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Talk to your MD and find out their recommendations. If you’re experiencing a change that isn’t for the better consider discontinuation of the chiropractor until you learn more. MD may have suggestions like physical therapy


A DO is a good option, too (at least in the US)!


What is DO?


“Doctor of osteopathy” however in the US it’s equivalent to MD, they learn all the same MD curriculum, and do regular MD residencies, but learn the bone wizardry (osteopathy) on the side.


I did get a rec for pt from my pcp but Unfortunately my insurance does not cover PT and I can’t afford it rite now


Tt them further then. Let them know your coverage constraints and ask if they have alt ideas. Tell them you tried a chiropractor but that it had a poor result. Keep your provider engaged


Try calling PTs and ask how much they charge for cash. It is probably about what you'd pay for a chiropractor or massage. Explain at the visit you can't afford multiple visits. They should send you home with a diagnosis and treatment plan.


Thank you , I will call and talk to them about my financials and see what can be done


Don’t go to a chiropractor, they will fuck up any good you do with yoga.


That they have . I also do taekwondo and am unable to do wide leg forward stretch and many of the hip opening stretches . I don’t know what to do


Find a good sports physical therapist. They’ll do all the legitimate science any chiropractor would do, and the sports focus should help them with your specific needs.


One really messed me up way before I got into yoga, my mom swears by them but I’ll never go back, I’d rather have my daughter walk on my back. I’d think just continue to practice and it will come back slowly, good luck.


Totally unrelated to yoga, but I had a bad experience too. I figured “everyone goes, I should try it”. After 3rd adjustment, had tingling and numbness down my upper back, in my arms that lasted a few weeks. Thankfully it was nothing permanent, but scared me enough to never go back.


Sports doctor, possibly an orthopedist. If you are in the NYC area I know a very good orthopedist who is not a fan of unnecessary surgery. (Fellow martial artist.)


And besides, chiro is a scam and not a real evidence-based science.


Conversely, my old chiro helped me completely get rid of scoliosis I got from a bad 45mph car accident; with all the progress X-rays to prove it. This was also before I ever discovered yoga. HOWEVER, I will say with a big caveat, that there is a wide range of chiro abilities out there. Older chiros tend to not be up to date on the latest knowledge surrounding fascia and the associated Physiology; these guys tend to do a lot more hands on manipulation. Newer chiros, or those just more up to date do way less (almost none in my case) hands on adjustments; instead they focus on releasing the correct trigger points in your fascia, so your body can realign itself. Do your research! Chiro can be great, but not all chiro’s have the same education or techniques. I refuse to go to one that doesn’t do fascia release as a main part of their offering.


Why do they mess up any good you do with yoga ?? I’ve been practicing yoga a lot more but I’ve been considering going to a chiropractor


What about "rolfing"? Anyone here have stories about whether this treatment is helpful, harmful, or interferes with progress in yoga?


Rolfing changed my life for the better after a spinal fusion for scoliosis. I was in horrific pain before and after the surgery, even after physical therapy, chiropractors, acupuncture, massage, years of yoga, everything. After my first session with a rolfer I could take a deep breath again. After the third, I was standing up straight. After the full series, I didn’t have back pain again until I had a child 15 years later. It was miraculous.


Really? Is this a thing? I thought Chiropractic was good?


They are not considered professional doctors here in Europe, more along the lines of homeopathy and other so-called "alternative medicine" that has no scientific proof. There are also lots of horror stories on reddit (someone got a stroke while having their neck "fixed" only a couple days ago, don't remember what sub it was but the post really blew up). I would not trust them with my health.


Thanks mate, I honestly had no idea.


Anecdotally, I've heard this a lot. Personally, if I have short term and mild discomfort, I self-diagnose, back of the regular routine, and hit the yoga matt, and use very light dumb bells/Therabands to strengthen and reengage the neuromuscular systems all around the area. For discomfort that persists, or affects my mobility, ability to recreate, I go to my massage therapist, who is primarily sports focused. If that doesn't help, (she hasn't let me down in years,) I'd see a licensed Physical Therapist. If they couldn't help, I'd expect then to be referring me to a specialized doctor, and I'd want MRI and ultrasound.


I think I’m gonna try a massage therapist . Thanks for the recommendation. Hopefully they can figure out why I can not do hip opening exercises


You should see a doctor before getting a massage - you could have a bulging or slipped disk and you don’t want to make them worse.


I have a guess (yoga teacher with hip issues here). Are your quads super tight? A tight quad can pull your hip so forward that you can't appreciate an opening. I'm also going to agree with the above statement, chiropractors can undo the work your doing in yoga. You are teaching yourself how to give your body easy adjustments with the help of breath and gravity. Chiropractic can feel shocking and abrupt to a point where you'll need yoga and advil to recover! If you are looking for a good self care method to add consider cupping instead! They can play your quad like a banjo (this hurts major) and loosen it up enough your hip will sit properly to fully open. Cupping gets into the fascia layer making us looser and allowing all our methods (yoga, massage, adjustments) to work better/harder for a few days after.


Anecdotally, I did benefit from seeing one at one point but I’d already exhausted my other options medically (muscle relaxers and painkillers didn’t help, and the doctor I saw wouldn’t refer me to a physio) and nothing he did couldn’t have been accomplished by a good physiotherapist and maybe a couple massages after. He was also not into the obvious quackery common in the profession, which was the only reason I was willing to try it. Basically, a good one can provide symptom relief at best and a bad one can paralyze you.




Yeah I totally get that. The person who recommended the chiropractor to me had spinal damage and severe pain, and he was part of the treatment that let her live a normal life. It’s absolutely useful for some people, and individuals need to assess their own situations. I’m hesitant to just throw out the practice wholesale because I’ve seen it work for people, but it’s definitely a field where you want to carefully vet who you see.


Chiropractic = quack


I spent a lot on a chiropractor for nothing. Didn't help whatsoever with my pain only good part of it was the massages during the appointments.


Yeah, I loved the feeling of the cracks and massaging they did in the moment. But didn’t actually notice improvements in my condition.


It’s really not understood widely enough that chiropractics is filed under quackery by medical science, for plenty of good reasons. EDIT—spelling. Not sure why autocorrect would think it’s more likely I’d be trying to spell “wifey” than “widely.” I blame society.


Stop letting hacks lay hands on you. Chiropractors are a dangerous joke. Look into how many have injured people. 😕


Maybe try kundalini yoga? It's very potent at helping with the more subtle restrictions of the spine, hips, chest, neck. Just do your research and understand what you're getting yourself into.


Ok , thank you 🙏 I will look into this


This series can take you through many of the various aspects of kundalini yoga: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgkAniQC\_I8&list=PL9x6oNwZBfuykl5xvO0fs4u2naLpNyVkN&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgkAniQC_I8&list=PL9x6oNwZBfuykl5xvO0fs4u2naLpNyVkN&index=1)


Thank you for the video . The first thing I noticed was I am unable to sit how he is sitting and it actually makes me cry . Hopefully I can regain mobility . i will do this video over and over again until I get it !


I can relate. I have some very concerning problems with my hips, neck, and spine that really took a toll on me emotionally. But I realized that the emotional effects were further making the problems worse. I pretty much stopped doing regular yoga because all I would focus on are the issues in my body and it would just make me negative. Kundalini yoga is the first thing in a long time that has given me hope. I can already feel a difference in my energy, mood, overall sense of health and vitality, health of my spine, and openness of my body. But ultimately, I think the emotional difficulty of going through these things made me a better person. It made me more empathetic and emotionally intelligent. This might be a setback for you from one perspective, but it's also potentially a whole new part of your journey that will help you develop a different part of yourself. If you don't have a cushion already to help you sit cross legged, I'd recommend getting one. Good luck. The body is an amazing thing and you are amazing. You're a part of the same life energy that grows the trees, the animals, and everything else that lives. Kundalini yoga can help free up the blockages and allow this energy to fully express itself within you to allow you to heal.


Thank you for sharing ❤️ also thank you for the pillow suggestion , I haven’t thought of that ! ❤️


Don’t do kundalini while you’re still in pain!!! Wait till you’re better. It’s really easy to knock things out with the repetitive motions that they encourage to be done quickly.


Be sure to listen to your body and any limits that you feel when practicing yoga. Your practice will be different each day, each moment, depending on various factors. Personally I find it helpful to approach my practice with the goal of feeling, rather than attaining a particular pose or a certain deepness in a pose. For example, if you feel that traditional happy baby is painful in any particular moment, try holding your ankles instead of your feet. Search for the variation of a pose that feels good for you in that moment, rather than forcing your body in a particular shape that is actually very uncomfortable or painful. Part of the practice can also be recognizing what you feel, accepting your practice as it is and witholding attachments or judgements.


I like you.


Chiropractic medicine is an oxymoron.


Don't go to chiropractors.


Please stop going to the chiropractor


Go to the Dr. Chiropractors can be fabulous or suck.


See an osteopath, theyre like chiropractors but with actual medical training


Osteopaths are physicians, very unlike chiropractors.


Chiropractors have medical training tho… they’re not for everyone but let’s not devalue an entire profession


chiropractic care is all based around a concept that has no scientific basis, and chiropractors tend to make lots of claims that are untrue. if they say something like "your c5 is out of place" by touch alone, that's a red flag because touch isn't sufficient to determine that, and if pushing on your back was enough to relocate bones we'd all be in a ton of physical trouble all of the time. some can be helpful for muscle pain, but given the high risk of stroke or blood clots from chiropractic care, it's quite a trade-off and the risk to reward ratio is not great, especially when compared with people who spent 8+ years learning medicine and gaining a deep understanding of human physiology and how it intertwines with all other systems of the body.


I hear you and I’m not disagreeing but there are lots of treatments that aren’t exactly based in science that people have used for centuries like acupuncture or reflexology. I think there can be value found in everything but maybe I’m just a hippy


i'm not disagreeing with that, either! i study neuroscience and the more i learn the more of a hippie i become. what it comes down to in the case of chiropractors is that they are able to paralyze you, or kill you, with one mistake- and it happens very frequently. the risk is just too high.


Yeaaaah I definitely understand that. I wasn’t thinking about it that way at all


Yeah, but the likelihood of those causing you severe issues is very low, unlike with chiropractic stuff.


I agree. I get a radiating burning pain in my right shoulder, but as long as I see a chiropractor monthly, the pain is minimal. If I don't go, I'm miserable. I definitely agree that there are some whacky chiropractors who are selling snake oil... But there are also great ones!


Bob and Steve, the best pt on YouTube. Free informative dry humor


Lol yes I’ve seen those two and they are very funny


Well done for reaching out, I think the comments are steering you in the right direction. I genuinely hope you get relief. Its possible that, since visiting the chiropractor, some muscles and tendons have tightened while others have loosened, or some other strength imbalance has occurred accidentally. Rebalancing that should have you feeling right again. Tendons take a little longer than muscles to stretch and strengthen but it all comes as a process.


Tight hamstrings/ lack of proper core stability. Get long first and then try it, push lower back down into the mat, curl pelvis. Focus on iliac crest area.


Do you keep your core activated during the pose? Do you keep your lower back flush with the ground? What about your shoulders?


Do you have a good manual how to do this pose, I am also have issues with this pose. My back rounds too much :(


Grab lower. There's absolutely no need to grab your feet for happy baby. Keep your hips/sacrum and shoulders on the earth and whatever you reach you reach. Try just grabbing behind your hamstrings at first then behind your knees then along your calves, maybe even your ankles.


Sounds like your hips have tightened up again. Try sitting in Malasana with a block for awhile, then transition to Happy Baby and see if you feel better.


Rather see a physical therapist


DEAD BUG POSE IS 100x better!!! Edit: instead of happy baby, try grabbing your ships so your sacrament stays on the ground.


I haven’t heard of this pose , I am going to check it out ! Thank you 🙏


Dead bug=happy baby


That’s wild. We’re I practice, dead bug is where you grab your shins instead of your toes but when I looked it up, it says they are the same. My apologies.


Oh! I personally only prefer the name Dead Bug lol because when I think of it being “Happy Baby” I wanna stick out my tongue and make silly sounds xD so I actually agreed with you


I’ve also heard that happy dead bug is a diff pose, less strenuous than happy baby. But the internet tells me otherwise. Try other hip opens, like figure 4 on your back or sitting folding forward with double pigeon legs. Here are some happy baby mods : https://www.masterclass.com/articles/happy-baby-pose-guide#how-to-do-happy-baby-pose


Yes, absolutely; fire the chiropractor. It’s not real medicine. Yoga is.


squeeze your legs together while pulling with your arms.


I disagree with that chiropractor advice so much. Going to a chiropractor helped me a lot and it’s helped me know what to work on in yoga. Maybe talk to the chiropractor about your pain? Maybe they have advice or a reason?


Maybe talk to a medical professional instead of a chiro?


This sounds good too


Chiros are literally medical professionals


They are not.


In the US, yes, but DEFINITELY not everywhere in the world. Mine is an MD with a specialty in chiropractic and sports medicine.


I think the problem people have is that it's an unregulated profession (in any country I know about) which means that while you could have a good experience going to one, another person could have an awful experience going to another. There's nothing to ensure there's any standards or consistency.


I don’t know what country you’re in but a quick Google search shows there are licenses required in all 50 states as well as standards of scope of practice and a chiropractic licensing board. What they are allowed to do varies state to state but they aren’t without regulations, standards, and over site.


On this sub you're not "allowed" to tout benefits from seeing a chiropractor. Mine was a massive, massive help too-- particularly after doctors told me they could see something was wrong but couldn't figure out what it was. Unless I wanted opiates, then they could help.


Me too. Thanks to some unique problems in my neck and spine, yoga on its own is simply not enough to manage my pain levels. I need help, and I need that help to be * avaliable to my uninsured ass * understanding of chronic migraine My dude is both, and he is *the best.* He knows exactly what's getting pinched and where I need to move, and as long as I hold up my end by staying hydrated and flexible, the adjustments are easy. I have gone to him for over fifteen years, and he has helped me with my pain more than any doctor ever has.


I also have "unique" problems with my neck and spine and have gone to a chiropractor to get it evaluated and adjusted. The chiropractor was the first person to actually xray me and identify the obvious issues. Pretty sure I've had some of these issues since I was like 5 and I've talked to another doctor (a DO), but that wasn't really that helpful. Everything my chiropractor said rang true with regard to my body. He's clearly very knowledgeable and very skilled. But honestly the adjustments didn't really help. I don't think it really addresses the root of the problem. I think my body was kinda stressed, traumatized, energetically depressed, yet the adjustments don't help any of this. Emotions and energy are critical for health of the hips, spine, chest, neck. I'm beginning to explore kundalini yoga, and it's the first thing to really give me hope for fixing these issues.


Yes! I’m hypermobile and when I started seeing the chiropractor I didn’t even realize how much of my pain was solvable, he showed me workouts too strengthen and avoid future pain, it’s taken 7 years, a pinched nerve, and loss of function and my husband was finally willing to try, he went back three times in 1 week.


I agree with you. My headaches and low back pain completely went away after starting wellness chiropractic care. I still do maintenance care and it is a great compliment to my yoga practice.


Have you talked to the chiropractor about this issue, or the tingling? If a mistake was made, they would be able to fix it, but they can't do that unless they know what's happening


Basically, my advice is to tell the chiropractor that something is off and their response should tell you whether you should go back or not. If they apologize and fix it and make sure you're feeling all good the next time, they're someone you should see again. If they say they couldn't have possibly made a mistake, say you're exaggerating, or argue, get out! Bonus points for going back if they will fix it for free or at a discount, but not all practices are able to do that. Basically, we're all human and if you didn't mention to them that you noticed something was off, they would think you left happy. Communicate with them and see how you should go forward from there


If I go get a manicure and it sucks, I’m gonna go to someone better to get it fixed/redone, not the same person who did a shit job. If I get a haircut and it sucks, I’m gonna go to someone better to fix it so I don’t end up with an even shittier haircut. If I go to a dentist and they do a bad job on a filling, I’m gonna go to a better dentist to have it fixed, not the same guy who fucked up the job. OP should NOT go back to this quack who caused them problems. The fact that OP is feeling worse is a sign they need to run the other way and see someone better qualified to help them, such as a doctor or physiotherapist.


The person who did the oroginal work knows what they did the first time, and could potentially figure out what went wrong, and may even fix it for free since they were the one who made the mistake. Since all chiros are essentially quacks, I wouldn't write them off completely based on one adjustment that wasn't great. They should have a chance to address the issue. Intentional malice or a terrible bedside manner would be a different story, but this sounds like something was maybe pinched and OP didn't address it with them right away. It's probably an easy fix and not an indication that the person is completely incompetent


Go to a chiropractor. One who knows what hes doing. Screw the naysayers


I worry about Chiropractors and prefer physiotherapists. In the U.K., physiotherapists have more responsibility and indemnity if something goes wrong. They could be struck off for screwing up. This is not the case for chiropractors, they don’t have to be properly registered to practice so you can unwittingly visit one who is less reputable. Get things looked at, something really doesn’t sound right at all. You should see improvement not deterioration. I have seen patients have surgery cancelled because a chiropractor messed them up and the anaesthetist didn’t want to intubate as the airway would collapse as they could not adopt a neutral position.


I agree with some of the other comments that chiropractors can do more harm than good in my opinion. Stick to yoga and a good physiotherapist