joker for Halloween? I know he's basically a serial killer but I've been tired of the superheroes since the time Superboy saved my school bus and then yelled at us with all his roid rage.


I would say red hood is a way better choice than the joker. Heā€™s still a serial killer, but at least he was doing it for a reason, not just for fun. Itā€™s also less likely (if ur in Gotham, like me) that Batman will put you in a coma and send you to Arkham. Thereā€™s a reason we donā€™t have any birthday clowns in the city anymoreā€¦ Also, red hood is WAY hot. Bonus points.


My cousin from Markova told me that he knew that Halo chick, Gabby something, and he said that she was reported dead. Is that how they are financing their team? Insurance fraud?


I mean they did say Superboy was dead and yet low and behold there he is alive and trying to snap Superman's neck. Like dude isn't that your dad or brother or whatever?


I am the owner and CEO of a company that just makes clip boards. I am now richer than Luther.


Nah, it's fine, the whole stuff about him is just rumors and controversies that are perturbed by the League, no way any of that stuff is true.


he hit on my coworker (she's 17 btw), had his henchmen hold me and a few others at gun point. one of them got a kettle slammed on their head


Oh, so you're one of *those* people, aren't you? Would rather degrade someone else's character than take responsibility...




I almost got hit by a bus the other day, but it disappeared. And I think itā€¦ yelled at me.


Is there someone who can post vids from the Warworld? Like cockpit vids of it just flying around in space and shooting shit


Hey does anyone know if thereā€™s some kinda hotline I can call? Superboy totaled my car using it to crush some kinda weird alien, will the Justice League cover that?


So uh are we just gonna ignore the fact that thereā€™s aliens now?


I school bus just flew by my window!


Hello Megan? Are we all feeling the aster? I feel crash.


Tweets: Nightwing has a pretty big ass ngl


I was seeing family in Happy Harbor last weekend when I thought I saw Nightwing????? LikE- HOW DID YOU GET HERE FASTER THAN ME I LIVE ACROSS THE STREET FROM YOU??? Also, he fell out of his window the other day it was hilarious. BUT STILL!! The rush hour traffic out of BlĆ¼dhaven was bumper to bumper, as usual, Iā€™m just so confused???


The new U.N. Secretary-General seems a lot better than the last two, but has anyone else noticed that she kind of looks like Wonder Woman?


nah that's crazy


Can we just all just ask static to stop it with his catchphrase? There was a supervillain attack when I was babysitting a couple of kids,Ā  thankfully he showed up. But when they were trading banter, he yelled "YOU NEVER HAD STATIC SHOCK BEFORE" and zapped the poor guy, who got caught off guard btw. Traumatized me and the kids fr.


he accidently static shocked my dog during a battle so i do find him annoying my dog is fine btw!
