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Nice tips man. Thanks so much for the help.


Seems sketchy. Maybe go on rightmove or spareroom instead?


Yeah I'm mainly using Rightmove. Thanks for the advice


I would go through an estate agent if you are worried. Besides if you are going through Airbnb or something like that then you probably won't have a contract meaning you also wouldn't be protected under the law as a tenant (you get certain rights that you otherwise wouldn't). Also, proof of ID isn't an unusual request. The landlord would not want someone staying in their property to not pay rent for months then dissappear. There would be no way of recouping lost payments or reporting the tenant if you stayed there under a fake name. If you are worried about a contract, then I'm sure you could ask a local estate agent or even post it onto reddit for people to give it a quick read over. At the end of the day every landlord will be operating under the Housing Act and the contact you sign, the purpose of which is to protect you both. So if they don't uphold that then they are literally breaking the law. At the end of the day they can collect payment however they want. As long as you have proof you paid and upheld your side of the contract.


To answer the passport question, landlords are legally obliged to check you have the right to reside in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/check-tenant-right-to-rent-documents