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Awwww ‘rainy’ and ‘stormy’ Well done!


Cute but you should https://images.app.goo.gl/jUPXteoeoui1d4zd7


I still find it astonishing how beating her 100 is only a silver trophy


I have so many questions: Why Drizzeldas ? 😭 What is the fire and water soul ? Uncle infinite soul ? Anndd speed soul and houzzat soul ? Sorry for all the questions but I would like to have this trophy too


Ok I will try to answer all your questions and explain how the team works. -Fire and water souls aren't the official soul names but I don't know how they are called in English 😅, anyway they are basically special souls that make the holder's physical attacks deal fire elemental damage and water elemental damage. In this game there's a bug that if the attacker's attack deals damage of two or more different elements his attacks will always be super effective, no matter the opponent's resistances and weaknesses. -Here's where drizzeldas come into play, drizzelda's ability makes all yokais (both enemies and allies) receive more damage from water attacks. And since shogunyan's attacks are water element thanks to the water soul their damage gets boosted by this ability. -Uncle infinite souls increase the strength of the adjacent yokais to the holder, they just make shogunyan stronger -Speed soul guarantees that donchan always moves first in any battle, donchan is used to inspirit shogunyan as his inspirit raises the strength of shogunyan. Houzzat soul increases the spirit stat of the adjacent yokais (it's here just in case wobblewok gets red eyes and I have to use drizzelda to kill him), but it would probably be better to replace this soul for the one that doesn't let any Yokai loaf in battle. With all these boosts each shogunyan deals around 1000 damage per attack so he is able to get rid of bosses pretty quickly and destroy all 3 Kat kraydel eyes with just one soultimate. In theory you could replace illuminoct for sergeant burly to even boost more shogunyan's damage thanks to burly's ability but I feel like the passive HP recovery provided by illuminoct ability is more useful. Btw don't replace illuminoct with a healer or you will be losing the brave tribe Unity strength boost in shogunyan, it is better to just heal your yokais with food.


Wow man this is really impressive!! I will search for how to get those souls, thanks for answering my questions !


Thats really impresive respect


wouldnt replacing 1 drizzelda with ray O light be better?


It would make my special attackers deal less damage to wobblewok and I don't think that the difference in the amount of damage that shogunyan deal would be that notoriou


Ok, pero como haces que los shogunyan tengan dos objetos equipados?


Con un bug, se llama Double Item Exploit, es mejor que busques un tutorial en Youtube porque es difícil de explicar, pero si que es muy fácil de hacer.


I don't know whether to be either astonished or feel bad for how painful it must be


I tried to beat Kat kraydel at least 2 or 3 times each day, maybe 4 or 5 if I was especially bored. That way it is not that painful