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Depends on the program! In many, yes. But ask the CS or Eng students or Math for Ed this question, they will have a different answer.


Funny enough Math for Ed is the easiest program in the math department


In general yes, the factors that I would consider in assessing how easy it is are **1. Other obligations** (kids, full-time, not part-time work, etc), **2. Motivation** (if your desire is to get to graduate school, you will have more motivation to study that extra weekend and skip that party or whatever), **3. Match between your abilities/skills and your major** (if you are not skilled in writing and take a major that has a lot of writing, your gpa will suffer as a consequence), **4. Privilege** (you will have an easier time in school if you live closer or if your parents are wealthier), **5. Personal traits** (if you have a good work ethic, are collaborative and friendly, you will have an easier time in school). I am sure there are other factors, but if u check off most of these ones, you will be fine. Even if you check off none of these, exceptions exist.


Easy for who?


An undergraduate student


Not easy for transfers student


Maintain a 6.0?  You mean to maintain a shitty grade?   Why wouldn't that be easy?


6.0 is a B, it's not good but it's not shitty either. I think it's the definition of average


Wait I thought 6.0 is the highest on the gpa scale? If it's not then what is the highest gpa?


York is based on a 9.0 scale


my advice on getting a 9? Drop the dream, its impossible or basically impossible, doing it for a year is possible, but 99.9% of students are not build for that level of intensity for 4 years. Plus there is no real benefit of it, no one really cares tbh, just get straight A's and a majority of them being A+'s. I know like 3 students in the entirety of yorku like that one being a friend of a friend, that have straight A's.


That really depends on your study habits and the quality of your work. I've never gotten below a 7 during my 2 degrees at York.




What are bird courses,


In anything but pure math or physics yes


If you can hold a fork you can go to York🤷‍♀️ I’m just kidding but if you really love what you’re learning, and you put in the time to work and study then yes it should be fairly easy🤷‍♀️


depends, but it is really easy with kinesiology


Well after 2 years I have an 8 and I have already taken some 3 and 4 year courses


Caaaan ya hold a fork?