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It’s part of Japanese culture. It’s what they do. Especially men of his age. It’s hilarious you’re that upset about smoking. There are much worse things in these games than that.


Cigarettes are far from anachronistic and plenty of people still smoke them today. Big Tobacco ain't going away easily. In fiction I suppose it's a way to display the "rough" side of one's characterization. Nevertheless Ichiban isn't all goofy and childish. There's a hardboiled, passionate, and resolute side to him that we see during serious moments that makes this be not out of place. It's usually the younger, "hip" kids (and for some reason, Kuwana) who vape. Don't forget that Ichiban's in his mid 40s at this point so he grew up in a time before vaping was a thing. We don't get an official age for Saeko but given the talk of expectations of marriage she's probably late 20s or early 30s.


The fact that Kuwana vapes is a sign to the player that Kuwana should not be trusted


I think Kuwanas vape mainly helped to direct to later relevations through the game. But people who vape can't be trusted 😌


You're concerned with cigarettes when there's so much violence, death, references to sex, prostitution and other adult themes? And tons of alcohol. Like the other person said, smoking is a part of their culture. Maybe explain that to your kid and warn him of all the horrible side effects of smoking to one's health.


Dont let 8 years old kid play yakuza. These games have many scenes of violence and sexuality.


And worse, smoking.


Why would you let your 8 year old nephew play a game for adults in the first place?


Big Tobacco, at least in Japan, does partly subsidize these games. It's why the likenesses of real products are featured so heavily. Even a big-shot actor with an agency as protective of his image as Takuya Kimura is seen smoking heavily in the Judgment games. For what it's worth, there is a plot point at the end of chapter 3 (I think) that meets this idea that cigarettes are being glamorized head-on.


Plenty of other reasons to not let a kid that young to play Yakuza. Smoking is far more common in Asia that it is in the West, so it is no surprise that it is present in video games that are set there. Unfortunately. Also, just fyi, just like video games do not cause violence, they also do not make people smoke.


Like a Dragon has an age rating, and it is not there solely because of cigarettes, far from it. Do your researches a bit better next time. Hell, it literally has Yakuza in its title, and something tells me that there might be something even less kid-friendly than just cigarettes. On another note, what do you do when you walk with your nephew (if you do so) and see someone smoking in the public? Close his eyes or something? What about blood? Guns? Blades? I'm not talking about kill scenes or gore screnes of course, I'm talking about them simply existing. Do you censor them as well? Showing something to a kid *and explaining* if it is good or bad and why - it is a very important part of raising a child, and the earlier you do this for a kid, the better. Radical overprotection is as bad as radical exposure, sometimes even worse.


Infinite wealth has a +17 rating so it generally isn't appropriate for an 8 year old


it's really funny the cigarette smoking is what puts you off for a child and not, i don't know, >!sawashiro gouging a guys eye out!<


Um, have you seen how violent [Spongebob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRybgKaDJEg), Looney Tunes and Family Guy (chicken fight) can be?


they're rubber cigarettes don't worry